Chase Pov
Chase awoke in a cell like room but there were empty cages all around with claw marks and everything as he whined and gulped holding his head "Where am i?" He whispered and jumped when he saw a HighLand Western Terrier stand infront of him "Well first off your a prisoner to me Sweetie giggled,And Lets just say you are terrible at being a pup guard" She explained smirking as Chase growled "Yeah So What?" He growled but Sweetie was not phased by it "Of Course i didnt do it by myself i had your 'freind' here help me" She explained as Hive stepped out as Chase bristled his fur going up "You Little Trai-" He growled whining as he was electrocuted and dropped to the floor as Hive smirked going up to him "Yes Stay there soon all of your freinds especially one Of them shall be disposed of and we've already taken care of my son" He explained smirking as Chase groaned "Y-Your son?" He whispered as Hive nodded smirking again "Yes,I belive that pup you call Rocky" He smirked walking off and tempoarily stopping "He will end up like his mother" Hive added as Chase passed out again whining
Rocky Pov (In his head)
Rocky groaned and awoke in a grey space and looked around confused and saw a wolf infront of him and perked up "Mum?" He whined as the wolf nodded "B-But what are y-you doing here?" Rocky asked whining "Its your dad Hive He kidnapped your freind" She replied as Rocky widened his eyes "But why did he?" He asked as she sighed "It was because you didnt become a pup guard and now he wants to hurt your freinds in revenge" She added As Rocky Whined "Its all my fault if i only became a pup guard" Rocky whined tearing up as his mother sat next to him "If you did become a pup guard Hive would have pushed you too hard" She yipped nuzzling Rocky as he sighed and fading away.
He woke up to see Zuma cuddled up next to him snoring quietly and he put his head down quietly whining and drooping his ears down causing Zuma to perk his ear up "Wocky?....Whats wwong?" He asked as Rocky sighed and Zuma put his paw on Rockys "Dude we know now" Zuma yipped as Rocky whined "Its not that bad we all have pawents and we just found one of youws but do you have a mothew?" Zuma asked as Rocky sat up "Yes,But my dad sent poachers to kill her....and they succeded" He replied as Zuma nuzzled him "Wocky we'll get Chase back" He yipped as Rocky yapped standing up "Dont you understand??? Hive wants to get revenge on me by hurting Chase! All because i didnt become a pup guard when he said!" He snapped as he layed back down not speaking as Zuma sighed "I'll go get and Get Wydew ok?" Zuma yipped as Rocky nodded as he walked stopping at the door and looking back at Rocky before leaving.
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