Lamia [11]
Princess Rose ran to the queen's room after she and and Jimin arrived to the palace. She felt like she was cloud nine, after their little outing.
The princess knocks on the queen's room urgently. From a distance, Jin heard the panic knocks and was going to check on the queen but Hoseok stops him.
"It's not emergency. It's more girl talk." Hoseak explains Jin.
Jin furrow his brow, "That Jimin guy and Princess Rose has a moment today."
Jin arch his brow, the two guards still wasn't trusting of the Sphnix but they knew these two women have very good judgment calls. And sometimes they knew to trust them.
Queen Lalisa opens her door with a worried expression. She notice a wide smile Rose at her door. Rose slips into the queen's room while twirling.
"What in heavens name has got into you?" Queen Lalisa ask as she closes the door.
Rose prance around the queen's room without a care in the world.
"Oh nothing. Jimin and I had a breakthrough today." Rose sang.
The queen covers her mouth with a smile on her face. Princess Rose is a flirt no doubt, but this a new kind of romance. Lisa wasn't sure if it was the chase that Rose was interested but this shows this was more than that.
"I see. And what now?" Lisa ask.
Rose froze and turn to Lisa with a smile. "We are going on another date and we will see from there."
Lisa sat down on her bed, eyes still on her cousin. "And you think this is a good idea?"
Rose looks over at Lisa with confusion, "Yes, why?"
Lisa shrugs her shoulders, "Just making sure this is what you want."
Rose shrugs her shoulders, "This is what I want now."
Queen Lalisa grimace at Rose. Lisa actually likes Jimin, she just hopes Rose doesn't play the poor guy. She knows what her cousin is capable of.
"Just remember we are trying to make peace." Lisa reminds her.
Rose nods her head. "I know. I do like him. But I'm sure I have said this before."
Lisa nods her head. Lisa went to her mirror and reapply her lipstick and fix her hair a little. Princess Rose watches her cousin from afar.
"How was your day?"Rose ask.
Lisa blushes at the memory of the king kissing her in the middle of the hallway. She bit her lips from smiling so hard, but obviously her cousin notices.
Rose stood up curiously, walks up to her.
"Why are you blushing?" Rose ask.
Lisa looks away, hiding her face. "I'm not blushing."
Rose points to her face. "Yes you are. What happen today?"
Lisa stood up and walks away just to get away from Rose. "Yah! Lalisa Manoban! What happen today? What aren't you telling me?"
Lisa smiles at her cousin's curiosity. Believe it or not, she wants to keep this part of her a secret just a little while. This was a new feeling and she wanted to explore it herself.
"It's nothing really. I was with Princess Jennie most of today and she just told me a beautiful story."
Rose eyes her, "Then why were you blushing?"
"It's a beautiful story." Was all she said. Lisa checks her watch and saw that it was almost dinner time. "Shall we head down for dinner?"
Rose didn't believe it. But she let it go knowing she will tell later on. Rose nods her head. They both walk toward the door, and when Lisa opens it. King Jungkook was there on the other side.
Both Rose and Lisa looks at the king with curiosity, as the he had his fist mid air with wide eyes.
"King Jungkook, this is a surprise?" Rose question.
King Jungkook eyes flicker to the queen, "Umm, well I was going to walk Queen Lalisa down to dinner. But I didn't know you wer-"
"That's a great idea. I actually have to go to my room and change. I been in this all day." Princess Rose grabs Lisa and gently push her towards the king with a smile. "I'll see you when I'm done."
Princess Rose winks at the queen, clearly not hiding the little action. Lisa cheeks burn from embarrassment, when Rose walks away.
After Rose went inside her room, King Jungkook immediately engulf's the queen's cheeks and guide her face toward his and kisses her. The move surprise the hell out of Lisa, she became breathless.
She can taste dark whisky on his tongue and it was like she was drunk herself. But not from any alcohol but from the man that is taking over her body.
The butterflies in her stomach doesn't seem like they will settle down anytime soon.
When they finally separate, Lisa eyes slowly opens up. When she finally got a clear view, her eyes were met with two dark orbs that were looking deep into her.
"I'm sorry. But I wanted to make sure what happen earlier wasn't a dream." He raspy voice strikes the queen to her core.
She took steady breath before speaking, "It wasn't a dream." Was the only thing she could say back.
He still had his hands around Lisa's cheek, from the way his eyes turn a shade darker, she knew he wanted more. But she took a step back, giving each other a space.
"I think we should go downstair." Lisa suggests.
There was a hint of disappointment in King Jungkook eyes but nevertheless he nods his head and gesture for her to walk first.
They went downstairs to dinner, where Princess Jennie, RM and Jisoo were sitting. All three stood up upon the entrance of the king and queen. As they sat down, the maids came in and brought in the first course.
The familiar maid came into the queen's view. Lisa didn't know exactly what to feel when she sees Wendy. Princess Rose finally arrive in the dining room with Jimin.
The two were smiling from ear to ear upon their arrival. Everyone except the Queen were looking at them curiously.
When the main course came in with all the sides place through out the dining table. King Jungkook place some food on the queen's plate.
Everyone suddenly turn to the two. Rose was happy in the inside. She looks over Princess Jennie, the two were having a silent victory party.
King Jungkook was talking the Lisa, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"When do you think we can have the Lamia and Sphnix casually meet?" King Jungkook ask.
"See I was thinking about that, before we do. I do need to talk all councilmen of Lamia as well. Maybe you could come meet them like I did here." Queen Lalisa suggests.
"That's a great idea." Jimin praises the queen.
RM and Jisoo look over to each other, "I think we can set up some time." RM agrees.
"This unity is going to take sometime so we all must understand that." Queen Lalisa states.
All the head in the dining room nod in agreement.
"Would you like more water?" A voice grab everyone attention.
It was Wendy asking the king. The king slightly nod his head, because his glass was empty. Queen Lalisa was doing her best, keeping herself from looking up.
But all of a sudden, a loud clank was heard. Everyone looks up and Wendy spilled water on the table.
"I'm so sorry." The maid panics.
RM was the first to stand up but didn't move from his space. Wendy grab her cloth on her waist and wipe some wet spots on the king's shirt, she was in very low part of his stomach.
All eyes widen at the brave maid. Jimin stood up from his chair and yank the girl away from the king.
"Did you forget what I said to you yesterday?" Jimin voice was low but lethal.
Wendy didn't answer but her eyes were on the queen with a glare. Queen Lalisa notices and stares at her back.
Lisa isn't afraid and isn't easily intimidated. When Jimin realize she was going to answer, he yells his question at her again.
But nothing. And this time everyone notices her not really being afraid.
"Do you want to get fire?" RM question.
Wendy looks up at RM, "If you did fire me, what makes you think I won't tell everyone that Lamias are here."
Princess Rose eyes widen.
A proud smirk was on Wendy as she glares at the queen. "You know he sleep with every maid here." She said to Lisa. "Once he get what he want, you'll be like us. Just another one."
Queen Lalisa stood from her chair. King Jungkook reach out to her but she pull her hands away from his grasp. She walks up the maid with no emotion.
"I don't care what he did before. I don't care what you think. There is a reason why you are a maid and I'm a queen." Queen Lalisa sneer at the girl. "If you haven't noticed, I'm not looking for sex from the king to climb up to high places, I'm already there." Wendy eyes narrows at the queen but it didn't do anything to the queen. "But from what I have learned, you are the first he turns down. That alone is embarrassing, maybe you should reconsider some things about yourself."
Queen Lalisa turns to everyone, "I'm exhausted. I'll be going to bed now." She never once look over the king.
She avoided his gaze at a cost. She was too mad at the whole situations.
When the queen was out of the room with Jin behind her. Everyone saw the king standing up to follow her but Princess Rose stops him.
"You need to deal with that." Princess Rose points to Wendy.
At this point, King Jungkook looks like he was ready to explode. He turns to Wendy and marches to her.
"You will not leave this place. You will be prison downstair." King Jungkook sneer at the girl.
Wendy's eyes widen at the king. "You can't do that. I have not broken any law." Wendy argues.
King Jungkook grab the girl by he chin so she can look at him closely. "Did you or did you not just threaten us about Lamia are here?" Wendy eyes show fear and she nods her head in the king's grasp. "You threaten my throne. So you are damn lucky you are not sentence to death!" He roars at her.
Princess Rose flinch at the king's anger.
"BamBam, get this girl downstair with the others." King Jungkook demands.
He finally turns Princess Rose, "I need to talk to her."
Princess Rose looks at Jisoo and they both know as much as the king wants to. And in their eyes, that is the right thing to do but they also know their Queen. She needs some space.
Princess looks back at King Jungkook, "Tomorrow." King Jungkook wanted to argue and Rose saw it in him but she shook her head, "I promise tomorrow will be a better to talk to her."
Princess Rose and Jisoo both walk away from the table. A lot happen in a short amount of time, and we can only hope that Lisa is okay.
Queen Lalisa was in her room. She laid in bed staring up the ceiling. She had a feeling that the king was sleeping with his maids but she didn't expect them to be this jealous of their king. Queen Lalisa went to her drawer and grabs her mother's ring.
She held the brown ring tightly to her chest. She remembers all the memories of her parents. They were two opposite people who somehow found each and fell in love. She remember her mom said that her dad was such a lady's man and it was hard to get pass it at first but her father showed her she was the one.
Queen Lalisa wanted that love story more than anything and now she has it, she wonder if she was strong like her mother to overcome all the jealous women.
Queen Lalisa fell asleep thinking about her parent.
How is everyone? I want to clarify two- three things.
One: a lot of ya'll made a comments that their moment took a long time. But in perspective of the time line, the Lamia has only been with the Sphnix for four days. But in chapter wise, yeah it's along time.
Two: with that being said. I'm planning to make this book semi long. I have a whole plot and it's taking me a moment to get to all the mystery part and once I do, It going to cause some feelings. But i have a whole plot and I hope you all can stay patient.
Three: This is a week before finals, I'm hoping to get another chapter or two but I may be pause for a week, so I can study. I'm letting you guys know ahead of time. But I'll will be drafting the chapters so hopefully, when finals are done, I'll have some ready.
I did start another Lizkook story called Memories. It was a side project I was working on, to help with my writer block moments. It's very relax and chill story.
Question/Discussion of the chapter?
Did ya'll see the dance? There were similar moves but I I thought the Cierra chick was mostly humping the floor. Whatever, I'm glad that she apologized.
What did ya'll think about this whole thing?
I would like to make a predication about Blackpink comeback.
There is going to be song about Addiction. Like their addicted to some kind of love.
Something about the color blue.
And maybe about red lips.
We overlook Jennie's picture with candy so I'm going to over analyzing shit for now on lol.
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