Dekusquad's money
Vivian woke up to her having Shoto on her chest napping with her as Hitoshi was busy with the computers with Ochaco. Ochaco was busy checking on the bank accounts of each member since Vivian made sure each one of the member has one as she was very shocked.
"Vivian! How did you even fully manage this for our own bank accounts?!" Everyone, but Shoto saw what our dear Ochaco means making them to be shocked as well, too as that's a lot of money really.
"Vivian, how?!"
"Gambling, investing over time and bets. I got the Devil's Luck meaning I don't lose and investing over time was to have a steady flow of money until we're legally fully at age eighteen and I can rely on my Hero job to look after my family really.
And the bets were to see who'll fully would win in the Sport Fest Festival, the Final Exams and Pro-Hero License Exams making me to split it with those I was fully betting on really." Vivia said fully shocking them.
"I can understand the investment is a smart thing and gambling could be used for undercover jobs, but bets on us is very wrong even if you split it between those who you betted on, Vivian." Tenya said to Izula who nods.
"Hmm. Ghn. What was with the shouting?" Shoto was shocked once he hears what Vivian did to their bank accounts really making him to wonder why she would do that really.
Vivian wants them to have some money for their future families/families making them to love her cause she cares for them as she has an extra bank account for the Dekusquad's own mansion and log cabin that's more of a double, triple or quadruple the size of a normal log cabin lounge.
Vivian has being taken this squard leader position very serious as Bakugou never thought of this fully really once he got his squad started making her to have two being built for them really which Bakugou is going to be shocked once he sees it really.
Bakugou was shocked as their own accounts and one is for their own mansion and own log cabin lounge for vacation times really. He knows Vivian did this and has no proof for it really as the others chuckle since their's won't have the secret gamer base to it.
That's the one that Vivian will do herself really making the squard to love her once they'd found out about it a bit early really. Vivian cares for them is cause her own feelings towards them as her own family really and they can also feel it themselves really.
The next morning she came into the kitchen to see... An adorable black kitten with the most striking blue eyes staring at her, soaking wet and meowing pitifully. It was raining badly out there and she wasn't going to leave her dripping wet really.
Moko squeals at the site of the kitten making her to mother it which made it purr at her and lick her fingers meaning it's not fully weaned yet making her to have fun with Mulan making Vivian to chuckle at her really as Eri loved Mulan and she wants to help.
Momo has a periwinkle-blue dress and styled her hair up in a high bun with some hair framing her face really. Vivian has an elegant white dress, made whiter through Momo's bleach laundry soaps really making the white to be very much perfect.
Unlike most girls in updos, Vivian prefers her hair down in soft waves in the bottom half of her hair and all she has is a white, wide silk headband, large pearl earrings and white silk and lace wrist cuffs. Her nails manicured and clean.
Her white ankle-strap shoes only has half-inch heels for dancing comfort. Her make-up is also simple. Eyeliner, powder, a little blush and lip gloss. Ochaco had a dress that was a light pink that match her necklace color and she had light make up and wore a black bow in her hair.
Tenya had on a tuxedo with Shoto and Hitoshi while Tsu-chan has a dress that go to her ankles and is aquamarine with her hair up in a high ponytail with the bow. Vivian helped her out with her hair really making her to look perfect really.
They were ready as they went grambling and won lots of money making them to do this only to burn off steam really. It was fully making them to be glad it's fully Friday today really they went to six parties and had too much fun at them all really.
'Might do this again on Friday really!'
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