Mr. J/Joker quotes
Below are quotes from Mr. J himself. The selection of Joker quotes ranges from games, cartoons, movies and comics that Mr. J has existed in.
"I can't wait to show you my toys."
-the Joker, Suicide Squad (2016)
"As you know, madness is like gravity. All you need is a little push."
-the Joker, The Dark Knight (2008)
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."
-the Joker, Batman: The Killing Joke (1988)
"Why would I apologise for the monster I've become? No one ever apologised for making me this way."
-the Joker, *UNKNOWN 'til further notice*
"Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savour all the... the little emotions. In... you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?"
-the Joker, The Dark Knight (2008)
"Smile because it confuses people, because it's easier than explaining what's killing you inside."
-the Joker, The Dark Knight (2008)
"Ohh, I'm not gonna kill you/ya. I'm just gonna hurtch'ya. Really... really... bad."
-the Joker, Suicide Squad (2016)
"When you take an insane person to an asylum, you are taking him home. The place he knows best."
-the Joker, Batman: Arkham Asylum (video game)
"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos..."
-the Joker, The Dark Knight (2008)
"Remembering's dangerous. I find the past such a worrying, anxious place. "The Past Tense," I suppose you'd call it. Memory's so treacherous. One moment you're lost in a carnival of delights, with poignant childhood aromas, the flashing neon of puberty, all that sentimental candy-floss... the next, it leads you somewhere you don't want to go. Somewhere dark and cold, filled with the damp ambiguous shapes of things you'd hoped were forgotten. Memories can be vile, repulsive little brutes. Like children I suppose. But can we live without them? Memories are what our reason is based upon. If we can't face them, we deny reason itself! Although, why not? We aren't contractually tied down to rationality! There is no sanity clause! So when you find yourself locked onto an unpleasant train of thought, heading for the places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember there's always madness. Madness is the emergency exit... you can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away... forever."
-the Joker, Batman: The Killing Joke (1988)
**To be continued...
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