Fire and Order
I know a while back I asked for some requests on ideas for one shots I plan to do as many as I got (which was only two lmao) That was MarshallXChase and ZumaXSkye this one is going to be the MarshallXChase one after is going to be ZumaXSkye (more suggestions will be appreciated since I'm lacking in one shot ideas
Marshalls Pov
Marshall trudged along with Chase as they walked along the desert. "How did we manage to get left behind?" Marshall asked Chase who shrugged. "Somehow I guess" He added as Marshall sighed. "And we were meant to be giving Valor and Tidal lessons tomorrow" the Dalmatian added as Chase sat down. "I guess that'll have to wait maybe we should find some shelter?" Chase added as Marshall nodded following the Shepherd into a cave. "Hey you don't think anything scary lives out here do you?" Marshall asked as Chase laughed and shook his head. "I'm sure there isn't the only things we've seen are Gophers and Ponies" he added as Marshall just nodded and perked his ear up. "Uhhh did you hear that?" The Dally asked as Chase looked at him with his head tilted. "Hear what?" He asked as Marshall pointed to a medium sized hole next to him. "You mean the squeaking?" He whispered as Marshall nodded rapidly as the squeaking slowly grew louder and five small fox like creatures came out. "Awwwww they are cute little Fennec Foxes! Willow told me about these little guys but I thought they lived in way hotter climates then this" Chase explained as one of the foxes curled up on Marshalls head. "Don't let Fuzzy find out" Chase smirked as two more cuddled up next to Chase. "More like don't let Little Hootie find out" Marshall added. "So how do we find food and water out here?" Chase asked as Marshall shrugged. "I don't have my pup pack so we can't get any water" the dally yapped as Chase nodded and they both watched as the other two foxes went back into the hole and brought out some berries and leafs full of water. "Wow these guys are prepared" Chase yapped as the two chirped flicking their tails. "wait until Skye finds out we have been hanging out with these little guys" Marshall yapped tapping the one on his head who squeaked. "She's gonna be jealous that's for sure" Chase added blushing as Marshall laughed. "What gender do you think they are?" Marshall asked as Chase sniffed the two laying on his back. "These two are males" He yapped as Marshall carefully got the one on his head off. "This one is a girl" the dally yapped as the Fennec fox squeaked. "And these two are males as well" Chase replied as the female hopped over as the males started play fighting. "Now we know how Skye used to feel when she was the only girl" Marshall whispered to Chase who laughed and yawned. "I think we better sleep" He yapped immediently falling asleep as Marshall chuckled as the Fennec Foxes cuddled up next to them both.
"So where did you say the Fennec Foxes went?" Marshall asked Chase who was sniffing the ground. "I'm not sure when I woke up this morning they weren't here" the Shepherd added sniffing along a trail of footprints. "Thats not the only bad thing I think I can smell a sandstorm" he added as Marshall sniffed as well. "Yeah I think we better get back inside the cave" Marshall yapped and started walking back to the cave and looked back at Chase. "Are you coming?" He called as the Shepherd took off. "Oh great here we go again" the dally groaned following after Chase who was sniffing the whole way until he almost fell off a cliff and was caught by his tail by Marshall. "You have seriously got to stop running off" Marshall mumbled and pulled him back up. "Sorry I get like that i think it's a shepherd thing" he chuckled nervously and perked his ear up. "Is that a eagle?" He added as Marshall looked towards the large bird which was circling something. "Yep and it looks like it's circling something come on!" Chase yapped running towards the Eagle where the five Fennec foxes were under the Eagle. "Ah nuts! Have we got anything to scare it off with!" Marshall asked Chase who narrowed his eyes then smiled. "I'm not called a German shepherd for nothing" Chase yapped letting off a loud yap at the Eagle who stopped and looked at Chase screeched and flew off. "I can see why" Marshall smiled walking over to the Fennec Foxes. "Hop on guys" He asked as the five hopped on with the oldest Fennec fox on his head. "Maybe we should start looking for the way back to Adventure Bay" Marshall suggested as Chase nodded as the two pups with the Fennec Foxes on Marshall.
"It's a lot...easier for them then it is for us huh?" Marshall panted his mouth dry. " think?" Chase replied sitting down as the female Fennec fox jumped down and went into a small hole and brought out two sets of water. "Water!" Marshall wheezed chucking his head into the leaf while Chase slowly drunk his. "You gotta admit these guys are really prepared" Marshall gurgled as Chase nodded burping as the Fennec Foxes chirped running round in circles. "What's up with them?" Chase asked as they all squeaked and ran away as growling was heard behind Chase and Marshall and three African wild dogs stood behind them growling. "Oh that's not good" Chase whispered as Marshall nodded as the two backed up and started running and the dogs chased them. "WHAT DO WE DO????" Marshall yelled as Chase looked behind himself. "NO IDEA KEEP RUNNING!" The shepherd replied as they both accidently tripped onto a low branch in a canyon. "Okay what do we do now?" Marshall asked as Chase sighed. "Uhhh hang on for dear life?" He suggested as Marshall nodded.
Skyes Pov
Skye flew her copter next to Ryders ATV, Ceras truck and Beppas van. "Skye any sign of them?" Ryder asked as Skye looked. "Nope no sign of them at all" the Cockapoo yapped as the group stopped and Skye landed her copter and jumped out. "Cera you come with me, Beppa you go with Skye" Ryder explained as Skye and Beppa smiled and they drove off. "Beppa there's something up ahead!" Skye called as Beppa looked forward. "Yeah there is" She yapped stopping her van and Skye landed her copter as she jumped out where two Armadillos were chirping rapidly. "Awwww look at these guys!" She yapped as one of them chirped and pointed to the left and one hopped into Skyes copter while the other hopped into Beppas van. "Well they obviously want to lead us somewhere" Skye yapped hopping back into her copter and Beppa lead off as the Armadillo kept on squeaking. "They seem really freaked out" Skye yapped. "Maybe it's about those three African Dogs that are trying to eat Marshall and Chase. "Wait WHAT?" Skye yelled letting down her copter and jumping out. "I see what you mean" Skye whispered as Beppa nodded as the two Armadillo shot forward knocking the three American dogs down and they all ran off. "You guys really can't take a break from all these cliffs can you" Beppa yapped. "How did you guys get here?" Marshall asked as Skye laughed. "Marshall we have vechiles for a reason" Skye added hopping back into hers and getting out two harness. "Get In!" Beppa called as the two pups got in and Skye put them back on the ground and landed. "How on earth did you two end up here?" Skye asked as the five Fennec foxes came back. "Long story short we got left behind" Chase chuckled as Beppa burst out laughing. "I'll go and call Ryder" she added walking off. "So not once did you decide to use your pup tags?" Skye raised a eyebrow as Chase and Marshall looked at each other. "Oh riiigghhhhtttt" Marshall added nervously laughing as Ryder and Cera arrived. "There you pups are how did we manage to leave you both behind?" Ryder asked scratching their ears. "I guess we got lost somehow or we forgot to go back to the Paw Patroller" Chase added as the two Armadillos sat down beside Beppa and Skye. "These little guys helped us out while we were here" Marshall yapped as the Fennec Foxes yipped. "Maybe Mr and Mrs Wingnut could look after these guys for us?" Chase suggested as Ryder thought. "That's a good idea I'll give them a call and we'll drop these guys off on the way past" He added as the animals hopped into the back of Ceras truck. "Yay! I've got passengers!' Cera yapped revving up her engine as the group headed to the Wingnuts house and stopped. "We'd love to look after these guys! That way you can come and visit them!" Mr Wingnut said petting one of the Fennec Foxes. "See ya little guys thanks for helping us" Chase yapped as he and Marshall nuzzled two of the Fennec Foxes who squeaked happily. "Come on you two let's get you home" Ryder added as Skye watched Chase and Marshall get into Ceras truck and they all drove back to Adventure Bay.
There you have it your MarshallXChase One shot! Just a reminder ZumaXSkye is up next! Also suggestions are appreciated! And a special chapter coming soon!
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