Cat masked boy
(OK so I know I posted chapter 1 today, I just want people to at least have more content number one and number two I want people to be proud of me because I'm proud of this... you don't have to be proud of me I just want you to acknowledge the work at the least.AnyWho I have an interesting idea for Marvin)
-3 pov-
Jackie had sat down on the bus next to his best friend, Kayla. Jackie almost always saw A new pale blue mark on her, and knowing that they layer has helped him realize that she is clumsy pretty early on. Kayla looked at her best friend and ruffled his hair " you had me worried there for a moment Jackie, I thought you were going to miss the bus this time. Also how do you not have any marks on you? Travis and his goons really did a number on you yesterday...." she said, concern is showing in the One orange eye that still worked of hers. " you know I cover them up, my body is littered in them anyways." Jackie said, noticing that a new kid was sitting across from the two. " well you need to show pride, show that you're proud of who you are. I have a bunch of those injuries from falling down the stairs and I'm still showing the- Jackie are you paying attention?" Kayla asked, Tapping her best friends shoulder "y-yeah! We have a new kid though... he seems pretty cool" Jackie said, taking note of the pale blue mark that went across the kids face, it almost looks like vines from a thorn bush, coupled with the kids long brown hair that was tied in a ponytail, Jackie was intrigued to say the least.
" oohhh... I didn't actually notice him get on, I wonder when we picked him up." Kayla said, leaning across Jackie's lap to greet the kid "HI! I'm Kayla enta and this is my friend Jackie McLoughlin. Nice to meet you!" She said, extending a coffee brown arm to The new kid. " h-hi... my name's Marvin... Marvin Schneeplestein.. my Family actually recently moved here, it's nice to meet you Kayla" The new kid said, carefully shaking Kayla's hand, Jackie noticed that Marvin had a few pale blue bruises on his elbows as well as some pale green marks mix in there. " SooooOOO... what's up with the vine?" Kayla asked, resulting in a bap on the back of her ' that's going to give her a mark there...' Jackie thought as he scolded his friend " Kayla, it's rude to ask that shit." "Oh, no it's fine, some kid accidentally pushed me into a Thorn bush when I was younger, it really hurt... if it wasn't for my older brother I would've had a Vine on my face for a long time..." Marvin said, giggling softly. The three talked for a bit more before Travis got on the bus.
As Travis walked over to his friends he noticed the new kid talking to Jackie and Kayla " don't talk to that loser and his friend. Man, I can't believe they let a-" travis mocked, being cut off by Kayla throwing a dictionary at him" I might not be the same race as you, but at least I have the knowledge to not be a racist!" She recorded, Jackie and Marvin both giggling at the come back. Travis snarled " listen here f*g! You're going to get it after school, and everyone knows you use make up to hide those marks, I really wonder how many you have, especially cons-" travis started, being cut off by another book being thrown at his face by Kayla " I request you give me back both my dictionary and that hard cover book, I can't be an archaeologist without them after all~" Kayla said, laughing a bit. Marvin shrank back as Travis glared at him and then walked off. " Man, isn't he a party pooper." Kayla said, waiting across Jackie again to pick her stuff up.
After that encounter with the school bully, Marvin selected a video and began playing it. "wait is that Ailurus?" Jackie asked, recognizing the voice in the video "y-yeah... he's one of my favorite Youtubers, you wanna watch?" Marvin asked, to which Jackie nodded his head. Jackie leaned across the i'll so he could see the video Marvin was watching, it was the first episode of season one of his r/imapeiceofshit playlist " I actually like these playlists the most, it just invigorates me to try and do good in the world" Jackie said smiling. Marvin let out a soft chuckle " same here also doesn't that Travis guy know it's wrong to say the F slur, and the reason why is because it turns homophobesinto the thing they hate the most which is gay people" Marvin lied, wanting to stir up a reaction from the bully, which he got.
The rest of the bus ride was really uneventful, other than Jackie, Marvin, and Kayla watching ailurus together. Once they got off the bus at school Kayla ran to her locker. " so Marvin, if you want I can bring you to the principals office so you can figure out where your locker is and get your schedule" Jackie said, offering his hand. " thanks, I could use the help" Marvin said, taking Jackie's hand and following him to the office. Marvin then thought to himself ' maybe the school won't be as bad as the last one.... every school does have a tissues but this one might be better'
(Ok this one was extremely fun, some thing I wanted to try doing was more or less to have the relationship build over the book, which is what I'm gonna do. And if anyone is wondering Travis's last name is connors. And yes, Marvin is related to Henrik in this... other than that I hope you enjoyed)
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