First night part 2
"Okay it looks like the babies are ready for their bath" Logan says when he sees all four of the girls undressed and in nothing but a diaper crawling around the house
"Yup they are and when the others come home they will be divided up between boys and girls so the boys don't wreck the girls bathroom and the same for the girls" Kendall says as he was helping Logan with the babies so they could have a fun night in the new house and seeing all of the bedrooms for all of the kids
The babies had more fun then Charlie with their bath and they got Kendall and Logan soaked to the bone and Allie didn't like that her sisters got her really wet
"Allie we don't hit others" Kendall says as he was going to get her out of the tub since it was going to get ugly fast with the girls in the tub together instead of separately
"Girls no" Logan says when the others started in on the fight
"Thanks you Charlie" Kendall says as he grabs two towels from Charlie since she was a good helper
Logan took the other two towels for the other two girls
"I say we get these babies ready for bed and then show them their rooms a bit before movie night downstairs" Kendall says to Logan
"Sounds like a plan to me Kenny" Logan says to him as they split up so they could get the babies ready for bed in their own bedrooms so they were not on top of each other
Logan was shocked that he saw the cribs that were from the house in the room for the girls that night with their names above each crib
"I think daddy made sure you girls were going to be comfortable tonight in the new house" Logan says as he put the girls jammies on them so they were warm
Once the girls were ready they headed to the movie room for movie night in the new house, and Charlie was going to pick the movie that they were going to watch
"What movie are we watching tonight Charlie?" Logan asks her since she loved to watch movies
"Moana" Charlie says happily cause that was her favorite movie in the whole world
Kendall put it in for her as she took her seat right by papa so they could watch the movie before bed that night
"You comfy Charlie?" Logan asks her
She nods as she looks at papa
Charlie loved singing along to the songs in the movie
"Well someone is happy" Kendall says as he was looking at Logan
"Yeahs she is" Logan says as they were watching the movie with Charlie
"Okay Charlie time for bed in your new room where you have a big girl bed" Logan says as Kendall turned off the movie cause it was over
Charlie knew not to fight with daddy and papa so she went to bed like a big girl she was
"We will tuck you in after we put the babies to bed princess" Logan says as they headed up to the bedrooms with the babies so Charlie could play is she wanted and she was going to play for a little bit
Charlie nodded as she was going to play with her toys while daddy and papa was busy with the babies
(First nursery)
"Allie, Maddy this is your room" Kendall says as he came into the room with Allie and Maddy and Logan followed with the others cause they will be going to the other bedroom
Allie and Maddy loved their room
"I'll do Maddy since she wants her papa" Logan says as he sat the others down so he could help Kendall
Kendall went to get formula from the mini fridge that the twins had in their rooms for their milk since they still have milk from Logan and Logan was okay with that cause he was going to pump for the babies as well as feed them until they were of age and then they were going to have real milk
"Here we go girls your ba-ba's" Kendall says as he handed the babies their milk which they accepted
Allie and Maddy started to drink their milk as papa was going to read them a story as their sisters watched from the floor since they were going to go to bed next after their sisters
"Night girls we love you" Logan says as he kisses the girls good night as they were still having their bottles
Kendall was going to carry Harley into the other room while Logan had Juliet and was going to grab their bottles to so they could have their milk
"Harley this is your crib sweet girl" Kendall says as he was putting her in her crib for the time being since Logan was putting Juliet in her crib along with her bottle
Harley wanted daddy to hold her
"Okay sweetie I'll hold you" Kendall says as he was going to hold her since Julie wanted papa
"I swear these girls are one of a kind" Logan says as he was rocking Julie in the other rocking chair since every room had two rocking chairs for the babies
"I know they are aren't they" Kendall says as he was rocking Harley who was drinking her milk like a big girl and was being so good for her daddy as they were rocking
"You didn't carry them for nine months and then deliver them" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall
"You still look great" Kendall says as he was looking at Logan
"I still have the belly though and i doubt i will go back to where i was before i had the quads" Logan says as he shows Kendall the stomach he had cause his stomach has not gone down yet since the birth
"You can get that fix are we going to have anymore kids?" Kendall ask him
"I want one or more at least" Logan says as he got up with Juliet and put her in her crib cause she was fast asleep
"Could you still be?" Kendall asks Logan
"I don't know Kenny" Logan says as they were headed to tuck in Charlie for the night cause it was her bedtime too and she was waiting to be tucked in next after her sisters and that was going to change when the others come home
Kendall and Logan was surprised that she was in her bed and was waiting for them to come in and tuck her in for the night
"Night Charlie we love you" Kendall and Logan tell her as they tucked her in
"Night daddy night papa" she says as she goes right to sleep as daddy turned on her night light so she was not scared of the dark
Logan blew her a kiss as he was leaving the room since Kendall left to go to the new master bedroom that was huge and had it's own private bathroom for Kendall and Logan so they could do it whenever they wanted, and they could hear the kids
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