The Queen had sinking feeling in her stomach the whole morning. She kept quiet about it but she was in alert at all time.
She had duties to do today, and she had to keep her composure. She had two meeting with a few town leader of her cities and then her aunt was here in town to spend time with the Queen and Princess.
Those few things already made the queen nauseas.
Two of the town leader inform the Queen that the city was low on profit this month but hope to make up next month. Usually the Queen would be slightly understanding but she actually was worry that this may be an ongoing issue.
"May I ask why you are low on profit this month?" Queen Lalisa ask as she watch the leaders eyes widen in fear.
"Umm.. a couple of my shops haven't been able to make money." One man said.
The Queen eyes went to the other leader.
"Umm, well.. you see. A few of my residents were not able to to pay Umm their rent this month." The man stutters our.
The Queen roll her eyes at the men cowardness. "Does this have anything to do with the shipments?" The Queen ask.
Both men eyes widen even more. They both nod in unison.
"And how long have this been going on?" She ask the men again.
One men looks down then back up the Queen with shame. "For about five months now." He answers her.
"And you didn't think it was necessary to tell me?"
The other man face turned red. "Well since the shipments is ordered by you, we thought you commanded the prices to go up."
The Queen stood up abruptly eyeing the man coldly. "So my people can suffer?!?!" She shouts out. "I been Queen for our region for five years now and you think this how I would treat my people?" She ask the men. "You may go." She tell the men with disappointment.
The men stood up and walk toward the door with their head hung low in shame.
"Wait." She stops them.
Both men turn around and bow to the Queen.
"Take the money with you. Make sure the people it your city is well." She tells them. "Next time if there is an issue, inform me."
The Queen didn't let them answer and walks out the room, letting the men soak in her actions and word.
The people feared her father so she understood that they couldn't alway come to her directly, but she hope that they were starting to.
Apparently she was wrong.
The Queen went to her study and poor a glass of red wine for herself. She sat down exhausted from the meeting.
The princess walks in with concern for her cousin.
"Are you okay?" Princess Rose ask her.
The Queen took a sip of her wine and let her enjoy the taste on her the top of her tongue.
"I'm fine." She set the glass down. "I don't know how to get through these people to trust me and that I really want what is best for them." She threw her hands up in their agitated. "Why do they not think that can't come to me?"
"Oh sweetheart, don't beat yourself up." Her cousin try to consult her. "Just give them time."
A sound of a mischievous laugh comes to their hearing. The Queen see her aunt leaning on the doorframe of her study.
"Aunt." The Queen spits out.
"Niece." She threw back.
Her aunt is her father's sister. She was hardly in her life until the death of her father. The Queen knew she was only on her life for a brief moment was to steal her crown.
But her father already declared in writing and proof of seven city leaders that Lalisa will be queen.
Since then her aunt would show up once in awhile but never for a good reasoning.
"Please have a seat." The Queen offers.
Her aunt Soo-min gracefully walks to the chair next to Princess Rose. When she sit down she turns to Rose and held her hand.
"You two look beautiful." Her voice wasn't cold which was unusual.
"Thank you." Princess Rose hesitantly thank her aunt.
Soo-min fully turns to the queen and leans back with a challenging smirk.
"Why do you think the people don't trust you?" She ask the Queen.
The Queen lifted an eyebrow questioning her aunts question. "Because I'm still new to the reign and it takes time to trust me."
The aunt rolls her eyes at the Queen answer. "I'm sorry are you really your father daughter or your mother's?"
"I am both. Would you like me to show you both side of me?" The Queen tone held anger.
At that moment Hobi took a step toward in alert to take any action the Queen request.
Soo-min lift an eye brow appraising the Queen sternness.
"Ahh I see. But calm down. I'm here in good reasoning." She tell the Queen.
The Queen crosses her arms. "Really?"
"Yes. And do you want to know why they don't trust you?" Soo-min challenges her.
The Queen eyes falls on her cousin and read her expression. Princess Rose was equally curious on her aunt.
"Why?" Princess Rose ask.
"It's really the most ignorant reason why. Because you are a female." Soo-mom finally said.
The Queen was shock at the words. This is a new century, they can't possibly think because she is female, she can't rule.
"You don't believe me?" Soo-min ask her niece.
"Of course not. That is obscured." The Queen said.
"Is it really though." Soo-min turns to the princess and the princess face showed concerns. "You believe me don't you?" She ask Rose.
The Queen turns to her cousin in shock. The princess felt guilt but she knew that was a slight problem the people had but never said out loud. She secretly hope the people would think different after they see the Queen rule but apparently nothing is changing.
"Lisa, you have to understand people always had a man rule, this is new. They do not understand a strong women and truth to be told men fear strong women." Rose said to Lisa.
"Good! They need to fear their Queen." Lisa shouts out.
"But there is a way to get them trust you a little more." Soo-min tells her niece.
The Queen turns to her aunt. She leans back at her chair and eyes her aunt. "And what do you propose?"
Her aunt mimic her actions. "Marriage."
Meanwhile as the Queen soak in her aunts suggestion, Jisoo and Jackson were at the dock where the people of the the city get their supplies for their stores.
Jisoo watch the people with worrisome that they can't afford the supplies that they need. Jisoo and Jackson watch the people on the ships turning people away with no mercy.
"This is bad isn't it?" Jackson ask Jisoo.
All Jisoo could do was nod. She has never seen anything like this. The people look hopeless and you can see they were discouraged.
Jisoo starts to walk towards one ship and got attention of one of the worker. "How much is it for everything on this ship?"
The man stared at Jisoo with shock. He finally snap back to reality and laughs at her.
Jackson was irritated at the man. "I believe she ask how much is for everything on the ship." Jackson held authority.
The man smirk, "Too much."
"How much?" Jisoo ask again but more sternly.
The man turns to another man. He shrugs his shoulders, then they both look at Jisoo. "Eight thousands dollar."
Jisoo eyes widen. "For what?"
"Food." The man replies.
Jisoo was confused. She didn't understand what was happening. The most of one ship cost should only be four thousand worth. Why are they bringing extra?
Jisoo remember the owner word of the shop, they are tripling the amount.
She turns to Jackson with worries. Jackson grabbed Jisoo and went back to their car where other guards were at.
"How much did we bring?" Jisoo ask.
"Well ten thousand exactly." Jackson answers.
Jisoo was thinking what she should do. She looks around trying to think of a solution. The people were able to get a few things and leaving with no emotion.
She watch the workers on the dock scamming the people. She balled up her fist in anger.
"Grab the money." Jisoo tells Jackson as she walks towards the ships again.
She saw a carts on the side and climb to the top, which was three feet above the group.
"Everyone please grab what you can but please stay after." Jisoo yells. But not much people can hear. She was worried that people would leave without hearing her solution.
"Jackson, call the palace and get about twenty servants and guards here immediately. Make sure they know it's not serious but get here fast." She tells Jackson.
Jackson nods his head and walks away.
After a minute she see a worker on the third ship with a bullhorn. And she smiles as she runs toward the man.
"Sir can I have that?" Jisoo ask the man.
The man eyes her with disgust. She rolls her eyes and goes into her purse and grabs fifty dollars and hands it to him.
The man took the money and gives her the bullhorn. Jisoo runs back to the tower of carts and talks through the bullhorn.
"Excuse me! Everybody please stop." People stopped doing what they were doing but people didn't stay quiet. There were whispers of people, probably wondering what she was doing.
"My name is Jisoo. The Queen's Royal Collection of Trust." Everyone became quiet. "Please get as much as you can but stay after. I beg you."
After a few moments people did as she said and bought what they needed but stayed and waited till what Jisoo had to say after.
After twenty minutes, the guard and maid from the palace finally arrived. It was more than twenty and she was grateful.
Jin, Princess Rose royal guard was next to Jisoo and Jackson.
"What are you doing here?" Jisoo ask Jin.
Jin looks at Jackson then back at Jisoo. "Since you ask for more servants and guards, the Queen wanted another royal guard with you." Jin explains.
Jisoo smiles at the Queen kind gestures.
After half an hours things were slowing down and people were anxious at what Jisoo was planning.
She went back the men at the dock, with Jackson and Jin with her. She went back to the man that told her the price.
"How much now?" Jisoo ask the man.
The man rolls his eyes in irritation. "Three thousands."
Jisoo smile and turns to Jackson. Jackson ran to the car and two guards came by and gave him three suitcases.
"That should be three thousands." Jisoo tell the man. "The guards will pull out the stuff." Jisoo then went other next ships and repeat the process.
She wasn't able to buy all the ships but four out of five ships were good enough for her.
Jackson and Jin stayed by her side at all time. Jackson felt like someone was watching and didn't dare to leave her side after the second ship.
Well everything was empty. Jisoo went back to where everything was. She told the servant to spread things out and stand next to the items.
She told the guard to keep an eye on the servant and and make sure everyone was civil. Help if needed.
Jisoo got the bullhorn to speak into it again.
"We bought as much as we can. And we will try to find a better solution to your issues. Please understand this all we can do for right now. But grab what you need and not anymore. Be kind and understanding."
When she was done talking everyone was cheering and went to get their things.
Jisoo smile as people left with pure joy and happiness. People stop by Jisoo and thank her for kindness.
After two hours of this, the guard and servants were able to leave the area.
"You did great." Jackson tell Jisoo.
"Thank you. But this was only one time. I don't know what will happen in a couple of weeks." Jisoo was sadden at the thought.
"Well now we know there is an issue, lets work on a solution." Jin said.
"Yeah, now lets tell Queen Lalisa." Jisoo said.
They went into the car and drove back to the palace.
When Jisoo, Jin and Jackson arrived to the palace, the princess, the Queen and their aunt stood in front waiting for their arrival.
Jisoo was the first to get out. When Jackson and Jin were next to her the three bowed as they greet the royal family.
"Jisoo stand up." The Queen commands her. Jisoo stood up straight. "We have a few things to discuss." The Queen said to her. But she had a smile on her face.
The queen walks and everyone follows her to the dining room table. The Queen sat down but she see Jin and Jackson still standing.
"Jin, Jackson." She calls out. The guard turn the Queen waiting for her command. "You two did well today. Please have a seat and enjoy dinner with me." Lisa tells them.
Jackson and Jin smirk at one another and gave each other a fist bump. The queen saw Hobi smile deflates.
She chuckles at him. "You too Hobi."
Hobi smile and skips to an empty chair.
"Jisoo, my aunt suggested something to me and I would like to get your opinion on it." The Queen tells Jisoo as she cuts her food.
Jisoo eyes went to Soo-min then back to the Queen. "That is my job and I would do my best to advise you." Jisoo replies.
"I know." She smile at Jisoo. "My aunt said the people do not fully trust me because I am a female." She watch Jisoo reaction.
Jisoo froze as her eyes widen. She looks at the Queen with her full attention.
"Are you not surprise?" Lisa ask Jisoo.
"Umm.. sort of." She stutters out.
Lisa set her utensils down. "I see. And why was this not mention to me."
"Because you are great leader regardless." Jisoo answers her queen.
The Queen smile proudly. "Thank you. Anyways, my aunt did suggest a solution."
This time Jisoo eyes went to Soo-min and furrow her eyebrows. "What's that?" She questions.
"She proposes I should get marry." the Queen answer.
Jackson chokes on his food as he listens to the conversation.
"Are you okay Jackson?" Lisa asked. He nod his head and gives her a thumbs up as he drinks his water.
"What do you think Jisoo?" This time Soo-min ask her.
Jisoo stayed silent while she thinks. She knew that was clearly an option but the Queen is a Queen. Who is she suppose to marry.
"Umm, well yes. That is a solution but do you have any suitors?" Jisoo ask.
Rose gasp at her question. Jisoo eyes widen at what she was asking. "I didn't mean it like that.. I'm sorry your majesty." Jisoo apologizes.
"It's okay. Because you are right. I don't have any suitors." The Queen starts off. "But do you think that is a good idea?" She ask.
"Yes. If you want to go that route."Jisoo answer.
"What other route is there?" Soo-min scoff out.
"Well I fear the queen because I respect her. I respect because I see all the good she has done. She is a good leader because she was raise right not because a man is by her side." Jisoo said to the aunt.
"Lisa you are not getting any younger..." Soo-min starts but Rose interrupts her.
"And neither are you."
"Rose!" Her aunt shriek out.
"Princess Rose." Rose said as she stood up. "Jisoo is right. People will understand Lisa if they would just open their ignorant mind. Being a male does not make them good leaders. Being a good leader is knowing how to lead her people selflessly and sternly at the same time. And that is exactly what Lisa is doing." Rose raises her voice as she spoke her thought.
With that Rose walks out of the dining table and Jin immediately stood up to follow the princess.
Lisa smirks at her aunt. "Thank you for your opinion and like everything else, I will keep that in consideration." Lisa stood up from her chair. "Now if you would excuse me. I had an exhausting day. I would like to rest now."
She the walk away and Hobi follows her.
Jisoo got up as well and bow to the royal family aunt. "Have a safe trip back." Jisoo then left with Jackson behind her.
The aunts say there appalled at their behavior. She cross her arm at anger and embarrassment.
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