Chapter 58
The deal was made and the house was their's in no time at all. Tim outbid all the other interested buyers. The owner jumped on his offer.
They went back to the condo to relax and decide their next move.
"We still have so many loose ends in New York." Kirstie says as an exhausted Patch slept leaning his head on her shoulder.
"Yeah, we have to put our houses on the market." Tim adds.
"Plus pack." Jenika adds.
"And, we have three vehicles to get down here." Tim adds again.
"So that means, we will probably need to fly back leaving the RV here. Rent a moving truck, we can pull one car behind the truck and drive the other two." Kevin suggests.
"Sounds like a plan." Tim yawns.
"But we need to check the weather up there first." Jenika says.
"Definitely, we don't want to get snowed in." Kirstie says.
"Well, you beautiful ladies can take care of the weather and flight arrangements." Tim says laying down and resting his head in Jenika's lap. He was so exhausted, his mind wasn't able to function. "We can't forget to get the dogs." He mumbles before dozing off to sleep.
Adam had crashed out on the floor watching television.
Kirstie and Jenika exchange looks and begin to giggle. Three of the four men had gone to sleep and Kevin didn't look far behind them.
Kirstie knew that Patch would probably wake up as Patches. So if she planned on getting anything done, she needs to do it now while he was sleeping.
She reaches for her laptop, being careful not to wake Patch who was leaning against her. She begins to check the weather and road conditions in New York.
Jenika gets her phone and starts checking on flights to New York.
Working together, they were quickly making all the plans. They begin to laugh as they hear loud snoring coming from Kevin in the recliner.
The next morning, they found themselves at the airport terminal fixing to board a plane to New York.
Adam chatted excitedly about flying in a plane. He had flown before and loved it.
Patches stared curiously out the window at the huge weird looking things outside.
"Kit? Mmm ca?" He asks pointing out the window. (car)
"No, Sweetie. That's an airplane. It's gonna take us back to our house." Kirstie says, smiling and straightens his snapback.
"Naaa, Mmm bee." He pouts.
"You haven't got to enjoy the beach, have you." Kirstie says, brushing his hair behind his ear. "But we're going home to get our things and then we're coming back to live on the beach."
"Mmm ib bee." Patches nods, looking back out the window. (I wanna live on the beach)
"Patches, you gonna wub widing in an alpane. It goes way up in da aiw." Adam smiles, stretching his arm up as high as he could get it. (love riding in an airplane, in the air)
Patches looks up at the ceiling of the huge airport.
"Naaa me." He says, shaking his head.
"Sounds like Patches doesn't care too much for heights like me." Tim laughs.
"Oh, he'll be fine. He won't even realize where we are." Kirstie smiles. "I just hope Emily behaves like an angel. There's nothing worse than screaming kids on a plane."
Their flight was called and they boarded the plane. They were lucky enough to get all the seats together. Kirstie started out sitting by the window, thinking that seeing what's happening outside might frighten Patches. Plus it might help keep Emily occupied. Patches sat in the middle and Kevin near the aisle.
Behind them, Adam sat near the window, Jenika in the middle and Tim near the aisle. Tim hated flying. He's flown several times and has hated it each time. After a couple of the small bottles of alcohol, he usually starts to relax.
They begin to show a movie so Kevin put some headphones on Patches so he would get interested in the movie and not worry about things going on around him. It worked perfectly.
Emily giggles and slaps on the window as she watches the clouds floating by. Adam, too, was mesmerized by the clouds and the patch work ground below them.
Kirstie passes her time pointing things out to Emily. Jenika and Kevin read and Tim listened to music on his phone.
Once the plane landed, Tim rented a van so they would have a way to get around while they were there. The roads had been cleared but there were still several feet of snow on the ground.
They rushed around like crazed people. No one wanted to stay there any longer than they had too. Kirstie and Tim got in touch with the reality about putting their houses on the market. The moving truck was rented and the packing began.
The house they had bought in Florida came fully furnished. So they were leaving everything behind. Just packing their personal things and the things they wanted to keep.
Three days later, they were ready to head to their new home. The truck was loaded, the houses locked up and they had their dogs.
Jenika's car would be pulled behind the moving truck which would be driven by Kevin. Patch, whose time was almost up, would be riding with him. Kirstie would follow in her car with Jenika, Emily and Mack. Followed by Tim in his car with Adam and Satchmo.
After having to make a few stops for bathroom breaks, diaper changes, dog walks, food, gas and just to stretch, they finally make it to the southern part of Tennessee before finally stopping for the night.
They knew they would have to do it all over again the next day. But another 6 hours of driving, they would be home. They figured if they could be back on the road by six the next morning, they would be there at least by one. If they didn't make too many stops.
Patches was back and wanted to ride in the "tuk" with Keb. He was even more excited when Kevin told him they were heading to the beach to live.
Seven hours later, stopping once to eat, they were pulling into the driveway of their new home in Pensacola, Florida.
This is more or less a fill-in chapter to get them moved. :)
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