Vivian saw both Nezu and All Might who offers her a dormitory to stay in making her to be very shocked they found her home, very confused to why they're fully offering a dormitory to her and very nervous as they found out she's an orphan making her to be worried about this.
"I assure you, Miss. Midoriya that we know and was waiting for the right moment to bring it up with you." Nezu said as Vivian nods before looking at her 'home' then back at them.
"It'll bring me closer to school, right?" Nezu nods and she agrees. Vivian warns her squad members as she likes to call them privately about the offer and to make it look like they were offered it by a friend. One plans to make his old man pay for it all without even knowing it.
Vivian will get it set up for the whole squad then as she had help packing her 'home' up and fully bringing it there. She asked if she can fix the place up and she was allowed making her to be glad she can rewire the place and have a secret gamer room.
There was a tunnel that leads to a abandoned part of the building and she can make the room there for the squad plus she found another tunnel which leads fully outside of the building two blocks away from the cameras really, so they can go partying every Friday night really.
First she needs to fix up the dorm making there to be now one big ass mother fucking bedroom, a big ass kitchen, a big ass dining room and she even found a hiding spot for the snack pantry if they feel like hiding snacks under a cabinet which leads to another abandoned part of the building.
There's also a two hundred and fifty inch flatscreen, but it's a TV really which Vivian made sure of is in the theater room for a lot of movie nights only with their own theater high-technologied seats making it to be like you're moving with the movie which makes you feel like you're part of it really and as if you're on a rollercoaster.
Vivian also has the gaming room having a lot of computers that U.A doesn't control plus there a button to press to get all of the data of every villain there is really and Vivian had fun as the gaming room because a secret base really.
Vivian made sure that the room was fully blocked off making it to be perfect and no one else can enter in, but the squad members really. Vivian wasn't going to make it be noticeably and then have people go in without being invited first really.
Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochaco, Asui Tsusu, Todoroki Shoto, Shinso Hitoshi and Yaoyorozu Momo was shocked as Nezu allowed this to happen and Vivian has a keypad for their hand prints and a secret code only they know.
It was making it to be more of a serect room than a normal dorm room really. Nezu fully doesn't even know what Vivian did or brought. He did say U.A is fully covering the bill making Vivian to get a lot of stuff for the place fully making it to be perfect for them really.
Vivian had added ten mini fridges that were fully meant for offices in the bedroom making it to be perfect plus seven in the gaming room really. She took out all, but ten rooms to make their very own dormitory with a double door to make it look fancier really.
The living room has a weird ass couch, but Vivian shows it's fully actually a pull-out bed and shows how it works. Vivian pulls the right side down by one hundred and sixty mm and then the left side the same before pulling the bed frames out and the corner was a pull-out bed as well, too.
Vivian moves the two couch sides close to have the three bed frames fully touching each other and then had the mattresses out making it to look like a big ass bed for at least eighteen people max on it really.
It was making them to like this as it's fully facing another two hundred and fifty inch flatscreen TV, perfect for games or movies really. Vivian wants to make sure that they can watch t.v anywhere really making them to fully love it deeply really.
"Nezu-san said that U.A will foot the bill and they didn't realized I brought a lot to fix this up really. I even found us a secret gaming room and I had created a secret entrance way to go inside of it! I did have to do a lot of renovate to it since it was abandon, but it fully looks much cooler!"
"Really?!" Ochaco was shocked as Vivian nodded and shows them all the whole place plus the big ass bedroom based on their needs to sleep together cause of their problems which made them fully happy really.
"We each also have a hand print lock and if we are to bring really someone inside with us, we hold their hands to do so really." They were shocked as it's like she did this all for them really.
"You should check everything out! It'll be fun!" Tenya was going to talk about their studies really.
"And yes, I got us some laptops to use to do our school work on." Tenya shuts his mouth when he saw the whole area really as it seems Vivian is a girl on a mission. They had fun checking out the whole place and the three tunnels.
They also saw the bedroom has a escape route system to the pool area and gamer room plus to the outside. Vivian must of done that to make it easier for them to leave if they feel threatened and they are fully trapped inside by villains really.
"And there is three secret doors to protect the tunnels from being discovered." Vivian said as the tour ends making them to love it as Hitoshi got disowned by his parents making everyone to hug him as Ochaco and Tsu-chan is now also an orphan like Vivian.
"Ochaco and Tsu-chan, I'm so so sorry." Vivian knows she made an bank account to hold onto the very money until legally eighteen which was fair and invested in some good business to earn more money like Google, Yahoo, Firefox, Chrome and a Nutrient Company.
"Gamer room is for gaming and yes, we can sleep down there as the entrance to it can be hidden and we can leave through it as I also put some cupboards inside to hold dry snacks and some candies in bags plus fifty cookie jars of different kinds really.
Plus I got fourteen mini fridges for our drinks inside of it, too." Vivian said as they loved it as they fully remembered what they saw in the base as there is a lot a of guns, swords, knives, ropes, bullets, computers and yes, there is even seven mini fridge with food and drinks inside of them really.
"Yeah. You like?"
"Like? I love it! It's like a great hidden secret base here really." Vivian smiles as she is happy they like the place really. After they were done exploring, Vivian had ordered supper and she got their favorites making them to fully enjoy their first day at the dorms.
Vivian is to be having fun as Hitoshi's parents didn't do any paperwork and forms to legally disown him yet, so she left that night and she killed them in their sleep with a silencer on the hand gun she snatched from a villain.
It was making Hitoshi to have a bank account for his money and invested like both Ochaco and Tsu-chan did. Vivian fully cares of her friends and plans to protect them as much as she can really no matter what she has to face fully really.
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