Aro dropped Alice's hand, eyes wide. Ellis guessed that whatever he had seen, it wasn't pleasant. Alice looked at him expectantly as Aro took a step back. His gaze flicked to the Cullen's and the witnesses, taking in their set expressions. The anger, the fear. The wolves growling softly behind them, hackles raised.
"Now you know", Alice said bitterly. "That's your future. Unless you decide on a different course".
"We cannot later our course. The child still poses a great threat", Caius hissed.
"But what if you were sure she could remain sealed from the human world", Edward interrupted. Ellis looked at him in confusion. "Can we leave in peace?"
"Of course", Caius ground out in annoyance. "But that cannot be known".
"Actually it can".
Alice turned away from the Volturi to face the trees where she had come from. Voices halted as two figures emerged. A woman and a man. Ellis tilted his head as a scent washed over the field. The sickly sweet of a vampire mixed with the appetising scent of a human, a combination similar to Reneesme's. There was a sound too. A heart beat. Pounding off beat to a human rhythm.
The man and woman drew closer. They had dark tinted skin and long black hair tied by leather cords. They wore animal hides and were barefooted. The man had deep brown eyes, while to woman had red. There was a slight flush of blood in his cheeks and a thrumming in his veins. They drew closer and stopped next to Alice.
"I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the makona tribes of Brazil", Alice declared.
"We have enough witnesses"- Caius objected.
"Let him speak", Aro interrupted his brother.
The man stepped slightly closer to the Volturi. "I am half human", he declared, voice heavily accented. "Half vampire. Like the child. A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilien raised me as her own. I made her immortal". The woman smiled widely.
"How old are you?" Bella asked, stepping forwards eagerly.
The man turned to look at her. "One hundred and fifty years". Bella sighed with relief, hand clutching at her husband's.
"At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro voiced.
"I became full grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then". Bella and Nessie shared a happy smile. Relieved at the knowledge that Nessie was immortal.
"And you diet?"
"Blood, human food. I can survive on either".
"These children", Marcus breathed. It was the first time he had spoken. His voice rasped like a corpses' deathly with disuse. "Are much like us".
"Regardless the Cullens have been consorting with werewolves, our natural examines", Caius snarled. It was obvious that he was spoiling for a fight. Aro turned and rested a hand on the blonde's arm. Caius relaxed under the touch, backing down. Aro gazed over the Cullen lines again.
"Dear ones", he said, turning to address the Volturi. "There is no danger here". We will not fight today". Slowly, in small groups, the Volturi turned and sped into the trees. Caius and the guard. Then Marcus and the wives. The witnesses were next, until Aro was the only one facing the Cullens.
He smiled. "Such pride", he whispered in almost savagery. Before he disappeared after the others.
"We have them on the run! Now is the time to attack!" The Romanian vampires stated angrily.
Carlisle smiled at them. "No today". He left them to go and join his family.
"You're all fools! The Volturi might be gone but they will never forgive what happened here". Everyone ignored them. Snarling in disappointment, the Romanians left. No one cared.
Ellis threw his arms around Seth, laughing with glee. He could feel Seth's body shaking as the wolf nuzzled his head against Ellis' chest. Ellis pressed a kiss to his forehead as he let go. Seth followed as he turned and flung himself at Carlisle and Esme. The two catching him in a hug, laughing at his enthusiasm.
Once his parents had let go, Emmet and Rosalie was next. Emmet picked Ellis up and sung him wildly around, yelling with delight. Rosalie was a bit gentler, grabbing him by the cheeks and pressing her lips to his hair line. Ellis giggling under her hands. Her laughter muffled against his curls.
Jasper clapped him on the shoulders, both of them beaming. While Alice squealed and hugged him round the waist tightly. Seth laughing at the interaction. Leah and Jacob at his side. Edward, once he had pulled away from Bella and Nessie, dubbed his knuckles into Ellis' head. Bella giving him a light hug.
Nessie held out her arms when Ellis got to her. He swung her up onto his hip, carrying her comfortably. "It's over Ellis", she cheered delightedly. Ellis thought that his mouth should hurt from how widely he was grinning.
The relief and happiness was tinged with sadness however. The Denali coven were pressed together in silent grief over Irina's death. Ellis did not intrude on their group. Instead, as everyone celebrated, he returned to Seth.
He giggled as Seth pressed his nose to his forehead. "I was going to tell you later when you could talk", he chuckled. "But whatever. You already know. I love you".
Seth let out a happy yip at Ellis's words. Honey brown eyes crinkled in a way that made it look like he was smiling. Ellis laughed.
"Oh my god you're okay!" Sue cried as Seth and Leah opened the front door. She threw her arms around Leah, pressing kisses on her cheeks before doing the same to Seth. Both siblings laughed. Leah smiling wider than Ellis had ever seen her.
The rest of the Cullens and witnesses had returned to the Cullen property. The wolves, minus Jacob, had returned home. Seth had not taken no as an answer but Ellis didn't care. He would gladly follow the other anywhere in that moment. So drunk on relief and love that human smells didn't bother him. It was easy to ignore Sue's human heart. Not even annoying.
"Mom", Seth whined. "It's fine, we're okay". He patted Sue on the back as he tried to remove himself from her hug. Ellis laughed at the scene.
"I was so worried. All I knew was that you were all going to meet a group of vampires and that it could be dangerous. Don't blame me for being concerned". Sue snapped as she let Seth go. "I'm glad you're okay too Ellis dear", she added with a soft smile upon spotting Ellis in the hall. Ellis smiled back.
"I've made food. Well, I stressed baked. But you both can eat it. Help yourselves". Sh waved one hand towards the kitchen were amazing smells were emanating. Ellis followed Leah and Seth inside. The table was covered in pastry style dishes. From small pies to buns. Seth and Leah stuck in almost immediately while sue boiled the kettle. Ellis gave her a run down version of events, telling her the summery but not too much details. The less she knew the better.
Once Seth was finished, he took Ellis by the hand and led him upstairs. Leah left to go and meet up with Sam. They had things to hash out and the danger of the day seemed to have given her some confidence. Ellis was glad for her. Sue left to take what was left of the left overs to Charley Swan. She left with a kiss on her son's cheek and muttered comments on how Charley was terrible at cooking for himself.
Seth sat down gingerly on his bed, hand's holding Ellis'. With a small tug, he pulled Ellis closer until the boy was standing between his knees. "I love you too", Seth smiled. "I didn't get to say it earlier. But I love you too".
Ellis smiled and removed his hands to press one on his shoulder, the other on his cheek. "My mate. Is it okay if I call you that? It means forever for vampires. Not just boyfriends or partners. It's more".
"Yes. As long as I can call you that as well", Seth replied. He reached up and tangled his fingers through Ellis' hair, pulling him down into a kiss. "My mate. My boyfriend", he breathed as they parted for air. Ellis ignored the butterflies the words aroused in his stomach. He pressed a long bruising kiss to the sling under Seth's jaw, careful not to use his teeth. Seth groaned, eyes falling shut as his hands fell to Ellis' hips.
"Off", he commanded, pulling at Ellis' tshirt. Seth was only in his usual denim shorts, Ellis' hands able to roam unhindered across the bare skin of his chest. Obediently, Ellis raised his hands and allowed Seth to slip the material over his head. He threw it into a corner as Ellis chuckled. Back arching as hot hands covered over cold skin. The temperature difference making the contact tingle.
Ellis groaned, head tilting back as Seth bit on his collar bones. "If this okay?" He breathed, looking up at Ellis with heavy lidded eyes.
"Fuck yeah", Ellis moaned. "Definitely. This time, I want it".
"You sure?" Seth pressed. While they had been dating for a few months now, they had never gone this far before. Seth has never been sure of the trauma Victoria had left on Ellis.
Ellis frowned at him in annoyance. His curly brown hair messy and wild. There were no obvious tells to his state but Seth could see the lack of movement in his chest and the fidgety spasms of his fingers. Pupils blown wide and expression open and relaxed. "You're not her. You're not even a girl. Keep on fucking going!" Ellis snarled. Seth chuckled and didn't need to be told twice.
Both are legal, over the age of 16. Even though Ellis is physically 15, he is mentally older.
Boys so soft.
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