Kendall and Logan see the girls
"Allie is so cute" Kendall says as him and Logan admire Allie who was able to be released to her parents right after birth to see her parents cause she wanted to meet them right after, and didn't want to go with the nurses
"Yeah she is I am going to take off her hat and put a bow on her hair, so she looks really pretty" Logan says as he takes off Allie's hat and puts a hair bow in her hair to make her look beautiful just the way he wanted to
Logan puts one of the cute bows on her head that he had packed for the hospital
"There we go Alexandria Schmidt you look really cute with that bow in your hair baby girl" Logan says after he fixed her dark hair completely, so it was perfect with the cute bow
"Yeah just like her mommy" Kendall says to him as he sits on the bed as he admires Allie as she yawns
Soon Allie opened her eyes for mommy and daddy that evening
"Hey cutie pie" Kendall says when he sees her eyes opened and looking around at where she was at
"Hi Allie" Logan says when he sees her eyes looking up at mommy
Allie decided to suck on her fingers for mommy and daddy that night
"Are those good huh?" Logan asks her as he unwraps her blanket, so she could lay between mommy leg
Allie continues to suck on her fingers completely for mommy and daddy as she admired her parents
"Come on I'll feed you" Logan says to her as he guides her up for a drink at the bar
Allie latches on no problems for mommy that evening
"She must be hungry" Kendall says as he gets everything ready for when she was done with eating from mommy that day cause he was going to burp and change the girls
"She is that's for sure" Logan says as he watches Allie eat happily that night
Allie continued to suckle for a good fifteen minutes before she was done eating
"Good girl" Logan says as he gives her to Kendall, so he could burp her and change her before she went back to bed that day
Kendall burps her ever so gently, so she let out some good burps for daddy after her first feeding from mommy that night
"There now to change you and you can go back to mommy cutie pie" Kendall says as he unwraps her, so he could change her diaper
Allie hated the air on her bum, but Kendall made it quick for her
"There we go all nice and clean once again" Kendall says as he wraps her back up in her cute blanket
Soon Allie let out a cry
"Come here cutie pie" Logan says as he holds his arm out for Allie
Logan starts to rock her and she calms down after a while
"Whose eyes does she have?" Kendall asks Logan
"Dark blue, so she will have my eyes that's for sure" Logan says as he continues to rock Allie in his arms gently
"Where is Maddy?" Kendall asks
"I don't know I hope she didn't have to go to the NICU" Logan says a little scared cause Maddy didn't cry when she was born
"I'm going to go down and see about her" Kendall says as he leaves the room to see about Madeline who was the sleepy one of all the girls
"Okay hurry back" Logan says to him as he continues to rock Allie
"Will do I am going to hopefully bring Maddy in, so we can see her" Kendall says as he leaves the room to see about Maddy
Logan continued to admire Allie cause she looked so angelic when she slept
"Oh you sleepy" he says when he sees Allie yawn as she sleeps peacefully
Allie snuggles in and falls back to sleep cause she heard mommy's voice
"My little Allie" he says as he continues to rock her to sleep that night
Logan tells her all about her sisters and her daddy who was with her in the room when she was born
"Look who i got" Kendall says as he comes in with Maddy who was sleeping as well
"How is she?" Logan asks him
"She is a sound sleeper like you are Logie" Kendall says as he hands the other baby over, so Logan could hold both girls in his arms as he rocked them
"Ah" Logan says as he accepts his other daughter from Kendall, so he could rock her in his arms as well
"She looks like you Logan" Kendall says to Logan
"I am not surprised with that" Logan says with a chuckle as he admires his girls who were sound asleep in his arms as he held them
Kendall went to get the beds for the girls, so Logan could put them in, so he could get some sleep too
"You girls are so cute" Logan says to the girls as he continues to rock them in his arms
The girls continued to sleep in mommy's arms
"Coming into the world is hard work huh?" he asks them as he continues to rock them in his arms
"Here Logie do you want to put them in their bassinets?" Kendall asks him
"Yeah cause I am tired and ready to get some sleep, but I am hungry too" Logan says as he hands one baby to Kendall, so the babies can sleep in their own bed while he sleeps in the hospital bed
Once the girls were settled in their bassinets Logan got comfortable in his bed and went to sleep immediately
"Night mama" Kendall says as he leaves the room to see about the other girls and to see if they are okay. Plus to see about Harley cause he was worried about them, and if Harley is going to pull through okay
(Much later)
"Oh Maddy what's the problem huh?" Logan asks as he gets out of bed to hold Maddy who was crying her head off
Logan picks her up and holds her, so she doesn't wake her sister up from her slumber
"Come here peanut" he says as he rocks her in his arms to get her to settle down
Madeline starts to settle down as mommy rocked her back to sleep
"No more tears now sweetie" he says as he continues to rock her in his arms
Once Madeline was asleep Logan placed her back in her bassinet to sleep
"There we go all nice and comfy once more" he says as he puts her back in her bassinet, so he could sleep cause he didn't sleep much in recovery cause Allie wanted mommy to hold her and make it all better
"Now to get some sleep before they wake up and wanting their meal once again" Logan says as he gets back into bed and goes back to sleep that night
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