Camping Trip
It was an early, brisk morning in September for the PAW Patrol. Ryder was up in the lookout, taking a sip out of his hot cocoa mug, as the warm vapors from the drink met his face.
"Mornin' Ryder, sir," Chase said as hs sat down beside him. "Any plans today?"
Ryder pet the german german german shepard on the head. "Get the other pups, because I have an announcement!" He declared.
A few minutes later, all the pups were up, and were ready to listen to Ryder's announcement.
"Get your bags ready, pups, because we're going camping!" he said with a smile.
All the pups cheered. Camping! They all got their essentials and met up with Ryder in the Paw Patroller.
"Um, Marshall, why is your bag so large?" Rubble asked.
"Because I packed all my stuff!" he said proudly.
"Marshall, we're not moving," laughed Chase. Marshall oopsed and went to unload some of the stuff he packed.
After a few minutes, Marshall returned, this time, with an emptier bag. "All better," said Marshall with a smile.
Ryder went behind the wheel, and started driving. "Next stop, the woods!"
The drive was a few hours long. It was first a quick, swift drive through the city, then a ride through the green wilderness. They passed by the pet shop, City Hall, the market, the barn, and finally Jake's mountain.
To kill time, the pups decided to play games. They started off with I Spy.
"Ooh, me first!" Marshall said, wagging his small tail. "I spy with my little eye, something that is . . . Brown!"
Hmm, thought the others. Suddenly, Chase had it. "Ooh! My fur!"
"Nope," snickered Marshall, "but you're close!"
"Oh! Oh! Me! Me!" Rubble exclaimed.
"Yeah, what do you it is?" replied Marshall, hastily.
"I just said it! Me!" laughed Rubble. Marshall shook his head, and the others laughed.
"Okay, we had a good laugh, but seriously, what is it?" asked Chase.
"It's your eyes," said Marshall dreamily.
Skye saw Marshall's heart eyes, and warned him to stay away from Chase by barking out a light yip.
Marshall ignored the warning sign, and kept staring at the police pup. They continued playing like this for a while.
Suddenly, the Paw Patroller screeched to a halt, and Ryder got up and lifted the door in the back of the vehicle. "We're here pups!"
The pups all got out and started running around, horseplaying. Rubble was digging his bone using his shovel, Marshall was blasting his water cannon at Skye, while Chase was launching tennis balls at him. Skye flew over Marshall and tackled him to the ground. Marshall forgot to put away his water cannons, and they started spraying all over Ryder, who was trying to set up the tents.
"That's enough!" Ryder yelled, being a bit frantic. "Everyone, hand over your pup-packs! NOW!" He said in a stern voice.
Everyone handed their pup packs to Ryder, who confiscated them and put them away.
"The reason we came on this trip is to connect to nature, and disconnect from technology," he said a bit more calmly. "Look around you all, isn't nature just beautiful?"
It was. The trees were swaying almost symetrically, as if they were trying to enduce a trance, and the rustling sound of leaves were peaceful and stress-releaving.
Ryder returned to setting up the tents. The pups decided to set up the campfire as the sun already has begun to set.
"Marshall! Go get some sticks for the fire," Chase told the Dally, who had his muzzle under the sleeping bag.
Marshall did as he was told as he shook off the sleeping bag. He walked away from the campsite, in search for some kindling.
The sun already escaped out of Marshall's view, and the darkness of the night took over, leaving him blinded. He stepped carefully, making sure he doesn't trip and wake up 'the monsters sleeping within'.
Back at the campfire, Ryder just finished setting up the tents, while Chase was giving out more orders. "Rocky, get rocks for the fire!"
Rocky left in search for some flint for the fire. Being a former pup-scout, Rocky knew what he was doing.
He wasn't scared of the dark as much as Marshall, but being the only presence out in the woods made him a bit uncomfortable. He nearly tripped on a rock, but he recovered pretty quick.
A rock?
Rocky picked up the rock, and tested it against another. Nothing. It wasn't flint.
He threw away the rock, and the sound it made qas quite strange. Then, he heard grumbling. The instinctive response was to yell and run in the other direction. And so he did.
Back at the campfire, the pups was having difficulty orienting themselves because of the darkness, so Ryder handed everyone a flashlight.
"Well pups, it's getting cold outside. You guys can go in your tent if you want. I will wait for Rocky and Marshall out here." He reassured them with a smile, but it just ended up looking painful as it was pityful.
The pups entered the tent. Zuma was feeling devious, and wanted some action. "Let's play spin the bottle!" he smirked.
Chase and Skye shrugged and looked away, trying not to show the embarrasement and blush on their faces.
Chase gave Zuma one of his extra soda pop bottles, and the chocolate lab eagerly wanted to spin first.
Zuma gave the bottle a hard spin, and his confident smile faded rapidly as the bottle landed on Rubble.
"Mmm, kiss me Zuma," joked Rubble as he approached his smoochy lips towards the water pup.
Zuma litterally wanted to kiss anyone but Rubble. Alarmed, he made a quick dash for the exit of the tent and ran away as fast and far as he could.
Skye, Chase and Rubble were finally alone in the tent. Skye stared akwardly at Chase, and he accidentally stared back. They both immediately looked away from each other, smiling behind their backs.
"Um, guys," said Rubble, waving his arms in the air. "Are we still playing?"
Chase came back to reality and shook his head quickly, like the ones you'd see in a cartoon. "Oh, yeah."
Rubble spun the bottle, and it landed directly between Skye and Chase, as if it were magic. "Hmm," Rubble says, thinking. "I get to chose!"
Chase and Skye looked at each other and gulped. What if he chose me? They both thought.
Finally, Rubble made his decision. "Skye!" he says, licking his lips. He had a spark in his eyes that no ones has ever saw him have before. He approached Skye slowly.
"Spider!" yells Chase. This sends Rubble into a state of panic, as he runs off desperately in search of a safe spot to stay.
Skye smiled. "Thanks Chase. Did you do that for me?" Chase nodded sheepishly. He then casually tried looking at sky, forgetting that he's in a tent.
Their moment of silence is interrupted as Ryder enters the tent. "Hey, you two," he says with a bit of worry in his voice. "The other pups are missing. They must've all run into the woods. Stay here until I go find them."
Ryder runs off, and Chase felt an urge to follow. "I need to find the others," he said, ignoring Ryder's command.
Skye stopped her. "But didn't you hear him? If Ryder finds us missing, he could get really worried!"
Chase felt a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, you're right," he said, akwardly zipping down the tent entrance.
"Soo," said Skye, dragging the sentence. "Do you wanna continue the game of spin the bottle?"
Chase heard her, but wanted to make sure he was hearing it correctly. "What?"
Skye nervously laughed. "Haha, nothing, nervermind," she says, misunderstanding Chase's question.
Another gust of wind stroke the tent, leaving Chase and Skye with a bit of chill. "Brr, it's getting kinda cold," said Skye.
"Y-Y-Yeah," said Chase, chattering his teeth. "L-L-Lets get c-c-closer for w-w-warmth."
They huddled together, where Skye gently nuzzled Chase's fur. He enjoyed it, but didn't quite know how to respond, so he ended up just staring blankly at the cockapoo.
Skye noticed this, and immediately stopped. "Sorry," she said.
Chase glanced at Skye, who took the situation wrong again. "No, no, no, no, it's fine," he says rather quickly. "I kinda like it," he adds akwardly.
Skye gives Chase a big hug. "You're very warm," she says, giggling. Chase smiled back.
Skye yawns. "Oops, sorry, just a bit tired," she says. Being contagious, the yawn spread to Chase who did the same, and made Skye laugh a bit.
"Good night," they say simultaneously, and they fall asleep together.
The following morning, Chase woke up alone to the chirping birds. "What?" he asks. "Where's Skye?"
He walks out in search of the other pups. The ground was humid, but not humid enough to be considered mud. The air was also humid, as if a quick rain shower has occured sometime during the night. He walks around, trying to pick up a scent from the dirt. The rain must've cleared their smell, he told himself.
As he continued searching for hinds, he heard a light squeak projecting from the sixteen wheeler. He knew that if Ryder caught him near the vehicle, he would be busted.
But curiosity got the best of him. He took a cautious step into the patroller, noticing that the door was open, although Ryder closed it after exiting it yesterday.
As he approached the front of the truck, the sound got louder, and nore recognizable. It wasn't squeaking, it was laughter.
Confused, Chase opened the door to the front, just to see Ryder and the rest of the Paw Patrol, sitting there and enjoying themselves. "What's going on?" he asks, cocking an eyebrow.
"Hi Chase!" says Marshall, waiving at him with a mouth full of s'mores. "Come join us!"
"Chase," said Rocky. "Why didn't you join us earlier? We were waiting for you all morning! I thought I sent Rubble after you!"
Rubble laughed nervously. "Oops, guess I kinda got hungry and forgot about that."
Chase seemed relieved. "So you're not mad at me, Ryder?"
Ryder smiled. "Of course not! You're such a good pup! In fact, you're all such good pups!"
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