The twins get settled
"Hey Maddy" Logan says as he looks at the little girl who was not happy
"She has been missing you like crazy i had to give her a shirt of yours to help her sleep at night" Kendall says as he looks at Logan as they were just hanging out in the room waiting on Oliver to come back to the room
"Oh i have missed my Maddy a lot" Logan says as he kisses her making her laugh a lot and he loves her
Logan sees she has some bruises on her arms and everything else
"Kenny what has happened to Maddy?" Logan asks as Kendall was getting Ollie ready to go back home
"Oh Allie is starting to be the trouble maker of the group right now and Julie and Harley try to protect her and they get caught in the cross fire as well" Kendall says as he looks at Logan as he was getting Ollie in the car seat so he could go home
"Oh lord how are the quints?" Logan asks him
"They have been good not too much trouble staying up later then normal but they sleep in so i can get things done so that is a blessing" Kendall says as he was going to get Elevate in her car seat as the nurse came in with paperwork for Logan so he could go home with the babies and get settled in with all of the kids
Logan signed the papers and he was going to be in charge of Charlie and the quints and Maddy too cause she wanted papa and that was while Kendall had the babies cause Kendall got everything Logan had when he was in the hospital last night and took it home
"Okay everyone get a color" Logan says as he got the ring rope out for them so they could go home and get settled in once again
The quints and Charlie got a color on the ring rope cause it was huge some stood with the same color next to their sibling
"Logie can you take the quads as well?" Kendall asks him
"Sure they can go with a buddy cause i think that will help with everything in the long run when they are older too" Logan says as he was pairing a baby up with an older sibling and one of the boys took on Allie and he was going ot keep her in line a little bit
Kendall was good with that and he was going to be behind Logan to help out as he needs help with everything as they were leaving the hospital to go home and get settled in for the rest of their lives with all of these kids cause it was going to be fun cause they had just got the quints settled in and used tot heir new home and that took a while cause it was a ball with the quints, Tiffany and the triplets
"Does everyone have a color?" Logan asks the kids as they were ready to go home
The kids nod as they were looking at mommy or papa cause they were ready to go back home to run around some more before they have nap cause they wanted to get to be witht heir siblings for their first night cause it was going to be fun cause the one girls room was on the girls side and the boy nursery was on the girls side of the house so they were going to hear their new siblings all night long as they were crying for papa to come and feed them
"Okay let's go" Logan says to the kids
The kids were so well behaved as they were leaving the hospital to go to the bus so they could go home
"Okay kids get in your seats and we will buckle you in " Logan says cause Kendall had one of the babies with one of the quints or Charlie and that made it easier on them cause they were really good with entertaining their buddy as they were going on trips as well, and that was a blessing for Kendall and Logan
The quints and Charlie went to their seats cause the babies had to be brought on to be in their seats. Kendall and Logan got the babies settled in for the ride home
"Elevate it's okay baby" Logan says to the baby that was not happy at all and he had to comfort her since her lip was quivering a little bit
"Is she okay?" Kendall asks Logan cause he was worried for her as well
"Yeah she is okay now Kenny" Logan says to Kendall cause Elevate was not happy at all and she went to sleep when she heard mommy or papa close to her
"Okay now to go home and get the babies settled in" Kendall says as he was going to drive home cause they had to get the twins settled in and that was going to be a big adjustment
Logan was checking on the triplets and they were okay as they were going back to the house
"Well Kyle and Elevate this is your new home, and this is where you will grow up at with your brothers and your sisters" Kendall says as he pulls in the huge garage where the bus was stored
Logan was going to get the babies cause they had to go in first and the little kids could go in on their own cause they were going to go to the backyard to go play on the huge playground Kendall had built for them and they had a little play area where they could ride their bikes or their scooters or their trikes and they could play safely since they had no traffic where they lived which was a blessing
"Okay little ones daddy will take you in the house so you guys can play" Kendall says as he was bringing in the older babies cause Logan wanted to get the twins and bring them in the house
The babies were happily playing witht heir toys when they were in their playpen once again so that was fine with Kendall and Logan cause they could get the twins settled in completely and they were going to celebrate later that night together in front of the fireplace with pizza
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