Chapter 7: We Found Each Other!
Skye POV
OK, I found a vent and started crawling into it, but I have to be very quiet. "Where are you Chase?!" I've had feelings for Chase ever since he found me in the woods and I joined the Paw Patrol. But I could hear someone try to call me, it was Everest! "Oh thank God, It's Everest, Everest said "Skye, Hello Skye, can you hear me, Skye?" "Yes Everest, I'm here, I'm really glad it's you!" " Where are you?" said Everest "I'm in this abandoned building, but I don't know where." I said "Hang on I'll call Ryder." said Everest. But the vent started to collapse, I guess it must be very old, but this is not good! "Uh oh, AHHHHHHH!!!!" I fell out of the vent and landed on somebody, it was Chase!!
Chase POV
I was heading to a door but there was a noise coming from above me, it was the vent falling. "Oh no!!! I said. But something or I should say someone landed on me, IT WAS SKYE!!! "CHASE!!" Skye said "SKYE!!" I said and I immediately hugged her and said "I was so worried!!" "Me too, I MISSED YOU!" said Skye Then out of nowhere Humdinger came and said "WELL, WELL, WELL! If it isn't the two pups Chase and Skye who found each other and I guess love each other!" " Well, it looks like it's not going to last long, You know what to do Kattastrophe Crew!!" Then the cat a started charging for us, "You ready Skye?" "I'm ready!" said Skye and we charged after the kittens!
Chapter 8 later tonight! Hope you enjoyed!!
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