Gathering The Stones Together
Ryder used his pup pad and called the pups, he got a couple answers. "Pups, did you fund any of the stones?" said Ryder. "There's no more in the city. I looked everywhere." said Rocky. "Everest, Jake and I found one. We found the reality stone." said Skye. "Nothing here, just a bunch of delicious food!" said Rubble as some of the pups chuckled. "Where's Chase, Marshall, and Zuma?" said Ryder. "Chase should be at Foggy Bottom. Marshall's at the jungle with Tracker and Carlos, and Zuma is possibly at Puplantis." said Rubble. "Ok. I wonder why they're not answering. Anyways, come back to the lookout, I found one of the stones as well at the lookout." said Ryder as the three pups got in their vehicles and headed back for the lookout.
Chase was still driving around Foggy Bottom, looking for that sneaky mayor. "Mayor Humdinger, just give me the cube. It could be very powerful. Too powerful for any of us." said Chase as he continued to drive all over Foggy Bottom. He then caught a scent and he then sneezed. "Kittens. They're close." said Chase as he drove towards the scent. He saw Mayor Humdinger and the Kit-Tastrophe Crew about to enter their lair. "Oh no you don't!" said Chase as he ran full speed and slid under the door.
"I wonder what this thing is." said Mayor Humdinger as he placed the cube on his table. The kittens meowed and just continued to play with their toys, thinking they completed their mission. Chase saw the cube and he had the opportunity to grab it. He barked quietly and his ziplne popped out. He aimed at the cube and he grabbed it, without catching anyone's attention as well. He pulled the cube towards him and he put it in his pup pack, and then he used his zipline to climb out of Mayor Humdinger's lair.
Chase ran to his vehicle and he drove out of Foggy Bottom, still with no one's attention being caught. He suddenly got a call from his pup tag and he answered it. "Hello? Chase here." said Chase. "Chase? Oh thank god. Why didn't you answer?" said Skye. "Sorry. I had to get an artifact away from Mayor Humdinger. I think it is one of the stones." said Chase. "Ok. Well Ryder said that he wants us back at the lookout. He said he found one of the stones there." said Skye. "Cool. I'll be right over." said Chase as he hung up and started to head to the lookout.
Zuma told all of the merpups what happened, and they all got very sad, especially Debra's daughter. She was bawling her eyes out and Zuma couldn't help it, he just hugged her once again, feeling sorry that she lost her mother. "Your mother was so special. She was kind, loyal, a great leader, and the most beautiful pup I have ever seen. She gave up her life, just so we could get this stone right here." said Zuma. "Thank you Zuma. Now, make the Paw Patrol proud and get that stone back to the lookout." said one of the merpups as Zuma nodded his head and swam up to the surface.
Zuma turned back into a regular pup and his pup tag rung. "Zuma here." said Zuma sadly. "Zuma. Come back to the lookout. Skye, Rocky, and Rubble are waiting." said Ryder. "On my way Ryder!" said Zuma as he got in his hovercraft and drove to the lookout.
Marshall was in the jungle with Tracker and Carlos, looking for any of the stones. "Anything yet?" said Marshall. Tracker and Carlos both replied with a no and Marshall felt disappointed in himself. "What if I can't find one?!" said Marshall. "Whoa whoa whoa Marshall, calm down. Don't blame yourself, maybe one of these stones just isn't here." said Carlos. "True. We've looked everywhere amigo. Just call the Paw Patrol and see if they found any of them." said Tracker.
Marshall did so and he called the Paw Patrol through the pup tag. "Ryder. Pups. Have you found any of the stones?" said Marshall. "We did. We found the time stone, the mind stone, and the reality stone. And Chase and Zuma are on their way back to the lookout. Just come back Marshall." said Ryder. "On my way!" said Marshall as he got in his vehicle and drove away from the jungle and headed to the lookout.
Chase and Zuma made it back to the lookout and they were both holding something. "Hey Zuma? What's wrong?" said Chase. "I lost Debra. I lost the love of my life for this stupid stone. It hurts Chase. It hurts." said Zuma. "I'm so sorry Zuma, but you never know, maybe these stones can bring her back." said Chase. "No. This is the soul stone. If she could come back, then I wouldn't have this stone right now!" said Zuma as he walked into the lookout. Chase just thought about what happened and he noticed a fire engine driving towards the lookout.
"Hey Marshall!" said Chase. "Hey Chase! Did you find a stone?" said Marshall. "I think so. I found a blue cube. I think this is one of the stones." said Chase as he and Marshall walked inside the lookout. All the pups put the stones that they had on the front table and Rocky examined them. "Ok. So we have the time, reality, mind, soul, and space stone." said Rocky. "So this cube is a stone?" said Chase. "Yes. It's called the Tesseract. Inside the Tesseract is the space stone." said Rocky. "Cool. But that means there is one more stone out there." said Chase. "Yeah. I wonder where it is." said Marshall.
Thanos was standing on his ship, admiring the power stone that was in his gauntlet. "Sire, the other five stones have been found." said Ebony Maw. Thanos turned around and smiled. "Where?" said Thanos.
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