Attack From the Deep
Star Chips: Yugi: 3/Joey: 2/Sarah: 3
I eyed the Star Chips on my wrist as they shined under the sun's rays. I didn't feel like looking at the desert part of the island anymore - my mood had changed.
And it was all his doing.
Eric Hall.
I felt troubled at the fact that I let my guard down around him. It was unacceptable. Why did I succumb to his hold, as though I were a pawn in a game? It was because this feeling of uncertainty overwhelmed me. I was confused, and I couldn't talk about it with anyone. Not knowing what happened in the past was frightening, and it made me question myself.
The Pharaoh must be feeling something worse than mere confusion. I couldn't imagine what that feeling could have possibly been. If I was this distraught over not knowing just a small part of my past, what could he have been feeling from losing his entire memory?
Almost automatically, my eyes drifted over to Yugi and the Millennium Puzzle around his neck. Right then and there, my heart screamed at me to just admit to everyone who I really was so that I could help the Pharaoh and talk about everything that happened, so he wouldn't be confused anymore. I wanted to just explode with descriptions of all his memories so that he could remember everything and we could go back to working together and protecting people.
But I couldn't.
It wasn't the right time just yet.
Yugi did not know that there was a spirit within his Puzzle, and the Pharaoh himself might believe that his soul was actually Yugi's in the confusion of suddenly being within a body with no recollection of how he arrived there.
This was a delicate situation, one I did not wish to rush - I could not rush - despite how much I might have wanted to.
"This is so exciting," said Joey giddily like a school boy, suddenly breaking me out of my thoughts.
My attention reverted back to the others. I believed in fate, and sometime soon, I know I will be able to help the Pharaoh as I have done before. He will remember his life and my identity, and we would soon be able to find a way to defeat the evil that has returned.
"The three of us have won our first duels! This calls for a celebration!"
Joey was fist pumping the air, when suddenly, we heard a quiet growl coming from him.
"Hungry?" Téa teased with a smirk as Joey cradled his grumbling tummy and looked down at it with a pout.
"Hey, dueling builds up an appetite," Joey said, trying to defend his body's need for food. Tristan curiously poked his friend's tummy only to find himself in a headlock a moment later. Their play was quite amusing.
"If I knew that Pegasus wouldn't provide food in his tournament, I would've brought some with me," said Téa with a small sigh. "I only have my bag..."
"The tournament is going to last a while," added Yugi. "We can't survive on nothing to eat and drink the whole time."
"Have no fear, guys," said Tristan when Joey finally let him go. He then produced a book from inside his trench coat. "I've got a guide that can help us."
Everyone looked at the guide with skeptical faces. Then Joey asked, "Can we eat it?"
"Better than that. It shows us all the plants, berries, and roots we can eat."
Joey, Téa, and Yugi collectively made gagging noises.
"Tristan, buddy, eat all the tree bark you like," Joey said, patting his friend on the shoulder. "I'm gonna go look for some real food."
"Um..." I started, as I searched through my duffel bag for the snacks I had packed. "I've got some -"
Joey hadn't heard me. "Hey, I smell something!" he said, turning around. "And it's coming from over there!" We watched him start running off towards a clearing.
Téa sighed. "He's hallucinating," she said.
"You never know," said Tristan, defending his friend. "Remember, it was his nose that helped him win his duel against Mai."
"We should follow after him..." said Yugi. The others proceeded to do so while I was left behind to think about what had happened.
Were they always a rambunctious group? I didn't even get a chance to say that I had packed food. With a small sigh, I followed after them. Perhaps Joey smelled a food stand that Pegasus had prepared after all.
I found the others sitting by a small fire on an open cliff. It overlooked the beautiful ocean, but it wasn't the view the others were enjoying. Joey and Tristan were at the fire, drooling at the smell of cooked fish, while Téa and Yugi tried talking them out of eating someone else's food. It was strange to see food left out to cook but no one nearby to watch over it.
"Joey, it isn't yours," warned Téa.
"There's lots here!" said Joey with a grin. "What's the big deal if one or two are missing? Come join us, Sarah!"
"Er... it isn't right..." I said. "But, I have something in my bag. You can eat this if you'd like."
"You brought food?" asked Tristan, blinking his wide brown eyes.
"Mhm. It's not much but we can all share -"
"Now that is what you're supposed to do," said a new voice suddenly. Suddenly, a figure was climbing over the edge of the cliff.
The person seemed like he would be the same age as us, but he was much more built than either Tristan and Joey so perhaps he was older. His deep blue hair was also crazy: pointed spikes were held up by a pair of goggles. He wore nothing but a pair of jeans that were cut above the knees - and a Duelist's Glove. He was a duelist on the island.
"Eh?! How did you - " Joey almost dropped the fish he was holding from the surprise of seeing someone suddenly emerge from a place where people didn't normally appear from. The cliff must have been steep, and for someone to go down there in the first place, let alone climb all the way back up, was bizarre.
The man was holding a spear in his hand, which still had a fish stuck on the end, and he was completely drenched. Now that I thought about it, that cliff had to have been dangerous, and he went all the way over to get fish. He must have been quite skilled to do all that by himself.
The man paid no mind to the surprised look on Joey's face. He was concerned with something else, and his brows were furrowed forward. "Sharing requires both participants to willingly accept the conditions of their agreement," he said. "This case is one-sided, and that is called stealing."
"Ah, man, just look." Joey got up and tried to defend himself. "We were starving out there! And when we smelled your fish cookin' on an open fire with no one around - "
"That does not give you a reason to steal!" said the strange man, waving his fist at Joey.
Yugi noticed the Duelist's Glove on his hand. "Wait... you're a duelist!" he said. "Are you Mako, the Ocean Duelist?"
Mako looked over at Yugi and his eyes widened. "And you're Yugi," he said, calming down almost immediately. "What a pleasant surprise!"
"You were third in the Regionals." Yugi smiled. "You're top-ranked."
"Why, thank you. It took nothing but hard work." Soon he was smiling as well. "It's great to finally meet you, Yugi! Your accomplishments have been nothing short of impressive. You are more than welcome to eat."
"What about us..." asked Joey, a little hesitantly. He didn't want to anger Mako again.
But the other chuckled kindheartedly. "Friends of Yugi's are also given permission," he said. "But don't steal anymore!"
"Thanks, man! And we won't!" Joey sat down beside Tristan again, and the both of them started on a feeding frenzy.
"Sarah! You are welcome as well," said Mako, smiling at me. I was still standing behind the others.
Ah, so he knew me as well, but I was thankful he didn't make a big deal out of it. He seemed kind after he had calmed down.
"Oh... thank you," I said. I sat down beside Téa. We were lucky that Mako decided to share his catch of fish with us. Perhaps the food that I had packed would come in handy later.
"Thanks very much, Mako," said Téa with a smile. "We know it must have been tough getting all this."
"Oh, it is nothing, ladies," replied Mako with a small blush and wide grin. He was actually a gentle person than he first led on. "Food always tastes better with company."
"Speaking of food... I never thought fish was edible," I said, blinking at the skewered fish Mako placed in my hands.
Mako blinked. "Well, most of it is," he said.
"I've never had fish before..."
"You're missing out!" said Tristan after swallowing his second bite.
I looked at the fish thoughtfully, wondering how I should start. I removed some of the skin first and bit into the warm flesh.
"... This is good..." I said, blinking as the flavour of the fish touched my senses. The others smiled.
Fish was a delicacy in Egypt. Those who could afford it ate it regularly, but my family and I weren't a part of that group. Despite that, we enjoyed the more common foods and never really thought about the things we couldn't spend money on. We were happy with what we had. So I've never had the chance to eat fish until now.
"How far have you gotten in your duels, Mako?" Yugi asked.
"I've won about two duels now," replied the ocean duelist, showing his Duelist Glove. He had five Star Chips.
"You're halfway there," I said.
"Yup! How far have all of you gotten?"
"Well, we've all won our first duels," said Yugi. "Joey is behind."
"I'll catch up," said the blond with a smirk.
"Glad to hear!" said Mako with a smile. "All the best to the three of you."
"Thanks, Mako. You too!"
When we had finished eating our fill, Tristan and Joey rested back against the large rocks and sighed with their hands over their tummies.
"That was good..." they said together. Those two could have been twins - they did everything together and in the same way.
"How did you learn to cook like that, Mako?" Téa asked.
"My father was the one who taught me," he said. "Ever since I was young, my father raised me and taught me many things having to do with the sea. He showed me when the sea was sad and when it was happy. I've also seen it when it was angry."
"You really love the sea," I noted. It truly was fascinating, especially because I've seen it for the first time during these past couple of days. The sea was beautiful as it sparkled under the sun, holding mysteries deep below its surface.
"Indeed, I've lived beside it all my life."
"Why'd you come to the tournament?" asked Yugi.
Mako grinned. "So I can buy my own boat with the prize money and sail across the seas whenever I like," he said.
"That sounds lovely," I said with a smile. "Being able to do what you enjoy whenever you feel like it must be the most fun." Mako smiled as well.
"I wish you the best, Mako," said Yugi. They then shook hands, showing respect to one another as fellow duelists. Yugi also had something he needed to fight for, but he didn't wish to take away someone else's dreams. So all he could do was wish him well.
"You as well, my friend," said Mako. "Say, how about a duel right now? Will you accept my challenge?"
Yugi grinned. "It'd be an honour to duel you, Mako."
"I should be saying that to you," laughed Mako.
Joey and Tristan suddenly jumped from their food stupor. "A duel?" asked Joey excitedly.
"Awesome!" cried Tristan. But then he blinked. "Er... but where...?"
"Oh, the arena is right over here," said Mako, pointing to the other side of the cliff. We looked over and saw a dueling arena being held up by support beams over the high rocks. Our jaws dropped.
"Pegasus spared no expense..." I murmured. Yugi nodded, hearing me only because he was right next to me.
"He must enjoy playing games as well as spending his money."
A sad but possibly accurate truth.
"To make it fair, the arena is half ocean and half land," explained Mako, hopping onto the red platform. "How many Star Chips would you like to wager?"
As soon as Yugi hopped onto his side of the platform, the Pharaoh immediately took over. He must take control on instinct because of his background. Again, I got to see those intense crimson eyes of his, and every time Yugi changed into the Pharaoh, it never ceased to amaze me. One second it was Yugi, and the next it was the Pharaoh. As before, the others didn't notice the change.
"How about two?" asked the Pharaoh.
"Excellent idea!" said Mako, clipping two Star Chips off his Duelist Glove as the Pharaoh did the same. "I won't hold back, you know!"
The Pharaoh smirked. "I wouldn't want you to, Mako."
"Good luck, you two!" said Téa. Both duelists gave us a thumbs up.
"We should have popcorn," said Joey from out of the blue.
"But you just ate..." I said, blinking up at the blond.
The other grinned mischievously. "Never underestimate my stomach," he said.
Téa shook her head. "You boys..." Joey grinned. Tristan and I laughed.
Just as the holographic projectors activated and the Life Point counters were set, I sat down at the edge of the cliff to have a better look. The arena wasn't level to the ground, so both Yugi and Mako had to climb down some rock-carved stairs to get to it. The others noticed how comfortable it was to sit instead of look straight down so they sat down beside to me. I placed my duffel behind my back and let my legs dangle off the edge.
"All the best to you, Yugi."
"You as well, Mako."
"Let's duel!"
I was fortunate enough to see another duel of the Pharaoh's. I wonder what this one would be like?
LP: Yugi: 2000/Mako: 2000
"I'll start the duel off by playing this monster card in Attack Mode," said Mako as he placed a card onto his dueling mat. Although he played a monster, one didn't appear on his side of the field. I blinked, wondering where it was.
"What's this?" asked the Pharaoh, just as confused.
"Indeed, my creatures can only live in the sea, you see," he said. "So you won't be able to see them as normal monsters on the field." Joey held his head.
"Aw man... puns on top of not being able to see his monsters? How's Yugi gonna hop over this puddle?"
"I'll think of something," said the Pharaoh, smirking at Joey's play on words. The blond grinned at his successful joke.
Téa sighed next to me. "Besides that..." she said. "It'll be hard for him to know what to fight with as long as Mako's monsters are hiding underwater."
I nodded. "I'm sure Yugi will come up with something," I said. "But... if we think about this strategy that Mako has chosen... it's actually quite crafty. On this island, we're expected to use our environments to our advantage. The sea environment not only conceals Mako's monsters, hiding their stats away from view, but it also adds the element of surprise - all that's needed to throw an opponent off balance."
"I don't know if that's totally fair though..." said Tristan a little disappointingly. "In other environments, we can still see the stats."
"It seems as though my underwater strategy has taken everyone by surprise," said Mako with a small smirk. "The sea is a mysterious place, after all."
"In that case, for my opening move, I will play Horn Imp in Attack Mode," said the Pharaoh, playing his fiend monster onto the land side of the field. His monster had an attack power of 1300. That was a good move, considering the circumstances. This way, the Pharaoh was - in a poetic sense - "testing the waters" to see what Mako's monster would be like.
There has been too many puns during this duel already, and it was only the first round.
"Don't underestimate my sea monsters," said Mako. "They get a Field Power Bonus from being in the water, so they are more powerful than one would initially think.
"Fiend Kraken! Attack his Imp!"
A large sea monster with giant tentacles and eyes swelled out of the water and grabbed the Horn Imp as if it was picking up a pencil. Its tentacle tightened around the Pharaoh's monster, crushing it, and in an explosion of pixels, the Horn Imp was gone.
LP: Yugi: 1740/Mako: 2000
The Pharaoh was thrown off a bit by the huge monster suddenly appearing and destroying his own creature. However, he quickly set his sights back on Mako.
"Well done, Mako. That was an impressive opening move," he said.
"I am pleased you appreciate it," said Mako with a grin. "Though I very much doubt your Imp did."
"Indeed. Now I know what I'm up against."
For the moment that it was out of the water, Mako's monster was exposed, so we were able to see its stats. With the Field Power Bonus, Fiend Kraken had 1560 Attack Points. Horn Imp didn't stand a chance.
"Now you have seen how my Sea Stealth attack works," said Mako with a smirk.
"Sea Stealth attack?" asked the Pharaoh.
"The power of the ocean is vast," said Mako. "There are many things lurking beneath its shifting surface. And you never know when one of my monsters will attack, and from where."
"Hmm, and I will not know their Attack Points until they come up from the surface," the Pharaoh thought outloud. "In that case, I will place a new monster, Feral Imp, on the field in Defence Mode. That's all for now." A green fiend monster with wings and a small horn on its head materialized onto the field. It's attack strength was 1300.
"I'm sorry, my friend, but you will not catch me off guard with that creature," Mako said as he drew his next card. "I am aware of your Feral Imp's electrical attack."
"Oh no..."
"And so I will counter that with Giant Jellyfish!"
Even though we knew the name of the monster Mako had summoned, we didn't know anything about its strength, defence, or special abilities. The sea just glowed in response to another hologram appearing underneath the water's surface.
"I will just have to power up my Feral Imp then," said the Pharaoh, switching his monster to Attack Mode. He placed a card onto his dueling mat. "I play the spell card Horn of the Unicorn! This gives my Feral Imp seven hundred extra attack points!
"Now my creature, attack the water where his creatures are hiding!"
"Perfect! Way to go, Yugi!" cheered Tristan. "He might not be able to see his monsters, but they're all underwater, and water conducts electricity!"
"Oh, I see..." I said with a blink. "He powered up his monster so that he could attack any of Mako's monsters with enough points. And he attacked the water with an electrical attack because that would weaken them."
"Yeah," said Joey. "The way Yugi really uses his surroundings is amazing. He did the same thing in his duel against Weevil, after all."
"He's amazing..." I said breathlessly, watching determination grow within the Pharaoh's crimson eyes. His strategic plays and attacks were absolutely amazing. He played the game with everything he had, using every possibility he could think of.
"That's our Yugi," said Téa with a smile.
"I'm afraid there's one thing wrong with your plan," said Mako with a smirk dancing on his lips. Everyone blinked. "My Giant Jellyfish has the magical ability to absorb all electrical attacks. This was why I put him down there in the first place. As an ocean duelist, I am well aware that water conducts electricity, and that Feral Imp's attack is an electrical type. Regardless of it being powered up or not, my Giant Jellyfish can still absorb the attack and save all of my creatures!"
"Oh... I was wondering why he was so calm..." I said quietly.
The bolts of electricity violently danced across the water until Mako's Giant Jellyfish swam up to the surface and collected all of its energy within its tentacles. It sparked and flared, but it wasn't defeated - and it certainly didn't bring down any of Mako's Life Points. Once the water had calmed again, it sank back down into the swirling depths below.
The Pharaoh grit his teeth together. "This isn't good," he said.
"Now, Fiend Kraken! Destroy his Feral Imp!"
Long tentacles shot out of the water just as they did before and wrapped themselves around the Pharaoh's second monster. Feral Imp tried to get away, but once Fiend Kraken's hold tightened, there was no way he could escape. With a burst of pixels, Feral Imp disappeared, leaving another scratch in the Pharaoh's Life Points.
LP: Yugi: 1480/Mako: 2000
"It seems as though I'm battling the very forces of the ocean itself," said the Pharaoh. Although he was speaking quite calmly, I could tell that he was troubled. He didn't seem to be making any headway with his attacks. He needed something that would turn the field around in his favour.
"There must be something I can do..."
"Don't give up!" I said. The energy to say such a thing had suddenly burst out of me; I had no idea where it came from, but I felt the need to say something encouraging. It looked as though there were no holes in Mako's defence or attack, and the Pharaoh was having a hard time.
The Pharaoh's crimson eyes glanced up towards my scarlet ones. Caught in his intense gaze, I nearly stopped breathing, but then he gave me a thoughtful smile and nodded to which I relaxed. I've met his eyes plenty of times before, but I just couldn't ever get used to his gaze.
"I do have a plan that might work," he said as he drew his next card. "And it starts with this! I summon Silver Fang!"
A silver wolf appeared onto the Pharaoh's side of the field. His newest monster had an attack strength of 1200. It was weaker than his first two monsters, and they weren't able to land a single blow. I wondered why the Pharaoh summoned him.
"Come on, dear Yugi, none of your other monsters have even been able to touch mine," said Mako gallantly. "What makes Silver Fang any different?" Mako saw it too.
"I will combine his power with the magic of Full Moon!" As the Pharaoh played a second card, a round moon appeared above the wolf's head. It glowed brightly, and Silver Fang howled to it as its power increased.
"Oh? What's this... you've played a moon card?"
"The power of the full moon raises my wolf's attack strength! Now it can stand up to your powerful monsters! Just try and attack with them if you dare."
Mako smirked. "Your wolf may be powerful, Yugi, but the moon does not only work in your favour!"
Suddenly, Mako's side of the field began to shift and wade. The water was slowly being pulled closer towards the moon, climbing onto the Pharaoh's side of the field.
"What's going on...!"
"The moon controls the tides! And with this home field advantage, I am able to play the mightiest beast in my deck - Kairyu-Shin!"
A sea serpent as massive as the arena itself broke through the surface of the water, causing a massive wave to push forward and pull back from its overwhelming power. It roared so loudly, I almost covered my ears.
"That's one big fish..." Joey said, mouth agape. We all looked at the monster in awe. It was an incredible sea creature with shimmering blue scales and white underbelly. It had blood red eyes, and his teeth were sharp and claw-like.
"Behold, the colossal Kairyu-Shin! A creature so enormous, that when he rises up from the ocean depths, he creates his own tidal waves!"
"What a monster..." said the Pharaoh.
"If you enjoyed his entrance, you will surely enjoy his great attack! Tidal Wave!"
The creature roared once more, and the large mass of water that had risen up with the great beast washed over the Pharaoh's side of the field, engulfing the land and Silver Fang. The poor wolf howled helplessly before dispersing into pixels, and the water smashed against the Pharaoh's podium.
"No! Silver Fang!"
"Mako's not only using his environment to his advantage, but his opponent's cards too!" I said with wide eyes.
"Oh, wow... Mako is a tough opponent..." said Téa.
"That monster has over twenty-three hundred attack points!" cried Joey.
Tristan shook his head. "Aw man... this isn't looking too good..."
"Your monster is now gone, Yugi," said Mako. His eyes were dark, as though the light in them had been washed away by the very sea itself. "My monster's attack didn't just defeat your Silver Fang; it also took away your field."
We blinked.
"No way! I thought the water was still moving back!" said Joey.
"It's not moving at all..." I said. The Pharaoh looked at his field. His eyes widened at what he saw.
Except for a small island, the rest of the Pharaoh's field was filled with water. His land had shrunk to one-fifth of what it originally was. He couldn't play as many monsters as he normally would have been able to.
"Oh no..."
From what I could gather in my previous duels, before I lost my memory, the environment was never taken into account; it was only the duelists' skills that were put to the test at how they could use their cards to win the games. Pegasus made this special rule in which the environment is a factor, and because of this, it changed everything. Skills weren't the only thing a duelist was being tested on anymore.
This added a whole new dimension to the game, and things that weren't possible before seemed quite possible. Mako's turn was a clear example: the power of the moon threw the waves forward, which allowed more water to rush onto his field so he could summon his strong beast, and because of its presence, the water didn't recede. It washed onto the Pharaoh's side of the field, as any tide would climb onto the shore during high tide.
Even though I saw it during the Pharaoh's duel against Weevil, when he burned the forest area surrounding the large cocoon, I didn't quite realize the integration of this new dimension, but watching the massive ocean waves rocking back and forth on this gigantic dueling arena has finally made me realize its importance.
I was lucky that my duel with Eric was so simple - he must have definitely gone easy on me, because we didn't factor the environment into our moves. I didn't know how, but Eric must have. He could have easily overwhelmed me, but he didn't.
He let me win.
I clenched my fists, thinking of how foolish I was to believe that he hadn't given it his all. But I couldn't think of such a thing at this moment. Right now, the Pharaoh was up against these immense forces, and he was having a troubling time overcoming the incredible power of the sea.
"It's scary, isn't it," said Mako, a little quietly compared to his grand voice from before. His deep blue eyes hardened, reflecting the dark ocean water as it swayed with the wind. Everyone looked at him strangely, wondering what could have caused him to suddenly become so somber. The Pharaoh watched Mako carefully, and I could tell he sensed something.
"Being surrounded by water with nowhere to go... nowhere to hide... it's frightening. All men give pause before the savage power of the mighty ocean. When it corners us, we have nothing left within ourselves but the courage - or the fear - to stand up to the great force."
A silent breeze wafted in from the ocean. Suddenly, the vast body of water before us was enormous, and a shade of blue that could swallow anyone who dared to stare into its abyss. The surface sparkled beneath the sunlight, calm and gentle, but as if the horrors of the sea were unlocked, there was a layer beneath that shimmering mirror of only darkness and secrecy. Mako's words were quiet but sad, as though he knew a secret that was only shown to him.
"You're talking about your father..." said the Pharaoh.
Mako looked down at his dueling mat, suddenly lost in thought.
"He was an excellent fisherman," said the ocean duelist. "He knew more about the seas than I did, and even after all this time, I'm sure he would still know more. He taught me to love the sea and how to watch it. He also taught me when to fear it. One day, when I was young and learning on of the many things my father wished to teach me... the sea took him..."
My heart wrenched at his words.
"We were sailing on our tiny fishing boat - just the two of us on the open sea. The day was beautiful when it began, but then it turned when the storm came. When it came down to waves, our fishing boat could handle the pressure, but we ourselves were vulnerable, for we were not built with the ship. I could not hold on tight enough, so my father tied me securely to the mast so that I wouldn't fall. But because he had stopped to tie me down, he did not have any time to secure himself to mast. Our boat was rocked by an enormous wave... and I lost sight of him."
Everyone was silent, saddened by the grave news of Mako losing his father to something they were both very passionate about. It tore my heart out, knowing the feeling of losing a loved one all too well.
"After the storm subsided, the boat washed ashore, and when I was finally untied, I noticed that one of our lifeboats was missing. That simple absence provided me with enough courage to believe that my father was still out there, alive..."
From within his sorrowful ocean blue-green eyes burned a fire of determination. Mako clenched his fist.
"That is why I must win," he said. "I will buy a strong ship, capable of voyaging through any storm, and search the seven seas until I find him!"
His fierce voice reminded me of just how important hope was. With the hope of his father still alive and well somewhere in the world, Mako wished to win the tournament so he could have the funds he needed to continue his search.
"Mako..." said the Pharaoh. His voice was gentle, but his eyes were blazing with just as much resolve. "I understand, believe me, but I cannot let you win."
The Pharaoh could sense Mako's feelings, and they were evenly matched. They both had someone they were looking for: Mako, his father, and Yugi, his grandfather. However, the Pharaoh needed to face Pegasus for what he had done.
Mako smiled a bit at first, moved by the Pharaoh's words. Then he grinned and nodded, accepting the challenge.
"Let us both fight for the ones we love," he said. "I wish you the best, Yugi."
"I wish you luck too, Mako," said the Pharaoh. "I hope that you keep the light of your father's hope burning brightly within your heart, and that you find him soon.
"Now then... it's my draw!"
"Oh, wow..." said Téa, admiration in her voice. "They're so passionate..."
"That must be a part of the communication that exists between duelists with hearts that are alike," I said, feeling warmth fill my own heart after hearing the exchange of words between Mako and the Pharaoh. "True Duelists... reach an understanding, and know that the only way to keep fighting against the forces of chaos is to duel."
"Yeah, it's amazin'..." said Joey with a small smile. "This duel just became super intense."
"Go Mako and Yugi!" Tristan cheered.
Yugi and the Pharaoh were on a whole different level than what I had previously assumed.
The Pharaoh had drawn his next card and was searching through his hand for a strategy that could bring Mako's monsters into light. He started by summoning a monster.
"I call forth Giant Soldier of Stone in Defence Mode!" A large rock monster with a stone sword in one hand a stone shield in the other appeared onto the small bit of land left before the Pharaoh. The monster knelt on one knee to show his position as defence.
"Your monster can barely fit on that tiny island!" said Mako. "And my monsters will not give him the chance to escape!"
Shadows moved beneath the water's surface. Mako's monsters swam around the stone soldier in an intimidating manner. The Pharaoh's monster had 2600 Defence Points after the Field Power Bonus. Even with such defence power, Mako was sure to have a monster somewhere in his deck that could defeat him, if he didn't power up his Kairyu-Shin before then.
"You may have shrunken my battlefield down to an island, but not my courage! I won't be scared of your monsters any time soon!"
"My next creature might change your mind. White Terror! Instill your terror unto our opponent!"
A shark's fin emerged from under the surface of the water, and we instantly knew what kind of sea creature Mako had summoned just then. The massive shadow belonging to the shark swam closer and closer towards the Pharaoh's monster. Just as its name, I felt a sort of terror shake my heart, just from imagining what a shark might look like up close.
"Man... Yugi's outnumbered!" said Joey.
"Come on..." I said quietly. My mind yelled at me to cheer for the both of them, but my heart knew that the Pharaoh needed to win this one. Yugi's grandfather's soul rested on this victory.
"My army of sea creatures have you surrounded," said Mako. "It's all over now, Yugi. But you've dueled honourably!"
The Pharaoh drew his next card, and from the look on his face, I realized that the duel was indeed over - but not in the way Mako thought.
"You have been a fair and noble opponent too, Mako," he said. "but I, also, duel with a loved one at stake, and I cannot afford to lose."
Mako's eyes widened a little bit, and he understood; they were both in the same boat.
"But what do you plan to do against my army of monsters?"
"I shall switch my Giant Soldier of Stone into Attack Mode!"
"What!" We watched as the Pharaoh's monster got back onto his feet and held his sword up in an attack stance. What could he possibly be thinking? All of Mako's monsters were underwater - he couldn't reach them!
"But you cannot attack my monsters..." stated Mako quizzically, wondering what his opponent was thinking.
"My target isn't any of your monsters," said the Pharaoh, and by then, we were all very confused. "I'm going to have him attack a card I put on the field myself."
But... the only other card he put onto the field was...
The Giant Soldier of Stone raised his sword above his head, and pointed it up towards the sky - straight at the moon still glowing above his field.
"What... no way!" cried Mako.
"Giant Soldier of Stone! Attack the moon! Disable its magic!"
The Pharaoh's monster pierced the moon with his stone sword, and the round mass cracked and fractured. Finally, it shattered, and the pieces rained down upon the field.
As soon as the moon was no more, the waters on the Pharaoh's field began to move back - but they didn't stop midway across the arena. The waves rolled back onto Mako's field before disappearing all together. What was left was a crater of land with Mako's sea monsters lying within it, motionless or twitching from lack of ocean water.
"No! My field advantage is gone!" cried Mako, holding his head from witnessing the sudden change in scenery.
"Just as you said, Mako, the moon controls the water's movement," said the Pharaoh. "I knew that by removing the moon, your tides would have the opposite effect."
"My precious fish...!"
"My turn does not end there!" Curse of Dragon materialized onto the field in a blur of bright pixelated images. "I combine my newly summoned monster with the Burning Land magic card! Curse of Dragon: scorch his monsters and his Life Points!"
The slender dragon pierced the air with its high roar and shot rolling waves of fire onto Mako's monsters. They burst into flames and slowly disappeared back into the projections.
Mako's Life Points plummeted.
LP: Yugi: 1480/Mako: 0000
"Ahh, noo!" Mako clenched his fists. "I was so close!"
"Haah! He won!" Tristan and Joey cheered, flexing their muscles in excitement. Téa and I smiled.
"Way to go, Yugi!" said Téa.
The Pharaoh looked up at us, and with a small smile, gave us a thumbs up.
Once both duelists had returned onto solid land, Mako gave the Pharaoh his winnings: two Star Chips.
"I was not expecting you to destroy your own card, Yugi," admitted Mako. "That was an excellent strategy."
He didn't seem too disappointed with the loss. To Mako, who must have been used to climbing over hurdles, this duel simply was another one on his path to reaching his goal. He graciously accepted the defeat.
"It was not easy to win, Mako," said the Pharaoh with a smile. "Your use of the field was incredible. You're a great duelist!"
"Hahah! You're not so bad yourself, sailor!"
The both of them shook hands, showing a newfound friendship from a little duelist rivalry.
"I'm down to just a few Star Chips now, so I shall start over!"
"And I bet you'll do fine," said the Pharaoh with a smile.
"You'd win that wager," said Mako with a laugh, returning to his lively self.
Then we all heard a steady growl, low and hungry. Mako sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of his neck.
"Dueling you builds an appetite," he said. "I shall now go fish again! Farewell!" Before we could comprehend, he ran for the cliff.
"Good-bye, Mako!" said Téa.
"I hope that you find your father someday!" I said after him. There was a passion in my voice that I didn't realize was there until it was out. A painful heartbeat rang through my chest, knowing that I couldn't see my own father again, but the thought of there being a chance for Mako...
I wanted him to succeed. I hoped that he would be able to meet with his father again soon.
Mako stopped running when he heard my voice and turned around. He had a kind smile on his face, and I felt as though he understood my feelings. He picked up his spear from the rocks where we were eating before and tipped his goggles down as if they were a hat.
"Thank you..." he said. And then he jumped over the cliff and into the rushing water. He swam with a delightful grin on his face all the way towards the open. I watched him swim away, with small smile of my own.
"That Mako sure is fast..." said Téa. "I wanted to thank him again for the food."
"I'm sure he knows that we're grateful," said the Pharaoh. "He does not seem like the type of person who would say good-bye as though it was our last meeting."
"He's looking forward to the next time we see each other," I said, hoping that it would truly happen. Mako seemed like a very nice guy, and after this duel, I was curious about the ocean and all of its mysteries.
"Do you think he's bringing back more fish for us and that's why he didn't say good-bye?" asked Tristan with a blink.
The Pharaoh smirked. "We'd have to duel him again," he said. The group and I shared a laugh together.
"Forget about it!" said Joey with a grin. "Yugi's duel against Mako was amazing! But I know where Tristan's comin' from. I'm feeling hungry again too."
"Good thing we still have my survival guide," said Tristan, holding the book up.
Téa laughed. "No way! We need real food!"
"Tristan, eat all the pages you like," Joey said with a mischievous grin.
"Did everyone already forget that Sarah offered food a little while ago?" said the Pharaoh, bringing everyone's attention back to the group. Joey's and Tristan's eyes fell on me, and I felt a shiver go up my spine from their suddenly intense stares.
"Ooooh, right! Lifesaver!" cried Joey excitedly.
I smiled and opened my duffel bag. "These may not seem as much... but they're quite filling once they're eaten." I handed everyone a chocolate flavoured protein bar. The sweet covering would have been addicting had it not been covering a hearty bar of granola. Balance was important, after all.
"Sarah, you are a goddess," said Tristan, pocketing his book and opening the wrapper.
"I just happened to come prepared," I said with a small laugh.
The Pharaoh took his share gratefully. "Thank you, Sarah," he said kindly.
I was shy for a moment, but then a smile managed to break through. I was of help to the Pharaoh. "I'm happy to be of assistance," I said.
"This is really good," said Téa after taking a bite.
Joey rubbed his tummy after finishing his already. "It really was," he said. "And Sarah's right - it filled me right up!"
"Magical protein bars, guys." Tristan's eyes were wide. Of course, to rambunctious boys like them, a protein bar might not have seemed like enough.
I smiled, truly happy that my preparations had come in handy. The night before the departure, I was sure I was overthinking everything, but it never hurt to come prepared.
"I will show you where I've bought them once we get back," I said.
Joey and Tristan grinned. "Sweet!"
While they started walking towards another direction, hoping to get started on another duel soon, I quickly walked back to the rocks where I saw Mako's backpack and sleeping bag. He had come even more prepared - I didn't think as far as method of sleeping.
I left a couple of protein bars on top of his bag in case he couldn't find any more fish or grew tired from constantly diving into the ocean. Satisfied with their placement, I ran off to join the others, hoping that we would meet Mako again in the future, someday.
The Pharaoh was standing by the trees by himself when I arrived back. I blinked as I ran up to him.
"Were you waiting for me?" I asked, a bit surprised. I thought he had already gone off with the others.
"That, and I wanted to see the ocean one more time," he said.
"I see..." It seemed like Mako's words really got to him.
"Seeing it all in one place is sort of terrifying," said the Pharaoh. His crimson eyes stared off towards the horizon, and I could almost see his gears turning. He was thinking about something else at the same time. Could it have been about his memories? He must have begun to see the difference between him and Yugi by now, and if that was the case, he was beginning to realize that there was something going on, and he didn't know what.
How could I tell him not to worry without confusing, or even scaring, him?
I looked off at the vast ocean as well, taking in its shimmering view and breathing in the fresh air. At the same time, I nibbled on my share of the protein bar.
"It... kind of reminds me how the future is..." I said slowly, careful in choosing my words. "We have many different paths laid out in front of us, and we can only choose one. Just as how the ocean is so boundless, the future is just as well, but the only difference between the two is that we can see one and not the other."
The Pharaoh switched his gaze over to me. I felt his thoughtful eyes on me, and so I continued speaking.
"I hope that we can find your grandpa, Yugi," I said, purposely saying the young man's name, hoping that this could trigger a thought in the Pharaoh's mind about his own existence.
It was then I looked back at him, and matched my scarlet gaze with his crimson one.
"I also hope that your future becomes clear soon."
All was quiet for a moment. Nothing but the soft wind flowing by could be heard as stray leaves danced with it. I held my gaze with the Pharaoh's, silently trying to tell him that I was there to help him - that he wasn't alone in this world.
I saw a light in those red orbs, one that I did not notice before, as he searched my eyes. The darkness of confusion turned into a ray of hope.
Then he smiled, the most thoughtful of smiles, as though something really did click in his mind, and hearing me say all that helped him feel more at ease.
I'd like to think that he understood what I meant, but of course, we still had a long way to go.
Star Chips: Yugi: 5/Joey: 2/Sarah: 3
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