Lamia [21]
Did not proofreads
Queen Lalisa meeting with her councilmen was a little different from King Jungkook. Many were disappointed in her and some were thrilled because they would have an actual man to rule. As much as arrogant those men are, these men still helped her father help his people and she will have to respect them.
They all agreed that to meet the king. They were still skeptical but nonetheless they were curious of the king. The news of her pregnancy was a unexpected and their reaction surprised her as well.
"Queen Lalisa, as much as we believe some kind of betrayal to go to Sphnix side but with the news of your pregnancy is great news." One man stood up and said.
"We hope you have a safe pregnancy and may your son grow up healthy and well." Another man said.
My son?
"What makes you think she will have a boy?" Princess Rose asked.
The men chuckles, "Well we can only hope." Another man said.
Lisa was filled with rage and betrayal. "With all due respect men, do not forget when our people collide, there will some men demoted. People make sure you all behave yourself."
All the men shut their mouth. Even with the men's silence, she still didn't feel satisfied.
Why have I not chosen a few women to be part of the council party? She questions.
Lisa stood from her chair and walked out in annoyance. She heard footsteps and noticed it was Jisoo following her.
"Queen Lalisa." Jisoo calls our.
Lisa took a deep breath before turning. "Yes Jisoo."
"You know these men were set on having a king, and this is the first time a women ruled solo. But you are still an amazing queen. And they can't get that through their head."
Lisa lips went into a straight line. "I have been Queen for some time. And I have a women as an advisor. You would think these men would respect women a little more." She stops and looks at Jisoo. "Am I a great Queen? Why does a throne have to be successful with a man in it?"
Jisoo gave Lisa a small smile, "You are a wonderful queen. You handled a situation that your father never had the chance to settle. And if he was king, and knew the Sphnix were being benefits of the prices of the shipment, we would be at war at this moment. And with that, families would be broken, people would be dead, and he wouldn't have know his own sister betrayed him. Men think before they act. They are impatient. They don't have our mindset." Jisoo held Lisa hands, "People truly believe without a Queen, a throne can't be successful as well. It takes two. You and King Jungkook are changing history."
Lisa couldn't help but smile. Jisoo is left the Queen, so she can calm down a little. Stress isn't good for the baby or her. She walked towards her room but stopped at her mother's library. She never once stepped in there since her parents death.
She walked in and notices a few children book that her mother use to read to her. There was a couch and table where her mother would always read and write. On the side of the room was a piano. Lisa never played but her mother was amazing at it. She remembered her father telling her, he swore she cast a spell on him the first time he heard her played.
She smile at the memories of parents. Her dad was rough and stern but when it comes to her mother, he was loyal, sweet and sometime cheesy. A small giggle escaped her lips when she realized that is exactly King Jungkook was.
She would be seeing King Jungkook soon and she couldn't wait to be in his arms and finalize everything so that they can always be together.
It's been five days since the meeting the councilmen, and today will be the day King Jungkook arrive with his councilmen to meet the Lamia councilmen. Everyone's nerves were unstable but all Queen Lalisa cared about was seeing King Jungkook.
When he finally arrived, they had to keep composure first. They had to make sure men on each side knew that this decision wasn't built on just love but also for the best of both people.
King Jungkook was there on the bottle of the stairs in between 50 councilmen, along side with Jimin, Namjoon and Princess Jennie. It was same with Queen Lalisa, the two waited till Namjoon and Jisoo said it was okay to greet one another.
Finally King Jungkook took the first step up and everyone followed. When everyone was near Queen Lalisa, she greeted them.
"Good afternoon. I understand that this is out of ordinary but King Jungkook and I want this to work out. I promise, in my home, you would be treated fairly and we hope you do the same."
"Does everyone understand that?" King Jungkook question his men, without looking away from Lisa.
King Jungkook held his arm out and Lisa wraps her arm around Jungkook elbow and the two walk into the palace together with everyone following. Nobody spoke, you can sense the unease of everyone.
Queen Lalisa made accommodations to large dining room, to be set as a conference room, so there would be enough space. King Jungkook sat at the middle and Queen Lalisa sat on his right side. Lamia on the right side and Sphnix on the left side. They all sat down, to start the meeting.
Namjoon and Jisoo did most of the talking. As an hour pass by, more evidence of Lamia and Sphnix crossing side was shown. The history of the two side was repeated, the laws and regulations of each side was heard so they can see what kind of adjustment needed if they continue the proceed with reuniting their people. Most of the laws were the same. They were some different, but it was the Sphnix's being specific on some terms.
Two hours have passed and now, it was time for the councilmen to talk and ask questions.
"If we proceed, how would we reunite our people?" One man ask.
"We plan on telling the people a week after you make the decision. And from there we wait till what the people say." Namjoon answers.
"Will you expect us to move?" Another councilmen ask.
"If you wish to relocate, we would not object. We also encourage you to help by considering to relocate." Jungkook answers.
"Where will the palace be now?" Another one ask.
Both Jungkook and Lisa talked about this one time privately and they came to an agreement.
"We want to build another palace in the middle of Sphnix and Lamia. The open space? It will take some time but we plan that to be main palace." Lisa explained.
Jisoo, Namjoon, Jimin, and both Princesses were surprise with answer. They never discussed this with anyone.
"What about the remaining palaces?" Jisoo asked.
"Well at the Sphnix side, I would like Princess Jennie to oversee things." Jungkook spoke out.
Everyone including Princess Jennie eye's widen. "Me?" She questions.
Jungkook nods his head. "As I was learning to be king, I know you been listening as well when we were kids. I believe you are capable overseeing things."
"And the Lamia?" Jisoo ask again.
"I was hoping Jimin would help oversee the Lamia side." Lisa spoke out.
Jimin looks at Queen Lalisa with a surprise look. "Are you sure? I'm not from here."
Lisa nods her head. "I am sure. You will have help. Princess Rose will be here as well." Lisa looks over her cousin with a confuse look. "Rose, I know you are not prepared to be a leader, but you know this place better than I. You know the people just as I. You will help Jimin."
Rose nods her head. "I will help as much as I can."
Their was a more question and concern but the addressed many things in the five hours. You can see the councilmen we're satisfied with everything. They realize things weren't changing, their rules and morals were the same, there was just a border between them.
"Is there any other concern or questions before you all make a decision?" Namjoon ask.
"Actually I have proposal." Lisa spoke out.
Everyone including Jungkook looks to her. Jungkook gave her a confuse look. She gave him a small smile. She didn't know how he would react to her next proposal. They talked once about it but it was along time ago, and she hoped his mind change.
"It's a law regarding in the Sphnix side." She starts off. Jungkook eyes were now gazing at her intensely. She refuse to look at him. "I would like to banish the no relationship between anyone in the castle." Lisa eyes went to Jennie, who was surprise. "The rule was set by king Min-Ho when he found out my great grandmother was in love with someone else, which separated out country. I think we should banish that law, to start over."
When she finished talking, she turns to Jungkook who wasn't looking at her anymore. His eyes were on his cousin Jennie, who was silently begging to agree. You can see Suga on the side with anxious look.
Lisa wanted to them to be together, she always though that law was unfair and knowing the real reason behind that law, was clear that is was made out of hatred.
Jungkook sign out and turn to Lisa with a smile. He nods his head. "I agree."
Lisa turn to Princess Jennie, her eyes were glistening. You can see the pure happiness in her face.
"Men that include the meeting. We will meet again tomorrow." Jisoo tells everyone.
The Sphnix councilmen were going back to the Sphnix , and the Lamia men were going to go home and pack to head the Sphnix side tomorrow. Some thought it was useless for all this traveling but Lisa and Jungkook wanted this change happen in both land.
When everyone left except, Jisoo, Namjoon, Jimin, Princess Rose and Princess Jennie and the royal guard, stayed with the king and Queen.
"That was a longest meeting I have ever attended." Princess Rose sign out.
I gave her a chuckle. Rose hardly come to meeting but this was a huge change she needed to be part of.
"I think that went well." Namjoon said.
"I agree." Lisa said.
"Everyone go get some rest. We still have tomorrow." Jungkook tells everyone.
Everyone was leaving except Jennie. She stayed glue to her spot eying Jungkook. She was nervous but anxious.
Her mouth open but shut. She looks at Lisa then Jungkook. "Can.. can I really be with him?"
Jungkook watch Suga from behind her. "I have watch you two in torture since I can remember. I thought I was doing what was best but I was wrong. You two can finally be with each other."
Jennie smiles and turns around immediately, she didn't have to take a step because Suga was already there arms open to hold her. They kiss one another not caring that they were being watched.
Lisa held Jungkook hands and they two smile at the happy scene in front of them. When Jennie and Suga separates, Jennie turn to Lisa. She ran towards and gently hugs her.
"Thank you! You have no idea how grateful I am." Jennie was on the verge of tears.
"It's not a problem now. Everyone should be with the one they love."
"That's it! I'm throwing you the biggest baby shower ever!" Jennie yells out.
"Jennie..." Jungkook groans out next to them.
Jennie rolls her eyes. "It's my way to thank you."
"I told you to ask her first, have you?" Jungkook arch's a brow.
Jennie gave Lisa a sheepish smile. "Can Rose and I throw you a baby shower?"
Lisa looks at Jungkook and you can tell he was not excited about it. But Lisa was. She nods her head.
"I think that would be amazing. I would love a shower. The bigger the better!" Lisa agrees.
Jennie jumps up and down. "Yay." She looks at Jungkook and sticks her tongue out.
Jennie walks away and Suga, leaving Jungkook and Lisa alone. They were finally alone and all they honestly wanted to do was just rest together. They went to Lisa's room.
"I missed you." He whisper as they laid down.
"I miss you too."
They kissed each other like they haven't kissed in years. Their heated kiss turn to passion, and each layer of clothing came off. They spent their remaining of the day making love.
Sorry for the long wait. I been extremely busy.
I hope ya all enjoy this chapter. I know I promise more lizkook moments but this chapter went another route. But I will get to their moments.
We are one August week down. It's closer to BTS comeback and the a week later Blackpink new single. I just bought their digital album.
Again no matter what, people do not start fan wars and do not engage with them. Just let them be., report them comment or whatever but do not give them the satisfaction.
We are better than them.
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