Space Stone
Chase made it to Foggy Bottom and he saw Mayor Humdinger and the Kit-Tastrophe Crew outside, being bummed out from their dull city. "Come on kitties, there must be something we can do for fun!" said Mayor Humdinger. The kittens just meowed sadly and they noticed Chase walking towards them. "Chase? What are you doing here?" said Mayor Humdinger. "I'm not here for any conflict Mayor Humdinger. I'm looking for a possible artifact that could be here." said Chase. "Okay? Would you like to give us some details? Or do you just want us to guess what the artifact looks like?" said Mayor Humdinger.
Chase described the artifact to Mayor Humdinger and the kittens and they were just confused. "Listen Chase, my kittens and I have no idea what that is. And to be honest, we don't care! You're more than welcome to look for the artifact here, but don't call us for help." said Mayor Humdinger. "Okay. Thanks Humdinger." said Chase as he drove off. "Yeah yeah, whatever." said Mayor Humdinger as he and the kittens left.
Chase was driving all over Foggy Bottom. He kept searching and searching, but nothing. Even his spy thermal goggles couldn't find anything. But, when he looked again, he saw a blue glow coming from Mayor Humdinger's statue. "I wonder if that is one of the stones." said Chase as he drove towards the statue. He looked closely at the statue, and the glow was coming from the inside of the golden top hat of the statue. "Good thing Humdinger made the statue with his hat off." said Chase as he reached his paw in the top hat and grabbed whatever caused the blue glow.
Chase pulled his paw out and it was a glowing blue cube. "This can't be one of the stones. I'll take it back to the lookout." said Chase as he was about to put the cube in his vehicle, but it was yanked away by a zipline. "Hey!" said Chase as he looked at the figure that took it. "Excellent work kitties! And thank you for finding something so valuable Chase!" said Mayor Humdinger as he and the Kit-Tastrophe Crew got in the kitten carrier and rode off with the blue cube. "Oh come on! I knew I couldn't trust that man!" said Chase as he got in his police cruiser and went after Mayor Humdinger.
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