"It doesn't matter what I show you", Alice's voice broke across the field. She tugged her hand out of Aro's grip. "Even when you see. You still won't change your decision". She turned to face the Cullens, she locking with Bella's. Ellis saw her mouthing a word. A signal.
Bella turned to Jacob. Nessie still perched on his back. "Take care of my daughter". Jacob nodded and turned around, breaking into a run away from the Volturi and back into the trees. Nessie's small face looking over he shoulder at her family.
"Get them", Aro hissed to his guards. Before any of them could move, Alice whirled around and kicked Aro solidly in the chest. The vampire flew back through the air over the Volturi lines. He twisted and landed on his feet with a furious twist of his cloak. He stalked back to the front as two guards caught Alice by the arms.
"Take her away", he ordered, eyes cold as he addressed the Cullens. Alice grunted as they guards began pulling her away.
"Let her go!" Carlisle screamed. He began running towards her. He knocked the first two guards away and leaped towards Alice. Aro intercepted him midair, the two men struggling for a moment. Aro landed on the ground, Carlisle's body collapsing behind him as he lifted Carlisle's severed head. Esme screamed. The body going up in flames.
Ellis felt a cold wave of shock fall over him. Quickly replaced by anger. As Edward began running, everyone following behind him, Ellis put up his shield. Aro raised his hands and the Volturi burst forwards to attack. Barks filled the air as the wolves broke into a sprint. Both groups surging towards each other.
They collided with growls and sharp sounds of marble skin on marble skin.
Jasper was the next to go. He was rendered immobile by Jane's gift. Bella preoccupied with her own attacker to shield him. He was decapitate with a swift crack. Alice shrieked and began struggling more fiercely against her guards.
At the sound of her voice, Ellis turned. He had been keeping an eye on Seth, hovering invisibly at his side and helping him pull the Volturi guards apart. He turned just in time to see Emmet tackle Alec into the snow, eyes spotting Jasper's head lying at Jane's feet. With a ferocious snarl, he broke into a sprint towards Jane.
She never saw him coming. He was vaulting onto her back and ripping her head off her neck before she could react. Her head sailed through the air to land several feet away, body crumpling. As the Volturi around her turned, Ellis was already springing back to Seth. The snow, which once would have shown his footsteps, was too disturbed for it to help. The Volturi were helpless to predict where he would strike next.
A vampire leapt up to attack Edward but Seth caught him in his jaws. The golden brown wolf landed in the snow, holding the vampire down as he bit his head clean off. Ellis felt a burst of pride as he threw himself at a Vampire coming up on Seth's right. His thighs wrapped around the man's head and he twisted his head off sharply. Ellis landed in the snow at Seth's side as the body fell. Seth made a happy noise in thanks, already moving towards another enemy. Ellis followed.
It soon became apparent that while the Cullens and their allies were strong fighters, they were being overwhelmed by the sheer number of Volturi guards. Ellis could only keep his attention on Seth. Stopping his wolf from being out numbered. But around him, the Volturi were quickly beginning to use their numbers to gain the upper hand.
A deep rumbles shook the ground. Ellis caught Seth by the scruff of the neck and pulled him away as the ground crumbled. A deep crack broke through the earth, arching out from where Benjamin stood. Ellis' feet scrabbled for a blinding second as the earth gave way. He pushed off in a leap, landing with a thump safely away from the edge. Seth rolling in the snow next to him with a yelp. Unharmed and confused. Ellis felt his shield flicker briefly. His form becoming visible for a brief second. Just enough for Seth to see him and know that he was safe too.
Others weren't so lucky. Ellis pulled himself to his feet just in time to watch as Leah threw herself towards Esme. The woman had been clutching at the edge, a Volturi guard pulling her down. The weight of Leah knocked the guard off and together, the silver wolf and the red cloaked guard disappeared into the depths. Seth stiffened, feeling his sister's death through the link. He threw his head back in a howl.
At the sound the wolves seemed to redouble their efforts. Ellis saw Alice, who had broken free of her captors, throw one of the guards into Sam's waiting jaws. Tanya and Kate teamed up and took down Caius. Kate immobilising him with her shocks as Tanya ripped his jaw apart. The two Romanian vampires took on Marcus. The old vampire didn't fight back, merely folded as they ripped him in half.
Aro fell to Bella and Edward. The couple working together to rip his skull from his body. Ellis looked up from helping Seth disassemble another guard to find that there were no more Volturi nearby. All of the remaining members were caught in combat and they appeared to be losing. Within a few minutes no more cloaked figures remained standing on the field. The last guard falling as Tia twisted his head off.
Ellis surveyed the scene, feeling drained. They had won but not without a cost. Jasper was gone. Carlisle burned. Leah had fallen. Rosalie was gone, Ellis had not seen what had happened to her. Amun and Kebi were lying in pieces. A few of the nomads, Mary and Randall were dead. Out of the wolves, two were missing other than Leah. Paul was still against the snow. Quil a bloody mess.
Ellis felt himself sag onto his knees. Seth whimpering with quiet cries at his side. Around them, people came together in shock and grief. Benjamin was knelt at the bodies of Amun and Kebi, Tia stroking his hair. Bella and Edward had disappeared after Jacob and Nessie. Esme, Alice and Emmet were huddled together in mourning for their mates. The remainder of the Denali coven were in a group hug. The Romanians had left, and the Irish coven had retreated to the trees.
Ellis felt a dry heaving sob tug at his chest. He wrapped his arms around Seth's head, resting it on his lap as they both cried.
They had won but it was at a cost.
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