I can't stop touching her.
She's everywhere. I'm everywhere. We're a mess of greedy hands and even greedier mouths. She's pinned underneath me as I kiss the fucking shit out of her and go out of my mind with desire. I don't get physical often with women but even I know there's something different about this. It's the way I feel her — like she's the calm and the storm all at once. It's unbelievable how amazing she feels and we've only just gotten started.
"Melanie," I groan when she wraps her legs around my torso and bucks her hips against mine. She moans into my mouth as she starts rocking against me, teasing the absolute shit out of me. My dick is harder than it's ever been and seconds away from popping out of my boxer shorts that I didn't have time to change out of after my match. If Melanie keeps rubbing against me like this, then this is going to finish faster than she realizes. I wrench my mouth away and smile at her noise of protest, panting hard. "You're killing me here."
"That's the point," She mumbles with impatience, cupping my face and bringing it back down so she can press her lips to mine. She kisses me harder than before and no fucking chance can I stop her. I'm hot all over as she wraps her arms around my neck and her tongue battles with mine inside my mouth. I run my hands along her curves, feeling the dip in her waist give way to her broader hips and slide them behind to grab her ass. I squeeze harder than I meant to but I think she likes it because she moans again, biting down on my lip in response. I can feel my cock pulsing angrily when I'm on the brink of release.
"Damn," I pull away again and roll off of her. I need to cool down and catch my breath. If just kissing her is making me lose control I don't even know how I'm going to handle going all the way.
"What's wrong?" She props herself up on her elbow and leans over me, a look of concern on her face. Her hair falls around us and I can't resist grabbing a handful and wrapping it around my fist. I want to tug, pull hard enough that her head will snap back and expose her neck for me to suck on, and I shake my head against my thoughts. What is it about her that makes me so violent and rough? I'm usually calmer than this. I didn't even know I could have thoughts as dirty as this.
"Need a minute," I rasp and look down pointedly. Melanie follows my line of vision and her brows go up at what is obviously my dick pushing against my shorts aggressively. Her eyes cut back to mine.
"Uh, wow. Already?"
Fuck me, this is more embarrassing than I thought. I look away when I feel my cheeks grow warm, feeling stupid and as inexperienced as I am.
"I don't have a lot of experience with sex," I admit to the ceiling. Jesus, there's no way this is the kind of talk turns women on. Does Melanie even find me attractive anymore? Wouldn't she prefer a man who knows what he's doing?
"You mean, you haven't had it often?" She guesses. My ears on fire. I was hoping I wouldn't have to spell it out.
"No, I mean I haven't had it at all."
I'm met with pin-drop silence and I reluctantly look at her again because the silence is making me feel dumber. It doesn't help that Melanie's expression is nothing short of shell-shocked, her mouth parted and eyes full of disbelief.
"You're a virgin?" She says it with a hint of sarcasm, like she's not taking me seriously.
"Why is that so hard to believe?" I mumble. I hate that this is killing the mood but I wanted her to know she's going to be my first. I mean, hopefully. If she still wants to after this fuck show.
"Oh my God, you're serious," She sits up then so she can look at me better I'm guessing. "How?"
"It's pretty easy actually. I have a dick and I've kept it as close to my body as possible all my life."
"Shut up," She smacks my shoulder, laughing. "I'm serious. How hasn't anyone jumped your bones and popped your cherry yet?"
"I'm not the kind of guy whose bones women want to jump?" I raise my brow on a guess. If I thought Melanie was in disbelief before it's nothing compared to now.
"How oblivious can you be, big guy? You're stupid hot and girls are constantly salivating at you. There was a chick sitting next to me at your match eyeballing you like you were her next meal and I was a second away from punching her in the throat."
A laugh bursts out of me at that unexpected comment. I'm equal parts amused and flattered and maybe a little afraid. "You almost punched someone just for looking at me?"
"She was looking at your junk! I know what I saw."
"I don't think that's true. It was a boxing match. Wouldn't she have been looking at my hands or something?"
"Oh, baby." Melanie shakes her head. "I think I'm starting to understand this whole virgin thing. You really can't read women, huh?"
My face grows warm again. "You know how I come across, Mel. If a woman isn't afraid of me or thinks I'm some kind of thug, they get put-off by the fact that I don't talk. Women don't exactly feel safe around a man my size who doesn't say a word. What would help them trust me enough to sleep with me?"
Melanie frowns again, laying on top of me and settling her chin on my chest. "But that's so unfair. You're so great and they're missing out."
"You can't exactly blame them. I just never learned how to make myself approachable to earn a woman's trust."
"You always seemed approachable to me from the very beginning."
"Because I was. Only ever with you."
Her face softens and she brings a hand up, running her fingers through my beard. "So, what's the most you've done with someone?" I hesitate a moment and she notices. "No, really. I want to know just so I know what's new to you and what isn't."
I shift a little uncomfortably. I don't know what she'll think of me once I tell her but she really does seem to want to know. "I really have not done much. My first kiss was when I was nineteen. I was a sophomore in college and my partner and I were working in the library on our project. It was late and she just...kissed me. Honestly I think she was just bored and horny. She tried to go further but I stopped her and left. It didn't feel right and I think I embarrassed her because she wouldn't even look me in the eye after that. I didn't kiss anyone again until a few years ago. It was the day we went to Nate's nightclub for the first time for Avery's birthday. Asher found someone to hook up with and sent her friend to me. I think he thought that's what I wanted. I wasn't opposed to it. We were in her car and she made the first move when she got tired of carrying the conversation and realized I didn't talk. We kissed and she took her shirt off and I...touched, but that was all. I left because I felt like I didn't know what I was doing, which I probably didn't. After that it was the day you kissed me in the bar. And now we're here."
Melanie blinks. "Kissing and some fondling? Nothing more?"
I shift again. "Does that turn you off?"
"What?" She sets her palms on the bed on either side of me and pushes up, looking down at me. "Are you crazy? Try the opposite, big guy. You seriously have no clue what kind of appeal you hold, do you?"
"Don't girls prefer guys who know what they're doing?"
Melanie smirks then. "It won't take you too long to know what you're doing. Not once have you touched and not made me absolutely crazy. You're doing just fine. Better, even."
Her words do one hell of a number on my confidence. It feels good to know I have the same affect on her as she has on me. "So, now what?"
"We take it step by step," She says simply. "Maybe we have sex today, maybe we don't. But stop stressing about it or overthinking. Just have fun with me. Focus on feeling good, nothing else."
I slide my hand behind her neck to bring her back down and her nose brushes mine. "I want the same for you, you know? I want you to feel good. I want to erase all your bad experiences with really good ones. I promise I'll figure out how to."
"You already have," She whispers and closes the distance between us, pressing her lips to mine in a kiss that feels different from our previous ones. This one is sweet and soft.
She pulls away and sits up on her knees, her hands going to the hem of her shirt. She holds my gaze as she lifts it over her head in one smooth motion. I don't even have time to process before she reaches behind her and does something, sliding her bra down her arms and discarding it. I feel my breath knock out of me like I was just punched in the gut. I can't look away. My eyes drink her up hungrily and she lets me stare. Her breasts are full and perky and I don't know why the nipple piercings surprise me. But they do and they only make me harder because fuck, Melanie has pretty tits. The metal compliments her dusty rose nipples perfectly, just big enough for the size of her tits. She also has a pair of angel wings tatted between them and all I feel is disbelief because she's so stunning, so interesting to look at, that already I'm hooked.
"Touch me," She commands softly and I meet her eyes again. They're intense and full of want. "With your hands. With your mouth. Touch me."
I feel a flash of nerves. What if she doesn't like what I do? What if she expects something better than I can give her? I want to impress her, want to drive her crazy and please her the way an experienced man could.
"Don't think," She murmurs. She grabs my hands and pulls them toward her chest, positioning one hand on each breast until I'm cupping her. We both jump a little at the first touch and I watch with fascination as her nipples become harder, turning smaller and rounding out. I pinch them out of curiosity and Melanie gasps, her eyelids fluttering. She likes that. So I do it again and roll them between my fingers. Melanie's back arches, her chest pushing into my touch like she wants more. More pressure? I press the pads of my thumbs down on her nipples and move them in circular motions, using the rest of my four fingers to squeeze her at the same time and she cries out, head falling back.
"Is this okay?" I rasp. It feels like I'm being too rough and I want to make sure I'm not hurting her.
"Amazing," She sounds breathless. "Keep going."
I look at her tits again. They look so smooth, so inviting, I want a taste. I let her go so I can use my elbows to prop myself up until my mouth reaches her. I wrap my lips around one of her nipples and suck on instinct. I do it a little tentatively at first but when Melanie moans, the sound so full of pleasure, I feel a rush of excitement and suck harder. I feel her hands slide through my hair to grip me in place, like she doesn't want me to stop. I taste her skin, and the metal of her piercing, flicking it with the tip of my tongue when I feel it shift a little to create more friction.
"Will it hurt?" I pull away to ask. My voice has never sounded so husky or deep and that's saying something. "If I tug on it?"
Melanie brings her head back down and her grin is pleased, if not a little boastful. "Told you you'd catch on fast. Do what you want, big guy. You won't hurt me if you get rough."
That's some good fucking news because I was holding back and my body is trembling from the resistance. I wrap my lips around her nipple again and my teeth latch onto the metal of her piercing, tugging the slightest bit and immediately soothing it with the flat of my tongue. I blow air onto the aggravated skin to give her some relief.
"Shit," She breathes and her grip in my hair tightens. "That felt so good, Wolfe. Do it again."
And I do. I give her other nipple the same treatment, feeling myself growing more and more relaxed as I experiment and listen for her moans to understand what she likes and what she really likes. She likes the roughness as opposed to the gentle touches, likes when I bite her nipples or squeeze her tits hard enough that I briefly wonder if I'm bruising her. But she just grows more wild, grinding down on me and becoming more unhinged. I wrap an arm around her waist to keep her in place when she starts squirming, practically fucking me on top of our clothes.
"Get rid of your shirt," She demands when I've marked her entire chest with small pinkish purplish bruises. For a moment I'm alarmed because I think I hurt her but she follows my line of sight, grinning. "These are hickeys. They don't hurt. They just mean you've paid very close to attention to these parts of me with your mouth."
She leans forward and her mouth latches onto my neck, sucking hard enough that I feel the sensation of her teeth scraping me right before she bites me. Hard. I curse at the mix of please and pain and my dick pulses in appreciation because fuck me, that was nice. Now I know why Melanie wants me to be rough with her. My head lolls back to give her better access and she continues sucking and biting me, soothing me with her tongue. Her hips move against mine again and I grip her ass, pushing her closer and urging her on at the relief it gives me. If this is how good it feels, what's it going to feel like when I'm inside of her? I can't imagine the kind of pleasure that'll bring but I want to find out. I want to feel that part of her, however I can.
"See?" She pulls away and replaces her finger on the spot where her mouth just was. "Now I marked you too."
I can't see it but the skin does feel a little sensitive there. Melanie trails that finger down my body until it reaches the hem of my shirt and she grabs it, tugging up. I roll so she's pinned underneath me and this time it's me who sits up, reaching behind me to grab the collar and pulling my shirt off. She's seen me shirtless plenty of times but this time it's different because she can touch me however she wants and we both know it. She grabs me by the band on my shorts and pulls me down again. I brace myself on my forearms and hold my weight off of her as our lips meet. She slides her hands to my back and pushes down until our naked upper bodies are pressed together. We both groan into each other's mouths, our kiss becoming more frantic. Her skin is hot and smooth and feels like fucking silk sliding against mine. I want to know how it feel for our entire bodies to touch like this.
I feel her hands move between us and pull away to see what she's doing. My brows go up as she starts sliding her jeans down and I look up at her in question. "Now what are we doing?"
She smiles in amusement but I'm not sure why. "You can use your hands and mouth on me here too. If you want."
I don't mean for my eyes to widen but they do. Of course I want to do that to her but...how?
"Will you teach me?" I ask quietly, a little embarrassed but way more fucking determined. I'm going to make her feel better than she's ever felt, somehow. "Teach me how to touch you and what you like. I want to learn your body, Melanie. I want to learn it better than my own."
Her eyes flash with something I can't name but the desire on her face couldn't be more clear. "God, you're so hot." She takes my hand before I can answer her and brings it to her panties. My eyes are still on hers when she says, "You take them off. I want you to feel confident from start to finish."
I nod and slip two fingers behind the hem, sliding them down her legs slowly until they're off. My breath catches at the first sight of her and I'm so enthralled that I freeze without meaning to. All I can do is stare.
"Melanie..." I whisper.
She's completely naked now and I'm stunned by how beautiful she is. She looks so soft everywhere, all curves and dips and rises. She's also inked in places I didn't notice before and I think I could sit here and stare at her for hours. She's like a real life canvas I can't get enough of, a canvas I want to mark with traces of me too. I run a hand down her stomach and slide it down to her hip, careful not to touch the very centre of her. That's what I'm most curious about. Maybe it's because I know that I can fit inside of her there, actually be inside of her, but the sight of her is filling me up with excitement and anticipation.
"You're so small," I can't help but comment. "Will you be able to take me?"
"I'll be fine," She chuckles. "It's probably a good idea to make me orgasm first, though. The wetter I am the easier it'll be for you to fit."
Right. Orgasm. My earlier nerves return and I grow serious. "How can I do that? Show me."
"Touch me and I'll tell you what I like," She runs a hand through my hair, her face tender. "You don't have to be nervous, big guy. I can promise you I've never felt so good being with a man before."
"Yeah?" I search her eyes for the truth.
"Yeah," She smiles. "Touch me and see for yourself."
Curious, I bring my hand to her pussy, pushing two fingers past her folds. I blink in surprise when they slide against her flesh immediately because she's wet. Really wet. Which means she likes this. I move my fingers up and down just to test the waters and look up when Melanie groans. Her eyes are shut tight, mouth parted, and her hips push up in a silent plea for more. I keep going, using my other hand to part her so I can see what I'm doing. Goddamn, she's fascinating. All pink flesh that's glistening, swollen. There's so many parts to her, it's a little intimidating. I don't know where to touch her.
"Where do you feel the most pleasure?" I ask.
"Everywhere when it's your hands," She smarts and I can't help my grin. Her hand blindly reaches down until her own finger is pushing on a small part of her, something that looks a little rounded and protruded. "But this right here. My clit. It gives me the most stimulation, like the head of your dick does for you?"
So, a fuck ton of pleasure then. That's got to be important. I make note of it as I press on it with my thumb. I mean, it does kind of look like a button so I figure pressing is the way to go. Melanie's hips surge up so suddenly that for a moment I think I hurt her but then I catch the look on her face and the sheer pleasure she's feeling. Interested, I push down on her clit again and move it around just to see how else I can stimulate it. I keep my eyes on Melanie and watch her face for cues. She likes it much better when I rub her in circles. I keep them wide and light at first but her eyes flutter open, losing some of their intensity. She likes that but not as much. I try more pressure, tighter circles and a little bit faster. This time she cries out and her head digs back into the pillow, her hips rocking in tune with my hand.
Pleased that I figured her out, I'm curious about the rest of her. I slide my middle finger all the way down until I feel a dip, a little nook that I push into and suddenly my finger is inside of her. Fuck, she's so soft on the inside. I've never felt anything like it.
"It's like velvet," I say in awe. I think I'm starting to understand why men are so addicted to sex. My dick being wrapped around something this plush, this wet? I become greedier at the thought of it and my hand picks up pace to match the excitement I'm feeling, pushing my finger in and out in a steady rhythm. Then I add one more to see how much she can take.
"Oh my God," She breathes. She grabs the headboard above her when her legs start to tremble. "I'm getting close."
"How do I take you all the way?" I move my hand even faster. I want to see what she looks like when I make her come, especially knowing it was my touch that did that to her.
"I want your mouth on me," It sounds like a plea, her chest rising and falling harshly. "Do you want to try?"
Fuck yes, I do. I don't even hesitate because I'm so in the moment, so drunk on the lust I'm surrounded in, our uneven breaths and the creak of the bed as we move and the scent of her pussy, that I stop thinking and just feel. I bend my head down and start by placing a kiss on her clit, then another, and then take it into my mouth and suck on it just like I did with her nipples.
"Oh!" Melanie's hand tugs at my hair, her legs locking around my neck. "Oh, fuck, Wolfe. Please."
I don't know what she's asking for but I don't want to come up for air to ask. Her taste, it's goddamn delicious. Sweet and kind of salty, thick enough to coat my tongue entirely and feel like another layer. I lick up and down her folds and try to lap up more of it and Melanie moans louder. It's an oddly satisfying sensation, like licking the inside of your cheek. I want to do more than just lick her and instinct once again takes the reigns, my tongue sliding down to her entrance and replacing my fingers when it pushes inside of her. Her walls grip the entire muscle as I pump it in and out of her, practically squeezing it and making it harder to move. But I keep going because Melanie really really likes this, her cries becoming more breathless and her hands impatient as she pushes my head as close to her as I can get.
"Wolfe," She whimpers. My name on her tongue when she says it like that is a fucking dream. "I'm...oh my God, right there."
I peer up at her through my lashes, my eyelids hooding at what I see. Melanie's head is thrown back in pure ecstasy, her mouth open and her eyes shut, one of her hands fisting into the bedsheet and the other tugging mercilessly at my hair. I can't believe I'm doing this to her, making her feel this good. I know she's seconds away from climax because she squeezes her eyes shut even tighter and her thighs tense, kind of like you would do when you're at the top of a roller coaster and anticipating the drop. I remember her comment about her clit bringing her the most pleasure and figure it's the push she needs to get to her release. My tongue continues to explore the inside of her as I bring my thumb back to her clit and rub it in those small and tight circles I know she likes. And she shatters.
"Fuck!" She screams, her entire body convulsing and trembling. It's like she's not even in control of her limbs anymore. They shake with vehemence as her mouth drops all the way open, her back arching and naturally bringing her pussy even deeper into my mouth. I don't stop. I suck on her, eat her up, and the look on her face is pain and torture in the best way. Her hair is matted to her forehead with sweat, her chest heaving rapidly, her body still spazzing. It's fucking beautiful. I watch her with open intrigue, such a fucking seductive image in front of me that my hand quickly cups the front of my shorts because I'm about to come as hard as her. I know she hasn't touched me yet but what I just did to her was so intimate and intense, I'm ready to fall apart too.
"Holy shit," She breathes when her body finally goes limp and her eyes reopen. She sits up on her elbows and stares at me disbelievingly. "There's no way that was your first time."
I feel the back of my neck grow hot from the compliment. I know I brought her to climax but hearing her approval makes it that much better. "Was that good for you?"
"Good?" She laughs, shaking her head. "The best orgasm I've ever had, and I've given myself some amazing ones."
Melanie touches herself? I can feel my blood heat up at the thought and I can't resist asking, "Would you ever let me watch one day? While you do that?"
She tilts her head, a curious smile playing on her lips. "Would you be into that?"
"Yes. A lot, I think."
"Okay," She murmurs. "Add that to our sex bucket list."
"We have a sex bucket list?"
"We do now," Her smirk is mischievous as she sits up on her knees. I suck in a breath at the sight of her. Jesus, she's so gorgeous. So perfect. I can't believe she trusts me enough to share her body with me like this. "Lie back, baby."
"What's happening?" I ask but follow her instructions anyways.
"It's your turn," She grabs my shorts by the waistband and pulls them down off my legs. My cock springs up and I cringe at how hard it is. I've royally pissed it off, keeping it away from relief as long as I have. Melanie's eyes lift once she discards my shorts and they immediately widen. "Christ! Look at the size of that thing! You sure live up to your name, huh, big guy?"
"I suppose," I mutter. My dick is proportionate to the rest of my body so it's only natural it's big in size. I wouldn't have gone as far as to say it's impressive but Melanie is clearly impressed.
"I wonder how much I can take in my mouth," She mumbles absentmindedly.
My eyes widen in alarm. Her mouth? "Uh, I don't think..."
"What's wrong?" She asks me.
"I'm seconds away from climax," I admit. No point in being shy now after all we did. "Touching you felt just as good to me. I know you want to return the favour but there's no way I'll last more than a few seconds. Maybe I should cool down first."
Melanie snorts. "Hell, no. After what you just did to me you're going to orgasm too. Look at how mad this thing is."
She studies my cock intensely, head tilted and one eye shut in inspection. Her grin screams approval and she's making me feel exposed on a deeper level than just my naked body. I shift with uncertainty. "Melanie..."
"Sorry," She apologizes with a laugh when she realizes she's embarrassing me. "I'm just really excited to touch you."
And she is. It's obvious by the look on her face and it does something weird to me, knowing how genuinely she wants me.
Before I can say anything else her hand wraps around me and my breath hitches, my lungs threatening to give out on me. Holy hell, that's nice. Nobody has had their hands on me except myself and I'm taken back by how good this feels. Even the image of it, her dainty fingers barely able to meet as she holds the weight of me and starts pumping. I fist the sheets tightly and think of anything except what's happening to me or I'll lose it. I don't want this to be over so soon.
"Mel," I choke out. Already I'm sweating with the effort of holding back. There's no way I can keep this up.
"It's okay," She urges, her thumb swiping over the pre-cum that's gathered on the head of my cock and bringing it down, making her movement more fluid. My thighs tense in warning. It's going to happen. "Want to come in my mouth?"
She's killing me. Fucking killing me. This is all so much, so many new things that bring all kinds of pleasure that my body is on overload. I should stop and take a minute but I can't. So I nod jerkily and Melanie's mouth opens to take me in, her warm and wet mouth encompassing about half of my length, her hand squeezing what's left. She sucks on the tip, her tongue running along the underside of the head, and that's all it takes. Sparks so intense they feel like electricity shoot out from the base of my spine down my legs, bursting at my knees. I feel my body lose control as it jerks, my hips lifting automatically and forcing more of myself into Melanie's mouth. I grab her hair to steady myself but it's no use. I have no control over my limbs and they shudder violently. For a moment my vision blackens because the pleasure I'm feeling is so intense and I gasp for air, crumbling apart at the sensation of her tongue licking me and her other hand fondling my balls, only making me come harder.
"Jesus Christ," I growl. It's like it won't end, only intensifies because Melanie won't stop. It's torture and satisfaction all at once. Melanie sucks me off harder, her cheeks growing hollow, and I groan at the sound of her swallowing me up. Fucking hell, she's so hot. I can't believe she's doing this to me. She's even moaning in the back of her throat like this is turning her on more than me. Before I know it, one orgasm turns into another and I moan miserably because I didn't know there was such a thing as too much pleasure. It's so much, so good. My fingers dig into her scalp. "Motherfucker."
I feel Melanie release me even as I'm coming, probably unable to take more of me. It's a good thing I'm lying down because I would have fell to my knees when she takes my dick between her tits and pushes them together, fucking me with her rack. My bones feel like jello but I force myself on my elbows to watch, grumbling deep in my throat at the sight of her tits fucking me while my cum bleeds all over her chest and throat. She keeps going and doesn't stop until my body loses all of its tension, releasing me when I fall back against the bed. I can't catch my breath. Those were singlehandedly the most intense orgasms I've ever had and I haven't even fucked her yet.
"This is insane," I whisper to the ceiling. My eyes fall shut and I swallow hard when I feel Melanie kissing my now-soft cock, spurring it on. "It can't get any better than this, can it?"
"It will," I hear her promise right before she crawls up my body, leaning down to kiss me. I grab the back of her head to angle her, hungrily chasing her tongue until mine is shoving down her throat. She moans into my mouth, kissing me harder until my lips feel like they're bruised. When she pulls away, we're both breathless. "Because it's you and me."
Great news! I'll be updating regularly on Sunday's once again!
MY HEART. MY SOUL. MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE. MAMMA MIA!!!!! All that fire and it's only foreplay? I am so not ready (but seriously and undeniably ready) for these two to get under the sheets.
Also I love that Wolfe is a virgin and it's Melanie who's showing him the ropes. I think it's so endearing but so unbelievably hot how curious and eager he is to learn about sexual intimacy! I'm seriously head over heels.
Please VOTE, comment and share if you liked this chapter!
Happy Reading :)
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