Prologue 4
I turned to the remaining pups I had to meet, and observed them. My gaze eventually fell upon two blonde dogs, deep within conversation with another... Dog-shaped thing. I bounced over to them cheerfully, trying to shake off the weird vibe of the place.
Despite me being right next to them, the three kept talking. I lightly stared at the three for a few seconds, before waving a paw in front of one of the blondes. She jumped back a little, before looking at me, the other two dogs doing the same.
"Oh.. hello!" One of the blondes waved at me, the other glanced away from me. The third dog-like thing happily focused on me.
"Hi! Who are you?" I asked.
"Hmph.. So cliché.." I heard the second blonde mumble. The first lightly smacked him with her paw.
"C'mon Tuck! Don't be a grouch just because there's no exit!"
Wait.. No exit...?
"Ooooooookkkkkkaaaayyyyy..." I dragged out my speech, confused in multiple ways. I glanced at who I believed to be 'Tuck', who was focused on the floor. The other golden haired pup lightly stared at him. The third member of the group was still happily watching us.
"Sorry about him. He's usually pretty kind.. Anyways! I'm Ella! Ultimate Comic Artist!" She quickly lifted her paw up, gesturing for me to do the same. I slowly raised up my paw, giving Ella a light high five awkwardly. I had only really done this kind of stuff with Everest..
§*§ Ella - Ultimate Comic Artist §*§
"Now, Tuck? Care to introduce yourself?" Ella motioned to the male blonde pup. He turned around, with a look of happy determination..
"Y'know what? Yeah.. Just because you're my sister though." He rolled his eyes, before turning to me. "I'm Tuck, me and Ella are siblings. My talent.."
"...What is your talent..?" I asked, curious. All Tuck did was turn away.
"...He's a little sensitive when talking about his talent, sorry.." Ella told me. I gasped lightly, before sighing.
§*§ Tuck - Ultimate ??? §*§
Wonder how it feels to not have a talent...
"What about the uhhh..." I motioned to the robotic-like shaped... Robot? I'm not fully sure. The 'robot' barked twice, its voice sounding a little.. Holographic...
"I don't really know." Ella brought my attention back. "Mt best guess is that it's a fusion of a robot and a dog. I've just been calling it Robodog as a nickname, heh.."
Robodog suddenly turned to Ella, and barked happily.
"H-Huh?" Ella stepped back a little in shock, "Is that your actual name?"
Robodog nodded energetically. Meanwhile, out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at the remaining dogs. One of them was white, with pure, pristine fur, and was currently in conversation with Tracker...
"...You're the Ultimate To Not?" Ella got a little confused at Robodog's small gestures, I took a look at the movements it was making.
"I think he meant robot, Ella." Tuck corrected his sister.
"Oh. Yeah, silly me..."
§*§ Robodog - Ultimate Robot §*§
I slowly walked away from the three, headed towards the white-furred pup. She was now alone, Tracker must've gone somewhere else.
The dog turned to me, its eyes widening a little.
"Hello! Who a-"
"Bow down."
"W-What?" I took a step back.
"You know... Oh. OH YEAH." The dog glared at the floor lightly, "Sweetie! Bow down to your local Ultimate Princess!"
...Does this dog normally feel this entitled?
§*§ Sweetie - Ultimate Princess §*§
"Although, if I'm being honest, I wouldn't like to be a princess.." Sweetie told me. That baffled me.
"I'd rather be a queen..."
Oh. That makes sense.
I left slowly, ignoring Sweetie as she continued to talk about her preferences about her talent. I think I can understand why Tracker had left the corgi alone...
Anyways, 12 down. 4 to go.
I bounced over to the remaining pups. One of them looked a little... Disabled?
I walked over to the black, cream and brown patch-furred pup, wondering about the small wheelchair that carried his hind legs.
"Oh! Hi!" The dog noticed my presence, turning round to face me, "How do you do?"
"Good, thanks!" I chuckled a little bit, as the disabled dog spoke up again, "I'm Rex. The Ultimate Archaeologist!"
I actually wasn't expecting that as his talent...
§*§ Rex - Ultimate Archaeologist §*§
"Nice.. How did you get you-"
The new voice startled me, as I whipped around to see where it came from. What laid in front of me was a dark-brown sausage dog, with a wide smile on his face. His attire looked like the most complex out of everyone here...
"Yahaarr! How you lot doing?" He asked.
"Uh.. Ok?" Rex replied, confused.
"Good to hear... I'm Arrby, the Ultimate Pirate! I know my clothing relates to that by the way.."
Well, he wasn't lying there.
§*§ Arrby - Ultimate Pirate §*§
I glanced over at the final two pups. One of them white, scruffy fur, and it looked like a spaniel of some sorts. The other one looked like Rocky, but way bigger...
"I'm gonna take a look at those two, ok?" I asked Rex and Arrby, motioning to the dogs situated about 5 meters away from me.
"Okay! See ya Skye!" Arrby answered me, all Rex did was nod.
I headed to the dog and possible wolf, curious about them.
"Oh, hello." The silvery dog noticed me, staring at me with a serious look.
"Hello!" I replied. The spaniel twisted her head to face me, focusing on me curiously.
This is making me feel a little uncomfortable...
"Do you want to know who I am...?" The silver dog asked.
"Same applies to me!" The spaniel shouted softly.
"...Sure!" I answered awkwardly.
"Ok. I'm Cooper! The Ultimate Adventurer!" The larger dog made a pose, his facial expression showing a sense of bravery.
"Wow... Looks a little dangerous for a dog thou-" The spaniel started, but was cut off.
"I'm actually a wolf..." Cooper answered the white, messy-furred pup.
That would make sense.
§*§ Cooper - Ultimate Adventurer §*§
"Well, I'm Luna. I'm an absolute uh.. Addict over space?" The spaniel chuckled awkwardly, scratching her neck with her paw. She pondered for a while, before piping up again. "Astrologist! That's the word..."
§*§ Luna - Ultimate Astrologist §*§
"Oh.. That sounds pretty cool! Have you ever be-"
"Have we got everybody? I'm pretty sure we do!"
And like that, I was cut off.
We all turned to the source of the speech, which appeared to be from the main doors of the gym.
For some reason, hearing that voice made me feel weird... Like the sky was falling onto me...
"W-Who said that?" I could hear Zuma call out.
"I declare that you show yourself!" Sweetie shouted out, aiming her paw at the doors. Chase facepalmed at her statement, Marshall glaring at him lightly.
"Gladly I will!"
There it was again...
"So! Lemme introduce myself to the lot of ya!"
We all stared at the doors for a while...
But what came through them...
I wasn't expecting.
A black and white boy, wearing a red jacket and greyish jeans, with a weird red symbol plastered on the right side of his face...
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