Dr. Quinzel/Harley Quinn quotes
Below are quotes that the intelligent Dr. Quinzel or the crazy-in-love Harley Quinn have said through a series of movies, cartoons and games.
"Huh? What was that? I should kill everyone and escape? Sorry. The voices. Ahaha, I'm kidding! Jeez! That's not what they really said."
-Harley Quinn, Suicide Squad (2016)
[Harley smashes a shop window]
Rick Flag: "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you people?"
Harley Quinn: [takes a purse] "We're bad guys. It's what we do."
-Harley Quinn, Suicide Squad (2016)
Harley Quinn: [as she's being wrapped in a straight jacket and being loaded into a police van] "I want a lawyer!, I want a doctor!, I want a cheese sandwich!"
-Harley Quinn, The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest (1997)
"Face it, Harl, this stinks! You're a certified nutso wanted in twelve states and hopelessly in love with a psychopathic clown."
-Harley Quinn, Batman the Animated Series: Mad Love (1999)
Dr. Quinzel: [last lines, as a heavily bandaged Harleen is taken into Arkham Asylum] "Never again. No more obsession, no more craziness, no more Joker. I finally see that slime for what he is: a murderous, manipulative, irredeemable...
[she turns her head to see a rose on her bedside table with a note attatched saying "Feel better soon. - J."]
Harley Quinn: "...angel!"
-Harley Quinn, Batman the Animated Series: Mad Love (1999)
"I found The Joker's psyche disturbing, his dementia alarming — and his charm irresistible! What can I tell ya? The guy just did it for me."
-Harley Quinn, *UNKNOWN 'til further notice*
**To be continued...
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