Chase Pov
Chase had scratches all over him and some bite marks from when Hive kept on kicking and hitting him, Shade had by then woken up and managed to kick Sweetie away."Chase!" She yapped growling at Hive and trying to leap at him but got smacked back into the corner as Chase kicked Hive away."Why" He groaned as Hive smirked and went up to Chases face as he collapsed."Too Late" Hive growled and extended his claws until someone slammed into him."Surprise!" They yapped as Skye stood over Chase soon joined by Marshall, Rubble, Everest and Tracker."We need to get Chase somewhere safe" Everest yapped as Chase rolled his eyes trying to get up.But his legs gave way."There is no way you are fighting" Skye yapped smirking as Chase sighed perking his ears up."Wait wheres Zuma?" He asked as Rubble kicked away Hive."Wasn't he with you?" Marshall asked as Chase nodded."He was until Sweetie dropped him out into the ocean" He explained as Tracker thought."Hey Amigos wheres Rocky?" He asked as Skye was tackled by Hive who growled."Get off her!" Marshall yapped only to be lifted up by Sweeties claw along with Rubble, Everest, Skye and Tracker who were all knocked unconsious and put in a cage.Then Chase was put in as well spraining his paw in the process.
Rocky Pov
Rocky sat on the beach staring at the building in the ocean and heard groaning and ignored it.He heard coughing and got confused and started walking around and sniffed."Weird, That smells like" Rocky yipped looking around to see Zuma bunched up on the sand covered in seaweed."Zuma?" He yapped running over and nudging him as the lab groaned and opened his eyes a little."W-Wocky? H-Help" He whined as Rocky attempted to lift him up."I got you buddy" Rocky yipped as Zuma pressed his paws on the ground and tried to stand up."What happened?" Rocky asked as Zuma grabbed a piece of seaweed off himself."W-Well i was with Chase A-And a pup called Shade b-but then we wewe attacked by Sweetie and i was dwopped out of the building and ended up hewe" Zuma explained as Rocky frowned.He yelped when his pup tag went off and tilted his head, "Who is this?" He growled as him and Zuma looked at each other when Chases whines were heard."What the- Chase?" Rocky yapped."Oh No Chase isnt here right now" Hive growled as Zuma frowned as well, "Why do you have Chase! Tell me NOW!" Rocky snarled as laughing was heard through his tag."Oh thats not all we have son" Hive replied as Rockys ears dropped at the name."What makes you think i am your son! You captured my freind! WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!" Rocky yapped as his ears were pinned down as Zuma perked his ear up and put his paw on Rockys muzzle."Dude, listen" He whispered as Rocky perked his ear up hearing more faint whining."Thats Skye, Marshall, Rubble, Everest and Tracker.But what are they doing there?" Rocky yipped as Hive laughed again."Thats none of your buissness" He replied sternly as walking could be heard but the pup tag was left on.Rocky still heard whining and then moving "Rocky?" He heard Chase whine "Chase! Are you okay?" Rocky asked as He heard Chase cough."W-Well yeah K-Kind of but T-The others are all I-Ill Including me" He explained coughing again and then sneezing.The Communication cut off as Rocky and Zuma looked at each other."Dude we have got to get ovew thewe" Zuma added getting up as Rocky sighed looking at the building."How do we get there?" Rocky asked as Zuma smiled running off and coming back with a different looking hovercraft."Lets go!" He yapped jumping into the Hovercraft as it sped across the water as Rocky narrowed his eyes.
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