Start of Term Feast.
I met Ginny and Luna at the entrance hall and we stood watching the crowds of students flooding into the Great Hall.
The Great Hall looked its usual splendid self, decorated for the start-of-term feast. Golden plates and goblets gleamed by the light of hundreds of candles, floating overthe tables in mid-air. The four long house tables were packed with chattering students; at the top of the Hall, the staff sat along one side of the fifth table, facing their pupils.
"I'll meet the two of you in the far section of the library tomorrow after breakfast for a chat but until then, lets make some friends." I said with a grin as we walked into the hall and towards our different house tables. I watched Ginny and Luna go to their tables before I walked over to the Gryffindor table. I didn't even have time to search for James and the others before I was pulled onto the bench by a group of six girls.
I looked around at the group of blonde girls with about two brunettes who had pulled me into their seats and were now throwing questions at me as fast as they could. They didn't even stop for air. I was scared for them, I didn't want them to sufficate... at first.
"Woah! Calm down ladies!" I told them, with a forced smile. "One question at a time."
"So you're one of the new girls?" Asked the girl that was sat opposite me.
"Yeah. I'm Hermione Granger, I've transferred here from Bluebells Academy of Magic and I'm now a 6th year Gryffindor." I told them.
"We're 5th year Gryffindors." The brunette spoke up with a smile before the main blonde interrupted her quite rudely.
"Being the new girl, and being as drop-dead-gorgeous as you are, you'll pick up loads of hot guys. Personally, I would start with Sirius Black! He is so -"
"I am what?" A deep, husky voice asked from behind me. I smiled to myself at the familar voice that I had heard in Diagon Alley.
All the girls around me froze and the blonde looked up, looking so nervous. "H-hi Sirius. Um... what are you doing over here?" She asked in a pathetic attempt to change the subject.
"Well I wanted to see if the lovely Hermione here, wanted to join my friends and I for the feast?" He said turning to me with his award-winning smile that showed his perfect teeth.
"You know her?" The blonde asked him. I smirked when I sensed the jealousy in her voice and my smile widened when Sirius sent the girl a small glare.
"Yes I do know her. Not that its any of your business, Natashia." He said, saying her name with slight anger.
"Um... I'd love to join you and the others Sirius." I spoke up as I smiled at the teen who's eyes landed back on me and the bright smile returned to his young, handsome face.
"Come with me then, gorgeous." He grinned as he offered me his hand which I quickly took, taking him by surprise at my eagerness to get away from the crazy girls. He gently helped me off of the bench and led me over to where the Marauders were sitting.
"Thank you for saving me. I can't stand girls like that." I leaned closer to him as I whispered
"I'm always happy to help a damsel in distress, especially one as beautiful as you." He winked as we finally made it to where James and Remus were sitting with who I guessed was Peter Pettigrew. I already felt uneasy upon seeing the traitor amongst the Marauders but I remained neutral.
Sirius pulled me into the empty seat so that I was sitting in between Sirius and Remus whilst Peter and James sat opposite us.
"Hello again, lads." I greeted Remus and James with a wide grin before I looked at Peter.
"I don't believe we've met?" I said to the small boy, before I forced a smile his way. "I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?"
"Peter Pettigrew." He mumbled shyly. "Sirius already told me about you."
"Oh really?" I said turning to Sirius who was... blushing from beside me. I didn't know Sirius Black was even capable of blushing but I pretended that I didn't notice his flushed cheeks.
"I may have mentioned how I bumped into a beautiful girl in Diagon Alley." He said recovering from his embarrased state before his signature grin returned to his face.
"Thanks I guess." I chuckled before everyone fell silent as the 1st years entered the Hall with a younger version of McGonagall leading them towards the stool at the front of the Hall.
I watched as they were sorted into their houses, clapping occasionally when one was sorted into Gryffindor.
Once the sorting was over, Dumbledore called for silence. "Now that the sorting is done, I have a big announcement to make. This year Hogwarts is hosting The Triwizard Tournament."
An eruption of talking and questions began but quieted almost immediately. "This year will be different though. This year Beauxbatons decided to take a break from this tradition so instead the Salem Wizards Institute from Massachusetts will be taking their place, you will meet the representitives from their fine school in a few moments but first," Dumbledore continued, "I am proud to introduce The Durmstrang Insitute from Bulgaria with their Headmaster Jorgestiffe!" He announced.
The orchestra started playing a beat and the mass of Durmstrang students straightened out with a loud 'huh!' when the doors had opened.
They walked forwards with the beat in the fast-paced, heart-wracking music. They were doing the same routine from back in my time. I watched the sparks erupt from their canes when suddenly a FiendFyre Dragon appeared from the end of one of their wand.
I held back the scream as I remembered how the same kind of fire had created the painful burn on my left leg during the Battle of Hogwarts. I composed myself as everyone erupted into cheers and applause.
"Now I'm going to ask the Durmstrang School to kindly stand over their for this next performance." Dumbledore said as murmurs erupted from the crowd.
"As for the next school, this school comes from Massachucetts. Sadly because it is so far away they couldn't bring a larger part of the school. So instead a group of five 7th year students have been sent to represent their school. They may not be the whole school but they have the spirit and pride of the school; introducing Headmaster Joshua Ling and his selected students." Dumbledore announced loudly.
I looked towards the doors when they opened again.
My mouth nearly fell open in shock along with every other girls upon seeing the group of five boys walk into the Hall. They were gorgeous. All of them were tall, strong and handsome but personally I thought that a certain dark-haired boy next to me was a lot more appealing.
I saw all the Marauders giving the boys funny looks, obviously they weren't very impressed either.
The five boys walked forwards with matching smug grins and began their performance.
A tall man in his early thirties followed after the five boys. He was obviously the Headmaster.
He greeted Dumbledore happily before he stood on the opposite side of the hall to the Durmstrang students with his own students.
"Since we have finished with the foreign schools let us donoue school song for them." Dumbledore said.
I chuckled when the Marauders began muttering complaints about the song under their breath.
"Now on my count we will start to sing." Dumbledore ordered. He raisedhis hands and began the music. He started singing and the rest of the school joined in but not very enthusiastically.
Hogwarts, Hogwarts, hoggy warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling,
with some interesting stuff,
For now they're full of air, dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot!
When the song had finished the Durmstrang and Salem students all looked fairly appauled by the song but nevertheless they applauded and Dumbledore looked thrilled.
"Now the guest schools will be sorted into houses. You will not stay in the dorms but you will sit at the tables, attend the classes and have access to the common rooms."
I sat silently watching as the schools were sorted into their houses. Most of the Durmstrang students were sorted into Slytherin, not that it surprised me. Only two were placed in Gryffindor and one in Hufflepuff. Three of the Salem boys were placed in Ravenclaw whilst the other two were put in Gryffindor, much to the Marauders' annoyance.
Once the sorting was over Dumbledore stood up again just as a tall round cylinder was placed beside him. It was the Goblet of Fire.
"Now it is time to explain the Triwizard Tournament to you all." Dumbledore spoke loudly. "It is usually a tournament with three competitors, one from each school. But this year we will have six competitors. Two students from each school will work together to win. Each pair will work together to get through the three tasks set which are chosen to challenge them mentally, physically and emotionally. The winning pair gets the Twiwizard Cup and 10,000 galleons as a prize; and not to mention the honour in their school. The selection of the challengers is simple." He pointed his wand at the round cylinder and made it disintegrate, leaving the large Goblet of Fire standing there for all to see.
There was a large intake of breath from everyone in the Hall. "All you have to do is write your name on a piece of parchment and place it in the cup. The cup itself will pick the competitors next Thursday. Now that all of that has been discussed, let the feast begin!"
And with that the usual lavish feast appeared on the tables and the Hall burst into chatter. I immediately piled my plate with some chicken and rice before I took a large bite of my chicken.
"Damn girl, you can eat!" James exclaimed jokingly.
Once I swallowed my food I laughed. "I know, my dad used to tell me that I should've been born a boy." I told them causing them to laugh.
"It's good to finally see a girl eat properly around here. All the girls here tend to be too focussed on not gaining weight." Sirius chuckled.
"Well I'm lucky because I can eat as much as I want and I never seem to gain any weight." I said before I ate a fork-full of vegetable rice.
"So Hermione, did you just move here with your two friends or did your family come here too?" James asked me as he helped himself to some chicken pie.
"It's just me and my friends, Ginny and Luna. Ginny's family stayed in Massachusetts with Luna's father. My parents were killed in a car accident." I told them trying not to think about how my parents had really died, how death eaters had hunted them down and killed them after I erased their memories of me.
"I'm so sorry to hear that." Sirius said as he sent me a reassuring smile as he squeezed my hand.
"Thanks." I said.
"So where are you staying during the holidays and stuff?" Remus asked.
"Dumbledore gave my friends and I private dormitories in our respective house dorms so that we could have a sense of home whilst we stay here permanently. At the end of 7th year we're buying a house together but until then we have to stay here." I told the boys.
"You're so lucky that you don't have to share with people though." James said and Remus quickly agreed.
"Yeah but I know I'll get lonely." I replied.
"Well if that ever happens I could always come and keep you company at night." Sirius said with a cheeky wink. I just laughed finding it quite amusing.
"Aren't you going to punch him for that comment?" James asked with a smile. "Every other girl would."
"I'm not like other girls." I told him and I saw Sirius look at we intensely with a small smile out of the corner of my eye. "And besides if he did try anything like that I'd beat the crap out of him."
James and Remus burst out laughing, even Peter grinned. "Oh I already know that you're going to be a great addition to our group!" James said.
"Here here!!" Remus cheered raising his goblet making the rest of us laugh.
"You wouldn't really beat me up would you?" Sirius asked from beside me.
I turned and pretended to look him up and down. "Try something and find out." I told him causing him to grin.
"Maybe I will." I heard him mutter which made my heart flutter.
"So are any of you weirdos going to enter the tournament?" Remus asked.
"I definitely am!" I said enthusiastically.
"Me too." James said smiling at me. "What about you Padfoot?"
I pretended to look confused when James said Sirius' Marauder name and I quickly asked what Padfoot was.
"Oh it's just a nickname, maybe we'll give you one soon." Sirius sent me a smile. "And I'm not sure if I'm going to enter... I probably will though."
"What about you Remus?" I asked.
"No, I'm going to take a more relaxed approach to this year." He replied.
"Peter?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.
"No." He replied quickly.
"Fair enough." I said as I pushed my now empty plate to the side and watched it disappear.
I saw the boys chuckle at how fast I ate and I just rolled my eyes playfully at them.
"Don't bully me." I fake pouted. "Most of my friends back home were boys so I learned to eat fast!"
"Well you definitely learnt well." Remus laughed.
"I learnt from the best." I chuckled as I thought of how fast Ron and Harry used to eat.
I looked up when I saw a flash of red hair, for a moment I thought it was Ginny but then I looked at the girl's eyes... Harry's eyes.
"Hi. I'm Lily Evans. You must be Hermione?" She asked as she sat down next to Peter, I saw James just staring at her which made me smile. I could sense my inner-matchmaker wanted to come out.
"Hi Lily, it's nice to finally talk to a nice girl here." I replied as I shook her offered hand, remembering the girls that Sirius had saved me from earlier.
"Likewise." She grinned. "McGonagall told me that I'd be showing you around if you need it."
"Well if I get lost I'll definitely find you." I said smiling at Harry's mum.
"If you're lost how could you find her?" Sirius mumbled quietly.
"Don't take everything I say so seriously." I chuckled at him.
"If you need an escape from these idiots then I'll be over there with my friends." She said gesturing to further down the table.
"Thanks. I might have to take you up on that offer." I replied as I returned her grin.
I watched as Lily went back to her group of friends, James following her with his eyes. I threw my spoon at James which made him look at me as he rubbed his head.
"Do you have to be so obvious? Go ask her out!" I told him.
He immediately blushed and mumbled, "I already have but she always says no."
I sent him a small smile. "I might be able to help you there." I grinned as his face lit up like a child's on Christmas morning.
"Really?? How?" He asked eagerly.
"I'm a girl. I already have the start of a plan forming in my head. Give me until the end of the week and I'll have a plan of how to get you a date with her, trust me." I told him.
"If you did that... you'd become my best friend!" James said with a wide, excited grin.
"Hey!" Sirius and Remus argued in unison. "We're your best friends!"
"And Hermione would also be my best friend!" James laughed and we all soon joined in.
Soon enough the feast was over and everyone began heading to their common rooms. I walked beside Sirius as he led me to the portrait, I pretended that everything was new to me even though I knew everything he was saying. Once we had climbed through the portrait hole I turned and gave James, Remus, Sirius and even Peter a hug.
"What was that for?" Sirius asked although he looked quite happy that I hugged him.
"For being me first friends here. With the exception of Ginny and Luna who I'll introduce you to tomorrow." I told them with a smile.
"Our pleasure. And I speak for all of us when I say we look forward to it." Remus said.
"Goodnight." I smiled before I turned and walked up the stairs to my private dormitory.
Day one was over... and I was already enjoying myself. I just hope tomorrow goes as smoothly...
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