Where were you
(yes the image is corrupt, the reasoning being Wilford isn't really in that book, at least I don't know how to incorporate him. If you're wondering it's basically JJ frustrated at Wilford for stabbing a pumpkin. Although I think you should mention by now that the songs, I want them to have something to do with the chapter but at the same time I don't, so this one has nothing to do with the chapter, it's just if you want to listen to it it's really good, I thought the original bitch lasagna was good, and this one is fire just like the original)
-3 p0v-
Jackie had woken up again and covered his injuries with foundation, but this time he knew he'd see his brothers considering that it was 5am. 'Seán and Jameson are going to chew me out for this I know that' Jackie thought to himself, sighing softly as he put his clothing on for today, which consisted of some torn denim jeans, a shirt with Ranboo hitting a pan and saying pan (how he came out to his school and brothers last year) and a pale green beanie. After putting his clothes on Jackie went downstairs and immediately felt a glare from his eldest brother Jameson „ where have you been?!„ he signed, giving off a annoyed but concerned expression on his face.
"Well, I kinda-" Jackie started, only to be interrupted by his other brother "WHEN THE HELL DID YOU GET BACK?!?! YOU HAD US WORRIED SICK!!" Seán said, grabbing his brothers shoulders and shaking him "I-" Jackie tried to say, but was once again cutter " 2:54 AM" anti said "2:54?! WHY WERE YOU OUT THAT BLOODY LATE?!" Seán said, extremely angry and concerned " you guys know why I go out at night, I just had time slip by quicker than I thought it would considering what happened yesterday at school, I did run into the machete murder again, she managed to get away. Again. I don't know how she keeps doing that" Jackie said, sighing. „ you need to be more careful„ Jameson signed, sipping his coffee. " I know, but on the good side I found out about another superhero, his name is night cat"
"Who?" Seán asked, confused. „ he found himself a crime fighting friend„ JJ signed, which anti translated. " what, he's not my partner. I just happen to come across him last night that's all" Jackie said, making himself some toast. " so you randomly met some guy called cat night-" "Night cat Seán" Jackie corrected " whatever the hell his name is, and you didn't find him suspicious?" Seán continued. " to be fair he did try to help me capture that machete wielding bitch" Jackie said.
Seán sighed " what if you told him your real name, if he's a villain you could've put yourself in more danger because he'll knows where you live-" "how? He literally grabbed the arm of that machete girl when she was about to chop my head off most likely with it." "WHAT?!" Anti and Seán sit in unison as Jameson spit out some coffee. " OHHEYITSTHEBUSIBETTERGETGOINGBYANTIBYEJJBYESEÁNILLSEEYOUAFTERSCHOOL!!" Jackie said, quickly grabbing his backpack and rushing outside before any of his brothers could stop him
Jackie ran to Kayla's House and rushed onto the bus from there, Confusing everyone. As he sat down next to Kayla she remarked " what did you do to piss your brothers off this time?" " I kind of got into danger last night and I revealed a little something I shouldn't have and now I'm probably going to get it when I get home. I don't want to say what I said, so don't ask" he replied, noticing Marvin was sitting right across from them again.
" oh, hey Marvin" Jackie said, spooking the boy with long hair. "Oh, hey Jackie, what's up?" " not much" Jackie responded. Kayla, Marvin, and Jackie continue to talk for the rest of the bus ride until they got to school, ignoring Travis this time. ' I can't let anyone know about the machete girl from this point on' Jackie thought to himself as he entered first. With Marvin, noticing The popular girl giving Marvin in the eye. " I think Melissa likes you" " I think so too, but I genuinely don't get why, is there a such thing as Lovette first sight, because if so I definitely don't experience that" Marvin told me " hey, are you demisexual?" I asked. " yeah." " ok, I was just curious, but yeah be careful of her she's going to try and do everything she can to get with you" I warned him, knowing Melissa Foley and her tactics like the back of my hand.
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