Diagon Alley and Chance Encounters.
The next day Hermione woke up feeling wide awake and happy after her great night sleep. After looking at the clock, 7.30AM, she pulled back the covers and climbed out of the bed before walking straight into her bathroom. She turned on the shower and removed her pyjamas before she climbed into the shower and relaxed under the hot water.
When she got out of the shower, feeling clean and refreshed, she wrapped her red fluffy towel around herself and then quickly brushed her teeth before exiting the bathroom and walking towards her wardrobe to find something to wear.
She decided on a pair of blue, ripped jean shorts and a red shirt. She pulled on a pair of black sneakers and then walked into the bathroom to begin hair therapy. She began to brush her untamed curls into a tamed mess and then she put a few dabs of different kinds of anti frizz, fly-aways and leave-in conditioner into her hands and rubbed them into her still wet hair. She turned her head upside down and blow dried her hair before she waved her wand making her hair straighten.
She shrugged her leather jacket on and put a small bag of money in her pocket before zipping it up and also pocketing her wand. Hermione looked herself over in the mirror one last time before she walked out of her dormitory and descended the girls dormitory stairs.
Hermione walked out of the Gryffindor common room and began to walk in the direction of Dumbledore's office. When she got there she saw Ginny and Luna walking towards the office.
"Hey guys! I thought I was early meeting you. It's only eight thirty." Said Hermione.
"Yeah well we were all ready to go so we thought we'd just head to Dumbledore's office and wait." Replied Ginny.
"Well seeing as though we're all here we might as well go now." Said Luna.
"Come on then." Said Hermione as they turned to the entrance of Dumbledore's office and said the password, "Liquorice Wands."
The gargoyles jumped apart and allowed the girls to walk up the stairs. They stopped outside the door and knocked. "Come in." Said Dumbledore from the other side of the door. Hermione opened the door and walked in with Ginny and Luna following behind her.
"Ah. Ladies. I'm guessing you're here to floo to Diagon Alley." Said Dumbledore.
"Yes we are sir." Said Hermione.
"Well, off you go then." He replied smiling at them.
Hermione walked over to the fireplace first and grabbed a hand full of floo powder before she stepped into the fireplace. "The Leaky Cauldron!" Shouted Hermione whilst she threw the powder to the floor and was engulfed in the familiar bright green flames. Once the green flames were gone Hermione found herself stumbling out of the fireplace and was now stood in an old shabby place that happened to be a pub. She looked behind her and watched as Ginny stumbled out of the fireplace followed by Luna.
"Muggle London first?" Asked Hermione.
"Of course." Said Ginny as she grinned at Hermione.
"Lets go then." Said Hermione. "I know this salon/boutique place that we could go to first to get our hair and nails done, we also need to get massages."
"Yes! We also need to get full body waxes." Said Luna.
"Yeah I need to get a full body wax as well." Said Hermione. "We'll get those done first, then the massages, then the rest."
"Yeah that'll be the best idea." Said Ginny.
They all walked for a few minutes until they arrived at this small boutique in the centre of London. Inside there were shelves of sunglasses, scarves, belts, jewelry, and a few tables and chairs for manicures and pedicures, there were also doors to their rooms for massages and waxes. Hermione, Ginny and Luna immediately began to pick out a variety of accessories, and then they asked for an eyebrow wax, a full body wax including the bikini wax, facial treatment, manicures and pedicures and a full body massage for each of them. They were immediately whisked away to a room in the back and had their full body waxes, eyebrow waxes, facial treatment and their massages. After an hour and a half they were taken back into the main room and had their manicures and pedicures.
"Would you like anything done with your hair?" Asked the employee.
"Yes please. What do you want doing with your hair, Luna?" Asked Hermione.
"I was thinking about getting it cut." Said Luna as she played with a piece of her long hair.
"Really? But you love your hair long?" Said Ginny.
"I was thinking a new look for a new life you know?" Said Luna.
"That's a great idea, Luna." Said Hermione.
"Can I have my hair layered and cut so it's just above my shoulders and could I also have a fore fringe." Luna asked the employee.
"Of course. What about you two?" She asked Hermione and Ginny.
"Could I just have my hair trimmed and evened out at the bottom and could I also have a side fringe." Said Ginny.
"Yeah sure and you?" Said the employee.
"Could I have some warm honey and caramel highlights and a thick full frontal side fringe. And could I also have my hair layered a bit more and the tips of my hair trimmed and evened out." Said Hermione.
"Of course." The employee called over two other workers and told them what they had asked for and they got to work immediately.
Half an hour the girls paid for their purchases and treatment and left the boutique feeling confident with their new looks.
"Right shall we go clothes shopping now?" Asked Luna.
"Yeah. Let's go to the mall though it's got a wider variety of shops." Said Hermione.
"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Said Ginny excitedly before she began to pull Hermione and Luna down the street.
They walked into the first clothes shop that they found and immediately began to scan through the racks of clothes, occasionally choosing something to try on and then adding it to their growing piles of clothes. They paid for their clothes and left the shop with numerous bags each.
Hermione spotted a beautiful dress shop and dragged Ginny and Luna inside saying, "We still need our dresses for the Yule Ball."
They tried on loads of dresses each and eventually all three of them decided on their dresses. Ginny chose a floor length, dark green dress that had only one strap and had green beading around the middle, she also picked out some matching green heels. Luna chose a floor length, pale yellow dress that had long sleeves that reached her elbows and was body fitting from her waist up, she also picked out some matching yellow heels. And Hermione chose a floor length, strapless, black dress that was body fitting from the waist up and flowed freely from her waist to her feet and had a thick dark red ribbon around her waist. Hermione, like the other two, picked out some matching black heals to go with her dress. They paid for their dresses and exited the shop.
They finished their shopping in muggle London and decided to go to Diagon Alley to get their school stuff.
They walked into Diagon Alley and Hermione shrunk all their shopping from muggle London so that they only had one bag each due to each of their shopping was shrunk by magic and put into one bag. They walked down the familiar winding pathway and first went into 'Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions' and got fitted for their Hogwarts robes and bought their uniform.
Next the three of them entered 'Flourish and Blotts' and quickly bought all of their school books for their 6th year. Then they went next door and bought a pewter cauldron each, a set of scales, a collapsible telescope and a set of crystal phials for each of them. Then they walked to the 'Apothecary' and bought a set of basic potion ingredients each.
"I could really do with an ice cream. What about you guys?" Asked Luna.
"Yeah sure." Said Ginny.
"I'm not really in the mood for an ice cream so I'll go and buy my broom that I wanted and then I'll meet you outside 'Eeylops Owl Emporium' in ten minutes." Said Hermione.
"Yeah okay." Said Ginny.
"See you in ten minutes." Said Hermione.
"See ya." Replied Luna.
Hermione walked towards the Quidditch shop and walked in. The owner walked over to her immediately.
"Hello, Miss. How may I help you?" He asked.
"I want to buy a new broomstick." Replied Hermione.
"Excellent! What model are you thinking of buying?" He asked smiling excitedly.
"Which is your newest model?" Asked Hermione.
"That would be the 'Cleansweep 5' or the 'Nimbus 1001'." Replied the owner.
"Which would you recommend?" Asked Hermione as she smiled at him.
"The most popular is the 'Cleansweep 5' but the 'Nimbus 1001' is faster, easier to manoeuvre and much more powerful." Answered the owner.
"Well then I'll take the 'Nimbus 1001' please." Said Hermione.
"Excellent. I'll get it down for you. Would you like it shrinking so it'll be easier to carry?" Asked the owner.
"Yes please." Said Hermione.
"Here you go." He said as he handed Hermione her bag whilst Hermione handed him the money.
"Thank you." Said Hermione.
"Anytime. Have a nice day." Said the owner.
"I will. You too." Replied Hermione as she exited the store.
She began to walk in the direction of 'Eeylops Owl Emporium' but wasn't really concentrating on where she was going and accidentally bumped into something. That 'something' happened to be a person... a very good-looking teenage boy to be precise. He was ridiculously good looking and the smirk on his face said he knew it too. His long black hair hung in a shiny wild tangle to his shoulders. He was slightly tanned; his lips looked utterly kissable; he had a cute nose and a deep set of piercing blue/grey eyes. Hermione recognised those eyes anywhere... she had bumped into Sirius Black! In this time Sirius' face wasn't worn and lined with worry and exhaustion and horror. Here his face was smooth and clean and new and utterly handsome. His hair was clean and it didn't hang in lank matted strands as it had when Hermione first met him, but fell nicely around his handsome face. He was tall, at least six feet. And his body beneath his shirt looked lithe and strong and well muscled.
When Hermione had bumped into him, he had stopped her from falling over by resting both of his hands on her waist to steady her and he still hadn't released her yet. He was smirking down at her as he looked at her up and down, obviously liking what he saw.
"Well hello there." He said grinning at her.
"Uh, hi." Replied Hermione. "Would you mind releasing me?" Asked Hermione as she gestured to his hands that were still resting on her hips.
"Oh yeah sorry." He said as he reluctantly removed his hands from their comfortable position resting on her hips. "I'm Sirius Black. It's lovely to make your acquaintance."
"I'm Hermione Granger." Replied Hermione, when Hermione held her hand out for him to shake he turned it in his palm before pressing a kiss to the back of it.
"A beautiful name to match a beautiful face." Said Sirius as he winked at Hermione.
"Sirius, do you have to flirt with nearly every girl you meet?" Asked the boy who was stood next to Sirius. Hermione held in her gasp when she saw a near replica of her best friend, Harry. He had the same messy black hair, the same lanky build and he wore glasses just like Harry. The only thing that made Hermione realise that he wasn't Harry was his eyes. He had hazel eyes whereas Harry's eyes were bottle green. She knew immediately that she was looking at Harry's father, James Potter.
"Shut up, James." Replied Sirius.
"Just ignore him. I'm James Potter by the way. It's nice to meet you." Said James as he shook Hermione's hand.
"And I'm Remus Lupin." Said Remus smiling kindly at Hermione as he shook her hand. Remus looked similar to what she does in the future; a sandy haired lanky boy with a scar down the right side of his face. Hermione recognised his eyes though, a pale bluey green. Those were the eyes of Remus Lupin. Even at sixteen he looked just a little bit shabby. No doubt due to the werewolf curse.
"It's nice to meet you all." Said Hermione. "Sorry I bumped into you like that, I wasn't looking where I was going."
"That's quite alright, bump into me all you like." Replied Sirius as he grinned cheekily at Hermione.
"So we haven't seen you around here before, where are you from?" Asked Remus.
"I'm from America. I've just transferred to Hogwarts for my sixth and seventh year." Hermione said.
"Really? What school did you go to in America?" Asked James.
"Bluebells Academy of Magic. I transferred here with my two best friends, Ginny and Luna." Said Hermione.
"Nice! Do you know which house you're in?" Asked Sirius.
"Yeah I've been sorted into Gryffindor." Said Hermione.
"Great! That means that you'll be in all our classes! We're sixth year Gryffindors too!" Said Sirius grinning.
"Great! Well it was lovely meeting you but I need to go and meet my friends. I guess I'll see you at Hogwarts." Said Hermione as she smiled at the three marauders.
"That you will." Replied Sirius as he smirked at Hermione.
"See you then." Said Hermione as she began to move past the three boys.
"Bye!" Said James as he waved goodbye along with Remus and Sirius.
Hermione couldn't help but smile at the little encounter she just had with the marauders. Now she understood what future Sirius meant by his Hogwarts years being his glory days; he was gorgeous! And he was flirting with her! She shook those thoughts from her mind and carried on walking towards 'Eeylops Owl Emporium' to find Ginny and Luna standing outside waiting for her.
"What took you so long?" Asked Ginny.
"I ran into James, Sirius and Remus." Said Hermione.
"Really? What were they like?" Asked Luna.
"Incredibly nice. I wasn't looking where I was going and I ended up literally bumping into Sirius. He basically just flirted with me and I have to tell you he's really good looking! James was really nice and nearly gave me a heart attack, he looks so much like Harry! Remus just asked me questions about myself and I told them that I was from Bluebells Academy of Magic and that I transferred to Hogwarts with my two friends. I told them I was a sixth year Gryffindor and they said that they'd see me at Hogwarts." Replied Hermione.
"I can't wait to meet them." Said Luna.
"Well, you'll be meeting them soon anyway." Said Hermione.
"Right let's go inside then, I need to buy an owl." Said Ginny.
"Come on then." Said Hermione.
They entered 'Eeylops Owl Emporium' and immediately began to look at the different animals that were sat in their respective cages around the shop. Their we're numerous different types of owls and birds perched in their cages, they ruffled their feathers and began making noises when Hermione, Ginny and Luna walked in. On the other side of the room there were loads of cages filled with different breeds of cats, there was also tanks that contained different toads, lizards and snakes.
Ginny walked straight over to the owls and began looking at the different types. She started to pet a white and brown barn owl before turning and asking the shopkeeper about the owl.
"Ah! He's a good choice, Miss. He's quite young but very strong, he can carry heavy parcels over very long distances." Said the shopkeeper.
"How much?" Asked Ginny.
"Ten Galleons." Replied the shopkeeper.
"I'll take him." Said Ginny as she continued to pet the owl.
"Excellent." Said the shopkeeper as he put the owl safely into his cage before handing the cage to Ginny and taking the ten Galleons from her.
Luna began looking at owls as well and decided to buy a female grey/brown barred owl for eleven Galleons.
Whilst Ginny and Luna had been looking at the owls Hermione had been looking at the different cats mainly the kittens. One kitten caught her eye. Sitting in its own cage was a tiny, fluffy, ginger tabby cat with deep yellow eyes. Hermione couldn't help but smile at how cute it was. The kitten puffed out its stripy orange fur and swiped its paw through the bars of the cage at the other kittens sleeping in their own cages.
"How much is a kitten?" Hermione asked, watching the orange ball of fury fondly.
"Well now usually I charge seven Galleons for a male, and eight for a female." The shopkeeper said, following her eyes to the orange kitten. "But you can have that one for five Galleons if you like. He's got a wicked temper and he's a biter. I had to separate him from the others because he was too rough with them. He's intelligent and independent, but aggressive as you can see." The shopkeeper said as the kitten threw himself against the bars and swiped his paw at the other regular kittens so hard that his cage almost tipped over.
"Can I see him?" Hermione asked softly. The shopkeeper fetched the cage down, after putting on some dragon hide gloves. The kitten clawed viciously at the hands on his cage, yowling and hissing in protest. Hermione giggled.
The kitten's yellow eyes landed on her at the sound and he stopped hissing suddenly. The shopkeeper made a movement of protest when Hermione unlatched the cage and reached in, picking up the orange kitten. As soon as Hermione cradled him against her chest the kitten began to purr and Hermione smiled.
"If you don't mind me saying, Miss, that one seems destined to go to you. Everyone else that gets anywhere near his cage or him, is likely to lose blood and he's curled up and gone straight to sleep for you."
Hermione smiled.
"I'd like to buy him please." Said Hermione.
"Brilliant." Said the shopkeeper.
Hermione also bought a cat carrier for her kitten and placed him inside it before locking it. Hermione, Ginny and Luna all bought other things that they'd need for their new pets like food, treats, etc.
A few minutes later, Hermione, Ginny and Luna left the shop carrying their new pets and walked straight to the Leakey Cauldron and they decided to sit and have a butterbeer before they flooed back Dumbledore's office.
Luna ordered the butterbeers before they all sat down at a cosy booth in the corner and sipped their butterbeers.
"So what are you going to call your owl Ginny?" Asked Hermione.
"I was thinking Malteser?" Said Ginny.
"That's an awesome name and I love maltesers, Ginny. What about you, Luna?" Asked Hermione.
"Um I'm going to call her Taz." Said Luna.
"Taz?" Asked Ginny.
"It's unusual and I like it." Said Luna smiling.
"I think it's great." Said Hermione.
"So, Hermione, what are you going to call your kitten?" Asked Luna.
"I'm going to call him, Oreo, you know like the biscuit." Said Hermione.
"Nice. I really like that name." Said Ginny.
"Yeah me too." Said Luna.
They sat there and talked for about half an hour and once they had finished their butterbeers they collected their bags and flooed back to Dumbledore's office.
"Ah! I see you've finished your shopping?" Said Dumbledore as he smiled at the three girls.
"Yes sir, we have everything we need." Said Hermione.
"Excellent! Well, you should probably take your bags back to your dormitories they look quite heavy." Said Dumbledore.
"Thank you, sir." Replied Ginny.
"See you all at dinner." Said Dumbledore.
"See you then, sir." Replied Luna.
The three girls lugged their shopping out of Dumbledore's office and then they walked in different directions to their respective common rooms. Hermione walked straight through the common room and up to her private dormitory. She placed her bags on her bed and opened Oreo's cat carrier and allowed Oreo to walk out on to her bed. Oreo stretched and settled down on Hermione's pillows before falling asleep. Hermione giggled at her new kitten and placed the cat carrier under her bed before putting the bed that she had purchased for Oreo in the corner of her room along with his new food and water bowl. She put the cat food away along with the treats she had bought for Oreo before she turned back to her other purchases. She waved her wand and made her broom turn back to its proper size before she put it under her bed. She put all her new school books, equipment and potions ingredients away before she hung her new school uniform and school robes in her wardrobe. And then she also put her new muggle clothes into her wardrobe along with her Yule Ball dress and shoes. Once she had unpacked all her purchases she put some food and water in Oreo's bowls before leaving her room and walking into the common room.
It was already five o'clock and that meant that it was time for dinner. Hermione walked straight down to the Great Hall and found that Ginny was already sat at the table.
"Hey Gin." Said Hermione as she sat down opposite of Ginny.
"Heya 'Mione." She replied smiling at her. Hermione helped herself to some tomato and mozzarella pasta and some salad.
"I'm so tired and hungry. I can't believe that I haven't eaten at all today and I didn't realise that we had been out shopping for over six hours." Said Hermione.
"Yeah well in our defence we did spend over an hour at that beauty salon." Said Ginny.
"Ha! Yeah but it was worth it!" Said Hermione whilst grinning at Ginny.
"Yeah, we all look so much hotter!" Said Ginny as she winked at Hermione.
"Ha! Very true!" Replied Hermione. "Where's Luna? She's normally the first one here for dinner."
"I don't know. I was wondering where she was when I first got here." Said Ginny.
"Knowing Luna she's probably gone wondering around the castle." Said Hermione.
"Yeah that does sound like Luna." Replied Ginny.
"Speaking of Luna, when's the next full moon?" Asked Hermione.
"12th of September. So it's not that long away." Said Ginny.
"We need to remember that Remus is also a werewolf so we need to make sure Luna stays inside the chamber for the full moon so her and Remus don't see each other in werewolf form otherwise they could end up fighting. And if they start to fight it'll be a fight till the death." Said Hermione.
"Yeah but there is a small chance that their werewolf forms could like each other." Said Ginny.
"It would be so sweet if Remus and Luna ended up getting together. I think they'd make a nice couple." Replied Hermione smiling at the thought.
"That would be incredibly cute if they became a couple." Said Ginny.
"Oh! Here's Luna!" Said Hermione as she saw Luna enter the Great Hall.
"Hey Luna, where have you been?" Asked Ginny.
"Hi guys, don't worry I just went for a walk." Said Luna as she sat down beside Ginny. "So what were you talking about?"
"The upcoming full moon." Said Ginny.
"Oh... Yeah." Said Luna as her smile wavered slightly.
"It'll be alright, Dumbledore's letting us use that soundproof chamber. You'll be fine, Luna, and beside we're always here for you. And we'll be with you during your transformation as always." Replied Hermione reassuringly.
"Yeah you're right." Said Luna as she smiled at Hermione.
"So, it's not long left until the start of term and that means all the other students will be arriving that evening." Said Ginny.
"Well, I'm looking forward to it. I've already met James, Sirius and Remus so at least I know three Gryffindors other than myself." Said Hermione.
"Lucky you, Ginny and I are going to have to wait until the feast to meet anyone that is in our houses." Said Luna.
"I have a question. Who else will we know here that we've met in the future?" Asked Ginny.
"Well there's James, Sirius, Remus, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, and Neville's parents; Frank Longbottom and Alice Prewett, then there's also Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, Bellatrix Black, Rolphodus Lestrange, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, Antonin Dolohov, Crabbe and Goyle's dad's, also if I'm right Molly and Arthur Weasley will be in their seventh year. Sirius' brother Regulus Black will be here as well, so will a lot of future Ministry members." Said Hermione.
"Wow, that's a lot of people." Said Luna.
"Yeah my mum and dad included." Said Ginny.
"Just remember not to introduce yourself as Ginny Weasley or that will cause problems." Said Hermione as she grinned at Ginny.
"That's a good point. And don't worry, I'll use my fake last name at all times." Replied Ginny.
"Yeah me too. Although my dad should've just finished Hogwarts last year so we won't see him but I'll use my fake last name at all times too." Said Luna.
"As long as we're careful and keep our secret until after the tournament we'll be fine. McGonagall said that we can tell the marauders and a select few others about who we really are because she didn't want us to keep the secret for ever considering we're going to be living in this time for the remainder of our lives. But we can only tell them after the tournament." Explained Hermione.
"Yeah, we have to make sure that we can trust a person before we can tell them our secret." Said Ginny.
"One secret that everyone will know is that I'm a wolf-blood. I can't really hide it considering any magical being recognises that I'm a wolf-blood when they look at the colour of my eyes." Said Hermione.
"Yeah, but we need to keep Luna being a werewolf a secret though considering during this time werewolves are despised." Said Ginny.
"Yeah, older Remus told me how he had to keep his werewolf self a secret during his whole time at Hogwarts. The only people at Hogwarts who knew about his secret were Dumbledore, James, Sirius, Peter, a guy called Sam Osbourne and Lily Evans." Said Hermione.
"Yeah, once we get to know the marauders then I'll tell them about me being a werewolf but until then it's just going to be us three, Dumbledore and whichever teachers he decided to tell." Said Luna.
"From now on instead of saying werewolf I'm going to call it your fury little problem or FLP for short. Then if anyone listens in on one of our conversations then they won't know what we're going on about." Said Hermione.
"That makes sense. We'll refer to my werewolf problem as my 'fury little problem' or 'FLP' from now on." Replied Luna.
"Okay that sounds like a plan." Said Ginny.
They sat there talking and eating their dinner for another hour before they decided to go back to their common rooms.
As soon as Hermione got to her common room she walked straight upstairs to her private dormitory and was greeted by Oreo who jumped down from the bed to greet her.
"Hey there boy." Said Hermione as she picked him up and cradled him to her chest. She kissed the top of the kittens head before placing him back on the floor. She walked over to her wardrobe and grabbed a pair of pyjama shorts and an oversized button up shirt before getting changed into them. She walked into her bathroom and brushed her teeth before she brushed her hair into a high ponytail.
She walked out of her bathroom and picked up Oreo before carrying him downstairs into the common room with her. She curled up in the armchair nearest to the fireplace and allowed the blazing fire to warm her up as Oreo slowly fell asleep in her lap. She smiled down at him and watched as he purred slightly in his sleep.
After a while of sitting in front of the fire she stood up trying not to wake Oreo before carrying his sleeping form up to her dormitory.
Once she walked into her room she carefully placed Oreo on his cat bed before she locked her bedroom door and walked over to her bed. She flicked her wand effectively extinguishing the lights in the room before she climbed under the covers and snuggled up to her pillow before falling asleep.
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