Movie night
( ok so this chapter was started at 9:55 pm on July 12th whilst I was watching the conjuring2 45 minutes into the film. So pls bare in mind some horror elements will be visible,as well as a few spoilers for the conjuring 2. As well as a panic attack and implications of sexual assault. Reader discretion is advised)
-3rd p0v-
Time flew quickly for Katelyn and those she invited to the movie night. The group had just finished Godzilla Tokyo SOS, and everyone was still interested in a new movie.
" what about, this!" Janus snake said, picking up a horror movie dvd. Katelyn examined the disc and smiled, ejecting the Godzilla movie they were watching and putting the new movie in. After the previews The Conjuring2 was displayed, exciting everyone except Marvin. " w-wait... doesn't that movie have a demon nun?" Marvin asked, clinging to Jackie under the electric blanket the two shared.
"Yeah!" Ryan contor said excitedly, causing Marvin to tremble. Jackie noticed and looked at Marvin "you can cling to me when you get scared." He said, smiling. As soon as the introduction to the movie began, Marvin clung tightly to Jackie. Each gunshot made Marvin flinch.
After a while, it finally hit the demon nun scene. As everyone started at the demon, Marvin clung to Jackie. Having the blanket wrapped around the two. As Lorraine entered the room with the painting, Jaclyn kept chanting "demon nun, demon nun, Demon Nun Demon Nun!" Freaking Marvin out even more. As soon as the church music began at 45 minutes, Marvin clung extremely tight to Jackie's arm, nuzzling into the lime haired boy.
( ok, so as of writing this I'm at the 45th minute so I'll continue writing once I finish/as I go along. 10:22pm)
Marvin stared at the nun painting, tears visible. 'Did something happen to Marvin that involved a nun?' Jackie thought, looking at Marvin. Just as the light next to the nun turned off, Marvin squeaked, nuzzling into Jackie more. Jaclyn continued to chant demon nun, which didn't make it easier on Marvin. As all the lights in the room Lorraine was in began to get cut off Marvin jumped, burying himself into the electric blanket he and Jackie shared. Jackie then noticed a handprint mark on Marvin's lower back to the right. He couldn't make out the color but assumed it was orange.
Marvin was trembling as Lorraine was locked it the room with a demon nun, that was, until he felt Jackie pull him into a protective hug. Just then, Paton matric and her twin brother Patton matric streaked in excitement and fear. "DEMON NUN SHADOW!!" Paton shouted as the nuns shadow exited the shadow of a grim painting in the room, Filling Marvin with fear as he peaked out of the blanket. His face went pale as he watched the shadow nun creep closer to its painting.
Paton knew what was about to happen, and quickly shut jaclyn up, making sure she blocked Marvin's view of the screen. She'd taken notice of Marvin's reactions throughout the scene. Marvin could still hear Lorraine shout "WHO ARE YOU?" At the demon, followed by the horrific roar that the monster let out. Marvin peaked out as he saw Ed getting impaled by some black spike, causing Marvin to cry.
After a while it went to the interview with a young girl named Janet and her sis, she got possessed by the old man name bill wilcons. The Ereei interview continued, with him calling Janets mother an old cow.
Marvin clung to Jackie through the heartwarming scene into the terrifying part where the crooked man toy goes blank. Marvin teared up as billy approached Barron, who became the crooked man. As the horrific scene went on, Marvin cried as Janet began to foam at the mouth.
As ed and Lorraine were talking about weather or not they'll go, Marvin ran out crying. Jackie followed him, worried about his friend. Jackie found Marvin having a panic attack, saying 'I'm sorry' 'I don't know what you want from me' and 'please stop!'. Jackie gently held Marvin, cradling him softly. Marvin looked at Jackie and clung tightly to him, as if he were afraid of something. Jackie just rubbed Marvin's back.
As Marvin slowly calmed down a scream from the movie room. Jackie carried Marvin into the bedroom, placing him into the bed with his espeon, leafeon, and glaceon plushes. Marvin clung to Jackie. "P-please.... don't leave" he said. Jackie nodded and sat down on the bed next to Marvin. Only to feel Marvin pull him closer. Marvin cuddled Jackie.
Meanwhile in the movie room, the group had reached the point in which the warrens knew that the old man's spirit was a pawn for the demon nun, and had gotten to the house as Janet's mother was desperately trying to reach her daughter.
"I don't trust the window " Patton said as it was destroyed. During the second emotional scene, Jaclyn was chanting "BEAT THAT DEMON!!!"
Ed managed to break into the empty house and got attacked by the spirit Immediately. As the church music was playing, a strong sense of tension was formed among everyone
Ed began an exorcism on the demon, Janus began to pray as well. Realizing the name of the demon, Lorraine read the letters. V. A. L. A. K.
Jaclyn shouted "WE HAVE POWER OVER VALAK!!" As Lorraine ran back to the house, watching a tree get struck by lightning, becoming the spike ed was to die on, just as ed encountered the crooked man..
Patton began to celebrate as Lorraine dispelled Valak and save Janet and ed. Paton punched her twin " WHY WOULD YOU CELEBRATE IT BEFORE SHE VANQUISHED VALAK?!" "Because I watched this before." Patton said, skipping to the bedroom to find Jackie cuddling Marvin. He decided to carry both of them with the blankets and plushies to the movie room. Placing them on the couch. As the movie wrapped up, stating that Peggy hodgson would live out the rest of her days in that house and how she passed away in 2003 in the exact same spot as the old man did 40 years prior.
Ed had taken the crooked man toy back with him, placing it next to a toy taken from the conjuring.
As someone clapped, Marvin and Jackie woke up, blushing a bit and sitting up. "The movies over." Kayla said, hugging Marvin. Marvin would have to explain why he was more terrified of Valak then normal, but he obviously wasn't near ready.
( ok, Marvin has some trauma.. anyway the movie and this chapter were finished at 12:42 am on July 13th. I'm now gonna have to try to sleep despite being terrified., it's also raining. Doesn't help)
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