18 | A Quiet Christmas
All PAW Patrol characters, places, etc. belong to Spinmaster, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Viacom, Keith Chapman, ect. PAW Patrol All Rights Reserved
It was a calm, busy day in Adventure Bay as pups and people shopped, drove, and prepared for the Christmas season. Even the PAW Patrol were busy getting ready; Christmas lists, help with shopping, putting up decorations, baking or cooking, and of course ... rescues.
"Coming through!" Rocky said politely as he rolled more wrapping paper tubs past the pups, and over to where the 'gift making' section was in The Lookout. In fact, there were quite a few places to wrap and hide gifts, including at Jake's Cabin. Probably the most rare sight was that not all six pups were the only ones preparing for the holiday; Tuck, Ella, Tracker, Everest, Liberty, and Wildcat had also joined, minus Rex who was still in the Jungle Wilds.
"I know I may sound crazy for saying this, but are we overdoing celebrating Christmas? We have all dogs and cats here! Plus, there is a lot to do!" Tracker asked, concerned that the festivities were in fact, too much work.
"I don't think so. Besides, Adventure Bay has had many Christmas celebrations before!" Chase replied proudly, his head encased in his blue pup motor helmet so he wouldn't sneeze around Wildcat. Although, it muffled the sound of his voice.
"I'm just making sure," Tracker noted as he kept carefully putting popcorn on a thread and needle. "It just doesn't seem like the holidays if we can't take a breather once in a while,"
"That's why Ryder, Katie, Carlos, Jake, the Turbots, and others decided everyone helps!" Skye responded to the big eared pup, cheerfully.
"Say, aren't we missing someone?" Marshall asked as he looked around.
"Rex is back home Marshall. Everyone is here!" Rocky reminded him matter-of-factly.
"No, I mean some other pup. Snowflake, remember?" Marshall retorted.
"I think she went back to her hometown. She goes back home in case they have an emergency, holiday, or something important. Plus, her town is away from Adventure Bay," Skye recalled back to him. "But yeah, it does feel a bit quiet without her around,"
"I'm sorry for asking, but who's Snowflake?" Ella asked. Tuck, Wildcat, and Liberty nodded in agreed confusion."Snowflake is a husky pup, who's also another tracking pup that joined the PAW Patrol. She looks similar to Everest but different; she has ice blue eyes with a mix of light and slightly darker gray fur, with a line of gray fur that goes down to her snout, almost touching her nose. The back of her ears are gray too. Her paws, underbelly, the tip of her tail, and around her eyes to the top of her chest are all white. Snowflake wears an ice blue collar with her badge also being ice blue, with a picture of binoculars on it," Chase explained, describing their friend.
"Cool!" Ella, Tuck, Wildcat, and Liberty said in awe. The husky sounded pretty. Chase nodded.
"Snowflake joined two years before Tracker. However, she's usually a backup pup in case something happens to Tracker or me. Plus, if Snowflake is visiting her hometown, then she can't be here to help us. But we understand she misses her home, and wants to be with family and friends. So she joins us whenever she can," Chase explained calmly.
Suddenly, a door opened, and a big green figure slowly walked out, waving it's arms. Everyone turned, and froze; the green figure walked forwards, dragging what looked like a fabric tree behind it. It approached them, mumbling, and flailing it's arms around, kinda like a ...
"Christmas tree ghost! Run!!!" Rubble cried out as the others stopped what they were doing, and started to run or back away.
"Ooooooooo! I'm the ghost of Christmas Trees present! Oooooooo!" the green ghostly figure said. The pups all gathered together for protection.
"What do you want with us? It's not nice to scare others during the Christmas season!" Liberty proclaimed.
"Yeah! We've been good pups this year, so why is a Christmas tree ghost haunting us?!" Everest added.
"If you have a problem, just tell us and we can talk about this!" Chase stated with confidence.
"No problems here. But I have come to tell you something important! Oooooooooo!" The big green ghost replied to them.
"Yes? What do you have to tell us?" Tracker responded, cautiously. The green ghost stood tall with it's arms out, before saying something surprising:
"Merry Christmas PAW Patrol!" the Christmas tree ghost said before the fabric was throws off, revealing a tower of pups and cats looking back at them. Standing on top of each other were their friends; Rex, Snowflake, Leo, Shade, Rory, and Al.
The team of pups and cat were surprised for a moment, before smiles appeared on their faces. This was the last thing they all expected, much less having to encounter a Christmas ghost. It felt like a Christmas present given to them earlier than expected!
"Rex! Snowflake! Cat Pack! Al! You're all here!" the rest of the PAW Patrol exclaimed as they went to greet their friends, and teammates.
"We are! Ryder invited all of us to come help out, and celebrate Christmas with everyone!" Rex explained calmly.
"Wait, but this means you'll all need help getting ready for Christmas too!" Rubble realized, after he and the team separated from all the hugs and kisses.
"You mean our Christmas lists, presents and such? No need to worry Rubble. Take a look," Snowflake insisted, before pointing a paw over to the indoor Christmas tree. Upon looking, there were lots of other presents under, and around the tree.
"Woah! But how? When did you -?" Rocky retorted in confusion.
"You'd be surprised how much you get done when you have lots o f free time," Leo answered.
"Being part of the team, and being away gives us time to think of how to participate in the celebrations without being too stressed out," Snowflake simply added.
"Cool," the pups, and Wildcat responded in awe. Chase smiled before speaking;
"Well, it looks like you're all caught up on gifts, but we still have a lot to do! We have our presents, cooking and baking -"
"Yum!" Rubble, Zuma, Tracker, and Wildcat chimed in, before everyone giggled at their reactions.
"As I was saying, cooking and baking, decorating, making sure the roads are clear, helping others, and rescues!" Chase finished as he listed off everything the team needed help with.
"Of course!" Rex, Snowflake, AI, and the Cat Pack agreed, smiling at their friends.
"Anybody who needs our help is welcome! Christmas is always busy for everyone!" Shase stated kindly.
"Indeed. No Christmas is too festive, no pup - or cat - is too small!" ROry exclaimed triumphantly.
"Exactly!" a voice said behind them. The group turned around to see Ryder.
"I see the rest of the team have come to join us for Christmas. Did you like your surprise pups and Wildcat?" Ryder asked curiously.
"Yes!" the dogs and cat answered with excitement.
"Good. Well, we have a lot to do. Even with the Turbots, Jake, Carlos, Katie, and citizens in Adventure Bay helping out, this is probably one heck of a Christmas! Everyone is decorating, baking and getting gifts!" Ryder explained seriously.
The eyes of every PAW Patrol member widened as they all realized the scale of activities that everyone was participating in. It was a lot!
"Well, at least we started to begin out decorating and activities early, Ryder sir! Not that we're rushing!" Chase reminded the boy.
"Only because I suggested starting early! I've had this problem before in my hometown; Everyone wants to decorate, bake or cook, get gifts, wtap the gifts, plus work or school. This is why some places put up decorations and stuff after Thanksgiving - it saves time and energy for when the holiday gets REALLY crazy! If anybody needs help, those who can pitch in and offer have a little bit of extra time! But now, it seems like everyone needs help!" Snowflake stated sincerely.
"Yes! We already have most of our stuff done, and both pups, and cats have been helping whenever possible. But our friends need extra help. So, I have a plan!" Ryder agreed. He pulle out his pup pad, and started pressing his finger to the screen.
"Everest, Al, and Rubble, you three will make sure the roads are clear for everyone. Liberty, Skye, and Sade, you three can help out at Katie's Pet Parlor. Marshall, Leo, Wildcat, and Rex, you all can help out Mr. Porter at his Cafe. Chase, Rocky, Rory, and Tuck, you four help Mayor Goodway at Town Hall. Tracker, and Snowflake, you two help out at Jake's Mountain. FInally, Zuma, and Ella can help Captain Turbot at Seal Island. If a team finishes early, they can help out anybody who needs assistance. All right! PAW Patrol is on a roll!" Ryder instructed before running outside to get his ATV.
The pups and cats all howled or meowed, before they ran into their own vehicles - minus Ella who was ZUma's passenger since her vehicle might have been to heavy on the ice. After waiting for Ryder, everyone drove off. Everest, Rubble, and Al took the lead before splitting up once they reached town. Everyone drove to their destinations, and started helpiing as best as they could.
With their friends being busy with their main jobs, it was good the PAW Patrol came to help. From gift wrapping, decorating, baking or cooking, keeping snow and ice off pathways, making sure there were extra light bublbs, shovels, ingredients, or other important items, and anything else needed, the PAW Patrol and Cat Pack made sure they could help in any way. At the end of the day, everyone met outside town hall, and the team got a big thank you from everyone.
"Thank you PAW PAtrol and Cat PacK!" Mayor Goodway, Captain Turbot and ciis cousin, Jake, Katie, Carlos, Mr.Porter, Alex, and others said in unison.
"You're welcome. Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!" Ryder said kindly. With the tasks completed, Ryder, his pups, the Cat Pack, and the other team member drove back to The Lookout. Upon arriving, they all went inside the tower ... exhuasted.
"Is it possible for me to never see another Christmas cookie for the rest of the season?" Rubble asked in a tired, slow tone. He was regretting eating so much food throught the day.
"I doubt it Rubble. I'm surprised you ate so much!" Wildcat commented.
"We all ate a lot. Evewyone had tweats to make. So of couwse we would be welcome to it!" Zuma chimed in.
"Speaking of, I say we eat something that's NOT Christmas related. No cookies, no gingerbread, or cake, or sugar cookies, or other festive food. How's that sound everyone?" Ryder suggested. They all could use an actual good meal for once throughtout the day.
"Yes please!" Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, SKye, Everest, Tracker, Ella, Tuck, Rex, Wildcat, Leo, Shade, Rory, Liberty, Al, and Snowflake begged together.
"Anything but festive goodies!" Tracker added with emphasis. Ryder laughed.
"No problem. I'll be right back," Ryder said casually before going up the elevator.
Once Ryder was gone, every teammate sighed heavily. Everyone was beyond tired.
"We may like helping our friends and people, but does anybody feel like this was our biggest non-emergency mission ever?" Chase commented with slight exaggeration. Every paw went up in the air.
"And all those gifts! How many did we wrap? I feel like my paws are sre form all the tape wrapping!" Skye said, examining her paws.
"Well, that's about eight of our friends, and there's seventeen of us, plus Snowflake is eighteen. So eight friends give eight presents for each PAW Patrol member. That's eight multiple by eighteen team mates is ... one hundred forty-fur presents in total. Add Ryder as friend number nine, and the gift count goes up to ... one hundred sixty-two presents in total!" Rocky reported as he did the calculation on a calculator from his pup pack.
"Oooooohhhh!" the pups and cats groaned given how much work they had done with the gift wrapping. They most likely helped wrap each otehrs gifts so as not to ruin the surprise. Then again, the presents were not labeled to whom they were for.
"Yeah. For the whole town with just us and our friends, that's eighteen plus nine is twenty-seven. So that many people are giving gifts in total for Adventure Bay. And that's just for all the gifts for everyone I listed!" Rocky said as he did more calculations.
"Wow!!!" eevry pup and cat said as they only tried to imagine how many presents that would actually be. Way more than they could have imagined.
"True, but Christmas isn't about presents. Although that is part of it. Mostly it's about being with friends and family, spending time together, and making memories," Everest replied in thought.
"Agreed," Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, Skye, Tracker, Ella, Tuck, Rex, Wildcat, Leo, Shade, Rory, Liberty, Al, and Snowflake said in agreement.
"So, what do we do after eating?" Tuck asked semi-positively. Ella tolled her eyes.
"Sleep. What else?" Ella stated as if it was the obvious answer.
"But we can't just sleep! What if Ryder needs us?! Plus, we have to put away Rocky's Christsmas parachute ..." Rex pointed out before pointing his paw at the fabric on the ground. The green deflated looking Christmas tree lay still as it was sticking out of a spare room.
"We can put it away, then listen to Christmas music," Liberty suggested. Everyone nodded at that idea. Soon, they heard the elevator, and Ryder walked out with bowls of food.
"Dinner is ready. I got the pup food that's regular, and cheddar flavored for the pups, and tuna or regular cat food for the Cat Pack. Plus water bowls," Ryder told them as he lined up all the bowls. Everyone ate and drank happily.
"Speaking of Rocky's Christmas parachute, why did you make a tree shaped parachute, Rocky?" Leo asked curiously.
"I was trying to make sure we had a Christmas tree to decorate in case all the pine trees werem knocked down, or damaged in Adventure Bay. Yes, we plant trees in the Spring, but pine trees take years to grow to full height!" Rocky explained with concern.
"Really Rocky? You and the pups go on rescues all the time, but it's not like every pine tree in Adventure Bay is in danger of falling every winter!" Shade said sarcastically. Some of teh cats and pups giggled at the thought of such a ridiculous situation.
"Can you blame me though? I'm trying to protect the trees, and keep a Christmas tradition! There's nothing wrong with that," Rocky remarked. Everyone laughed, and then apologized or gave Rocky a hug.
After dinner, the team put away Roky's Christmas parachute into the spare room, and then sat down for a relaxing time listening to calm Christmas music. Unsurprisingly, one by one, every pup and cat fell asleep. Eventually, Ryder turned the music and lights off, before going to bed himself.
The next day, everyone was happy to be rested, and decided to finish decorating The Lookout. However, as they did, one pup couldn't stoop thinking about something that he had said the day before, and comparing the comment to yesterday's activities.
'I know I may sound crazy for saying this, but are we overdoing celebrating Christmas? We have all dogs and cats here! Plus, there is a lot to do!' Tracker thought as he helped decorate. Ironically, the more he thought about his own comment, the more it felt true. The Potcake pup was growing concerned about everything being done for the holidyas, and it seemed like it was too much. He needed to talk to Ryder. Unbeknownst to hime, he wasn't the only one who felt that way.
While the other pups were busy one afternoon, Tracker went up the elevator, and over to Ryder who was looking through name tags for presents, while sitting on a green bean bag. The Potcake pup approached nervously, as he didn't want to interrupt Ryder if the boy was busy. Upon hearing the elevator though, Ryder looked up to see his pup friend.
"Hi Tracker, how are .... Tracker? Is something wrong?" Ryder asked as he saw the concerned look on the pup's face, as well as his body looking submissive. Tracker carefully approached the boy with the same nervous look on his face.
"Hi Ryder ... I'm concerned about Christmas. I know that Christmas is supposed to be a happy time, and everyone's trying hard to make sure that everyone feels loved, and appreciated. There's nothing wrong with that! But I'm scared. I'm scared that the meaning of Christmas is ... That it's not being appreciated anymore!" Tracker explained tearfully. His voice was shakey, cracking at a high pitch, and his eyes were watery. Tracker's ears were folded back, and his body was in a crouched position, as if fearing something bad would happen.
"Tracker ..." Ryder said softly, feeling sory for his pup. The boy opened his arms, and Tracker jumped into them for a hug, crying as he embrace his friend. Ryder let the pup cry as he held him; petting and givign him soft words of comfort. As he did, Ryder thought about what Tracker had said. The pups normally didn't get too eotional about everday topics, especially the Holidays. This moment however, felt different.
"I don't know what to do Ryder! I know everyone is working hard to get ready for Christmas, and I don't want to make anyone feel bad about that! But it just feels like Christmas is so busy all the time. It's like .... It's like nobody stops and appreciates the beauty of the holiday anymore! Nobody stops to just enjoy Christmas!" Tracker exclaimed as his voice cracked, and he kept crying.
"It's going to be okay Tracker. In understand. It's okay buddy," Ryder said in a comforting voice, as he hugged, and pet Tracker. The two buddied waited a few minutes or os until they separated from the hug, and Ryder wiped away Tracker's tears with his fingers.
"I'm not saying I don't want to celebrate Christmas, but it just feels like it's all about being busy, and making everything right. Not enjoying the holiday season," Tracker said sadly as he looked at the ten year old boy.
"I completely understand ..." a voice said from behind the Potcake pup. Surprised, Tracker and Ryder looked to see Snowflake standing behind Tracker, but still at a distance. Both Tracker and Ryder were surprised to see the husky pup since they didn't hear the elevator. Now the three friends stood in silence.
"Snowflake? When did you come up? Did you hear everything?" Tracker asked the husky, now getting more nervous. Ryder kneeled down and hugged Tracker to help relax him. Snowflake shook her head.
"I heard cryinga nd came up to see who was upset. I only heard what you said as you were crying while coming in the elevator. I wanted to give you and Ryder a moment to talk. You don't have to be nervous Tracker. I've felt the same way at times during Christmas. In fact, it's actually why I have some traditions I keep to myself," Snowflake told the two friends honestly.
"What do you mean?" Ryder and Tracker both wondered with confused looks. Snowflake reaching a paw to her collar. After carefulluy loosening it, her collar fell off to reveal a vivid blue scarf around her neck, with a white snowflake on the ends of the fabric. The scarf had been hidden under the collar.
"This scarf was a gift given to me by my owner Benjamin, on my first Christmas with the family. There was a scarf like this one that I would see whenever we would pass the window of a certain store. However, the scarf was slightly expensive, and there was the chance someone would buy it. However, instead of buying it, Benjamin got the fabric and design from the store owner, and secretly knitted a scarf for me. Exactly like the one in the store. When I found out Benjamin made this scarf, I promised to keep it and treasure it forever. It wasn't just a Christmas gift; it was a way of welcoming into the family I've kepit it ever since," Snowflake explained.
"Awwww. That's so sweet. But, what does your scarf have to do with enjoying Christmas? The scarf is a great gift, but I don't understand amigo," Tracker replied, still slightly confused.
"Every year, when I'm alone, one of my traditions is that I watch the snow fall at night, and I pull out my blue scarf to remind myself that Christmas isn't about the busy time with family, or Santa, or gifts, or eating lots of food. Christmas is about appreciating the soft, quiet, peaceful, beauty of the winter season, while enjoying past memories and the ones you love. Just like the scarf my owner gave and made me, it's the simple, loving, quiet moments that make Christmas special. Unfortunately, almost everyone seems to forget that. So, I understa why you're upset Tracker," Snowflake answered.
Ryder and Tracker smiled as they listened to the husky pup answer why the holiday scarf was important, and how it ade Snowflake connect with teh Holiday season. It was sweet how the husky would take time to appreciate Christmas, even in her own way. It sounded magical, yet peaceful adn warm at the same time. As if life decided to give Snowflake a hug, but througha moment rather than arms wrapped around her.
"That's really nice of you to share, Snowflake. It actually soudns like what Tracker needs. I just wish there was a way to share the moment with the otehr pups. You got any ideas? YOu've clearly inspired us," Ryder said kindly. He kneeled down to get Snowflake's collar, and put it on her before standing up again.
"Yeah! Your Christmas tradition sounds like a gift wrapped hug! I would really like that. I wish I could take your tradition, and wrap it up as the perfect Christmas gift! It sounds so precious and full of love!" Tracker replied ina loving, cheerful way. The Potcake was in love wiht the idea of Snowflake's tradition.
"Actually, if we get everything set up right, there may be a way we can all share my tradition. But there;s one important part; good weather. Ryder, can you please look up for the weather for Christmas? We need to keep an eye on it. That will determine if my tradition will work or not," Snowflake responded positively.
"You got it Snowflake! But do you have a plan B? YOu must have some backup plan?" Ryder retoreted as he went to look up the weather on the TV.
"Of course! But I want to know what the weather is like first," Snowflake replied. Tracker walked up to her, curious as to what other traditions the husky had. But he was quickly interrupted by Ryder.
"Okat. So far just cloudy. However we should definitely keep watching the weather. What did you have in mind Snowflake?" Ryder reported before he too walked over to the husky. Snowflake motioned her paws for them to come closer. She whispered her plan to hem as well as her backup plan. Pulling away, Ryder adn Tracker smiled.
"Those sound like great ideas! But I agree, it will be tricky. Luckily we have spare room if needed," Ryder said happily.
"But, that's YOUR Christmas tradition Snowflake. Why share it when I need to find my own gift? That's not fair to you" Tracker added sincerely.
"Tracker, I may have started the tradition, but that doesn't mean we can't share that experience with otehrs. That's how traditions work. Plus, since you're so cocnerned about out friends forgetting the meaning of Christmas, why not help me with sharing the tradition? We can all give each other presents, but this could be a gift from both of us. I don't mind sharind, plus it's been so long since we've celebrated Christmas like this," Snowflake suggested generously.
"Okay amigo. Let's do it!" Tracker agreed before the two pups hugged each other. Ryder smiled seeing his pups happy The wo soon separated from the hug ebfore turning to Ryder.
"I can keep watching the weather, and report back to you two. In the meantime, how about you two focus ond ecorating, presents and that backup plan," Ryder told them.
"Yes Ryder!" both the Husky and Potcake pup replied. Snowflake and Tracker ran into the elevator, down it went and then found the spare room Ryder mentioned to them. Upon opening the door, and turning the light on, the room was painted green, nice and clean, with blue bean bags, and other fun items. It looked perfect.
Snowflake and Tracker walked into the room before Snowflake started to point with her paws, jump around, and explain her backup plan. The plan was to make the room look festive but peaceful. They gathered big, dark blue bed sheets, paper snowflakes, rope, a tape roller, white bed sheets, Christmas lights that were puple, green, and white, and of course, decorating while listening to Christmas music, In a few hours, the room was ready.
"This is amazing!" Tracker said as he marveled at the decorating they did. The wall and ceiling had veen covered by hanging big, dark blue bed hseets with paper snowflakes taped to the sheets. The white sheets were placed on the ground and covered the bean bags as if they were surrouned by snow. THe pups pulled a rope next to the door, and a tied up rope above dropped a snowflake decorated, big, dark, blue sheet over the entrance, making the room filled with a make believe night ksy with snowflakes falling. The Christmas lights had been streamed along the walls with space separating the lights from the sheets so the fabric wouldn't catch on fire. The lights shined along the sheets and paper snowflakes with white, green, blue, and purple illuminating the room when pitch black. It felt like the two friends were in a fantasy winter wonderland on a Christmas night.
"Even if we don't use your backup plan, this was a greatd idea!" Tracker compliented the husky pup.
"Thank you. I normally just use the paper snowflkes and blue sheets, but I think this will be perfect as a backup!" Snowflake responded happily.
After their project was done, the two pups turned the Christmas lights off, unplugged the plug in the outelt, tied up the sheet over the door, closed the door and left the room. They also put a 'Keep OUt Until Christmas Day' sign over the door.
In teh meantime, everyone went back to their normal Christmas activities. Eventually, The Lookout was decorated, food was baked or cooked and stored, presents were wrapped, rescues were tasked and done, roads were cleared, and of course, getting ready for CHristmas Day. On CHristmas Eve, everyone got dressed up, grabbed their food, and wen to Town Hall for the celebration. There wsa food, water, punch drinks, games, singing, a big decorated Christmas tree, and overall a joyful time in the snowy night. But there was one thing two pups had on their minds.
"Hi Rder, I know everyone has been busy, but did you check the weather?" Tracker asked as he joined the boy enxt to the desser table. Snowflake joined the two after a snowball game with Rocky, Marshall, Wildcat, Rex, and Everest.
"Hi Snowflake. Yes Tracker, and good news. Tomorrow night will be slightly cloudy with snow. The tempereature will be decent too, so everyone can be outside. IT's the right conditions for your Christmas gift," Ryder told them. The Potcake adn Husky smiled with joy. Everything was working out perfectly!
The celebration oly lasted till eight o clock in the evening, hen everyon helped clean up before going home. Ryder, along with teh pups, and cats got out of their witner outfits, and relaxed together under blankets while watching a Christmas movie. Slowly, everyone fell asleep.
Christmas was snowy, bright and joyful. The PAW Patrol and Cat Pack awoke to presents under and around the tree, before opening them up. Everyone was happy with their gifts, as well as giving hugs, and thank you compliments. Afterward everyone put their presents away, and gpot ready to go celebrate with everyone downton. The Christmas gathering was great! There were friends, family, food, presents, games and a good time for all who attended. Best of all, the weather was perfect for the gift Tracker and Snowflake planned for later. For hours, the pups plated, talked, ate and relaxed. Later after dinner, everyone cleaned up and headed home.
"You calculations were right, Rocky!" These are a lot of presents!" Liberty said as she and pups opened up mre presents from the party. Finally, after all the presents were open, the whole team relaxed, and enjoyed the evening. However, with two hours before bedtime, Ryder pet Tracker and Snowflake to tlet them know it was time for their gift.
"Everyone, There's actually one alst gift for you all to see. The gift is from Snowflake and I," Tracker announced.
"What's the present? You must have hid it really good! Probably big too!" Marshall said in surprise. Everyone gigled.
"Everyone, get your snow gear on, and follow us please" Snowflake said as she and Tracker got up. Eveery teammate got into their winter clothing, with Tracker leading the way, and Snowflake behind him. The group walked out into the snow covered yard outside The Lookout and stood next to their Christmas tree.
"What's the Christmas gift?" all the pups and cats asked politely. They couldn't see any presents under the tree.
"Look around, and take in the sights," Tracker told them. Everyone looked around and took in everything; the cold air, the cold air escaping their mouths, the gentle snowas it fell, the moon as it shined in the dark blue skye, the moonlight as it made the snow shimmer, the lights of the Christmas tree and decorations, and the overall peaceful, yet beautiful moment.
"It's so ... quiet. So beautiful, and chilling. There's something maigcal about all of this," Marshall said in awe.
"Yes it is," his friends agreed as they took in the moment as mucha s they could.
"This moment is our Christmas gift to all of you," Tracker said happily.
"Our Christmas gift? What do you mean?" Riubble asked, confused. Tracker and Snowflake stepped in front of the group, turned around to face them.
"This moment. Taking all of this in; the snow, the moonlight, the Christmas decorations, the cold but quiet snow falling. I wanted to have all of you experience this joyfl, quiet Christmas moment. Everyone gets so busy, that we forget Christmas should be a peaceful, quiet, relaxing, beautiful season we should all enjoy!" Tracker explained calmly.
"Tracker's right. How many of us just spend time to enjoy the quiet, beauty that Winter and Christmas bring year round? Not many. I may have inspired this tradition by doing it myself, bu Tracker agreed that this moment of winter beauty and quiet, there's something about it that can't be replaced. It's special in its own way. So, this is Tracker's an my gift to all of you. Merry Christmas PAW Patrol and Cat Pack," Snowflake added kindly.
Everyone took ine evrything Tracker and Snowflake told them, and after a minute, every dog, cat and Ryder smiled. The two pups were right; moments like what they were having couldn't be bought, wrapped, baked, or decorated to some. Moments like what theyw ere seeing and feeling had to be experienced.
"Merry Christmas Tracker and Snowflake!" the team exclaimed as they hugged Tracker and Snowflake, happy with their gift. The two friends rejoined the team to enjoy the winter experience. It was indeed magical, and a momemt none of them would forget.
Eventually it was bedtime, and everyone went isnide. Plus it was getting cold too. Ryder, the pups, and Cat Pack got out of their winter clothing before going to the bean bags to sleep. However, the bean bags were gone.
"Ummm. Where are the bean bags?" Ryder asked baffled by the missing items.
"Oh, my backu plan. Follow us," Snowflake said before leading everyone to a big spare room. She then plugged some lights in, and the room lit up.
"Wow!" everyone said as the room lit up with blue, purple, white, and green lights. The light danced around the dark blue sheets with paper snowflakes on them. The snowflake filled sheets covered the walls, creating a fake version of what they had seen outside, as well as the white sheets that were on the ground and bean bags. Tracker pulled the rope that coevered the doorway to make it more nighttime.
"Well done you two. This is retty cool, perfect for Christmas. Let's sleep here everyoen!" Ryder said as he and the group turned to the Husky and Potcake pups. Ryder carefully left to lock The Lookout, then returned and closed the door. Eeryone rested on the 'snow', and enjoyed the calm, pretty room, decorated like what they had witnessed outside.
"You're all good pups and cats. This was a perfect wy to end Christmas Day. Goonidhgt pups, goodnight Cat Pack, and Merry Christmas," ryder said softly as he laid down. The other pups and cats also lying down.
"Merry Christmas Ryder," replied all the PAW Patrol and Cat Pack team members.
Within minutes everyone fell asleep, but before they did, Tracker and Snowflake looked at each other with smiles.
"Merry Christmas Snowflake. Thank you for making this a perfect quiet Christmas," Tracker said softly.
"You're welcome Tracker. Thank you for helping me share my tradition. MErry Christmas," Snowflake replied softly.
And as the last two Pups fell asleep in Christmas peace, they both were happy to noy only share the peace and love of Christmas, but a new memory. It was indeed a nice, peaceful Christmas
Hi everyone. Wow, this was a big one-shot but it was so much fun to write. Just some things to note about this one-shot.This one-shot is bigger in length than most chapters of my stories. Individual chapters of my stories are around 2,000-3,000+ words. This one-shot us more than 5,500 wordsSnowflake is a husky pup OC that I have used in my stories before so know case you are wondering, it is the same characterRocky making a Christmas tree parachute is an Easter Egg to one of my stories titled "Rocky's Christmas Parachute". That story is literally about Rocky as a character making a Christmas tree parachute for eco-friendly reasons. The Christmas tree parachute ghost moment is another Easter Egg because it references characters stuck under a bed sheet/fabric while their buddies think the covered friends are ghosts. I have used the classic bed sheet ghost trope in most of my stories because it's amusing/fun and classic. It even dates back to Shakespeare's time.The idea of watching snow fall while being around Christmas lights/decorations is an activity I like to do during the Winter.Tracker's Christmas problem is a 'what if' situation I made up that was inspired by the "Pups Save a Bah-Humdinger" episode.Snowflake loves the color blue since it is also my favorite color.
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