Evening with The League
3rd Person POV
After the two females visited Grandma, they returned to the base and immediately flopped onto the couch. "Man, that was exhausting." Toga said.
"Yep. Who knew?" Y/n responded.
"Where were you guys?" They heard a familiar voice ask. Twice plopped down in between the two. "On a date?" He teased. Y/n and Toga blushed.
"No!" They exclaimed at the same time. Twice laughed.
"Uh huh, sure."
"Will you shut the hell up?" Shiggy's voice rang.
"I don't think I will." Y/n replied smugly. The other two chuckled.
"Why you little-" He was interrupted by Dabi.
"Hand man, aren't you supposed to be putting on chapstick?"
"You sarcastic motherfucker." Shigaraki replied. Dabi put his hands in the air.
"I have not done such thing." Y/n, Toga, and Twice started laughing. Shigaraki pouted childishly.
"Shut up before I disintegrate you all!"
"Nah, you couldn't live without us." Y/n said smugly while wiping her tears of laughter. Dabi walked up to the bar and called Kurogiri over. "Make me a drink, will ya?" He requested.
"Dabi, isn't it kind of late to drink?" Kurogiri asked.
"Since when does drinking have an expiration hour?" Dabi asked sarcastically.
"Young Tomura was right, you are a sarcastic motherfucker." Kurogiri responded.
"Once again, I have not done that to any mothers. Make me a drink, walking smoke cloud." Dabi responded.
A couple of hours went by with the group laughing at Dabi and Shigaraki's constant bickering. "Whatever, Hand Man. I still have to find my leather jacket." Dabi said. Y/n and Toga sweat dropped since Toga was currently wearing the jacket. Toga took off the jacket and held it out to Dabi.
"Here ya go!" Toga said. Dabi turned to Toga with a murderous glare.
"You stole it?!" He exclaimed. Stomping towards her, he grabbed Toga by the collar and ignited a blue flame to appear in his hand. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you." He threatened.
"Hey Dabi." Y/n called out to him. They made eye contact and he fell to the ground, paralyzed.
"Dammit Y/n!" Dabi called out. The rest of the League laughed. Unfortunately, since her quirk is short lived when it's night, he quickly got up from the ground.
"Burnt man, I didn't know that a GIRL would defeat you!" Shiggy teased. Dabi glared at their leader.
"At least my skin is not as dry as a desert, Shiggy."
Let's just say a huge battle of roasts and insults broke out between the two.
A/N : SO SORRY THAT THIS IS SHORTER. Please don't hate me. Anyway, I had fun writing this chapter. Seriously, Shiggy needs some chapstick. Don't tell him I said that.
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