Sphnix [3]
At the Sphinx palace, King Jungkook was back at his meetings with important high families. There were three city councilmen, two men who own the biggest land in Sphinx, beside the palace of course, and three men who have some biggest investment in the area.
All these people are wealthy and well known to the Sphinx. They come together and talk about business and such so they can have an understanding what they have plan for their people.
"There is a land along the bayside that needs some tending." One city councilman states.
"Do you have people you can assign to tend to that?" The king ask the man.
"Yes, with your permission, since it's not in my area." The man said.
"You have my permission." King Jungkook said as he watch RM writes all this done. "Is there anything else that we need to discuss?" King Jungkook check his watch and realize they been in this meeting for two hours now.
"There is one thing I would like to discuss but it may be overstepping my boundaries." One of the biggest land owners, Joo Sang Wook states out.
This grabs the king and RM attention. "Please continue."
"Well, it pertains two matters. One the royal ball and the second is the your heir." Mr. Wook said to the King with out blinking.
RM and the king looked at one another confused.
"What heir?" Jungkook questions
"Exactly." Mr. Wook said.
Everybody in the room went silent. They all knew it was bold and risky for Mr. Wook to be talking like that to the king.
RM internally curse, because he knew this was going to be an issue one day. He has been King for more than five years and has yet thought of what is next with his crown.
People may think it's early but the King hasn't even said anything about being interested in someone. Everybody knows, an heir is what secure the crown. But Jungkook never thought of it as a threat.
Clearly he was wrong.
"You think I need an heir." King Jungkook said with a low tone.
All eyes widen but Mr. Wook.
"You aren't a child anymore, and let be realistic about this." Mr. Wook said.
"And you think I'll find my wife at the Royal Ball?" Jungkook question again.
"Well we can only hope." Mr. Wook has a deceiving smile on his face.
King Jungkook was imagining him punching till that smile was permanently gone.
"Do you all think this is an issue?" Jungkook ask the remaining men in the room. Nobody said anything, which meant they do. But he wanted to hear them. He bangs his hand on the table. "Do you all think this is an issue?!?!?!" He yells out.
All the men,including RM, flinched at King's question.
There was mumbles and whispers a yes throughout the room.
"I see." The king fixes his collar. "If you all think this is best, I guess the Royal Ball is back on."
There was one person clapping and that person was Mr. Wook.
"Wise choice. My niece Tzuyu will be attending. I'll make sure she save you a dance."
"Fantastic." The king said through his teeth. He took a deep breath from his nose. "Meeting is done. You all may leave."
Everyone stood up from their chair and left the room.
RM went to the liquor cabinet and pour some scotch in a glass for the King.
He brought it over to him. "Breathe." RM tells him.
"Why is an heir important now?" The king ask as he massage his temples.
"You know as well as I do, it's to secure the crown. If you do not have an heir, and something happens to you. What do you think will happen?" RM ask him.
The king lifts his head to look at his advisor to hear the answer.
"People will fight for the crown, and it will be another war. And then people will split again."
Jungkook hands went to hair in frustration. Another thing on his plate and he is slightly annoyed.
He took a deep breath as drops his hand and stood up. He looks at RM as he is trying to hold everything together.
"Cancel all my meetings and tell Jennie that the ball is back on. I am going to let some steam off." He tells RM. "Oh and try to get an update from Jimin."
The King walks out of the room, RM slumps down to the chair in exhaustion. When the King is stress like this, RM knows his days will feel longer.
There was knock on the door and he sees the Princess coming in with concern.
"Is my cousin okay?" She ask.
"No he's not." RM answers. "Good thing for you, the Ball is back on."
Princess Jennie smiles and she runs to RM and hugs him. "Really?"
RM laughs, "Yes."
Suga, suddenly came in the room as Jennie and RM hugs. "Uh hmm." He clears his throat to get their attention.
His eye stayed on RM when Jennie pulls away. Jennie smirks at Suga's possessiveness.
One hand went to RM shoulders, she gave him a gently squeeze, which Suga noticed.
"Thank you RM for telling me. I'm so excited." Jennie said. She lets go of RM's shoulder and walk towards Suga. "Can you follow me please?" She ask Suga.
Suga follows Jennie towards her room and when they enter she closes it. They look at each other. One face was passive, the other was amused with the situation.
Jennie crosses her arm, "What is wrong with you?"
Suga scoffs at her question. "You shouldn't be hanging on a man like that."
She raise a single eyebrow, "Why not? I'm not taken."
His eyes went to hers and squints his eyes. "Yes, so am I, aren't I?" He challenges her.
Her face became serious. She drops her arms and walks toward Suga till there toe to toe. "Yes you are. But what do you plan on doing?"
He watcher her face reaction, he is trying to figure out what game she's playing. "We are just stating facts."
"Uh huh." Her hands grabs Suga's face and brings it down till here faces are an inch away. "Please Yoongi, kiss me." She whispers.
He hesitates but as he looks into the Jennie's and he didn't see a princess. He saw the love of his life from the teenage years. He convince himself to let his guard down for this moment.
He grabs her waist and his lips finally reaches her. They kiss with so much passion, because they didn't know when they will be like this again.
He groan as she nips the bottom of his lips. He hoist her bridal style and walks towards her bed. He misses her lips on his. He remembers the first time they kiss, Jimin teases them for two months about it.
But Suga didn't care, he knew since the first kiss, she was it for him.
Jennie did her best to undress him but he stops her. Jennie furrow her brow in confusion when he stop her.
"What's wrong?" She ask.
"You know we can't go any further." He breaths out.
"We can." She argues.
"No we can't Jennie." He backs away.
"Are you fucking kidding right now? I'm throwing myself at you, and you are saying no?"
Suga didn't answer her. He simply put his cloths back on. "I'm sorry."
"Get out." She orders.
"Don't be like this." He begs.
"Get out!" She yells.
He debated what he should do but he can see the tears on the brim of her eyes and she hates it when people see her cry. He knew from experience, it's best to let her collect her thoughts.
He walks out of her room, feeling like he broke her heart.
The King was in the gym lifting weights and running. He was trying to relieve some stress on his mind. He was going a damn good job at ruling.
He was thinking about the people, he was making sure everyone was at peace and that's all that should matter.
But now he has think about knocking up a girl to get an heir so everybody could be happy.
That's fucking ridiculous, he thinks to himself.
When he was done from running, Bam Bam was there to hand him a towel to dry his sweat.
"Would you like we to get you a bottle of water?" Bam Bam ask.
"Please." He said the Bam Bam.
Bam Bam went to the fridge that was in the corner of the gym and had it to the king. Jungkook drank the whole bottle in one gulp. He threw the empty bottle across the room.
He put his hands on his waist as he was trying to catch his breath.
"Bam, do you think a heir is important?" He ask his guard.
Bam Bam was clearly surprise by his question. "If you are asking me to be honest, well my mom actually ask me how come you haven't been dating."
The king rolls his eyes, so it's it a big deal. He thought.
"Well where the fuck am I going to find decent girl who wants to be without an alternative motive?" He ask Bam Bam.
Bam Bam shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know but you can start by just being open mind to it."
The king understood why it's an issue, he is just irritated at the fact this matter was brought up when dealing with Lamia, and he personally still feel young to be settle down.
RM was in his personal office, getting a hold of Jimin. It took him some time for what ever reason, but it was the it was close to dinner time and nothing from Jimin's
RM was worried, but he told himself, no news is better than bad news. He tried convince himself that they just need more time.
RM was in the middle of paperwork when the King walks into his office. The king went to RM personal liquor cabinet. He grab two bottle of beers, handing one to RM.
"Thanks." RM thanks the king as he grab the beer.
"No problem." Jungkook tells RM as he took a chug of beer.
"What's on your mind?"
"If I must find a women and impregnate this women, how will I know she is the right one?" The King has him.
RM chuckles, "I don't know. Unfortunately that's part of life. We don't always know who is honest."
"Well how the fuck am I going to find someone who won't burn my city to the ground?" The king was getting frustrated.
"Well, we will be there to guide you. We will keep an eye on her or any women." RM explains to him.
"I don't know how trust people, you people are the only one I trust. How can I trust an random women?" The king tells him.
"I don't think people are expecting marriage and a kid now. They are more concern you haven't thought or consider an relationship." RM explains.
The king nods his head in understanding. And he really did. He remembers his father telling him that it is important to find a good women, a caring and responsible women. Someone who loves the people as much as he did.
He always wonder why his dad would tell him that but I guess he got the answer now, because the people will question it as well.
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