Sphnix [7]
King Jungkook eyes never left the Queen's sight. He kept his distance, since she didn't look so happy when she arrived to the ballroom. He was watching his cousin talking to the two Lamia like they been friends their whole life. He noticed, the Queen's smile was wider and brighter then he has ever seen her smile. And he caught him smiling because of that sight.
Jimin came up behind the king, but didn't say a word. He was watching the king as he watch the Queen. Jimin has never seen his friend like this with a women. Usually when he see a beautiful girl, he goes up to them but right now, he is keeping his distance. Jimin wonder what was so different now.
Jimin decides to let the king know he was there.
"You know Lamia's women are known to draw men in with just a smile. Have you seen that kind of impact yet?"
King Jungkook looks at his friend in question. "Don't you think they are beautiful?"
"I do. Princess Rose is the most beautiful women I have seen." He said as he watch the Lamia Princess measuring the wall. Then he turn to the king, "The Queen is also beautiful."
King Jungkook narrows his eye at Jimin. "How about you keep your eyes Princess Rose and not the queen, yeah?"
Jimin smirks at the king's possessiveness. "Sure, I will. But I am not the only man who thinks these Lamia girls are beautiful."
The king whole body faces Jimin and cross his arms. "Who else?"
Jimin mimic his actions. "Sehun."
One word. One name. One person boils the king's skin. The king knew he had some kind of interest in the Queen. The fact that the Queen never put any boundaries or distance with Sehun's obvious pitiful flirting, bothered the king.
"Well, Queen Lalisa is too good for man like Sehun." King Jungkook grumbles to Jimin.
Jimin raise an brow at the king's behavior. Jimin is starting to convince himself that Queen Lalisa is a witch. It would have to explain the king's behavior.
"What is happening right now?" Jimin ask with a smirk.
The king straightened his posture as he realized he was acting like a child. He clears his throat. "Nothing. I just think as a queen she shouldn't settle for anybody."
Jimin smirks widen. "And what kind of guy should she be with?"
The king wasn't sure why he was acting like this. He has no intention in being a relationship with the Queen. She interest him for sure, to him the Queen is beautiful, and her smile radiates so much energy. But the king wasn't interested in a relationship.
He told himself to stop acting like a jealous fool.
"You know what?" The king said to Jimin in a matter of fact tone. "I don't care."
Jimin smirks disappears. Jimin knew it was a wrong approach to the king like that. The king wouldn't confess his feelings immediately. Jimin did hope maybe he would but he knew better.
"Well, I think Princess Rose needs a dress for the ball. And I believe the queen will be going to town with her to find a dress. Many eyes will be on the Queen, and you know what would be great?" Jimin ask the king with enthusiasm.
The king looks at his friend as if he was crazy, "What?"
Jimin smirks, "If a Sphnix capture the Queen's attention and she marries someone from our side and we could have peace. Maybe she will find a man in the city."
King Jungkook turns his whole body to Jimin with dark eyes. "The Queen will not marry a common man."
Jimin rolls his eye, "You keep saying things like that but it's not you that decides who she marries."
King Jungkook didn't like what his friend was saying. He took a deep breath because he knew he couldn't hit his second in demand.
"But if you have someone in mind, I would introduce him to her." Jimin said.
Jimin was trying his best to motivate the king to act on his feelings. He wasn't sure if it will work because Jungkook never really been interested in a women before. But he is doing his part while Princess Rose does her's.
King Jungkook looks over the queen again, and he watches her as she listen to the two princesses. She was smiling from ear to ear and her eyes sparkle as she was very interested in the ball.
King Jungkook wonder what would it take for the queen to stay a little longer so she can attend the ball. She seems like she wants to go but had duties as queen to her land is stopping her to stay. Then King Jungkook realized that he wanted the queen there more than he wanted.
The Queen's eyes glance over at the king and they stayed still for a moment. King Jungkook heart starts to beat rapidly as she gives him a warm feeling just by looking at him. King Jungkook doesn't know exactly why she have this power over him. He didn't necessarily object to the feeling but he just didn't understand why.
Queen Lalisa was the first to look away as Princess Jennie was telling her something. When the queen walk away, Princess Jennie stood there with the same smirk as Jimin. King Jungkook then look over at Jimin, which he was also looking at the king.
"Why the hell is everyone smirking at me as if they all know something and I don't?" He ask Jimin.
Jimin's smirk didn't disappear but stayed put on his face. He shrugs his shoulders, "It's not a secret, maybe you should take a better look at things."
His second command just pats his hand on the king's shoulder and walks toward the three ladies. King Jungkook watches his friend walk away thinking about what he just said.
"It's not a secret, maybe you should take a better look at things."
What kind cryptic shit is that? The king questions. His looks at the others in irritation. Jungkook knew he was a great king because he was observant, organized and looks into details. He looks into things to the very T.
The king stomps away in irritation, up the stairs to his studies and halted when he see's RM talking to the Queen's advisor. The two look extremely nervous, and the king was suspicious of it.
"What's going on?" The king as the two.
Jisoo eyes widen at the voice of the king. RM was calm and collective.
"Nothing, we were just discussing about a theory we have." RM explains.
"What theory is that?" He question the two but Jungkook's eye were on Jisoo.
"We believe the shipment issue is someone working in trying to make a statement." RM answers.
The king suspected this, so he wasn't surprise. The gut feeling he was worried about was a Sphinx was trying to start war somehow. So that is why he wanted the Queen in his home so they receive any news, he would know.
He highly doubts its an inside job of the Lamia, if they were suffering, the person would be hated. Since we were benefiting, the finger most likely is pointing to a Sphnix.
King Jungkook knows that it would be bad if the queen assume that King Jungkook was doing this. He intend to find out who is making trouble and disrupt peace between the Lamia and Sphnix.
His concern now is the Queen's advisor knowing someone in either Sphnix and Lamia is trying to make a statement in a bold idiotic way.
RM notices the worries in the king eyes and decides to speak up.
"Jisoo said before she go to the queen with this news, she would want all her information is accurate and backed up with evidence." RM tells him.
The king internally grateful that the Lamia don't act before thinking, that's one of the flaw the king has. Because he wanted to answers and results, he tend to lash out.
"Thank you for understanding." King Jungkook have Jisoo gratitude.
"I am not saying that I don't suspect you. I just want my queen to jump into conclusions. I intend to keep get more information and I do hope you don't see the Queen Lalisa bad side." Jisoo said as she look into the king's eyes and walks away.
The king was surprise with the sudden change of behavior of the Queen's advisors. She normally is shy and quiet but what he just witness was a whole new person.
"Scary isn't it?" RM question brings the king out of thought. King Jungkook looks over at RM in agreement. "Yeah, I didn't understand how she could be an advisor at first because she was quiet and reserved but when we got into business, she was determined and very detail. She also stands her ground when it comes to the people of the Lamia."
King Jungkook cross his arms at he listens to RM. When he thought he got the Lamia figured out, something catches his attention all over again.
"What's are next plan to finding out who is behind all this?" King Jungkook ask.
"Well, I was thinking about observing the people a little more closely." RM suggests.
"How do you suppose we do that?"
RM shrugs his shoulder, "Lets go into town, talk to the people."
King Jungkook was going to tell RM that needs to do that tomorrow but an idea came to the king's head. Since Princess Rose is looking for a dress, that the king could go in the city with the Lamia.
"That's a great idea. Do I have meeting tomorrow?" King Jungkook ask RM.
"Two, but I can go. You should stay here with the Queen." RM tries to object.
"Well, the princess need to find a dress, we should help her." He tells RM.
"The Princess?" RM questions. "Doesn't your cousin have enough dresses."
"No, Princess Rose." King Jungkook clarifies.
"Ahh, I see. Do I need to prepare drivers to go to the city?"
"Yes, thank you RM for your hard work."RM bows King Jungkook, and was turning away when the king stops him. "Tell Queen Lalisa, she doesn't need to attend the meeting and to prepare for the outing tomorrow."
"But I thought the we were going for Princess Rose?" RM questions.
"Yes we are but the queen should come as well." He tells RM.
King Jungkook wanted to see how the queen would act at a more casual environment. He wasn't quite sure why he wanted that, but he did. And the idea of being with her for any occasion seems like an idea he wanted very much.
Author's note
Hey guys sorry for not updating. I had this chapter but I didn't edit it. I just want to post something for you. I been busy with school and work. I didn't forget, it's just I have things.
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