Nightly patrol
( TW, this chapter is going to have blood, injury with a katana, and some characters learning who night cat is)
-Jackie p0v-
I had just managed to stop another murder attempt today. Pile that with the stress of having to attack someone for taking pictures of my friend while she was changing and you can say it was a pretty stressful day. I didn't actually realize who I saved until I heard the squeal of someone way too familiar
"YOUR JACKIEBOY MAN!" Kayla shouted, not realizing it was me. " yeah... you don't need to squeal by the way" I said, rubbing my ears to make sure they were still functioning. " i'm so sorry, but I'm a big fan of you! I still didn't expect to be the first actual video footage of you that the public saw, but thanks again for helping me avoid those muggers." She said, referencing earlier this year where I had to stop some people from mugging her while she was doing a podcast. She always calls it the gayest podcast in Brighton, considering she was bisexual.
" it's not an issue, I was just doing my job" I said, giving a friendly smile. Just as I was about to head off to trying to go bad if any more crime was happening, I noticed something in the corner of my eye. " what a shame, I just wanted this rooftop battle to be between me and you Jackieboy man~ but I guess it's not gonna be that way." That machete girl said, covered in blood. 'SHIT! I couldn't save people from her!' I thought to myself, seeing the blood on her " you're not getting away this time whoever you are!" I said, standing protectively in front of Kayla to keep her safe from the machetes this murderer used.
As this mysterious girl was walking towards me I noticed another figure. ' did she team up with another criminal?!' I thought to myself, only being able to make it at the figure as a punch the girl from behind. ' thanks fuck it's just night cat' I thought. " well I didn't expect us both to meet under circumstances like this again Jackieboy man, but it looks like the girl I was chasing before ran into you" Night cat said. Approaching the mysterious girl only to freeze in his tracks abruptly.
Me and Kayla were confused until she screamed. I noticed she was looking at the ground and everything froze at that moment. The reasoning why night cat stopped was because he was stabbed with one of the machetes. As I Recovered from the shock and began to run at this machete murderer, she pulled the machete from knight cats chest and made a break for it, messing up the masks strap with the motion she pulled it out in. Night cat placed a hand on his stomach and moved it to look at the blood for a few seconds before falling.
"SHIT!" I said, running forward to catch the mysterious man as his mask fell off. Kayla picked up night cat mask while I flipped him over " Marvin?!" The two of us said in unison realizing who night cat was. He was now unconscious from blood loss and the shock. 'Don't die, don't die, don't die!' I was thinking to myself, internally panicking. " I won't tell anyone about a secret, but you need to get him to some help, stat!" Kayla said, snapping me out of my panic as I notice she put his mask back on " ok, I'll do that, you just stay safe." I told her, rushing down the stairwell that Marvin had run up previously, carrying him in my arms.
" hang in there Marvin, you're gonna be ok" I said quietly to myself as I entered The secret passageway to my house. After about 5 to 15 minutes of running I ended up back at my house. This time not bothering to sneak in through my window like normal.
" ANTI! GET THE FIRST AID KIT!!! NOW!!!" I shouted as I entered, taking Marvin's mask off as well as shirts so my brother could patch him up. Jameson looked at me and confusion for a few moments and then realize the gravity of the situation at seeing Marvin's unconscious body.
Anti rushed into the room at that moment and immediately noticed Marvin " WHAT HAPPENED TO-" " I JUST FOUND OUT HE'S NIGHT CAT!! THE GIRL FROM LAST NIGHT STABBED HIM!!" I said in a panic, not realizing I raised my voice. I carefully set Marvin up so both Jameson and anti could patch him up, considering we've had to do this before for both me and my brother. After he was bandaged up, JJ stood up „ i'll prepare the guest bedroom so he can rest, Jackie, could you change his shirt. And both of you, you might want to wash the blood off your hands. I'll tell Seán to wash your hero suit Jackie„ Jameson signed, heading to the guest bedroom to prepare the bed. Anti cleaned his hands in the kitchen sink while I cleaned mine in the bathroom. After I got out of my hero suit and washed the blood off my hands, I went back into the living room and carefully picked Marvin up, carrying him to my room and putting one of my k-pop shirts on him. (yes I like K-pop deal with it) (i've never listen to K-pop before but I could just see Jackie listening to it every now and again)
I looked at him for a bit and began to worry ' is Marvin going to die, he's too young. And he's night cat?! I didn't expect that. Well tomorrow is Friday, so I'll be able to talk about this with him on the weekend if he still alive... and hopefully he didn't suffer any internal injuries' I ended up getting extremely wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice my oldest brother enter the room until he tapped on my shoulder „I'll Bring Marvin to the guest bedroom now. He'll be fine„ JJ signed, picking Marvin up and bringing him to the guest bedroom most likely. I laid down in my bed and contemplated what just happened last night, this whole day was extremely stressful, from having to stop a pervert to saving my best friend from another robbery, to finding out Marvin is night cat... all in all a pretty strange and stressful day.
Even though I had a lot of stuff on my mind, I managed to drift off, still worried about Marvin. Maybe Jameson is right. Maybe Marvin's gonna make it
(yeah part of this chapter sucks due to the fact that I experienced writers block, but here is the seventh chapter. I hope you guys enjoy)
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