The quints are seen
"Up we go pretty girl" Logan says as he puts her in the van for the time being
Charlie played with some of the toys that were in the van and Logan was checking e-mails and doing his banking as well on his phone
"You having fun baby?" Logan asks her
She nods as she continues to play
"Hopefully we get called in soon" Logan says to her as they waited to go in
"Papa I have to go potty" Charlie tells him
"Okay come on sweetheart" he says as he takes her in to go to the restroom
Charlie was fully potty trained when the adoption was finalized, and she was really loving life with Kendall and Logan as her parents
"Charlie" the nurse says as she came out to get her to take her back for her examination
"Once she goes to the bathroom we will be back" Logan tells the nurse cause Charlie had to go really bad and Logan didn't put a pull up on her before leaving the house
"Okay I'll get the next patient then come back for her" the nurse says as Logan takes Charlie to the bathroom cause she had to go really bad
Logan took her and once she washed her hands and he put her facial covering on her so she was safe as they saw the doctor and he put his mask on as well
"All better?" The nurse asks her
Charlie nods happily as the nurse takes her to a room to wait for the doctor to come and see her and see how she was doing
"Charlie come here sweetheart let's sit on your blanket and play a bit" Logan tells her cause when the bigger kids went he had two blankets one for the floor and one for the table and he was going to wash them after every visit so they did not get sick
Charlie obeyed and she sat on the blanket
"Hey Charlie" the doctor says as he came into the room to see her
Charlie was happy to see the doctor and cooperated as the doctor checked her over on her blanket as well, and she was really brave when she got her shots, and she was pretty normal until the doctor looked at her hands and that worried him a little bit, and he was going to have her go to a specialist to fix it
"Your hands are a little different baby that is all" Logan says as he looks at her
Logan made the appointment for the quints cause he was bringing all of them cause he hated to break them up, and he was going to bring the mini rv so they were really spaced out as they waited to be seen
(Days later)
"Okay I need the quints down here cause it's your turn to go" Logan calls upstairs
All ten feet could be heard on the stairs cause they knew they had to go as well to the doctor's
"I hope you guys are fine" he says as he heads out to the mini RV so they could go to the doctor's
The quints were happy in the RV they were glad to be spaced out and they were on their IPADS doing some learning games cause Kendall and Logan were going to be doing homeschool cause of the pandemic cause it was too much of a risk, but if one of the kids wanted to go Kendall and Logan were going to send them to see if it was a better fit or not for them
"Okay I want you to buckle up" he says as he was going to get in the front seat
The quints buckled themselves in for the ride to the doctor's cause they wanted to be healthy as could be
Logan pulled into a parking spot and the nurse took the kids temperatures to see if they were okay
"One of them has a bit of a fever so they can't be seen today, and if you like we can do a COVID test" the nurse says
Logan had Kendall bring the others over so they could get tested as well to see if they have it cause the kids have been getting some fresh air lately and the older ones begged to go to the beach to collect shells and play in the sand as well, and now they are paying the price
"Kids I want you to be still as you get the test done" Logan says cause the kids may not like it
The kids nodded cause Kendall gave them their comfort object so they could hug as they were going to be tested and the babies were going to be tested even the youngest of the babies are going to be tested as well to see if they have it and Kendall and Logan knew the whole family was going to have to go into quarantine for the time being or if the kids have to go to the hospital where they could be monitored and Kendal and Logan were going to be tested as well to see if they have the sickness
Everyone was tested and they were going to get the results soon and that was going to see if they need to go to the hospital and they were going to see who has it mostly
"Well this is a detour" Logan says as he looks at Kendall
"Yes it is for sure it's a bad detour especially for the babies" Logan says as he was thinking of the babies right now cause they could get it more cause their immune systems aren't that great right now
The babies had it as well, so they were going to be in the hospital until they recovered and the kids were going to be admitted as well to help them out cause the doctor wasn't taking any chances at all with this virus
Kendall and Logan could not go back when the kids were admitted and they wanted daddy and papa with them through this journey, and Logan promised he was going to get their comfort object and that was going to be with them until they could be with them, and that might be a bit cause the count was up
Hospital roller coaster is coming 4 sure
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