The Battle Begins
Ebony Maw walked back towards Thanos and he had a smirk on his face. "A gauntlet with all of the stones, much appreciated." said Thanos as he reached for the gauntlet. "I aim to please, my liege." said Ebony Maw. Thanos was about to put the gauntlet on, but Ryder fired a blast towards them, and the gauntlet was sent flying somewhere.
Chase and Everest ran towards Ryder and they stood by his side. Harold grabbed the gauntlet and flew off with it, making Thanos become a little frustrated. "Get him." said Thanos as the Dark Order began to give chase to Harold. "You could not live with your own failure. So where did that bring you? Back to me." said Thanos as he stared at Ryder, Chase, and Everest.
Chase and Everest growled and Ryder just gave Thanos a menacing look. "We're gonna undo what you did." said Ryder. "You mean, what I have yet to do. Never did I ever think that I would ever fight a child and bunch of useless canines. But before I do, I wanna thank you all for gathering the stones for me. It will make things so much easier." said Thanos as he picked up his double-bladed sword.
"Enough talking, let's finish this." said Everest. "The right way." said Ryder as he, Chase, and Everest charged at Thanos. Everest fired her ice breath at Thanos, but he blocked it successfully with his sword and he kicked Everest back a few feet. Chase used his super speed to run around and avoid Thanos' attacks, while Ryder fired blasts at Thanos and used his suit's weapons to defend himself against the titan.
Harold was still flying around, avoiding the Dark Order, while holding onto the gauntlet. But, Ebony Maw used his power to make the ground turn into a hand and it grabbed Harold and started to crush him. "Hand over the gauntlet!" said Proxima Midnight as she charged up her staff. However, a giant energy screwdriver whacked her upside the head, sending her back a few feet into her husband, Corvus Glaive.
Rocky landed on the ground and used an energy hammer to throw at Cull Obsidian. Cull Obsidian blocked the attack and he charged towards Rocky with his hammer. Rocky made another energy tool, which was a saw. He hurled did at Cull Obsidian and it sliced his hammer in two. Ebony Maw was so distracted that he didn't notice that Harold broke free and fired a purple blast at him. "Thanks for the help Rocky." said Harold. "No problem, now let's go find everyone else." said Rocky as he and Harold ran off to find everyone else.
Zuma, Jake, and Arrby were trying to get the piece of rubble off of Sweetie still, but it was no use, it was too heavy. But, there were footsteps being heard and Zuma got in a defense stance. "Whoa whoa whoa! It's just us Zuma." said Tuck. "Glad you pups are alright. Now, can you help us get this piece of rubble off of Sweetie?" said Zuma. "Yeah, and quickly please, I think my body is about to break!" said Sweetie as she started losing oxygen. "I have an idea." said Ella as everyone nodded.
Ryder and Thanos were at a fist to fist battle. Ryder punched Thanos right in the face, and Thanos retaliated with a powerful punch of his own, sending Ryder into a rock. Chase than ran behind Thanos and jumped on his shoulders and began to punch him on the side of his head. "MUTT!!" said Thanos as he grabbed Chase and slammed him down. Thanos was about to punch Chase but someone froze his hand in place. Ryder then took advantage and turned his hands into metallic hammers and hit Thanos square in the chest, sending him into some rocks.
Thanos got angry and swatted Ryder off, then he grabbed his sword and charged towards Ryder. Everest used her ice breath and froze Thanos' legs. She then ran towards the titan, but he broke the ice and grabbed her by the throat, stopping her in her tracks. Everest was struggling for oxygen, but then an energy hammer whacked Thanos across the head, making him drop the husky pup.
Thanos turned around and saw Rocky and Harold standing there, staring him down with a smile. "Thank you Rocky." said Everest as she was coughing, trying to catch her breath. Thanos charged at Rocky and Harold, as they did the same thing. As Thanos was going to swing his sword, Harold's right hand turned into a purple sword and he blocked Thanos' attack. Rocky made two energy screwdrivers and they pierced Thanos in the stomach, making the titan wince in pain a little bit. Harold then stabbed Thanos in the chest with his sword, but what they didn't expect was Thanos to elbow Harold's back and then send him flying towards Rocky.
Rocky got back to his feet quickly and he made an energy drill and he charged towards Thanos. Thanos picked up his sword and stopped the drill and sliced it in half. He then kicked Rocky back into Harold. "You two are definitely infuriating." said Thanos as he charged back at Rocky and Harold. However, a bark was heard, which stopped Thanos in his tracks. He turned around and Chase and Everest were standing there, growling. "Let's do this!" said Chase as he and Everest high-pawed, charging their powers up. Chase had his super-bark back and Everest had telekinesis.
Everest picked up some rocks and hurled them at Thanos, but he blocked some of them with his sword. The rest of the rocks hit him and sent him down to his knees. Ryder came back and he fired another blast at Thanos, keeping him down. Chase then used his super-bark to make Thanos lose his helmet and some of his armor. Thanos was angry once again and he hurled a rock at Ryder, which sent him crashing into all of his pups.
They were all down and they were groaning in pain. The Dark Order and the rest of Thanos' army arrived and they all stared down Ryder and the pups. "You all have definitely put up a fight. But now that my army is here, I will use the stones to eliminate this stubborn and annoying planet. And I want you to know that I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very, much." said Thanos as Ryder got back to his feet and put his fists up.
But little did anyone know, there was a voice coming from Ryder's pup pad. "Ryder, can you hear me?" said the voice. Ryder knew the voice, but he thought he was hearing things, so he shook it off. "Ryder, it's Marshall. Do you copy?"
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