Chapter Thirty-Four
Sophie and Henry were over the moon when the pizza arrived. They came down from their room after hearing a knock at the door. When they saw Archer with three boxes of pizza in his hands their eyes lit up like a child on Christmas.
They were grateful that Penny and I put the time and effort into cooking them something, but we were all happy that it went wrong so we could eat the cheesy goodness that is pizza. I still stick by my word though; a burger will forever be better.
We found out the reason the lasagne was so burnt the next time Penny went on her phone. It turns out she read the recipe Brody sent wrong. The message said forty to fifty minutes in the oven and she somehow read it as ninety minutes. Don't ask me how because I still haven't been able to work that out myself. I also have no idea how we didn't notice it burning.
We finished all three boxes of pizza in record time, and it wasn't long before Sophie and Henry excused themselves to sleep off the jetlag, leaving us to do the dishes. You can imagine our shock when we saw Archer eating the crusts that Penny left.
"Who even are you?" She gawked at him, mortified by his actions. She was genuinely concerned for her brother's safety.
Now, the kitchen is spotless thanks to us.
Penny wipes the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. "Why's cleaning so tiring?" She groans, dragging her feet up the stairs. "I'm going to watch The Shining, don't get too bored without me."
She leaves to go to her room, and we're submerged in silence.
"Alone again," Archer announces.
I think back to the last time we were alone. We fell asleep together! I woke up lying on him! If I'd have known Tyler wasn't going to come back until the morning, I wouldn't have stayed. You're lying, you loved sleeping next to him. I push the voice in the back of my head away.
I twiddle my thumbs. "The pizza was good." I blurt out randomly.
He chuckles. "It was."
What else do I say? Come on, brain. This isn't a good time to go blank. He's standing in front of me waiting for me to say something. I'm just staring at him. If I stay quiet for too long, he's going to think I'm checking him out and I don't want that. My eyes wander down his body. Stop checking him out!
"I need to go to the grocery store to pick up some things, you want to come?" He asks. His eyes pour into mine, making me feel compelled to do everything he says.
He's asking me to go to the store with a date? We'd be going to the store alone together. Why would he need me to go with him? He must want me to go with him.
I freeze up. "Hello?" He waves his hand in front of my face.
"Oh," I snap back to reality and blush. "I can't, I have homework to do." That's not a lie, I do have homework to do but it's not due for another couple of days.
"Suit yourself." He grabs his keys that he threw on the shelf earlier and exits the house. I stay rooted to the spot until the roar of his engine becomes a distant memory.
I hold my head in my hands and sigh deeply. "I should have gone with him," I tell myself. The idea of being on his motorcycle, holding onto him tightly, doesn't seem that bad anymore. It's like I've grown this addiction to being close to him.
Regret seeps in. I still haven't told Penny about whatever is going on between me and Archer. But according to Archer, there's nothing to tell. I'm probably just overthinking it. I haven't been able to process it myself, so I have no idea how she would take it. I can't tell her now though; she won't want me to disturb The Shining. Archer wouldn't want me to tell her either. With this thought in mind, I ascend the stairs and head towards my room.
I pass Archer's door and notice that there's something different about it. Whenever I walk past it's always closed but this time it's slightly ajar. He must have forgotten to close it. The light's seeping out into the hallway. I should probably turn it off seen as there's no one in there.
My mum always used to go around turning the lights off after my dad. Whenever he came out of the bathroom, she'd make him go back and turn it off. Her signature line was 'it's costing us precious money to light up a room that isn't being used'.
The door creaks slightly as I push it open causing me to cringe inwardly, feeling like I'm committing a crime. I only open it enough to fit my arm through and feel around for the switch, but all my hand comes into contact with is the wall.
I groan and push it open further so I can fit through. I intend to find the light switch, turn it off, and leave. But I wouldn't be Madison if I didn't let my curiosity distract me, would I? My eyes zero in on his bedside table.
I remember coming into his room and seeing his drawings on his bed. He quickly put them into that drawer to hide them from me. He didn't want me to see them, and he won't want me to see them now.
My feet shuffle slowly towards the table involuntarily. Before I know it, I'm standing in front of it, my hand hovering over the handle. I shouldn't but I want to. He could be drawing me for all I know, and I'd like to know if he was. I have a feeling he isn't planning on showing me them anytime soon.
I slide open the drawer and take the drawings out, clutching them in my hands. My eyes scan over them. I can't keep my jaw from dropping. The top one is a sketch of the butterflies that are tattooed on his arm. Did he draw these and request to have them tattooed? They're certainly good enough to be on someone's skin permanently.
I look through a few more quick, conscious about someone finding me in here. There's a hand reaching up out of the water, clear droplets dripping from the tips of its fingers, a clock with half of its face missing, and a sketch of a person seemingly falling through the air. Their hands are outstretched, trying to hold onto something that isn't there.
These are amazing. Why doesn't he want anyone to see them? If I had his skills, I would be boasting about it to everyone. I'd probably sit in class sketching just so people could see how good I am. Is that egotistical? Probably.
A noise coming from the hallway makes me jump. I shouldn't have looked at these. Damn you, curiosity. I leave the room, making sure to turn off the light and close the door behind me. It doesn't look like anyone has left their room. It must have just been the floorboards creaking, maybe they're old.
I go into my room and feel like I can finally breathe again. Those drawings weren't what I was expecting. I don't know what I was expecting exactly but it definitely wasn't that. I remember my art teacher a couple of years ago telling me to draw from the heart, she said that all the best artists do. Do Archer's drawings all have meanings behind them too?
I lay back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. The silence is peaceful like the rain. When it's silent you have time to think. I've got a lot to think about. Like if I'm going to tell Penny about Archer or what we're going to do about Scarlett because we need to do something?
I don't know how much time passes of me trying to gather my thoughts and make some sense of everything that's going on before the silence is interrupted by someone coming up the stairs. It must be Archer coming back from the store.
This is when it hits me, I left his drawings on his bed! I forgot to put them back in the drawer! Oh God, oh God, oh God. I feel like a criminal who's just been caught. He's probably gone into his room and seen them by now. He's going to know it's me. Who else would have gone in there and actively looked through his drawings?
I stand up, feeling the need to do something. My mum always used to clean the house when she knew she did something wrong. I remember when she smashed one of my dad's favourite glasses his grandparents gave him when they first moved in. He never used it unless it was a special occasion. She went around cleaning anything and everything to distract herself from how bad she felt. She ended up coming clean that same night. He was quick to forgive her.
I pick up the clothes that have gathered on my floor and put them into the hamper next to my closet. Next, I make my bed and fluff up the pillows. I see people do that on the TV all the time, yet I never do it. I scoop up some pens that have fallen onto the floor and put them back into the pot sitting on top of the drawers.
A knock on my door stops me in my tracks. I drop the pens onto the floor as my heart drops. Before I have time to talk myself into opening it, a piece of paper is slid under. I hear who I'm assuming is Archer going back into his room.
I stare at it for a while until I can't take it any longer. As I flip it over, all of the air is sucked out of me. A girl is wearing a long, flowing dress, sitting on a crescent moon. Her hair's down to her waist. She's looking off into the distance at something. I can't see her face, but I can tell that she's beautiful.
Why did he give this to me? I looked through his drawings when I knew he didn't want me to see them and now he's given me one. I can't help but notice that this one isn't as dark as the other ones I saw. This one almost looks peaceful. I can't help but think that he drew this for me.
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