Chapter 11
Tim wraps his arm around his wife and pulls her closer in the spoon they had formed. It was still early and the house was still quiet.
They had not been able to have any quality time together in quite some time. Tim thought this would be the perfect time for some lovin.
He begin to leave soft kisses along Jenika's shoulder eventually moving to the side of her neck. He nibbled on her neck and earlobe.
She hummed quietly with approval and smiles as she pushes her butt back. She could feel his erection through the thin material of his boxers.
Tim suddenly opens his eyes and stops right in the middle of leaving a kiss on his wife's shoulder.
Something didn't seem right.
If his wife was pressed against his chest, then who was pressed up against his back.
"Something wrong? Why'd you stop?" Jenika whispers.
"Shhh." Tim hushes her quietly. "I'm, uh, pretty sure we're not alone."
"What?" Jenika asks, still in a soft whisper as she slowly sits up and looks around at Tim. A smile creeps upon her face as she sees a blond snuggled up to Tim's back. "It's Adam."
Tim sighs and closes his eyes. So much for getting some much needed sex.
"Adam?" Tim says as he reaches behind him to pat the blond on the hip. Tim could not roll over considering the closeness of Adam's position. "Hey, Pumpkin. Wake up."
Adam opens his eyes but only snuggles closer to Tim's back.
"Sweetie, did you have a bad dream?" Jenika asks.
The man-child turns his eyes to glare at her.
"Oh. Tim? Honey? I don't believe it's Adam." Jenika says.
"What?" Tim asks. The first person that popped into his mind was Chloe. "Oh, Hell naw."
Tim quickly scoots away and sits up. He was ready to give the little b*tch a piece of his mind. The minute he looked into the intruder's eyes, he knew it wasn't Chloe. It was Henry.
"Well, hey, Buddy." Tim smiles. "It's been awhile."
Dena had gotten up to fix a light breakfast. She knew everyone was planning on going to Port Arthur today to the festival. All you can eat shrimp, crawfish and other seafood. So they wouldn't need a big breakfast.
She just hoped that Tim wouldn't be mad at her for bringing Henry to him. She's had to deal with Henry without Tim around before and it definitely was not easy.
"Good morning." Kirstie says as she, Patch and Emily walks into the kitchen.
"Goodness gracious." Dena says as she jumps and starts to giggle. "You startled me. I was deep in thought. I didn't expect anyone else to be up yet."
"Someone was excited about going to the beach today and wanted to get an early start." Patch says before picking up his little girl and kissing her on the cheek, causing her to giggle.
"The others aren't up yet?" Kirstie asks as she fixes her and Patch a cup of coffee and Emily a glass of orange juice.
"Uh, I'm not sure. They haven't came down yet." Dena says, turning back toward the stove. "Tim might not be too happy with me this morning."
"Oh, no. What happened?" Kirstie asks as she begins to help Dena.
"Henry showed up really early this morning. Let me tell you, if you've ever had to deal with Henry without Tim, it's not fun at all." Dena says. "So. I did the only thing I knew to do. Carry him to Tim."
She sat the French toast and bacon on the table as Kirstie set out the plates.
"Why would Tim be mad? He loves Henry." Patch asks.
"Well, when I opened the door to let Henry in, I peeked in. They were all cuddled up. I don't know if they had done something or they may had planned on doing something when they woke up." Dena says as her cheeks turns a dark shade of red. "So, how was the truck pull?"
"It was awesome!!" Emily answers with a huge smile.
"I guess Patches had a good time." Patch shrugs with a smile. "I woke up hugging a toy truck this morning."
"Bubba cussed last night." Emily giggles.
"What? Patches cussed?" Dena chuckles.
"He became a little overly excited when the truck he liked blew fire out like a dragon." Kirstie smiles, shaking her head.
"Uncle Tim and Adam laughed." Emily giggles as she takes a bite of her toast.
"Morning." Tim mumbles, heading straight for the coffee pot. Following close behind him was Henry.
"Bad mood this morning, Tim?" Kirstie asks with a smirk on her face.
"What gives you that idea?" Tim growls as he sits down at the table and begins to put some bacon on Henry's plate.
Jenika giggles quietly as she gets Henry a glass of milk.
"Just the vibes, I guess." Kirstie smiles.
"Shut up, Kirstie." Tim mumbles as he takes a sip of coffee, causing Kirstie, Patch, Dena and Jenika to laugh.
"Good morning, Henry. You ready to go to the beach today?" Kirstie asks with a smile.
Henry shyly lays his head on Tim's shoulder.
"Eat your breakfast, Kiddo." Tim says in a soft voice and he kisses Henry on the top of the head. "It's gonna take us a couple of hours to get there. So we need to get on the road as soon as possible."
Soon they were loaded up and headed to Port Arthur. They had to drive the van that Dena had rented to have enough room for everyone. Kirstie had to drive because Henry didn't want to be separated from Tim. Patch sat in the front passenger seat, Tim and Henry in the seats behind the driver and Emily was strapped in her car seat in the far back seat with her Aunt Jenika. Tim put the address in the GPS and they were on their way.
An hour and forty-five minutes later, they were pulling into the town of Port Arthur.
"LOOK AT DA BIG BOATS, AUNT JENIKA!" Emily shouts with excitement.
"I know, Sweetie. You'll see all kinds of boats here." Jenika smiles.
"Those look like Forrest Gump's boat." Emily giggles as she points out the window.
"Uh, huh. Those are shrimping boats." Jenika answers.
"Is that a shrimping boat? It's big." Patch asks before pointing to a cargo ship that was pulling into the port.
"That's a cargo ship, Patch." Tim answers. "They carry food and other things to and from other countries."
"Other countries?" Patch asks, not knowing what a country was.
"Well, they carry things from one place to another." Tim answers, trying to make it more simpler. "Like that one right there? It has a Chiquita Banana logo so it's probably bringing bananas from somewhere."
"Wow, this is awesome." Patch smiles as he tries to take in the sights.
Kirstie finally finds a place to park and they begin to unload from the van.
Patch takes his daughter by one hand and Kirstie takes hold of her other hand as they begin to walk along the dock.
Tim holds on to Jenika's hand. His cane in the other. Henry grips tightly onto Tim's arm with the cane.
Tim and Jenika had been to Port Arthur many times but this was a whole new experience for the Kaplan's. Especially Patch and Emily.
Patch could not stop smiling.
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