a worried hero
( ok, y'all need some more action because this is lacking in superhero shit, idk when it'll happen but it will. Started July 15th)
-Jackie p0v-
I hadn't seen Marvin since we were heading to lunch, which was when he sprinted off. I had excused myself from school to find him. I quickly called anti
" hey bro, I need you to pick me up, Marvin ran out of school when we were heading to lunch and I'm really worried about him.."
" ok, I'll be there in 10, just talking with my pen pal" he said, hanging up the phone
About 10 minutes later anti pulled up in the jeep he worked his ass of to get. "Get in" he said, to which I quickly did so. "Ok, so you're worried about your-" my brother started, to which I cut him off. "Yes I'm worried about Marvin! I think he needs help right now, emotional help" I said, not even buckling up before giving anti directions to Marvin's home. I thanked the fact Marvin had asked me to walk with him to Katelyn's house on Sunday In my head as my brother drove there, buckling me up since I was distracted with my brain.
After 36 minutes of driving, we arrived at his house and saw someone talking on the phone. I only heard the end of the conversation on one side
"Thanks Em." The man said into his phone before hanging up and re-entertaining the house. After I unbuckled myself and practically leaped out of my brothers car I knocked on the front door. After a few minutes, a woman answered "Yeah?"
"Are you Marvin's mom? I'm Jackie. Can I see him?" I asked, even I could hear the fear and concern in my voice. "Oh, well he's currently asleep, his brother managed to calm him down, why do you need to talk to him?" She said. Before I could answer my brother did. "He told me his friend ran out of school when they were heading to lunch." Anti said, looking at me like I'm insane. I don't blame him though.
Marvin's mom looked at me and then said "he seems like he genuinely cares... he can visit Marvin, just don't touch his hips." His mom said, weird request but understandable. I rushed up the stairs once I entered the house, the stairs being really close to the entrance way, and began looking for Marvin.
"Who zhe hell are vou?" I heard someone say. I turned to see Marvin asleep, and someone holding him. "What did you do to Marv?" I said, probably overreacting... "I'm comvorting my younger brother." The man said. Ok, I was definitely overreacting.
"Oh... is he ok?" I asked, entering the room as Marvin's brother placed him on the bed. "Ve had a panic attack, but ve is vine at zhe moment." The man said, looking at his brother with concern. "Well, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Jackie, Marvin's friend" I said, feeling a tinge of pain calling him a friend, but that's what we are. "Nice to meet vou, I'm Henrik." He said, looking at Marvin with concern.
"Has he had a panic attack before?" I asked, mentally facepalming at the stupidity that just came from my mouth. I literally helped him when he was having one on Sunday!! "A couple of times, and for usually something relating to the one he just had. Do you know what happened?"
"No, all I know is that he was listening to the kids in lunch detention and then ran off. I tried to catch him but he outran me... when I ran into the office to tell Mr. Brody that Marvin ran out of the school I saw Travis, Janus, and Shawna there." I said, sitting on the floor next to Marvin.
Henrik sighed "vou know, my brother admires vou . Ve told me about how vou helped vim when Ve vas stabbed with a machete." Henrik said, sitting in a chair. "R-really?" I said as I felt my face heat up a little. "Yes, Ve also really trusts vou. Don't break it." Henrik said in a threatening way as he left the room.
I just looked at Marvin and felt a panic buildup in me, from both Marvin having ran out of school today and his brother's threat. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Marvin had woken up until he hugged me. I looked at him briefly before hugging him back, careful not to touch his hips like his mom said. I noticed his eyes were a little red before hugging him, signifying he had been crying for a bit before I got here.
I don't know what happened to him, but I'm gonna make sure no one hurts him. I refuse to let whatever happened to him before happen again.
( kk, some closure after last chapter on the Marvin angst, Jackie did get really worried. Completed July 15th. Also guess who Henrik is gonna torment.)
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