Unexpected Savior
3rd person POV
Y/n L/n was a villain with morals and wit. She didn't kill every night or harm anyone or anything innocent. However, she preferred to be a villain because she had more fun. One night as she was taking a midnight stroll, she witnessed something truly horrifying. A man was trying to kidnap a young boy. Y/n quickly ran into the alley. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She asked the man. Although she knew what he was trying to do, she needed an opportunity to get the boy out of the situation.
"Run home girlie!" The man yelled.
"Please help me!" The boy cried. That's when she sprinted towards them. Pulling the man back by the head and slamming him in the brick wall.
"Listen here, touch another kid again and you'll be a goner." She whispered into his ear. Dropping the man, Y/n approached the boy. "Are you okay, sweetie?" She asked the boy, her voice laced in concern.
The boy jumped up and gave Y/n a hug. "Thank you for saving me!" He exclaimed with his arms around her neck. Y/n chuckled and pulled something out of her small black backpack. A piece of candy. Giving it to the boy, she patted him on the head. Suddenly, there was police sirens.
"Sorry kid I got to go." She told the young boy. He looked sad and confused but allowed her to go. She jumped onto a garbage can and hopped roof to roof, escaping the situation. While it wasn't the life most people wanted, it was what she wanted. Most people would think of being a hero, engineer, or police officer, but she was something else.
Y/n lived for the excitement that being a villan gave her. Adrenaline running in her veins, she continued to run until she ran into a nearby forest. She leaned against a tree to catch her breath. "Holy hell, that was fun!" Y/n exclaimed to nobody but herself. Then, a scream could be heard from nearby. Dropping her backpack, she sprinted towards the cause of the scream. Once there, she saw a blonde chick killing a dude. Gathering all her courage, she approached the girl. The girl seemed to be wearing an oversized school uniform. Bloodthirsty eyes looked at Y/n with curiosity.
I approached the girl, she had blonde hair, an oversized school uniform, and gold bloodthirsty eyes. Suddenly, there was knife at my throat. "Who might you be?" She asked me. I didn't have time for this. I recognized her as Himiko Toga from The League of Villans. She was a murderer across the region. I looked at her equipment and figured out her quirk.
It was called Transform. After ingesting someone's blood, Himiko Toga could copy what they looked like, sounded like, and their quirk. It depends on how much blood she consumes. For example, if she ingests a liter of a victim's blood, the effect would last for a while. It was a dangerous quirk.
I realized I spaced out but kept my composure, considering the fact there was a blade to my throat. I decided to give her my villan name just in case she was a snitch. "I'm Rogue, maybe you've heard about me." I respond to her previous question. "I've definitely heard about you, Himiko Toga. Your quirk is quite impressive." An expression of excitement washed over her face.
"You're Rouge? You're so cute!" Himiko exclaimes. She drops the knife and gives me a hug. "You should join The League of Villans! It sucks being the only girl!" Himiko tells me. I've heard about The League of Villans when they attacked UA students. They attacked innocent people which I didn't appreciate whatsoever. It in fact, made my blood boil.
"Hell no." I say harshly. "Why not?" She asks while tilting her head.
"Whomever you wannabes are, you harm innocent people. So no." I say to her. I eventually leave and sigh. I think about the offer and think about if I accepted it. My next target was named Overhaul. Apparently, he had captured a young girl named Eri. He was using her for his purposes to 'clense' the world. Although, it's for his own sick and twisted desires. I knew the Big 3 were planning to rescue her so I decided to stick around this area for the meantime. I'll admit, I have a soft spot for kids.
I pick up my bag and pull on the sleeve of my striped shirt. My black ripped jeans were soaked in blood from earlier. What was weird was I couldn't get my mind off Toga. I started to walk home and when I got there. It was an abandoned hotel. I go up to my room and immediately fall asleep.
A/n : I don't know if anyone reads these but hi! Just so you know, I haven't watched Season 4 yet to it not being dubbed. Please don't spoil anything, I used a website to get a brief idea of what Season 4 is about, but I would still prefer for you not to spoil it. Also, the reader is a female, I think I'll write a Fanfic for other genders to at some point.
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