The Horrors Of The Empire
It had been almost a year since the destruction of the first death star at the hands of the rebel alliance. Since then the rebels had moved their base of operations to a different planet that was still secluded from the empire.
Out in the death of space Thrawns star destroyer slowly drifted in the abiss as the chiss stared out into the stars. This helped the blue admiral think as he pondered on options to help the empire find the rebels.
The sound of his door buzzer soon ringed into his ear catching his attention. "Enter" Thrawn said hearing the sound of the doors sliding open allowing the one he had summoned to enter into the room.
Maō one of the emperor's best assassin's had walked into the room. He had been assigned to Thrawns fleet since the time when Phoenix squadron was stationed on Atollon.
Bowing to the admiral Mao asked "You had summoned me Admiral Thrawn". "Indeed Maō. Sit, I was wondering if you would be interested in a game of chess" Thrawn asked as he turned around to face the assassin.
Walking up to the desk Mao sat in a chair across from Thrawn keeping his eyes on the Chiss. "We haven't played a round of chest since the first time we meet" Maō commented remembering how the admiral had beaten him.
Bringing up the hologram of chest Thrawn said "And in that time we have both accomplished so much, but now with the rebel fleet in hiding again as well as the Death Star being destroyed I wanted to clear my mind".
"I see." Maō said softly as he looked at the hologram. "You first" Mao said waving his hand at Thrawn who gave the white haired assassin a soft smile.
Beginning the game Thrawn and Maō began talking about the situation of the empire and the unsurity their own troops were having in the emperor's power.
Moving his bishop across the board to set up his attack Mao asked "So what do you think our next move shall be? We are basically back to square one".
"On the contrast. The years of fighting with Commander Syndulla have offered the both of us insight as to how these rebels will act from here. For example to keep a low profile they'll take fewer risks and have smaller groups when attempting missions" Thrawn explained moving his castle to take one of Maō's horses allowing him an opening to move one of his pawns to move forward.
Moving to counterstrike on Thrawns Pawn showing his improvement from the last time they had played Mao said "That still doesn't get us anywhere closer to finding this new base. The only way we could even attempt to find them is to capture one of their rebel friends who would be willing to talk".
"Or we draw out one of their rebel friends with a set up" Thrawn said catching the eyes of Mao. Stopping the game Maō asked Thrawn "And what is it you propose exactly?". With a mischievous smirk on his face Thrawn put his hands together as he explained his plan.
On the snowy planet hoth the rebels had made themselves a new base in the following year. Everything was cold and basic for the base when compared to Yavin 4, but it allowed them to remain hidden from the empire.
Inside the base one of the rebels Jedi Ezra Bridger walker through the hallways of the base wearing a fur coat that helped keep him warm since the base didn't have many thermal generators. Entering the bases hangar he saw his home ship the 'Ghost' and with it Hera the ships pilot on top of it cleaning off some sparking that had been forming up from the missions.
Walking up to the ship Ezra yelled "Hey Hera. How's it going?". Taking off her goggles to look at the youngest crew member Hera smiled and waved back at him saying "You know Ezra same old cleaning the ghost.".
Nodding his head remembering a time when he was always required to clean the ghost Ezra jumped up to where she was and sat with her. With a sign he asked "You hear about the mission me and Stahl are going on?".
"Indeed I do Ezra. I just want you to know to be.." Hera began saying before Ezra cut her off saying "To be careful to be careful I know Hera. Me and Stahl have done these missions so often that you shouldn't be worried about us".
"Yeah well the empires not gonna be as easy on us anymore as they used to be. Especially with what happened on Yavin" Hera said knowing that what happened with the death star had caused a ripple in everything. Of course Ezra was aware, but he still was confident in his abilities as well as Stahl's that he wasn't as worried as he should be.
"So when do you and Stahl leave?" Hera asked as she knew that her Phantom was going to be taken for their mission. Before Ezra could even answer a yell came from inside the ship "Ezra let's go!".
Smiling as he heard the sound of Stahl's voice Ezra kissed Hera on the cheek and said "See you soon". He jumped off the ship and ran inside the Ghost with Stahl entering the Phantom.
Sitting down in the passenger seat Stahl and Ezra began flicking on the buttons to activate the ship. Within moments the Phantom came to life and detached from the Ghost. Waving goodbye to Hera who waved back at her two boys the ship exited the rebel base and made way for orbit.
On a distant world where the beings that lived there required the sun that orbited their planet to survive had been polluted by the empire. Ever since the empire arrived to harvest the Kyber-Crystals that naturally formed on the world the imperials had increased cloud pollution on the planet in order to keep the populous weak and submissive only getting manufactured UV lights that the empire rationed as their food source. And the source for the planets pollution was due to a massive factory outside of town. The factor was so wide and tall it competed with some of the largest buildings on Coruscant.
That was where Ezra and Stahl came in. Their mission is to set explosives in the power generators and make the place explode which would stop the clouds from being produced.
Swimming through the sewers underneath the factory Ezra and Stahl slowly surfaced inside the building covered in all sourts of nasty things. Taking the breather out of his mouth and the goggles off his eyes Stahl groaned softly as he looked at his suit saying "How did I let you talk me into this".
Taking his own out as well Ezra chuckled at Stahl and said "You simply don't ever say no" causing a glare to come Stahl. Using the force to dry himself and toss the gunk back into the sewer water Stahl pulled out a schematics of the factory. Pointing to two locations on the map which were on the lower levels near the hangars Stahl said "You and I will split up and set the charges on these two generators. With what Sabine gave us it'll be more than enough to level the place".
Stahl then looked at Ezra asking "You got your charges" to which Ezra nodded and showed him the grenades that Sabine had given him. There was a grand total of 10 which gave both of them five to work with.
Taking his half Stahl said "Good Luck Ezra" and ran out the room and made his way to his location. Before he went out of Ezras sight he said "May the force be with you too my friend".
The trip to the power generator required a lot of close calls for the both of them with Stahl having the harder of the duo. Soon though Stahl had made it to the generator room. Inside it was dark and spaceous which was a bit confusing for Stahl as normally generator rooms were cramped and noisy.
Having a very worried suspicion Stahl took out one of his twin lightsabers and activated it hearing the howl of the Ender Dragon echo from his lightsaber as the room glowed Yellow. Venturing further and further into the room Stahl continued to find nothing inside. Turning around Stahl's eyes widened as he heard the sound of someone else's lightsaber ignite and attempt to swipe at him.
Barely dodging the attack Stahl looked up seeing Maō standing behind him holding his sword/saber hybrid that he was infamous for. Glaring at the assassin Stahl stood up and ignited his other saber saying "I didn't expect to see you here Maō".
"Indeed indeed Stahl. This galaxy has a way of making outcomes" Maō said as he began walking with Stahl's movements the both of them making a circle as the other refused to take their eye off the other.
"So since you knew we were coming you set up this trap and my comm link is basically useless" Stahl asked already knowing the drill on how this worked. Tapping the back of his sword that wasn't heated against his head Maō said "Indeed indeed. Now you already know how this could go. We can do things easy, or..".
Suddenly the lights flicked on and the room lit up revealing Stahl surrounded on all sides by death/shadow troopers.
However despite the fact that he was in a grave situation he couldn't help and look at Mao with a smirk taunting "All of this just for. Gotta say Pale hair I'm honored".
Drawing his blade heating it up Maō said "It was honestly for either you or Ezra. Now come quietly or loudly.". Pointing his blade at Stahl all the other troopers kept their aim on him ready to shoot even at the slightest movement.
A stair down occured between Stahl and Mao both reading the other trying to decide who shall make the first move. And after a moment of silence Stahl dropped very small balls that were as black as the void itself.
Seeing the tiny balls dropping Mao rushed Stahl as fast as he could. But even with his speed he couldn't make it in time as the tiny balls hit the surface of the floor and huge black smoke appeared.
Swiping through the smoke Mao appeared on the other side but his blade was clean with no traces of blood on it. Looking back inside the smoke Mao growled and rushed back in. Making to the center where Stahl had dropped the balls Maō looked down seeing a hole that had been cut open by him.
Clenching his katana Mao announced on his wrist comm "This is Nightfall to the entire facility, we are on full lockdown. Be on the lookout for rebel awareness". He then jumped into the hole and followed after Stahl.
On the opposite end of the base Ezra had snuck into the generator room with ease. Grabbing the charges he began setting them up along the main power lines.
When he was done setting the final charge he sense two figures approaching his location and hid behind one of the vents.
Watching the door to the room open two beautiful women walked into the generator room giggling and laughing about a conversation they had been having.
Ezra was indeed surprised that such beautiful women were part of the empire. Most women he's ever seen in the imperial forces weren't much to write home about, but these two one being a red head with blue/greenish eyes and the other having brown hair but sparkling eyes.
Feeling something pull him in towards them Ezra stepped out of the shadows holding his blaster at them saying "Evening ladies".
The two ladies gasped as they were faced with Ezra both holding the other for protection. The red head said "Who are you?".
"Where are my manners. My name is Ezra Bridger" Ezra introduced himself showing a bit of Hando in him as he gave a bow to the two ladies.
The other one asked "W-what are you doing here Ezra?".
"I'm just trying to save this planet from the Imperial stench that has polluted it for far too long. Problem is since you ladies have spotted me I can't just let you go" Ezra said with a bit of a suggestion as he eyed them up and down finding them very attractive.
The two looked at him and between eachother before a very evil grin formed on their faces. This caught Ezra off guard as he looked between them backing up a bit.
"Oh what's the matter little Ezra. I thought you were so confident in obtaining us. You seemed to be very confident in yourself before" The red head woman said as she pulled out a Purple lightsaber followed by the other one pulling out a red one.
Seeing the two holding a lightsaber made Ezras eyes widen as he activated his green one saying "You two are inquisitors?".
The two of them laughed with the red head saying "Not exactly young Ezra. My name is Mara Jade and I am one of Sidiouses personal assassin's. Like Maō". "And I am Leia former princess of Bail Organa before I learned he was a traitor and joined the empire" Leia introduced herself.
"Now that introductions are out of the way..." Mara said before she and Leia charged Ezra.
Back on the other end of the base Stahl was running through the balcony in one of the Hangars. He had tried to contact Ezra to warn him but as he predicted they were both in the dark.
The force then warned him about danger and Stahl ducked a blaster shot just before it hit him in the head. The blaster bolt crashed against the wall and created an explosion leaving a small hole in the metal.
Looking back to where the shot had come from Stahl was displeased to see Sieth holding a modified blaster that used explosive and regular rounds.
Sieth a tall dark skinned woman with natural yellow eyes and black hair looked at Stahl with a psychotic smile as she said "Hello Demon". She then shot another explosive bolt at Stahl forcing him to jump forward to Avoid it. But the explosion landed close enough to send him flying a few feet away.
And as if it had been coordinated Mao had appeared from a Vent and kicked Stahl hard in the face sending him flying down hitting some crates.
Groaning a bit Stahl held his head remarking "That hurt" before looking up seeing Maō and Sieth both standing just in front of him. Annoyed knowing he was now going to have to fight Stahl stood up from the crates and walked out into their line of sight. Staring them down he activated his two orange sabers and took a reverse grip similar to his master ahsoka.
Activating his sword and taking a form four battle stance while Sieth readied her blaster Mao mentally pictured how this fight was going to go down.
Within seconds the two blade warriors charged eachother and their respective weapons began clashing. In a blaze of heat their weapons began swinging crating circles of colors both warriors trying to harm or kill the other one.
Sieth continued to remain in the back aiming down her sights as she waited for an opening. Watching Maō block, parry, and attempt at a counter strike Stahl was able to do the same as having two sabers allowed him greater reaction speed than the assassin. However that was the only reason he was able to keep up with Maō who had more years of training over the late rebel.
After swinging his blade around Maō jumped backwards just as Stahl made a swiping motion at him. And in an instant Sieth shot an explosive round at Stahl. Not having enough time to dodge Stahl did what he had to do and blocked the shot.
The shot soon clashed with his saber and it exploded upon impact. This explosion was far more powerful than what Sieth had originally shot sending her and Mao flying back.
Luckily Mao was quick enough to land on his feet and catch Sieth in a bridal way. Looking down at her with a bit of an angry face he said "You used too much ridonium this time Sieth".
Coughing from the smoke Sieth got out of his arms and said "Oh stop being so sensitive Assassin. Our mission to take one of them alive.". Grabbing her gun Mao injected "That may be so but he could have survived that blast".
Walking over to the scorched spot where the impact had been made the duo inspected the area. Upon seeing two lightsabers deactivated and rolling on the ground with Scorch markings on it Sieth scoffed and remarked "Not much of a demon, was he?".
"No indeed he wasn't" Maō agreed as he heard beeping coming from his comm link. Activating it he said "What is it?". From the other end he heard Mara say "We heard that explosion all the way from here. Did Sieth use too much Ridonium again?". "Indeed she did, but she also killed Demon Scar. So it was an acceptable risk" Mao said which was no small feet since Stahl had been a danger to the empire for a long time.
"Well we have captured his friend Ezra Bridger, what is it we are supposed to do with him?" Mara asked having a hint of lust in her voice.
Sensing the lust she had Mao said "Do what you wish with him, but make sure he gives us the information about their base". "Of course Maō." Leia said through the other side before the comm was disconnected.
Four hours after the events at the factory Ezra slowly woke up feeling dizzy and a bit sore. He couldn't recall what had happened to him, the last thing he remembered was being in a fight with two women before everything turned dark. He looked around inside the room seeing nothing but darkness.
He tried to move but felt himself strapped down to something. He then heard a sly voice coming from the darkness say "Well well look who finally woke up" followed by another voice "We must have done a real number on you for you to be asleep for four hours".
"Who are you? What have you done to me and my friend?" Ezra demanded feeling his heart pumping as he tried to locate where those voices were coming from. For some reason he couldn't feel the force in him concluding that the empire had made force inhibitors for people like him.
Suddenly the light came on causing Ezra to wince as he saw something he never expected to see. Mara Jade and Leia Organa both were in their underwear with the red head wearing a black color and Leia wearing a white.
"Oh you mean your friend demon Scar? Well-" Mara said before holding out the scorched twin lightsabers getting a gasp of shock from Ezra.
Letting the twin sabers roll off her hand and drop to the floor she looked up at him walking seductively towards him. Placing her foot near his hip on the interrogation table he was strapped to leaning in brushing his hair she said "And now you are going to tell me everything I want to know. And maybe I could convince the emperor to give you a pardon and join our ranks".
Ezra however just spat in her face telling her "Go jump in a sarlacc pit you bitch". He then gasped in shock as he felt a sharp pain in his lower torso. Looking down he saw a small knife stabbed into his body from Leia who had a sickening smile on her face. Trying to control his breathing he heard the two girls laughing at his reaction with Mara saying "Oh don't be so dramatic it's not a lethal stab. After all why would we kill such a handsome Jedi".
Mara then felt up his chest admiring the muscle definition moaning a bit out of eagerness saying "Such a strong man. I think we chose the right candidate for our breeding system".
This caused Ezras eyes to widen out of horror shaking his head as he watched Leia walk around swaying her hips basically begging "No please".
"Awe isnt that adorable he doesn't want us to have him" Leia said rubbing his chin as she walked behind the table. "Well we may think about sparing you if you're willing to cooperate and tell us where your rebel friends are" Mara proposed.
Finding a sense of loyalty and courage Ezra looked into Maras eyes and said with his heart "Never".
This of course was the answer that Mara and Leia wanted. Lowering the table so Ezra was lying flat Leia quickly put a mouth guard in Ezras mouth to stop him from speaking. Mara then began getting to work rubbing along Ezras chest as she moved her clothed pussy against his crotch getting a forced groan from Ezra.
As Mara played with his crotch Leia moved Ezras neck to the side and began softly kissing it sending shivers down his spine. "mmm I think somebody's a virgin" Leia said smirking even more as Mara commented "I'm quite surprised. I would have thought that slut Ahsoka would have taken his virginity from him. She took so many of our troops virginity".
Both the girls laughed at that memory of how when Ahsoka was captured she was put in the same situation that Ezra was in which lasted a full year before she escaped due to a guards incompetence.
After grinding against him for long enough to get him hard Mara slowly began moving herself down to where his dick was. Seeing the massive tent that was hidden beneath there Mara rubbed it with her hand saying to herself "I wonder just how big it is". Leia then came over with a knife in her hand saying "Why don't we find out".
Seeing both the girls down near his crotch with Leia holding a knife Ezra grunted against his mouth guard and shook against the cuffs on him getting both of their attention. Leia then held up the knife over his crotch warning "Stay perfectly still or I'll cut a small piece of you". This instantly stopped Ezras shaking only watching in horror as Leia got to work.
She cut into his clothed crotch with scary precision making sure not to cut Ezra but rub the cold blade against his crotch making him shudder. When it was all said and done Ezras dick stood tall in front of the duo causing a small gasp to escape from them both.
"My goodness look at the size" Mara said grabbing it feeling an intense amount of blood pumping through it. Leia then turned to Ezra smirking at him saying "You're such a good boy keeping this big tool away from other girls". "Indeed. I think he's earned something" Mara said seductively to him.
Both girls then unhooked their bras and tossed them aside revealing Mara C cup breasts along with Leia's B cup. At that instant Ezras eyes locked onto both their chests making his dick throb a bit. It didn't help his case that their breasts were the first ones he has ever seen in his life.
Both the girls smiled seeing his reaction with Mara teasing "I think somebody's going to like his new lifestyle". Both the girls then wrapped their boobs around his dick and began moving them up and down slowly. Their breasts felt soft and warm around his dick causing Ezra to lean back against the table and groan out of pleasure to this new sensation. In his mind he knew this was beyond wrong, but to his body this was the best thing he could ever experience.
The girls continued their slow motion enjoying the reactions they were getting from him soon moving their boobs faster and faster. Leia then added another twist and began licking his tip causing Ezras eyes to widen open and watch her. Seeing him look at her Leia pulled off his dick speaking in her sly tone "Is somebody liking what he's getting".
He wanted to shake no he desperately wanted too, but his body once again betrayed him and he nodded yes instead. Looking at Mara who only nodded the two girls pulled their boobs off his dick and moved their mouths to his tip.
They began to make out with eachother using their tongues to lick all around his tip causing him to moan louder watching with eagerness. His fists clenched as this went on feeling like he was in some kind of erotic recording.
The girls then took turns with Leia staring off sucking on his tip taking in a few inches while Mara kissed his side. The two then switched with Mara taking in more in her mouth.
This pattern continued until Leia was the first to start sucking in all nine inches of him making gagging sounds. All the while Ezras moans continued to grow louder and louder falling prey to his lust.
After a bit Mara used the force to take off his mouth guard asking "Is this Jedi liking what he's getting?". Breathing heavily as he felt Leia continue blowing him Ezra gulped and nodded saying "Yes!".
Moving herself up to his face having her boobs close to him she petted his head saying "Are you ready to reveal your friends location to us?".
Staring at her with a panting and erotic expression Ezra shook his head saying "Not yet.." showing their method was working.
Having a sinister smile on her face Mara said "Alright then. Leia get off him". Begrudgingly Leia did as she was told and took her mouth off of his dick letting a slimy wet sound follow her exit.
With his dick now covered in Leia's saliva Mara moved herself to his dick putting her pussy over it. Looking down at Ezra having a lustful smile she asked "What view would you prefer?".
Staring at her boobs as they hanged a bit Ezra said "F-front".
Getting his wish Mara slammed down all the way on his dick arching her back screaming loudly in pleasure as she started forcefully riding his dick.
Her insides felt like they were being plugged up with the biggest dick she had ever felt cursing up a storm while Ezra moaned equally as loud feeling the warmth of a pussy around his dick for the first time.
Leaning forward holding Ezras hands as she continued riding Mara moaned from the top of her lungs "Oh fuck oh my God Ezra ahhh you're so".
Ezra just kept watching staring at her boobs as she rode him biting his lip desperately wanting his hands free to touch all over her body.
Leia had noticed this and walking around leaning over Ezras face letting her boobs rub against it as she unhooked his holding binds.
With his hands now free Ezra instantly grabbed Mara hips and leaned up making her move faster and faster moaning loudly in front of her.
They continued like this for a good five minutes before both Ezra and Mara felt themselves about to burst. Ezra tried to push Mara off of her but she slammed down all the way screaming "I WANT IT" before she came massively on his dick. The warm slimy feeling of her cum splashing all over his dick sent waves into Ezras body as he was unable to stop himself from cumming deep inside of Maras pussy.
After the two were finished with their release they both lied down on the table their bodies coated in sweat panting heavily at the experience they both just had.
Looking up at Ezra with a smile on her face Mara rubbed his chest asking "How was it?". Ezra looked back down at her with an equal smile on his face smacking her ass getting a moan from the red head saying "It was the best thing I've experienced in my life".
"Hey what about me?" Leia asked crossing her arms showing off how wet her pussy was feeling.
The two smiled at her with Mara leaning in whispering "Go dominant her. There can only be one alpha in this relationship and I want that title".
Like a slave Ezra obeyed her without hesitation. Getting her off him Ezra stood up from the table and walked over to Leia who said "Finally". But to her surprise Ezra grabbed her and pinned her back on the table in a bending position letting her ass perk out to him.
"What are you doing?" Leia asked in confusion feeling Maras foot pushed against her head saying "Sorry dear but I'm the one in charge of this relationship. So that's going to have to make you the bitch in it.". She then looked at Ezra who waited for her orders saying "Fuck her ass. She can wait until she gets pregnant".
Nodding Ezra aimed his dick at her second hole and slammed it all the way inside. His eyes widened as he felt her hole squeeze against his dick making him and her scream like there was no tomorrow.
Grabbing her hips Ezra proceeded to fuck Leia with all his might getting the assassin screaming "Oh my god he's so big inside me oh fuck".
"I know he is. That's why we are keeping him" Mara said with a smile as she watched her friend being fucked by their new slave with pride.
Watching Ezra fucking Leia's ass for a bit Mara ordered "Don't just fuck her ass Ezra have a feel for it. You need to break her so that she's obedient to you and me".
Obeying her command Ezra spanked her ass hard and leaned to her ear whispering "You are nothing but a cock sleeve you damn slut ~ you will begin obeying me and my demands along with our alpha Lady Mara".
Moaning and grunting feeling her ass being slammed and slapped Leia looked at him with a unwavering face saying "No I fucking won't I'm no one's slave".
Seeing Leia having fight in her only made Mara smile even more sinister as she moved her body so her left breast was exposed. Pinching her nipple causing Leia to scream louder Mara used the force to grab one of their vibrators bringing it to Leia's pussy.
Leia looked up at Mara and begged her "No Mara please that'll be too much for me". "Then submit to Ezra and be the Omega you dumb bitch" Mara said firmly looking at her with cold eyes.
Unfortunately Leia had too much pride in her and she just spat at her friend getting a sign of disappointment as she put the vibrator to her pussy and turned it on to full volume.
The sounds of Leia's screams echoed multiple times in their room as she squirted massively on the vibrator while still feeling Ezra fucking her ass roughly.
"Ah ah ah please get it out I'm begging you~" Leia begged letting tears roll down her eyes as she looked at her friend for mercy. Once again Mara said with a cold tone "Submit".
This time Leia obeyed and said "Yes master I submit I am the bitch of this trio and serve you and master Ezra~".
Smiling at her friends cooperation Mara took out the Vibrator as Ezra screamed loudly "IM CUMMING". Slamming inside Leia one final time making the princess moan loudly for a final time Ezra began pouring his cum inside of her ass groaning hard.
Once he was finished with unloading into her Ezras body relaxed as he stood there remaining inside of Leia panting heavily. Leia by this point was even more exhausted than Ezra fighting to even stay awake at this point.
Sastified with what had just transpired Mara got off the table and walked to Ezra rubbing his face kissing his lips softly. "Now my beautiful Ezra, tell me where those rebels are and I will let you choose what girl from there you will keep as a pet" Mara said in a soft voice to ease him into telling her.
Ezra went to open his mouth about to tell her everything before a flash of Sabine came to his mind yelling "EZRA!". That flash snapped him out of his sexual daze pulling out of Leia gasping a bit. Taking a moment to hold his head he looked at Mara a bit before saying "I won't tell".
This was a surprise for Mara that he still had the will to resist, but this made things even more interesting as she said "That's fine. We have all the time in the galaxy".
Finally after nearly a month it's finished. I know it's not Yandere levels but I've never written yandere before so I hope it's to your liking. Leave any criticism in the comments and or requests for future chapters. Next chapter is going to be my choosing as I do have fantasies I want to write along with a list of more series I know that can be requested.
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