Chapter 18
** There MIGHT be a double for "Patches 3" today IF I get done with the next chapter. There is a lot for this plot that I've been working on and I'm trying to get through it as quickly as possible.
** Patch comments are in Sign Language!!!
"KEB!!!!" Patches yells as he runs to meet Kevin who was waiting at the gate.
"KEBIN!!" Adam shouts as he too runs to Kevin.
"Hey, Munchkins." Kevin laughs as he grabs the two in a tight hug. "God, I've missed you boys."
"Soooo, how was the honeymoon?" Tori asks with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Oh, it was awesome. We had so much fun but it's great to be home." Kirstie smiles.
"It's great to have you home." Kevin smiles as he hugs the shorter girl then takes a giggling Emily into his arms. Giving her a big hug. "So, Tim? How was your mom?"
"Oh, she was fine." Tim nods.
There was something about Tim that seemed off. He looked as if he was ready to explode with anger. Another thing that Kevin noticed was the distance that Tim and Jenika were keeping from each other. When they left, they were holding hands. What could have happened?
"Well, I know two dogs that will be very happy to see you two." Tori says as she hugs Patches and Adam.
"MACK!" Patches giggles and claps loudly.
"I .. I.. Ms Towi? I mith Satchmo." Adam nods.
"He missed you too, Sweetie." Tori says with a smile.
"Well, let's get you guys home so you can rest up. I'm sure the flight was pretty tiring." Kevin says as he and Tim begin to load the luggage.
On the way home, Jenika laughed and chatted with Tori and Kevin as if nothing was wrong. But Kevin again notices the lack of communication between her and her husband and even with the others.
Something definitely happened while they were in Texas.
After a light supper, everyone decided to call it a night. They were all exhausted. It had been a very long day.
"Man, I'm so glad they're back home." Kevin says as Tori enters the bedroom with a very worried look on her face.
"Yeah." She answers quietly as she closes the door behind her.
"Something wrong, Babe?" Kevin asks.
"Uh, I was just talking to Jenika and she was telling me some very disturbing things." Tori says as she sits down on the bed.
"I think they've all been acting pretty weird since they've gotten home. What did she say?" Kevin asks as he raises up on his elbow.
"Apparently she and Tim fought most of the time that they were in Texas." Tori says.
"Really? That don't sound like them." Kevin comments.
"She said it started the night they went dancing and some guy she called Chance showed up. Apparently, he and Tim were in a relationship at one time which I didn't even know Tim was Bi." Tori says and Kevin nods. "She thinks Tim is still in love with this Chance. She said that whenever she tries to touch him that he pushes her away. She also said that Tim has threatened to hit her on several occasions. And she also told me that she went out with an ex-co-worker from the clinic she used to work at for a few drinks and that Tim hit the ceiling. Accusing her of cheating on him."
"That just doesn't sound like the Tim that I know." Kevin says, shaking his head. "I'll talk to Kirstie and Patch tomorrow and find out what's really going on."
The next morning, Kevin slips out of bed. He had tossed and turned all night, thinking about what Tori had told him. He just could not bring himself to believe the things that Jenika had told his girlfriend.
He quietly walks out into the hallway. The house was all quiet. As he walks pass Kirstie and Patch's bedroom, he could hear voices coming from inside.
Gently tapping on the door, he prayed that he wasn't interrupting anything.
Within a few seconds, a fully dressed Kirstie opens the door.
"Well, good morning." Kirstie greets him. "Is something wrong?"
"I was wondering if I could talk to you guys for a few minutes before everyone starts getting up?" Kevin asks as he rubs the back of his neck.
"Sure, come on in." Kirstie says as she lets him walk in. Patch smiles and waves at his friend.
Kevin gives him a hug before sitting down next to Patch on the bed.
"So, what's on your mind?" Kirstie asks as she sits down on the other side of her husband.
"Tim and Jenika." Kevin answers. He notices Patch quickly gives his wife an odd look. "Jenika had told Tori some stuff last night and I just can't bring myself to believe that it's true."
"Well, start off by telling us what Jenika had said. And then we'll tell you what really happened." Kirstie says.
Kevin begins to relay the information that Tori had told him. The expressions on both Patch and Kirstie's faces changed from curious to angry.
"Well? How much of that is actually true?" Kevin asks after he was finished.
"Practically, almost none of it." Kirstie says as she shakes her head.
"Almost?" Kevin asks with raised brows.
"Chance was at the club we went to but he was there with his husband. He and Tim did speak to each other but there was absolutely no flirting." Patch says.
"Jenika started giving Tim the silent treatment for rest of the evening." Kirstie continues with their explanation. "They argued some on the way home. Tim got a ticket for speeding and was arrested but that's a different story."
"It quietened down until we went to the festival." Patch says. "That's when it all started again."
"Chance was there?" Kevin asks.
"No, but a guy named Darrell was." Kirstie continues. "Jenika and I ran into to him at the flea market they were having. She said he was an old friend so me and Emily left to go meet up with Patch, Tim and Adam."
"When she shows back up, her lips were swollen." Patch says. "And it didn't go unnoticed by Tim."
"Oh, Lord." Kevin says as he shakes his head.
They continued to tell him everything that had happened. The lie she told about drinks with an ex-co-worker, the information that Chance had given them, meeting Carol, the ex-co-worker at the bar. Even finding Tim sleeping on the couch the morning they left to come home.
"I knew it had to be all lies." Kevin says, shaking his head. "But what about Tim threatening to hit her?"
"I only heard Tim threaten to hit her one time but that was because she called Adam a moron plus she had gotten smart with Adam while we were having breakfast and Tim overheard it." Kirstie answers.
"He should have thrown her from the plane." Kevin comments causing Patch to chuckle and hang his head.
"I was hoping that things might get better for them once we got home but I saw Tim heading to the guest bedroom last night." Kirstie says.
"Can you blame him? I wouldn't want to sleep with her either if I were him." Kevin says.
"So now you know the truth." Patch says.
"Yeah, she was trying to get Tori to turn on Tim. Well, her plan ain't gonna work." Kevin says as he stands up. "Tori is fixing to know the truth."
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