Getting the girls settled
"Kendall I am going to ride in the back with the girls, so they know where I am, and I don't feel comfortable riding with you yet since the girls are so little yet" Logan says as he gets into the van with the girls for the ride home from the hospital, so they could get settled in their new
"Okay Logie careful as you get in" Kendall says to Logan as Logan got into the van to be with the girls as they head home from the hospital
"Will do" Logan says as he gets in the back as Kendall holds Harley in his arms who was wide awake and looking around at where she was
"Do you want Harley?" Kendall asks Logan as he holds Harley for Logan, so he could get in the van
"Yes please and I can get her buckled in her car seat" Logan says to Kendall
Kendall hands Harley to Logan carefully so they won't get her oxygen loose, and Kendall will have to fix it
"Hey Harley" Logan says as he buckles her in her car seat that was in the van by the window, so she won't get jaundice
Harley coos at mommy as she was being buckled in her car seat, so she could go home
"Are you talking a little bit huh?" Logan asks her as he makes sure she is secured in her baby seat a little bit
'Would you like Juliet?" Kendall asks Logan as he holds Juliet
"Yes please and then put Allie and Maddy in the middle, so I can see them still" Logan says as he reaches out for Juliet who was also awake and looking at who was holding her
"Okay that sounds like a plan" Kendall says as he gets Juliet out after he put her back in her car seat, so Kendall can make sure her car seat was locked in before Logan buckled her in for the ride home
"Hey Julie would you like to meet Harley your sister?" Logan asks her as he gets the two girls acquainted with each other while Kendall was busy securing the other car seat
Juliet was reaching out for her sister and Harley was reaching out for Juliet
"These two are going to be okay" Logan says as he admires his daughters as Kendall secures the car seat
"Yeah they are" Kendall says as he gets Allie and Maddy secured before putting the stroller in the back, so they could go home
"We are going home girls, so mommy and daddy can get you girls situated in your new home" Logan says to all four girls as Kendall closes the trunk
On the way home Kendall asks James and Carlos to put the other two storks out front for the other two girls cause they were coming home too
(Skip car ride)
"Here we are girls" Kendall says as he pulls into the driveway of his and Logan's house
"This is where you guys are going to grow up at" Logan says as he checks on the girls to make sure that they are doing okay still in their car seats
Kendall gets Allie and Maddy out first and brings them into the house, and comes out to help Logan with the other two
"Okay Harley mommy hears you" Logan says as he gets her out of her car seat and holds her in his arms
"Here I'll take Harley and take her into the house" Kendall says as he takes Harley from Logan
"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he gets Juliet out of her car seat too, so she could come into the house after daddy comes back with sissy
"Here Logan I'll help you out first and then get Juliet" Kendall says as he helps Logan out of the van
"Thanks Kenny cause I am still in pain from the births" Logan says to him
"I bet you are I have the girls in the den sleeping in the swings, and don't worry their names are above the swings, so we know who is who" Kendall says to Logan
"Okay that is good cause I might go join them" Logan says as he slowly goes into the house
Once Logan entered the den Harley was not happy at all
"What's the matter huh Harley?" Logan asks as he stops the swing and gets her out of it
Harley was still fussy a bit
"Are you wet huh?" Logan asks as he lays her down to change her diaper
"Logan let me take care of the girls you need to rest" Kendall says as he comes in with Juliet
"Kenny I got it don't worry" Logan says as he starts to change Harley diaper
Harley stop crying when her diaper was changed
"There we go all dry once again" Logan says as he puts her bottoms back on
Harley did that face when she was going number two
"At least you waited until I changed you" Logan says as he changes her diaper once again cause she was dirty
"I think you need to change the other three too Logan" Kendall says as he heads out to the van to bring everything in from the hospital
"I will and then they will probably need fed too" Logan says as he continues to change Harley
Kendall put everything that was with either Logan or the girls in the bedrooms and then headed down to help Logan with the girls
"It seems the girls are adjusting to their new life really good" Kendall says to Logan as he helps Logan with the girls who need changing still
"Yeah they have and I am really surprised that they haven't cried much since they have been home" Logan says as he changes Maddy's diaper
Kendall was going to change Allie
"Okay Allie girl daddy is going to change your diaper and then mommy will feed you" Kendall says as he puts Allie on the changing table that was in almost every room of the house
Logan grabbed Juliet and Harley and fed them while Kendall kept the other two occupied as he was busy feeding the first two their meal
"Logan are you going to pump some, so we both can feed the girls?" Kendall asks him
"I might a little bit later when the girls are napping I am going to pump some formula for them to have" Logan says to Kendall as he checks to make sure that the first two are latched on
"This is going to help a lot with diapers and clothes for the girls" Kendall says to Logan
"Yes it will cause taking care of these girls is going to be expensive" Logan says as he continues to nurse the two that he had
Once all four girls were fed, burped and changed once again they started to get sleepy a little bit
"Might as well put them in their room" Logan says to Kendall
"Yeah might as well, so they get used to sleeping in their cribs" Kendall says as he grabs Allie since she was going to go up first, so mommy could tuck her in
"Allie this is yours and your sisters nursery that daddy did for you guys" Kendall says as he brings Allie into the room
"Okay Kenny I can take it from here" Logan says as he takes Allie to her crib
Kendall hands Allie to Logan
"This is what you looked liked when you were inside mommy" Logan says as he places her in her crib that had her little picture on it
Logan did that with each of the girls as he tucked them in for their nap
"You Harley you are the smallest one of all" Logan says as he takes her to her crib that was across from Allie but next to Juliet and diagonal from Madeline's crib
Kendall made sure all of them were on their backs and were swaddled correctly before making sure all four of them were sound asleep in their cribs
"Well they are all asleep like little angels" Logan says as him and Kendall leave the nursery
"Yeah they are little angels" Kendall says as he goes back out to get what needed to be brought into the house cause he was going to get dinner that night for Logan, so Logan didn't need to cook at all
"I am going to take a nap" Logan says as he heads for the master bedroom for a nap
"Okay night Logie" Kendall says to him when Logan enters the master to take a nap cause the girls might be up through the night to eat or for a change and he was going to sleep when they slept
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