Protecting The Stones
Ryder and the pups drove the Air Patroller as far as they could from the lookout. In fact, they headed to the jungle, since that was probably the only place that was safe. Ryder and the pups got out of the Air Patroller and saw Tracker and Carlos helping the monkeys find bananas. "Hey Ryder." said Carlos. "Hey Carlos, we need your help." said Ryder. "What is it?" said Carlos as Tracker tilted his head. "We were attacked by aliens. They were trying to get the stones that we have." said Chase.
Tracker and Carlos at first, thought that couldn't have been real. But after what happened with Marshall and these stones he was talking about earlier, they believed it. "Do they know you're here?" said Tracker. "We don't think so. They're probably still at the lookout." said Rubble. All of a sudden, Rocky's eyes bulged. "Hey. Where is the mind stone?" said Rocky. Ryder's eyes now bulged and he face-palmed himself.
"I put it back in Robo-Dog. Now the aliens have one of the stones!" said Ryder. "Whoa whoa! It's okay Ryder, we don't blame you." said Chase. "Yeah, everyone makes mistakes." said Zuma. "Thanks pups. But now we have to protect the stones we have. We can't let them get these." said Ryder as the pups nodded. "And this may be risky, but pups, we need to spread out across Adventure Bay." said Ryder.
"Ryder's right. If we stay together in one area, then it will be easy pickings for those aliens to get these stones." said Marshall. "I think I speak for everyone here when I say, I'm in!" said Rubble as the pups nodded. "Also, if we're going to protect these stones, then we need more power and more friends." said Chase. "You're right Chase! That's why your Mighty Pup suits are in the Air Patroller." said Ryder as the pups got excited.
They went inside and the door shut and then opened, revealing all six pups in their Mighty Pup suits with their powers. "Oh and Tracker, there's one for you too." said Ryder as Tracker got excited and put the suit on. He also had a power, he could shoot vines out of his paws. "Ok, so here's how it will work. Chase and Skye, you two will take the reality stone up to Jake's Mountain. And see if you can get Jake and Everest to help you out." said Ryder. "We're on it Ryder!" said Skye as she and Chase headed for Jake's Mountain.
"Rocky and Rubble, you two take the time stone and head down to the city and try and get everyone to help you!" said Ryder. "You got it!" said Rubble as he amd Rocky nodded and ran to the city. "Zuma, you call Debra and go to Puplantis with the soul stone." said Ryder. Zuma looked at Ryder with a sad look and said, "Debra's gone. It's just me. I'll go to Foggy Bottom. Maybe Mayor Humdinger and his kittens will help." said Zuma as he headed for Foggy Bottom. "Marshall, you and Tracker will stay here with me and Carlos. And we will protect the space stone." said Ryder. "Ok Ryder!" said Marshall as Ryder got in his super suit. "Oh and Carlos, there's a suit for you too." said Ryder as Carlos put it on. "Oh yeah!" said Carlos.
Thanos was on top of the mountain, admiring the view of Adventure Bay. "This city is very ugly! I will enjoy what I'm gonna do to it." said Thanos as a vortex appeared and the Dark Order walked through. "Sire, we bring to you..the mind stone." said Ebony Maw as he handed the stone to Thanos. Thanos took the stone and put it in the center hole on the gauntlet. An orange and purple glow formed in Thanos' veins and he then smiled. "I will find the others." said Thanos as a vortex appeared and he vanished.
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