Chapter 25
** HEY GUYS! Could you please hop over to "A Note from ObsessedwithTivi" or "Home Free Video Library" and vote on a book cover for my next book. It's O.K. if you don't read my Home Free stories, I just need your votes. PLEASE HELP!
Kirstie wakes up the next morning to the sound of Emily crying over the monitor. She turns off the monitor and looks over at a sleeping Patch. She smiles as she gently rubs her finger over the dark hickey on his neck.
Quietly getting out of bed, she hurries to the nursery to feed their daughter.
Kirstie smiles down at her beautiful little green-eyed princess sucking at her breast. She begins to sing softly as she slowly rocks her baby girl.
"Naaaa E...Em." Kirstie hears from the door way causing her to stop rocking. Slowly lifting her eyes, she sees a very shocked Patches standing at the door.
"Em.... Em bi?" Patches asks as he slowly walks into the room. (Emily bite?)
Kirstie slowly shakes her head no, her mouth agape.
"Hut?" He asks. (hurt)
"Uh...Umm. No Sweetheart, Uh, Em's not biting me." Kirstie says as she tries to cover her breast.
"Mmm bi." Patches nods as he points to himself. (I want a bite)
"No, Angel." Kirstie says, shaking her head. "Uh, you have teeth. That would hurt."
Patches sticks a finger into his mouth to feel of his teeth and then points to Emily.
"E..Em tee?" He asks as he shakes his head.
"No, Honey. Em doesn't have teeth." Kirstie answers as she sees Kevin walk by the door. "KEVIN!"
Kevin steps back and looks in.
"Yea?" He asks.
"Ummm." Kirstie says as she raises her brows.
"Ohhhh." He says as he notices what was going on.
"Can you take Patches with you and maybe fix him some cereal?" She asks with a put on smile.
"Yea, Hey Little Bits." Kevin says. "How about I get you a bowl of Lucky Charms or Cocoa Puffs?"
Patches grins and nods his head and runs out of the room.
"Thank you, Kev." Kirstie smiles as she rolls her eyes.
"No problem." Kevin chuckles as he follows Patches to the kitchen.
After breakfast, Kirstie was having a hard time convincing Patches to take a bath to wash the cereal off. She decided blackmail was the trick.
"Sweetie, if you take a bath, I'll call Tim to see if Adam can come over for a little while to play." Kirstie says with an evil smile.
"Mmm pay Ad?" Patches asks with a huge smile.
"Yea, but you have to go get in the bathtub and wash up." She says.
He nods quickly before running to the bathroom.
"I'll go help him." Kevin laughs as Kirstie reaches for her phone.
She gives Tim a quick call and finds out that they were just fixing to walk out the door to go get groceries and they would just drop Adam off there.
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Kirstie opens the door to a smiling Adam. He was holding his Bat Man backpack that Jenika always packs his snacks in.
"We won't be gone long." Jenika calls from the car.
"No hurry. He'll be fine." Kirstie calls back and waves before closing the door.
"W...W...Where's Patches?" Adam says as he sits down on the couch.
"He's taking a bath. He'll be out in a minute." Kirstie says as she sits down beside him.
"M..Miss Kit? Know... Know what?" Adam asks smiling.
"What baby?" She answers as she brushes a strand of hair behind his ear.
"I..I..I thaw (saw) Tim and J..Jen-Jen westling (wrestling) last night." He says with a giggle.
"They were wrestling?" Kirstie smiles.
"Yep. Day ...Day (they) were westling in da bed. I...I tank Tim was winning cause he was on da top and and he had Jen's awms (arms) pinned down above her head." He nods and smiles. "She was kithing (kissing) him because he won."
Her eyes widen as she realizes he had seen them making love.
"Uh, did they know you were watching them wrestle?" She asks smiling nervously.
"Naw, Day didn't know cause cause I was suppose to knock and and I porgot. (forgot) so I didn't thay (say) nuttin (nothing). I..I didn't watch vewy wong. (very long)" He says as he shakes his head.
"Well, next time you be sure to knock, alright?" She says as he rubs him on the back.
"Otay (Okay), I dis (just) porgot." Adam says sadly as he nods his head.
"PATCHES!! GET BACK HERE!!" Kevin yells from upstairs.
"Oh Lord." Kirstie says as she shakes her head. She knew what was going to happen as she hears Patches giggling.
Adam's mouth drops open as Patches runs into the living room completely naked. His hair dripping water.
"AD!!" Patches claps and giggles.
"Miss. Kit? Know...Know What?" Adam asks looking at her with large eyes.
"What Honey?" Kirstie says averting her eyes from Patches.
"Patches...Patches..he..he...he's nated (naked)." Adam says.
"I know, Sweetheart." She sighs. "Patches. You get upstairs right now and get you some clothes on."
"Mmm pay Ad." Patches pouts.
"I...I sowy (sorry) Patches. But I not pay wid (play with) nated (naked) people." Adam says as he shakes his head.
Kevin comes down stairs and pops Patches lightly on his naked butt.
"Get your naked butt upstairs and let me help you get some clothes on." Kevin says.
Patches giggles and runs upstairs.
"Dat was weally weiwd." (really weird) Adam says looking around at Kirstie with huge eyes.
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