Chapter Four
I reluctantly take the leather jacket out of his hands and push my arms through the sleeves. It isn't the warmest thing, but it will do. I inhale Archer's scent that still lingers on it, having to forcefully refrain from smiling. This is for survival purposes only. If I don't wear this I might freeze to death.
"Thank you but, I'm not getting on that thing." I point at the monstrosity in front of me that he chooses to ride with a shudder.
"Are you scared?" He teases. I wrap his jacket around me tighter and glare at him.
"Yes, I'm scared. I could fall off at any moment," I shriek at the thought. He grins in amusement. "It can't be safe."
"I wouldn't have asked you to get on it if it wasn't." I look at him, really look at him. Can I trust him with my safety?
I weigh the pros and cons in my head. He must care if he doesn't want me to wait for a taxi, but I could die. He could just be asking me because he knows that he wouldn't hear the last of it if he left me here alone. But most importantly, I could die.
I look into the distance one more time, but the roads are bare. It doesn't look like the taxi is coming anytime soon.
Against my better judgement, I give in. "Fine, pass me a helmet." I bark, making sure he knows how much I don't want to do this.
My common sense goes out the window with each step I take towards him. I tell myself that I shouldn't be doing this and that being close to him isn't worth it but once he hands me the helmet and I climb onto the back of his motorcycle; it's too late.
"I need you to hold on," He places his helmet back onto his head, looking back at me.
My mouth forms an 'o' and I do as he says, wrapping my arms around his waist a bit too comfortable. "Not that tight." He grumbles. I loosen my grip, muttering a quick sorry.
As soon he starts accelerating, I hold onto him tighter than I was previously. We start to pick up speed and I move closer than I thought was possible to him. I rest my head on his back as I squeeze my eyes shut.
I feel a laugh rumble through his chest and have the sudden urge to punch him in his side, but I know that it wouldn't be a very safe choice. The last thing I need is him losing control because I punched him. "You're safe." He reassures me.
I still don't move in fear of falling off. Is he crazy? I'm not safe on the back of this thing. If anything, I'm the complete opposite of safe.
It feels like forever until we finally come to a stop. I peel my eyes open and am glad to see his house in front of us. I relax my muscles, thanking my guardian angel for not letting me die.
"You can let go of me now." Archer's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I purse my lips together and instantly remove my arms from his waist, pulling the helmet off my head.
I climb off of his motorcycle and debate on kissing the ground but decide against it. "I'm alive," I state in surprise.
"Of course, you are. Do you really think I'd have put you in danger?" He furrows his eyebrows at my reaction. I probably look crazy right now.
"Um," my voice falters as I avoid eye contact awkwardly. "I guess not."
I give him the helmet before we walk into the house together. Henry and Sophie aren't here again so we're alone. I kick my trainers off at the door.
Before I can thank him for the terrifying ride and give him his jacket back, he's already in his room. Oh.
I shrug it off and go into mine, hanging his jacket up on the back of my door. I'll have to give it to him tomorrow, there's no way I'm knocking on his door and exposing myself to certain embarrassment again.
My phone starts to ring causing me to almost jump out of my skin. I place my hand over my racing heart, glancing at the caller ID. A smile makes its way onto my face. I answer the call and bring it up to my ear. "Hi, dad." I beam, falling back onto my bed.
We spend the rest of the night talking about everything that has happened. I tell him that I'm fitting in great and that everyone has been so welcoming. I miss out the part where I risked my life getting a ride from Archer because he doesn't need to know that. If he knew that I got on his motorcycle, he'd be worried out of his mind.
He tells me that Sadie misses me, and she can't wait for me to visit during Christmas break. Despite me not being there, he sounds happy. I can't help but smile a genuine smile. He is going to be just fine without me.
"How are you awake right now?" Penny asks groggily the next morning, taking a seat at the table. She's holding her head in her hands and her eyes are slightly squinted. I don't know what time she came in last night but I'm guessing it was early in the morning.
"It's one in the afternoon," I state with a roll of my eyes.
She grabs my half-empty cup of coffee and gulps it down in a matter of seconds. After she's finished, she slides it away from her. She wipes her mouth with her sleeve before dropping her head onto the table.
I peer into the cup to see if there's any left but it's empty.
"It is?" She asks shocked. I can't help but giggle. This is exactly why I didn't go to the party last night; you can't function properly the next morning.
Archer wanders into the kitchen and rummages through the cupboards. "I think you drank too much." He adds. He looks at Penny with amusement and then at me. I can't help my heart rate picking up as he does.
"Oh really, I didn't realise." She glares at him. His lips tug into a grin at her frustration.
"Don't take it out on me," he holds his hands up in mock surrender, his grin widening. "It's not my fault you're a lightweight."
Penny scowls as she attempts to give him a piece of her mind, but her eyes squeeze shut seconds later. She groans as she massages her temples. I guess she isn't happy that he's right.
"Well, I know better than to stay here with you like this," his accusing eyes glance to her sluggish form. "I'm going out." He announces as he shoves whatever he retrieved from the cupboard into his pocket.
"When are you not?" She remarks sarcastically with her head still glued to the table, letting out a cry of frustration. "Why is it so bright?" She raises her hands above her head to shield herself from the light.
"I'll get you some painkillers," I tell her. She only grunts in response.
I remember that I don't live here, and have no idea where they are, so she has to tell me. I follow her directions and open the cupboard above the microwave, reaching up on my tiptoes for them.
The tips of my fingers come into contact with the box, but I can't reach far enough to get them out of the cupboard. I bite my lip in determination. If I could just knock them off with something...
My plan of action is cut off when I feel Archer behind me. My breath catches in my throat. I whirl around and now being closer to him than before, I wish I didn't.
"You look a little flustered. Are you sure you don't need some of these?" He smirks before grabbing the box of painkillers, making it look easy. This is one of those moments where I wish I weren't short.
I try to say something, complain about his remark, or deny it entirely, but no words come out. My throat grows dry. He's so close. If I inched forward slightly our bodies would be pressed together. No. I shake that thought out of my head and step to the side.
He chuckles as he places the box into my hand, "you should grab something to stand on next time." He teases, his gaze travels along my body and then back to my face. I gape at him in shock.
"I- um," I try to string together a proper sentence but don't get the chance. He leaves without another word. I'm left to deal with my traitor of a heart and a hungover Penny alone.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly. It has taken Penny up until now, four in the afternoon, to sober up. I had to close all of the blinds when she was complaining that the light was hurting her head. I've only been able to open them again now.
She's upside down on the sofa, watching her favourite film, The Incredibles while shovelling popcorn into her mouth. I'm not quite sure how she's managing to eat it while being upside down, but it seems to be working.
"I'm starving." She announces. She turns around so she's sitting normally and glances over at me.
"You're eating popcorn." I deadpan.
"No," she moans, setting the bowl down next to her. "I need real food; this isn't real food."
"Well, what do you suggest?" I ask as I lean my head upon my hand.
"Let's get takeout." She wiggles her eyebrows, giving me no other option. I wouldn't complain anyway. How could I say no to food?
I get up off of the chair with a yawn and follow her out to her car.
We pull up outside the nearest restaurant five minutes later. She practically throws herself through the doors. I drag my feet behind me until I'm by her side.
She orders half the menu for us to share and looks at me for approval every so often. I just agree with whatever she has chosen to order. I don't feel like messing with her when she's newly sober and hungry.
The employee nods his head before going into the kitchen behind him. I tap my foot as we wait but her face falling causes me to stop. I wait for her to tell me why she looks like she has just seen a ghost.
"Oh no, no, no." She rubs her eyes to make sure what she's seeing is true.
"What?" I peer over her shoulder to get a better look but it's no use.
"Don't look over there," she nods her head in the direction that she's talking about. "But the worst person to walk this Earth is sat at the corner table." I notice her picking at her fingernails anxiously.
Of course, I don't listen to her instructions. My eyes scan over the people in the restaurant until I find the table that she's talking about. There are three girls sat there. "Which one?"
"Madison," she groans. "What did I just say?" She shakes her head in disappointment and I pat her on her shoulder. She should have known by now that I wouldn't listen.
She describes the girl's outfit, and my eyes latch onto her.
"Who is she?"
She sighs. "Scarlett," she pauses, and I get the feeling that it's for the dramatic effect, "the school bully."
I should have known that just because I've come to another country doesn't mean that there aren't any of them here. "She had a thing for Archer when we were sophomores, and let's just say it didn't end well."
Why am I not surprised?
"And that has to do with you because?" I raise my eyebrows, urging her to answer.
"Because..." she copies my expression, "I'm his sister, it has everything to do with me." I give her an 'are you serious?' look and her gaze drops to the floor.
How could anyone think that bullying someone is acceptable because things didn't go well with their brother? More importantly, how could anyone think bullying someone is acceptable in the first place?
I can understand how she would be angry at Archer, but Penny has done nothing wrong. I wonder if Archer knows. They're both seniors at the same school so I don't know how he couldn't.
Movement behind Penny catches my attention. My eyes widen once I see who's heading our way. I try to conceal my shock as best as I can.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Penny asks with a sceptical look on her face. Dammit.
"Don't freak out," I start, placing my hand on her arm reassuringly. "But Scarlett's coming over."
She doesn't listen to me. Instead, her eyes dart around my face looking for a sign that I'm joking. Once she sees that I'm not a blank expression takes over her features. Her stare's cold, and I find myself being scared of that look.
"Penelope, nice to see you again." Scarlett greets with venom dripping off every word.
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