14. the return of will byers
( the return of will byers )
"GUYS, GUYS! THIS is crazy. We can't just wait around." Mike tried, wanting to do something other than sit around the school. Dustin, Lucas, and Maddie all looked at Mike while El sat on the bleacher still, holding her knees to her chest.
Lucas sighed. "Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us." Dustin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is." Mike looked right back at Dustin, as if the answer was obvious. "El can find them."
Maddie shook her head. "No. No way, Mike. She's exhausted." Dustin agreed completely. "Exactly. Mike, look at her." He pointed towards El. "I still think we should stick to the chiefs plan."
Lucas nodded. "Exactly. We stay here, keep El out of sight and keep her safe. That's the most important thing, remember? Besides, she's okay. She's with Jonathan."
"Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now, so..." Dustin added before he began to walk off. "Well, where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!" Dustin kept walking. "I am. I'm just gonna go get some chocolate pudding. I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit."
"Are you serious?" Mike yelled back. Dustin sighed. "El needs to be recharged!" Lucas turned towards El and helped her stand, bringing her along with him to follow after Dustin.
Mike just looked at Maddie, flabbergasted by their friends. Maddie shrugged her shoulders before reaching out her hand. "Come on, Wheeler. Might as well go into the cafeteria."
Mike sighed and placed his hand in Maddies, letting her pull him after the rest of their friends.
Once in the cafeteria, Maddie sat across from Mike while Lucas, Dustin, and El looked to recharge Eleven with pudding in the kitchen. "Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin screamed.
Maddie laughed a bit while Mike rolled his eyes. "Okay!" He turned to Maddie, a small blush falling onto his cheeks. "Earlier, you came into the Byers house and your eyes were a bit puffy after talking with the chief. You okay?"
Maddie smiled, she always found it sweet how much Mike worried for her. "Yeah, just had a conversation that took way too long to have." Mike nodded, looking down at his feet. "You know you can talk to me, right? Like— you don't have to keep stuff to yourself if you don't want to."
"I know. Thank you. Same for you, I'm always here." Maddie replied. She knew what he was getting at, but she really didn't want to talk about it still. "So, is there anything you want to talk about?" Mike wondered.
Maddie laughed a bit. "I know what you're doing. I'm okay, I promise. If I wasn't you'd be the first to know." Mike frowned and looked at Maddie. "But what about what Troy—" Maddie cut him off. "Talking about that will do more harm than good, trust me. I'm great. We're going to get Will back, we got El back, and I've even been able to reconnect with my uncle a bit. Besides getting chased around by bad men and having a heart attack when you jumped from the quarry, today's been good."
Mike laughed a bit, he had forgotten he did that. "Stupid, right?" Maddie put her hand on Mike's on top of the table. "Definitely, but it was also super brave. I mean— yeah, I almost had a heart attack watching you jump but now that you're okay all I can think about was how much bravery it took."
"I was scared shitless." Mike admitted. "But the way Troy was looking at Dustin, I knew he would have hurt him if I hadn't jumped." Maddie smiled. "Thank god for Eleven."
Mike laughed a bit with a smile. "Yeah, thank god for Eleven." Maddies face quickly turned serious. "But on a real note, ever do something like that again and I'll kill you, got it Wheeler? I like you too much to lose you."
Mike decided to mess with her a bit. "Oh, you do huh?" Maddie rolled her eyes jokingly. "Yeah, yeah. Eat it up. You're like one of the only cool people in this town."
Mikes eyes found their way to Maddies and in that moment all he wanted to do was lean in and kiss her. He wanted to finally expose all those feelings he had for his best friend.
And in that moment Maddie wouldn't have objected. The two stared at each other, both so happy to know the other. And so, Mike ignored all voices in his head screaming at him not to do it. And then, he did.
He leaned in and kissed her.
It had only lasted a second as Mike had been gone as quickly as he had come. But all the worries Mike felt left once he saw the small smile on Maddies mouth. She wasn't disgusted or even upset, she looked a bit happy.
But it was short lived as Maddie caught sight of car lights shinning outside the windows of the cafeteria. Mike gasped. "Nancy. Hold on, I'll be right back."
Maddie nodded, waiting for him to leave before placing her fingers on her lips with a small smile. She hadn't expected it, but she didn't hate it. The kiss definitely helped her realize her true feelings for Mike.
And even though they were terrifying, she was happy.
Dustin, Lucas, and El came out of the kitchen and Maddie dropped her hand instantly. Lucas looked around. "Wheres Mike?" Maddie took a second to reply, which confused Lucas. "We saw lights so he's going to see if it's Nancy."
Lucas nodded slowly, giving Maddie a weird look. "Why are you being weird?" Maddie scoffed, coming out of it. "I am not." Lucas raised his eyebrow. "You are too."
El and Dustin just watched the two, both eating some pudding. "Am not." Maddie replied instantly. Lucas shook his head. "Are too." Mike ran back into the room, stopping any further back and forth. "Guys! Guys!"
"What is it?" Lucas questioned. "They found us." Mike gasped, stopping in place. Maddie frowned. "Shit." She stood up grabbing Els hand once El put her pudding cup down and pulling El along after herself.
The five all went running, trying to find a way to escape. They ran through a hall, going down the stairs quickly. "How did they find us?" Lucas questioned quietly, not wanting to draw attention to the group. Mike shrugged. "I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym."
"Lando." Dustin breathed out. They all stopped quickly when the door they were headed towards opened, revealing even more men. Maddie turned around instantly, running alongside the rest of her friends the other way while Mike screamed for them to go.
Maddie followed behind El but was stopped again when blinding lights where flashed in her face. They once again turned around, but where again stopped.
This time Maddie found herself staring at a woman with blonde hair who held a gun right up to El. El looked at the woman and concentrated on all the other bad men around them. Maddie watched, eyes widening in shock when blood began to spill from all of their eyes.
It was truly disgusting to look at. Every single person around them then fell to the ground, dead. But the next one to drop was Eleven. Maddie bent down next to her instantly, shaking El a bit. "El, are you okay?" Mike panted but El didn't wake up.
"Somethings wrong." Mike freaked, looking at his friends. "She's just drained." Dustin replied. But Maddie didn't believe it. El had never not waken up before. "No, no, no, she won't wake up. El! El! El!" Mike yelled.
Maddie bit her lip anxiously. "El, please. Fuck!" Mike leaned down towards Els chest, listening to her breathing. "She's barely breathing."
"We gotta go." Lucas rushed and Maddie nodded. "We need to get her out of here." But a new voice interjected. "Leave her." Maddie stood up fast, stepping in front of El as she stared at the man before her.
He had been the one wearing the suit that had chased them. His white hair matched the walls of the school and Maddie already hated him. "Step away from the child." He instructed. Maddie glared. "Screw you asshole!"
"No! If you want her, you have to kill us first." Mike added, standing next to Maddie. Lucas and Dustin stepped next to the two as well.
"Thats right!"
"Eat shit!"
But Maddie was quickly pulled backwards by a strong grip. She thrashed her body around, trying to break free of the grip. But like with James earlier that day, Maddie found herself unable to escape. But that didn't mean she didn't keep trying. "Fuck you! Get off of me asshole!"
The other boys also fought against the person who had grabbed them while the white haired man went down towards Eleven. "Don't you touch her you white haired bitch!" Maddie screamed.
The man ignored her and put his hands around Els face. "Eleven? Eleven, can you hear me? Eleven?" El began to stir ever so slightly. "Papa?" The man smiled and Maddie just fought harder. "Yes, yes, it's your papa. I'm here now."
El turned her head to the side, watching as her friends fought to get close to her. El began whimpering, trying to get away from the man. "You're sick. You're sick, but I'm going to make you better. I'm going to take you back home, where I can make you well again. Where we can make all of this better, so no one else gets hurt."
"Bad." El whispered and the man's face fell. "Bad." El stuck her hand out towards the group, more specifically Maddie. "Maddie. Maddie." El pushed the man's hand away from her face. "Maddie."
Maddie pushed harder to get over to El but she stopped moving around when the lights began to flicker. "Blood." Mike realized. Lucas shot his head over to his friend. "What?"
"Blood." Mike just repeated. "Shit." Maddie gasped, looking forwards at all the blood that was just pooling from the eyes of the killed. There was sudden thudding from the wall. The Hawkins Middle paw print on the wall began to cave outwards, as if something was pushing on it to fall.
And it did. And that's when Maddie saw it. The Demogorgon. "Demogorgon." Dustin gasped. The creature roared at all the people around. Maddie felt the arms that where once wrapped around her loosen before she was pushed behind the man that had been holding onto her.
They all began shooting their guns at the monster, getting closer to it. In the commotion the four grabbed El, Dustin picking her up bride style and then the group ran off and away from the danger, leaving it to the bad men to solve.
The gunfire continued as the group ran. Mike pulled them into the first classroom he could find, opening the door and running through. Maddie was in next so she held the door open for Dustin and Lucas, shutting it behind them and locking it.
Dustin and the boys carefully laid El down on a table in the back, making sure she was okay before the three ran to the door to try and barricade it. Maddie stayed back with El, instantly grabbing the girls hand.
"Just hang in there. When this is all over you won't have to hide. You can come over to my place whenever you want because honestly I already know my dad won't be there. And we can watch movies and eat Eggos. The boys can even come over sometimes as well. But you'll be able to be over whenever you want." Maddie smiled, looking down at the girl who she looked at as a sister. El smiled painfully. "Promise?"
Maddie nodded instantly. "I promise." El smiled, she liked that plan. She liked that plan a lot. Maddie lightly put her thumb on Els cheek, wiping away a tear she saw.
There was then a big boom, which sent Maddie to turn around a bit. Dustin, Lucas, and Mike all ran back over to the girls, wanting to be together as a group. Maddie walked backwards slowly while gunshots rang out, the boys walking slowly with her.
They all stood quietly until the gunshots ended. "Is... is it dead?" Dustin questioned, looking to his friends. He quickly got his answer as the table the boys had placed in front of the door, along with the door, went flying across the room.
Maddie screamed when the Demogorgon roared towards the group, looking their way. "Get the wrist rocket! Get the wrist rocket now!" Dustin screeched, stressing out Lucas as he tried to find the wrist rocket from his bag.
"Get the rocks, get the rocks, get the rocks!" Mike screamed as Dustin once Lucas had the wrist rocket. "I'm getting the rocks!"
"Give me one." Lucas instructed and the other three screamed for him to hurry. Lucas put a rock into the slingshot part, aiming, and he shot it. The rock hit the monster in the face but didn't stop the slow moving towards them.
Maddie quickly realized she'd much rather be chased by someone or something rather than it slowly walk closer and closer to her. Because watching the Demogorgon do that was the scariest shit she's ever seen.
The Demogorgon roared and Lucas got another rock from Dustin. The other three screamed for Lucas to kill it, the rocks he shot hit the monster and yet again just bounced off like it was nothing.
Which is basically was because it was literally just a rock.
Lucas hit the Demogorgon again, but all it did was continue to walk closer. After that everything felt like it was slow motion. Lucas grabbed another rock, the same one that Mike had face planted on all those days ago, and aimed. He took a breath in as the Demogorgons face opened up.
Lucas held his aim, and shot the rock. But unlike all the other ones, this time the rock sent the monster flying back to the other side of the room and it smashed against the wall. It was stuck there as Maddie was pulled backwards by Mike and Lucas once they noticed she hadn't joined them in walking backwards. The three looked at each other before El walked past them and they all knew that the rock hadn't shot the monster back, El did.
There was blood going down her nose and ears, she had easily visible vains popping out under her eyes as the rims of her eyes where bloodshot. "Eleven, stop!" Mike yelled, running towards El. But El just shot her hand backwards and Mike went high into the air before landing on the hard floor and sliding back against the cabinets.
Tears fell from Maddies eyes as she watched what El was doing for them, for everyone. She was draining herself past anything she'd ever done before. And Maddie couldn't stop her, she had to let El make her own choice.
El continued to kill the Demogorgon but looked back sadly to her friends. Maddie wiped her eyes but the tears kept flowing. But they only increased at Els words. "Goodbye, Maddie."
"No..." Maddie cried, having to helplessly stand and watch as El turned back to the monster. The lights where flickering on and off far too quickly for Maddie to even be able to properly see what was happening.
"No more." El decided, lifting her hand forwards towards the Demogorgon. It screeched in pain as it's body thinned immensely. Maddie covered her ears at the sound as did the boys.
The Demogorgon reached towards El, but found it couldn't do anything against her power. She began yelling out, willing herself to keep going. She knew she had to save them, even if it meant she wasn't there anymore.
The Demogorgons body began lighting in the middle as it's Upside Down skin rose away from its body. Maddie held onto her ears as tight as she could but kept her eyes on El the whole time.
She watched as the Demogorgon completely disassembled, bits and pieces of its dried out body swarming around El. That was until they all dropped to the floor and disappeared, along with El.
"El? El? El!" Mike screamed, looking around for the girl. Maddie choked back her sobs as she looked around the room. She had been the only one to continue watching as El fully disappeared and felt a strong pain in her chest knowing El was gone.
"Eleven!" Lucas shouted, looking around the room. The three boys continued to scream out for El, but Maddie just stayed in the back of the classroom looking at where El had last been.
She began to block out the voices of her friends without even trying, finding all she could hear was a ringing. Everything still felt, slow. Like her mind hadn't fully caught up to what had happened.
She felt herself acknowledging what was happening, but it wasn't processing. Lucas turned back towards Maddie worriedly, his worry only grew when he saw the look that was glued to her face.
He walked back over to her, placing his hand on Maddies shoulder and lightly shaking her. "Mads? Hey, come on." Lucas began leading Maddie out of the classroom after Mike and Dustin, who had both sadly given up on finding Eleven in the room.
Maddie could vaguely hear the sounds of sirens outside the school and as they got closer to the exit she could see the red and blue flashing lights. Lucas kept his arm around her shoulder, leading her with the rest of the group.
But Maddies mind started catching up to her body. And everything hit her even harder than she already thought it had. The tears that had stopped began again and Maddie turned to Lucas. "She's not there anymore, is she?"
Lucas sighed and just hugged his friend closer. Maddie hugged back, she wanted to try and hold onto the hope that El was still out there. But she didn't know how someone could just disappear like that and come back unharmed.
Hospital workers separated the four kids from each other, each being pulled to their own ambulance for some checks. "Hey honey, can you tell me your name?" The woman standing in front of Maddie smiled. She could see the distress and wanted to take things slow.
"M-Madison Walker." Maddie replied, wiping her eyes. She didn't want to cry anymore. Of course she was still sad, but the tears felt draining. "Hi, Madison. I'm just going to make sure you weren't hurt in any way." Maddie nodded, allowing the woman to wrap a blanket over Maddies shoulders.
She looked to her side and caught a glimpse of Mike, wrapped up in his mother's arms. Maddie found she could lightly smile. She was happy Mike had his mom to care for him.
Maddie didn't expect to see her dad, if he found out she had been through all this he probably wouldn't have even batted an eye. It wouldn't have changed anything, so she knew he wouldn't be there.
And she'd quickly find out he'd never be there again.
MIKE TURNED HIS head slightly to see Maddie with her head on his shoulder, asleep. They were in the hospital waiting to see Will. Mike was excited. Hopper and Joyce had found Will and he was alive. The only problem was how painful waiting was.
He just wanted to go in there and see Will for himself.
But Mike didn't find the position he was now in to be the worst of them all. Maddie had fallen asleep almost right after they all took their seats. She had been exhausted and Mike was glad to lend his shoulder for her comfort.
Hopper, Ted Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Karen Wheeler, Nancy, and the party where all waiting as Joyce and Jonathan where in the room with Will. Dustin and Lucas had both fallen asleep with Dustin in the same position as Maddie but this time on Lucas.
Mike scooted down a little bit, watching as Maddie adjusted herself as he did. She scooted closer to the raven haired boy as she did so. Mike stared down at the floor, thinking now about Eleven.
He wondered where she was. He wondered if she was safe. El was apart of the party, that was for sure and the party never felt whole without everyone there. So he wanted the sixth member back.
But Mikes thoughts turned away from El when Jonathan opened the door and caught Mikes gaze. Jonathan nodded, letting Mike know himself and his friends could go in.
Mike turned slightly towards Maddie, carefully shaking her awake. "Hey, Wills up." Maddie heard Mike mutter to her. Once it registered in her mind, all the tiredness left Maddies body and she hopped up and out of her seat.
"Guys. Guys, he's up. Will is up. Guys, Wills up." Mike aggressively shook Lucas and Dustin, waking them both. Maddie ran right after Mike as Lucas and Dustin followed closely behind. The four ran past Jonathan, sprinting towards Wills room.
Mike got there first and opened the door, a wide smile on his face. "Byers!" Lucas yelled, running over to Will from behind Maddie. Mike and Lucas both attacked Will in a hug, automatically getting told to be careful by Joyce.
Dustin pushed Mike and Lucas away, hugging Will himself. Will smiled wide at his friends and Maddie was the last to hug him. She was far more careful than the others but her excitement matched their own. "Welcome back, Willy!"
Lucas smiled wide. "You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man." Dustin nodded. "It was mental." Lucas spoke again. "You had a funeral." Dustin pointed towards Will. "Jennifer Hayes was crying." Lucas laughed. "And Troy peed himself."
"What?" Will asked, looking between his two fast paced friends. "In front of the whole school!" Dustin emphasized. Maddie smiled at the three until Will began coughing. She hadn't even paid attention to the fact that he was all strung up until then. "You okay?" Mike questioned.
Will nodded. "It got me. The Demogorgon." Mike sighed. "We know. It's okay. It's dead. We made a new friend. She stopped it. She saved us. But she's gone now."
Maddie tried to lighten the sad mood that had fallen over them. "She was really cool though, you would have loved her." Will smiled to Maddie and Dustin added onto Maddies words. "Her names Eleven."
"Like the number?" Will confusedly asked. Lucas shrugged with a smile. "Well, we call her "El" for short." Dustin nodded. "She's basically a wizard."
Lucas began to whisper. "She has superpowers." Mike turned to the two. "More like a Yoda." Maddie laughed. "Nerds." Dustin ignored Maddies comment. "She flipped a van with her mind, and these agents were trying to shoot us—"
"Yeah, it flipped over us—" Mike added between Dustins sentence. "Then she squeezed the brains out..." Lucas added fast. "And blood was pouring out of their faces." Dustin continued. "It was pouring out of their eyes." Mike described. "It was actually really gross but still cool." Maddie added in honestly. "At rents just started grabbing us and stuff..." Lucas told. "...shot out of the wall with this red goop and I thought it was gonna kill us." Dustin kept going.
The four continued to tell Will the story, overlapping and talking over each other often. Will just smiled, he had missed this. He had really missed this.
MADDIE SAT IN the Wheelers basement with her feet up on Mike's chair while she sat in her own chair and read The Outsiders, again. The boys where continuing on with yet another 10 hour campaign of D&D and Maddie was once again finding herself more interested in the game than her book.
"Something is coming. Something angry. Hungry for your blood. It is almost here." Mike narrated. Maddie took her feet off his chair and scooted her own closer between Mike and Lucas, throwing her book down next to her.
"What is it?" Will questioned. Dustin sighed. "It's the Thessalhydra, I'm telling you." Lucas shook his head. "It's not the Thessalhyra." Dustin turned to Lucas. "I'm telling you, it's the Thessalhyra."
Mike grabbed an avatar from where the others boys couldn't see and slammed it down with a boom. "The Thessalhyra!" Dustin scoffed. "Damn it." Lucas looked around annoyed. Maddie laughed. "Oh lame Dustin was right."
Dustin scoffed but ignored it as Mike began with the dramatics again. "It roars in anger! Will, your action!" Will looked between the other three nervously. "What should I do? I—"
"Fireball him!" Lucas interrupted. Will looked at Maddie. "Totally, fireball." Will lastly turned to Dustin, wanting his opinion as well. Dustin sat for a moment and Maddie thought he'd disagree before he began smiling. "Fireball the son of a bitch."
Will grabbed the dice and began shuffling it in his hand. He threw it down and all at once Lucas, Dustin, and Will began screaming in excitement. "Fourteen!" Dustin yelled. "Boom!" Lucas screamed out. Maddie smiled in entertainment, turning her head to see what Mike would say about it.
"Direct hit. Will the Wise's fireball hits the Thessalhyra. It makes a painful..." He screeches. "And then..." Mike falls to the floor. "It crumbles to the ground." He reached his hand towards Will. "Its clawed hand reaches for you one last time and, and, and..." He pretends to die.
The other three boys, who had all begun standing in anticipation, cheered and hugged each other in victory. They then began dancing around the table victoriously. Lucas pulled the braids in Maddies hair up before letting them drop just to mess with her.
"Lucas cuts off its seven heads, and Dustin places them into his bag of holding. You carry the heads out of the dungeon, victorious, and you present them to King Tristan. He thanks you for your bravery and service." Mike stated, beginning the ending.
Dustin held up his hand, stopping his friend. "Woah. Woah, woah, woah, woah, that's not it, is it?" Mike shook his head. "No, there's a medal ceremony—" Dustin scoffed. "Oh, a medal ceremony? What are you talking about?"
Lucas nodded in agreement. "Yeah, man. The campaign was way too short." Will nodded in agreement. "Yeah." Mike looked between the boys like they were all insane. "It was ten hours!"
"But it doesn't make any sense." Dustin protested. Mike gasped. "It makes sense." Dustin shook his head aggressively. "Uh, no, what about the lost knight?"
"And the proud princess?"
"And those weird flowers in the cave?"
Mike shrugged. "I don't know, it's—" He couldn't finish as the sound of footsteps caught all of their attention. Jonathan scrunched up his nose. "Jeez, what's that smell? You boys been playing games all day, or just farting?"
Maddie turned around and looked at Jonathan. "How do you think I feel in this situation? I'm stuck down here with them all." Jonathan laughed, placing his hand lightly on Maddies head and wiggling his hand back and forth a bit. Maddie quickly swatted him away and her easily obtainable attention was taken by Lucas.
"Oh, that's just Dustin. He farted." Dustins face went from smiling to instantly falling. "Dustin farted." Lucas blew a raspberry. "Dustin farted."
"Very mature, Lucas." Dustin scoffed. Jonathan gave Will a look, letting him know it was time to head out. "Bye guys." Will waved. Lucas high-fived Will as Mike and Dustin both called out a goodbye.
Maddie held her arm out and Will came over for a second, wrapping his arms around the girl in a hug where he was standing over her. "See you, Willy."
Dustin picked a fight with Lucas right when Will left. The two began playfully swatting at the other before it turned into an actual argument almost instantly.
Maddie rolled her eyes and turned to look at Mike, but he already had his attention on the small area El used to sleep. "I think she's still out there, somewhere." Maddie confessed quietly. Mike turned his head around and smiled. "I hope you're right."
Maddie then remembered that she had gotten Mike something for Christmas. She was going to wait, but with Lucas and Dustin wrestling Maddie found this as good of a time as ever.
So she ran over to her backpack and grabbed the small wrapped up box. Maddie went back to her chair before handing the box to Mike. "Merry Christmas."
Mike looked at her confused. "I thought we were all gonna exchange gifts tomorrow?" Maddie smiled. "We still are. This is just a special one I wanted you to open when everyone wasn't looking."
Mike smiled and unwrapped the wrapping paper. He looked over at Lucas and Dustin quickly, honoring that Maddie didn't want them to see. So when he saw their attention still was on the other, he opened the box.
Mike smiled down, a bit confused, at the mini snow globe inside. He looked at Maddie. "I love it! But why didn't you want the others to see?" Maddie lightly blushed. "It's a bit stupid, but..." She turned the snow globe upside down, revealing a note tightly folded and taped to the bottom. "I didn't want them to see there was a note and decide they got to read it as well."
Mike nodded in understanding. "What's the special secret note about?" Maddie just chuckled. "I'll give you a hint. It will help reveal my answer to something I wasn't too sure I properly showed you a month ago."
Mike was even more confused now but wanted to wait until he was completely alone to read the note. But he was shocked by what happened next. Maddie leaned towards the boy and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Merry Christmas, Wheeler."
Maddie got up and walked over to Dustin and Lucas, completely and utterly over their play fighting. It didn't go as planned for her though when Dustin and Lucas ganged up on her instantly.
Mike put his hand on his cheek with a smile, watching his friends joke around. "Merry Christmas, Maddie."
extra extra long chapter with +5000 words for an extra long ending! cant believe I finished season one I'm very proud of being able to rewrite AND finish the whole season in 5 days.
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