Lamia [8]
Queen Lalisa and Princess Rose were looking around the store for a dress that the princess may like. They believe that the Princess Jennie needed to calm down from her interaction with her guard.
Jisoo was still sitting on the couch talking to V. Jisoo may not admit it but the queen thought it was sweet that she was interacting with someone beside the queen and the princess.
"What color are you thinking of?" Queen Lalisa ask her cousin.
Princess Rose was looking through some dresses as she was thinking about Lisa's question. "Umm not sure." She looks over at the Queen, "Jennie's dress was black and a little color. I was thinking something a little brighter."
Lisa nods her head. "I see, how about this one?" A short royal blue dress came in Rose's view.
Rose gave a disgusted look, "Not my color and I dont think a short dress is for a ball."
Lisa understood. "Do you like the corset look like Princess Jennie's?"
Rose's eyes lit up, "Yes!"
A small chuckle came out the queen's lips. "I'll go look over there." Lisa tells Rose as she went to the other side of the store.
Queen Lalisa were admiring all the dresses and she can tell by the material, these dresses were all hand made. She always respected and found the kind of clothing the best one.
The Queen was lost in her own thoughts, she didn't notice a presence behind her. The king was there watching the queen hands slowly gliding the dresses. The way her eyes were looking at every detail, he could see she was in a trance.
Lisa step back a moment to look at one particular dress but stumbled when she accidentally ran to someone.
She heard a small grunt but immediately froze when she smell a familiar cologne. She hesitantly turn around and saw the king looking at her with a smirk.
"Are you alright?" He ask.
The queen shyly nods her head as she stood a step back. "Sorry, I didn't see you there."
"It's okay." He replies.
The two were quiet. Queen Lalisa could feel the weird atmosphere between the two and didn't know by they do this to each other. She remembered Princess Jennie's suggestion about her and king.
They way these two are around each other when others around them, they become so awkward but when they are alone like in the car, they are so comfortable. It confuses the queen. She didn't know how she felt.
She shook her head from the confusion. "Is Princess Jennie okay?"
The king looks at the queen, "Yes. Sorry about that. Jennie and her guard have a history."
"I see that. What exactly is going on there?"
King Jungkook took a deep breath, "Oh a lot. They are in love. But it took them a long time to realize it. Now that he is her guard, the two realizes their feelings."
Queen Lalisa face turn into confusion. "But their in love, and they know it. What is the problem?"
This time the look of confusion appears on King Jungkook, "Well he we have a rule, a guard can not fall in love with someone in the palace."
Queen Lalisa eyes widen, "Why?"
"If the guard are in love with someone in the castle and it puts an issue of the person they are protecting. Basically, don't mix pleasure with business."
"But if the person he a guarding is the person he is in love with, how is that an issue?"
King Jungkook lips went into a straight line and his eyes became serious. "And if one day, my life was in danger, he would need to choose me. Not her."
Queen Lalisa understood what he was saying. Fortunately the Lamia doesn't have any rules applied to who they should and should not fall in love with. But Sphnix is all about the power of Law and Order, and for Lamia's power is love and adventurous.
"I see. I don't agree but I respect it." Queen Lalisa tells him.
"You don't agree?" King Jungkook ask.
"Yes but this is your land. And you have your own laws. So I respect it." Queen Lalisa said again.
King Jungkook body became tense. "What don't you agree about? You are a queen, shouldn't your life always be protected at the end?"
Queen Lalisa nods her head as she turns to look at some dresses. She couldn't feel the king following her. "Yes, I agree on that. But I have many guards. I'll always be protected no matter what."
She could see he wasn't getting it. "And if everyone was in love and they chose to save the life of the person they love. How would you survive?" The king questions again.
The queen halted, and turns to face the king. Her eyes gaze towards the king. "If everyone was in love with someone?" King Jungkook nods his head. "And then the person who loves me would protect me with the same amount of determination as the guard or even more." King Jungkook eyes froze at her words. "And I would do the same for the person I love."
King Jungkook eyebrows furrow in confusion again. "Pardon?"
A small smirk appears on the queen face. "I would fight and protect the love of my life as well. If his guard had to choose his love, then I would protect him."
Queen Lalisa knew in the Sphnix's side the men rule but the Lamia, women were equal. She knew this would confuse the king.
"You see King Jungkook, I know you think the men is always stronger and will be the one whose saves the day. But I was raise and taught, a women can do the same. Thus why I am a queen with out a man by my side." She made sure she emphasizes the last sentence.
King Jungkook felt the need to explain something but didn't know what to say. He was speechless.
"I didn't mean any offense Queen Lalisa. It's just I finally see how different we are. I see what you are saying. I never meant to imply, you need a man. Obvious that's not the case. It's just women are different here...."
"Yes and that is what you are comfortable with. So you will find a good Sphnix women, who you can be a hero for and I will have a Lamia man, who can believe in me as I believe in him."
Queen Lalisa could feel eyes on us. At a distance, it may see like we are having an argument, which is far off. It's more of a teaching lesson. Never the less, she was here to help Rose find a dress and that is what she wants to do.
"Excuse King Jungkook, I see a dress that my cousin may like." With that Queen Lalisa left a confuse king frozen at his spot.
A beautiful yellow dress with a corset top, with blue flowers dress came into the queen view. It screamed Rose to her. She grab the dress and ask the salesperson to put this dress in the dressing room.
Princess Rose finally showed up next to the queen side. "Hey What was that about?" She ask.
"What was what about?" Lisa ask.
Rose gave her cousin, 'don't play stupid' look. Lisa sign out. "You know, a typical man with his typical thought of what a women is and should be, kind of thing." Lisa swipe her hand as if it was nothing.
Rose didn't have a good feeling about this. Sometime men can feel Lisa's strong aura is too much. And she hope it wasn't too much for the king.
"Lisa, please tell me you didn't go equal rights on him?" Rose ask.
Lisa rolls her eyes. "No, don't worry about it." Rose open her mouth to speak but closes when Lisa turn her around and push her to the dressing room. "I found a dress that you are going to love. Try it on!" She closes the door on the Princess before she could say another word.
Jisoo finally walk up the Queen. "Queen Lisa, is Princess Rose in there?" She ask.
"Yes. She is trying on a dress." Lisa replies, as she crosses her arms. "Enjoying yourself I see?" She teases Jisoo.
A hint of pink appears on Jisoo's cheek. "It's okay."
"It's okay?" Queen Lalisa ask back. Her eyes glanced at V, as he stares at Jisoo. "The man is totally smitten over you!"
"Shhhh...." Jisoo said as her face is a bright tomato.
"Oh but she is right!" Rose said through the dressing room.
Jisoo rolls her eyes, "Not you too Princess?"
"We are only stating what we see. He looks a like a good man. A little sidetracked but I think it's because of you." Queen Lalisa.
"What are you saying?" Jisoo ask Lisa.
Lisa grabs Jisoo's hand. "This man is head over heels for you. And you don't seem too against it. Give it a chance."
You can see behind Jisoo's eyes, she was thinking. But Rose shrieks out.
"Lisa! This dress is beautiful!" Rose said out loud that grabbed everyone's attention.
Jimin walks up to the two ladies outside Princess Rose's dressing room. "May we see you?" He ask.
Queen Lalisa and Jisoo eyes widen Jimin's courage. He noticed the look and clear his throat, "Only if you want." He clarifies.
There was a moment of silence, "Is that Jimin?"Princess Rose ask.
Jimin cautiously took a step toward the dressing room, "Yes."
"I see.. Umm no I don't think I will." Princess Rose tells him.
Jimin face showed disappointment, but removed it instantly. After two minutes, Rose was out the dressing room. She sees Jimin still standing there.
"Ma'am, I'll take this dress." Princess Rose tells the salesperson without taking her eyes off of Jimin.
"How come you didn't want to show us?" Jisoo ask.
A smirk appears on Rose's lips, eyes still on Jimin. "I wanted it to be a surprise. You know the full effect?" Rose shrugs her shoulders as if it was nothing "Who knows, maybe I can make a man speechless." She gives Jimin a little wink and walks away.
The three Lamia ladies walk to the register to pay for the dress. As they did that, Jimin walk to the king Jungkook.
"You okay?" He ask the king.
"Yeah. These Lamia ladies are something aren't they?" King Jungkook ask Jimin.
Jimin blew out a breath. "You have no idea."
When the ladies were done paying, a commotion was outside the store. The king and Jimin tense up, wondering what is going on.
The two guard, Suga and Jackson walks in with a few men. A familiar face caught Queen Lalisa attention.
"I heard the king was in the city with a few unfamiliar faces. And I knew instantly I had to come and say hi or maybe tag along." Sehun, one of the business men knew Lamia's were here. He saw Queen Lalisa and walk up to her and grabs her right hand to give a small kiss. "It's a pleasure to see you again Queen Lalisa."
Jisoo and Rose eyes held curiosity in them. The man was ballsy and a real smooth talker.
"The pleasure is all mine. This is my cousin Princess Rose and my advisor Jisoo." Queen Lalisa introduces the two. And the did the same gestures to each of the ladies.
"I see we are shopping." Sehun took the time and look around the store. "For dresses, I see." He eyes the queen on the side with a smile. "For a ball maybe?"
"Yes, Princess Rose will be attending." Queen Lalisa tells him.
A small frown appears on him. "And you will not?"
Queen Lalisa shakes her head. "No, I must be back home."
Sehun nods his head. "I see." He claps his hand together surprising everyone. "Well, I was wondering, if you would like to join me for a late lunch." Sehun ask the queen.
Princess Rose and Jisoo had a teasing smile on them. They clearly see the charisma in Sehun.
"Actually, I already reserve a restaurant to have lunch for all of us." King Jungkook interrupted the interaction between Sehun and the queen.
"You did?" Jimin question. King Jungkook turns and glares at the Jimin. He finally understood, "You did!" Jimin repeated in a believable voice.
Sehun eyes the king then the queen skeptically. "Well can I join you?"
"Yes.", "No." both the king and queen said in unison. The two both eye each other with confusion and anger.
The king gives a sarcastic smile, "Well i have to make sure the restaurant have enough chairs." He tell Sehun.
"You rented the restaurant. I'm sure they have more than 10 chairs." Sehun tells King Jungkook.
King Jungkook eyes were piercing through Sehun eyes. "Common curtesy to check. But why not? Sure join us." Everyone can tell King Jungkook did not like it.
King Jungkook step away from the queen and Sehun to have RM do hard task. "Call a restaurant, any! And have it rent out. I'll pay whatever." RM eyes the king as if he was crazy. "Now!" He demands.
When RM left, he went back to Queen. But she was gone. So was Sehun. He step outside and finally saw the queen with Sehun showing her jewelry.
The Queen smiles brightly as the two was discussing something. King Jungkook fist rolled up and you can see his hands turning white from the lack of circulation.
As if the queen can sense the glare, she turns around and see the king. Then she did something that shock him. She gave him a small wink.
And just like that, he knew she was playing a game.
Author's Note:
Hey guys! Long time hasn't it. I'm sorry for the lack of updates but I have so much school work. It's kind of overwhelming.
I hope everyone is doing well and being safe.
I'm not sure when I'll update. I really hope it is soon, though. But school is my main focus right now. College sucks, especially with everything that is going on.
I have Biology exam tomorrow and I am not prepared at all. But wish me luck.
So I kind of want to do this thing and talk to you guys. Ask you you opinion and I'll do the same back.
So question of the chapter:
Who do you think would be the first member that would speak out freely and say they are dating?
If age, didn't matter, I think V. I don't know if you realized lately but he has a idgaf attitude lately. Not a bad way, but more like, I work hard and I deserve to have a life too kind of attitude. Which I totally respect.
Jin is a good age where he should be taking dating seriously but I don't he is dating.
I kind of want to know what JK, V, Suga and J Hope are doing. I think Suga and J hope are relaxing but V and JK, I think they are doing something. Or maybe it's my Lizkook head in lalala land. Lol
Anyways, stay safe. 💜
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