Chapter Forty-Six
I point out to Penny with a giggle, "you still look half asleep."
She yawns, not bothering to cover her mouth. "That's because I should still be in bed." She groans.
It's the first day back after the break. As you can tell, Penny isn't too happy about it. I actually don't mind being here. Spending so much time at the house was making me miss home even more than I did before. I can't wait to go back to London and see my family during Christmas break.
"You only have seven hours to wait before you can go back to bed. Think of it as a short break."
Her shoulders slump, "If you class seven hours as a short break I can't be your friend."
"I don't need you anyway, I have Brody." A grin takes over my features as I wrap my arm around his. His eyes drop to the floor, not responding with one of his witty comments like usual. "Are you okay?"
He gives me a tight-lipped smile along with a curt nod of his head. "I'm fine." His clipped reply worries me even more.
Penny and I exchange a confused look. It isn't like him to not talk even if it's early in the morning. He's usually the one relaying everything that happened during the weekend onto us with drastic hand gestures.
"I'm sure it's just the jetlag," I mouth to Penny. She nods in agreement but her concerned eyes tell me otherwise.
As we enter the main doors and walk into school, I can't help but feel like people are paying more attention to us than they usually do. Penny notices too. People pull their heads out from their lockers, their eyes locking with ours. Are they watching us because of what happened with Scarlett? Has she turned everyone against us? To be totally honest, I wouldn't be surprised if she did. She's definitely capable of it.
We reach our lockers and grab the books we need for the day. Do you think Scarlett has something planned? She made it clear to us that she was going to make our lives a living hell for what I did. It wouldn't be like her to let us go scathe free. I chew my lip anxiously, trying to focus on something else.
The bell rings and everyone around us starts heading towards their classes. I shut my locker and breathe out a sigh of relief. If she was going to do anything now, she's missed her chance. We're safe for the next period.
"It's too early for algebra." Penny drags out as her parting words.
"You can do it!" I call after her. She turns around as I give her a thumbs up. The look on her face tells me she isn't as confident in herself as I am.
Brody and I have the same class, so we walk there together. When we get there, most of the class is already sat in their seats. I take my seat on the left side of the room and Brody takes his seat on the right a few rows behind.
"Homework out on your desks, please," miss Rhodes starts. "Anyone who doesn't have it will be spending the night with me in detention."
My heart lurches out of my chest at her words despite knowing that I put my homework in my bag last night. I place it on my desk and avoid eye contact with her when she takes it, placing it on the growing pile in her arms. I can't tell if she's in a bad mood yet so it's best to play it safe before I work it out.
"Brody, your homework." She raises her eyebrows expectantly.
I turn around when his usual chirpy voice doesn't surround me only to see him staring blankly into the distance. He isn't paying her any attention. What's he doing?
She drops the pieces of homework onto his desk with a bang before clapping her hands in front of his face. He snaps out of whatever daze he was in and looks up at her. His eyes wander around the room, a blush covering his cheeks when he notices everyone staring back at him.
"What," he clears his throat. "What was the question?"
"You know the routine, Brody. Homework on your desk, now."
Luckily, he has his homework in his bag, and he hands it to her with a clipped apology. She must be in a good mood as she lets his ignorance slide. Our gazes meet causing me to furrow my eyebrows. He isn't acting like himself today at all.
"You're lucky she was in a good mood," I tell Brody with a mouth full of food.
He shrugs his shoulders, staring blankly at his sandwich in front of him. "It didn't sound like she was in a good mood," Penny states.
"Believe me, she was in a good mood. You're lucky you don't have her as a teacher," I start, wiping my hands on my jeans. "I'm going to the bathroom."
I walk out of the cafeteria and towards the bathroom. Except, I don't make it. Someone grips my shoulder, pulling me into one of the nearby classrooms. They lock the door and peak out of the little window in the door.
"What the hell?" I shout, my arms flailing in the air. "What is it with you and locking me in classrooms?"
Archer turns around, a smirk present on his face, before looking back outside, "It's my speciality." He winks.
I clench my jaw. "I'll make putting my foot somewhere it's not supposed to be my speciality if you don't stop kidnapping me." I cross my arms against my chest and glare at the back of his head.
He doesn't turn around which raises my frustration. I step closer to him so I can see what he's looking at. When all I see is lockers, I roll my eyes. "What are you doing?" I grumble.
He doesn't answer. That's when I hear the familiar clicking of heels. Scarlett walks into view followed by her minions. Her fiery red hair bounces as she passes us. We continue to watch her until she's out of sight.
"How did you know she was there?" I ask, taking a step back.
He rolls down the blinds, so the window is covered. "I'm observant unlike you." His eyes drag down my body before returning to my face. I shudder but try my best to conceal my body's reaction. I shouldn't be reacting this way to someone who goes out of his way to regularly kidnap me.
I pout, narrowing my eyes at him. "I can be observant," he gives me an 'are you serious' look. "Sometimes."
He shakes his head with a soft chuckle.
I inch closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck, stepping onto my tiptoes to peck him lightly. "Thank you for rescuing me." I give him a grateful smile.
His arms wrap around my waist instinctively, pulling me closer to him. "Is this my reward?"
He pushes me backwards not once letting go of me until my legs contact the table behind me. He lifts me onto it. "If you want it to be," I lick my lips as his eyes zone in on them.
"I do." His lips crash onto mine and he kisses me hard. I tug at the strands of his brown hair, his hands wandering around my body. They move from my waist and down my thighs. He pulls my legs towards him and I wrap them around his waist.
His lips leave mine as I breathe heavily. I'm sure he can feel my heart racing in my chest. "Brody and Penny will be wondering where I am." I try to appear like I want this to stop. I don't want this to stop.
He nips at my neck. "Let them wonder."
It takes all my willpower to push him away from me. His hands remain on my hips. I try to ignore the current that's running through my body from his touch. His eyes meet mine once again. They're darker than they were before. I blush. "I have to go back." I'm reminding myself of this more than I am him.
He groans, resting his head in the crook of my neck. "Thanks for rescuing me, my knight in shining armour." I thank him as I hop off the table. It takes all my willpower not to pull him back towards me and resume what we started.
He bows and I stifle a laugh. My hand wavers on the door handle for a few seconds as I run over the consequences of staying. Penny and Brody would probably get suspicious as to why I took so long plus, if Scarlett sees them then they'll be alone. I'd hate myself if she did something while I was gone.
I open the door and hurriedly shut it behind me before I change my mind.
I quickly go to the bathroom, running my fingers through my hair when I see my appearance in the mirror. You can definitely tell I was just having a heated make-out session. I grab some tissue and dab the beads of sweat that have gathered on my forehead before heading back to the cafeteria.
"What did I miss?" I question when I take my seat back at the table.
No one answers. Penny shuffles closer to me and whispers in my ear, "there's something up with Brody."
My gaze shifts to him prodding his uneaten sandwich with his finger and then back to her. "I agree,"
"I'm right here, you know?" He says with a roll of his eyes.
"Did something happen with you and your dad?" Penny clasps her hands on the table like a boss interviewing a potential employee.
He drags his hands down hisface. Now he looks like the child getting agitated by his parent's manyquestions. "I'm just tired from the flight." I'm not convinced, andneither is Penny. "I'll be fine tomorrow." He promises us. We settle forhis answer, for now.
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