Chapter 10
** Sign Language is in ITALICS **
After they eat, they build a fire in the fire pit and just sit down to relax and to listen to the calming sound of the ocean waves.
Patch and Kirstie cuddle but he is unable to take his eyes off of the amazing view of the ocean.
Tim is sitting with Jenika snuggling into his side. Adam lays down on the other side with his head laying in Tim's lap, staring into the fire. Tim mindlessly playing with Adam's hair.
"Guys, I was telling Patch about the mountains earlier." Kevin speaks up, breaking the silence. "Maybe sometime we could take a trip to the Smokies."
"I've never actually been to the Smokies. I've been to the Ozarks, but hadn't made it to see the Smokies yet." Tim answers.
"What are Smokies and Ozarks?" Patch ask with a confused look.
"Those are different mountain ranges in different parts of the country." Kirstie tells him.
Patch nods but he still has no idea what she is talking about.
"We definitely need to plan a trip." Tim smiles. "This is all new to Patch and Patches. We should all just take a long road trip. Let them see that there is more out there besides a New York street."
"Oh God. That would be so much fun." Kirstie smiles, glancing around at a sleeping Emily laying on the seat beside her.
"Hate to rain on y'all's parade but I don't have any vacation time left." Jenika says laying her head on Tim's shoulder.
"Then quit." Tim says, looking around at her.
"Honey, we've already been over this." Jenika says, raising her eyes to meet his.
"Yes we have." Tim nods. "And there is absolutely no reason why you should work."
"Y..you can quit yo job and...and tay home w...w..wit me and Tim. K, Jen??" Adam says still staring at the fire.
"You boys are teaming up against me. That's not fair." Jenika chuckles as she rubs Adam on the head.
Adam raises up putting an arm around Tim's neck and looks Jenika in the eyes. "W..We pay durty." (we play dirty) He nods.
"Yes, you do." Jenika laughs, kissing him on the nose.
Patch reaches over and taps Jenika on the leg to get her attention.
"I would really love to see the mountains. Plus what ever else is out there to see." He says giving her a sad look.
"Jenika, you're doomed." Kevin laughs shaking his head.
"Oh Crap. This isn't right, y'all." Jenika laughs. "I'm getting attacked. Brown, blue and green eyes all giving me that sad look."
"Okay, h..h..heel how I thee it." (here's how I see it) Adam says with a nod.
Tim laughs and rubs him on the back as Jenika raises her eyebrows at the pirate.
"Y..You don't need to wowk. (work) T..Tim is wich. (rich)" He stares at Jenika with large eyes. "And and you need to tay (stay) at home wit me and Tim. T..Tim needs help sometimes wit me. Pecially (especially) when s...she shows up. Pus, (plus) I..I..I like to twable." (travel)
"How can you argue with that?" Tim ask giving her his sad eyes.
"Patches ain't here to speak for himself so I'll take the privilege of speaking for him." Kevin laughs. "PEEZ!!!"
"NOT YOU TOO!" Jenika whines.
"PEEZ!!" Kirstie joins in.
"UGH!! Alright!! I'll quit!!" She says shooting Tim a look.
"Uh oh, y..you in twuble (trouble) T..Tim." Adam says laying his head back down.
"Oh no, not by myself, I'm not." Tim says as he pecks Adam on the head.
"Y..You tawded (started) it." Adam says raising up, looking Tim in the face.
"I might have tawded it, but you were the one that made the speech." Tim says, raising a brow.
Adam raises up again and stares at Tim. "I..I did. Didn't I"
He bits his bottom lip as in thought. He leans over in Tim's lap and looks at Jenika.
She tries her best not to smile as she looks into his blue eyes.
"Am..Am I in twuble too." He says as he pouts.
"No Sweetie. You're not in trouble. Only Tim." She smiles innocently.
"Sh...She said I wasn't in twuble. But you awr." (are) Adam says nodding his head. "You... You gonna get panked, Tim." (spanked)
"I know that breaks your heart, doesn't it." Patch chuckles.
"Oh absolutely. Jenika's spankings tears me up every time." Tim says with a smirk on his face.
"Awww, I sowy (sorry)." Adam says rubbing Tim on the cheek. "You been panked before?"
"Several times." Tim answers with a chuckle and a slight blush.
"Timmy is a very bad boy." Jenika says as she shoots Tim another look.
"Okay??" Kevin rubs his hands together. "What's the plans for tomorrow?" Desperately trying to change the subject.
Patch and Kirstie laughs loudly as Adam gives Jenika the evil eye for spanking Tim.
"Why don't we go to the zoo slash aquarium? That way we can go back on another day when the other one is here." Tim suggests, motioning toward Patch. Also trying to help Kevin change the subject, to give himself time to stop blushing.
"That sounds fun. But we will go back, just in case. You never know which one is gonna be here." Patch says.
"Absolutely, Sweetie. We want you and Patches to experience everything." Kirstie says, kissing him on the cheek.
"Well, we need to call it a night so we can get plenty of rest for tomorrow." Tim says as he rubs Adam on the head. He had gotten usually quiet.
As Tim sat on their bed taking off his prosthetic leg, there was a small peck on their door. Jenika goes to open the door to see a very sad Adam. Tears rolling down his face.
"Baby, what's wrong?" She ask softly taking him by the hand and leading him into the bedroom.
"Hey Buddy. Come here." Tim says, patting the bed beside him.
Adam sits down beside him and lays his head over on Tim's shoulder.
"What's wrong, Sweetie?" Tim ask putting an arm around him.
"I..I...I sowy I got you in twuble." He sobs wiping the tears that were falling.
"Sweetie, you didn't get me in trouble." Tim says softly, placing a kiss on top of his head.
"I...I don't want her...her to pank... pank you." Adam sobs.
Tim smiles and turns his head to keep Adam from seeing.
"Adam, Sweetheart." Jenika smiles as she stoops down in front of him taking him by the hands. "I'm not going to spank Tim."
"D*mn." Tim mouthed. He jumps slightly as Jenika secretly pinches him on the calf of his leg.
"Awr you mad at him?" Adam ask between hiccups.
"No, I love Tim with all my heart." Jenika smiles at him as she wipes a tear. "I'm not mad. Alright? Now please stop crying."
He nods and looks around at Tim.
Tim smiles at him and brushing his hair back. "Now you need to go to bed. We got a long day tomorrow."
Adam wraps his arms around Tim's neck and hugs him tightly. "I wub you, Tim."
Tim hugs him tightly trying to bat back the tears. "I love you too." He whispers.
Jenika wipes away a tear of her own as she watches the two.
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