chapter one
Hey guys! This is Daphne. I just wanted to say I'm kind of getting this idea from a book, but don't worry, I'm not copying the main plot. Eventually I'm gonna make a twist. Also, this is a pewdiecry fan fiction. That means gayness. There is gonna be a lot of gayness in this, so......🚨BEWARE! HEHE. hope you enjoy!
The man stood tall above the older, more attractive woman. She let out a bloodcurdling scream. Then the man pulled out the knife that was just Peirce's into the woman's neck, blood spilling every where. The woman now lays lifeless on the floor. The man shuffled to the next, younger girl. She whimpered and cried through the cloth bag covering her head and face.The man pulled his buff arms up and sliced the knife downwards when -click-
I sighed and held the top of my mask where my forehead is. I heard a sharp breath as Felix started choking and gagging on his food, popcorn flying out of his mouth. Once he was okay he cleared his throat, obviously mad.
"It was just getting to the good part!" He shouted at me. I rolled my eyes.
"What good part? You know what, don't answer that. I really don't want to know. You shouldn't be watching horror shows anyhow. You're gonna end up having nightmares."
Felix ran a hand through is dirty blonde hair that mat he's his eyes quite well.
"Okay, first of all, its not horror. Its my favorite crime show. Second, I don't get nightmares! Third, it a bazillion times better than your sleep-inducing star searcher documentary thingy's you watch!"
I frowned. "Actually, its called astronomy documentaries, and we don't have time to argue, we have a lot of thinking and work to do."
"Yet another sleep-inducing thing you like to do." He muttered.
I sat down on my dark green bed, looking around my room. Same old things that I still love dearly. My astronomy posters, my telescope by the window, the stars that glow in the dark stuck on every wall. Then there is a small star map on my door. It is an exact replica of the night sky in October. That's when Orion is most visible. That's probably my favorite constellation.
Felix and I were, and are, supposed to be working on our social studies project; making a small business. Not a real one! We are only eighth grader after all. But the idea is to make a name, logo, and a little business plan. We even have to present it to everyone in our class and to our teacher! I shiver at that thought. To be honest we haven't even started on it yet because, well........
We need to make a business first.
Which is stressing me out a little........ As in I'm pulling on my short, dark brown hair like it will pull ideas right out of my brain. But, I'm a planner. So I wrote down a list of ideas in my notebook.😁
"How about a pet sitting business, or a lemonade stand?" He looked at me like I'm an idiot, and at this point, I'm sure acting like one. What a horrible idea!
"Seriously? What are we? Seven year olds?"
"Well then why don't you think of a good plan?"
He grinned mischievously. "As a matter of fact, I do!"
I give him a straight face. "We need something legal you doofus!"
We are both nerds and proud of it, but I use my brainpower for good.....Felix......He.......well let's just say he can't do a good impression on well behaved people. From what I have heard, people say I'm a "good insperation" on him. I don't completely disagree with his behavior, but some days I'm convinced he's one computer hack away from being led away in tight handcuffs.
Felix moved next door 4 years ago. My mom made some cookies for his family and asked if I would come to meet their son. When we got there, he gratefully took the plate of treats and shoved two in his mouth. His mother just blushed, obviously embarrassed, and thanked us.
You see, Felix's beautiful dirty blonde hair looked like a monkey used a miniature lawn mower to cut his hair. It stuck out in every angle imaginable. I automatically assumed he was a deranged moron. I still believe the deranged part. But, as I quickly learned in school, he is smart. Like, really smart.(and he told me he hacked his hair weirdly because he was protesting on moving to this "Boring little town")
One day, several weeks after they moved in, he went to my house, knocking on the door. His hair has grown back a bit, but on the top it was dyed blue, which fit the color of his eyes nicely.Apparently he was only half protesting to live here, then." Well it looks like I'm trapped in this town and your the only kid I could ever think of hanging with so........wanna...... Be friends?" I stood there, blincking a few times thinking, "whaaaaaaat?!?" But I didn't say anything.
He held out his fist....for the first time of a billion time we have don't in our friendship.
"Give it a jab." He said.
"Um......okay?" I made a fist bump with him.(we eventually named it a bro fist.)
He then walked into my house and we raided the kitchen for twinkles.
We have been best friends since.
Now we sit, rubbing our heads, thinking of a good idea.
"We need something different." He said.
"Everyone is gonna do something typical like a babysitting company or a lemonade stand."
That was true. And to be honest, me and Felix need more of a challenge. We love challenges.
I glanced over at his laptop. He always brings it to my house because, as he puts it, he always needs to be connected. Most people breath air. I breath excitement. Fe....well... He breaths internet. On his screen is a paused picture of his crime show.
"I have an idea."
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